Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association Works for You
Spring has arrived in Tuscany-Canterbury.

Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer. If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them to PresidentTCNA@gmail.com
TCNA April 2020 Newsletter
In this Issue
Residential Permit Parking Information

Tuscany- Canterbury Board
  • New Board Members: Amy and Patrick Mutch
  • Retiring Board Member: Chris Whitaker
  • Interested in serving on Tuscany Canterbury Board?

Coronavirus Information

Streets and Greens Committee

Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
  • UPDATE: Demolition of old Carnegie Building
  • Highfield House Construction
  • New Light Pole

Neighborhood Questions and Comments

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (March)

Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Save these Dates:
  • TCNA Board Meeting: May 6 (Zoom Meeting)
  • June 17: General Neighborhood Meeting TENTATIVE


Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association
UPDATE : Residential Permit Parking
Due to the current health emergency, residential permit holders in Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association do not need to renew their permits. The Parking Authority of Baltimore City office is not renewing any residential permits until further notice. We will keep you informed. In the meantime, feel free to go to the Parking Authority’s website for more information.
permit parking sign
New Board Members: Amy and Patrick Mutch

Amy and Patrick have lived at 213 Tuscany Road for about 2 years, after 31 years in Baltimore. They lived recently in Federal Hill for 14 years.  They have been married almost 41 years and have 2 married children... both in Baltimore County. Both Amy and Patrick hail from western Pennsylvania, but never fear, both have become diehard Raven fans much to the utter disbelief and dismay of Steeler family and friends.

Amy and Patrick have spent their entire careers in health care, as a nurse practitioner and health care administrator, respectively.  In addition to attending to their family, Amy’s interests include reading, walking, community service and fashion. She was President of the South Baltimore Neighborhood Association and ran her own ladies’ boutique for five years in Federal Hill.  Patrick is very committed to his family and career, currently leading Chase Brexton Health Care as President through the pandemic.  

Both Amy and Patrick love Tuscany Canterbury and have adopted the island at Tuscany and Ridgemede to h elp maintain it.
Thank you: Chris Whitaker
A special thank you to all the work that Chris has done while serving on the board of Tuscany-Canterbury. He recently resigned from the TCNA board and he will be missed.

He helped develop the neighborhood snow plan, organized the regular clean-ups of Stony Run, became a certified Weed Warrior, helped maintained the 4 neighborhood gardens in Tuscany-Canterbury, helped with the annual neighborhood picnic, plus many other projects. Thank you, Chris.
Tuscany Canterbury Board for 2020-2021

If you are interested in serving on the Tuscany-Canterbury Board from July 2020 through June 2021, please let the Nominating Committee know. The TCNA Board currently meets every other month on the first Wednesday, from 7:00 PM - 8:30PM. Each board member is expected to be active in one of the neighborhood committees. There are also two general neighborhood meetings each year. The board has representation from all areas of the neighborhood. The commitment is for a minimum of one year. The board and officers will be elected at the June 17, 2020 general association meeting.

Coronavirus Information
Neighbors Helping Neighbors

A group of parents on Canterbury and Cloverhill Roads have set up a "buddy system" to help people during the social distancing phase of the COVID-19 outbreak. We would invite others in the neighborhood to contact us as well. It is very important for people at risk to avoid exposing themselves to virus.  Those at risk of severe illness include:  Elders and adults over 60 years of age; people with heart and lung disease; people with diabetes. 

Let’s help each other . Those of us with overdeveloped immune systems (thanks, daycare) can assist others: We’ll buy groceries, pick up prescriptions, stop at the hardware store, swing by the post office. And anything else that makes it easier for those who especially need to minimize virus contact. A few of us talked this through, and we thought a buddy system would work best. 

If you have someone you can ask for help, great! Contact that person and run with it! No need to include us in your conversation. If you don’t have a neighbor you’re comfortable asking, we have a list of people who are eager to help. Email or call us and we’ll hook you up. If you’d like to be added to our list of errand running supporters, text about that, too.

Here is the number to call if you need help or want to help:
(443) 814-9933 or email canterburycloverhill@gmail.com

Johns Hopkins Hospital has the ability to test more people. No one should feel they can’t get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms.  Test results at Johns Hopkins are available in 24-36 hours.  

Johns Hopkins and its member hospitals  are not  currently accepting walk-ins for coronavirus testing without a referral from a physician.
If your physician refers you for testing, your physician will contact our testing team to initiate your appointment. The testing team will then follow up with you directly to provide directions to the designated testing facility as well as other important instructions, including how to reach the testing site when you arrive at the hospital as well as items you will need to bring. 
If you do not have a primary care physician, or if have have a referring physician outside of the Johns Hopkins Health System, you may call 443-997-9537 to find out about coronavirus testing referrals.

Latest Information from Baltimore City
Baltimore City Health Department has developed a great dashboard to see where the COVID-19 cases are by zip code, race, gender, and age. It is usually several days behind but contains interesting data for Baltimore City.
Reminder: Stay 6 feet away from other people in public.
Health Resources:

For resources on COVID-19, the City, State and Federal Government all have information on their websites: 

Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center https://coronavirus.jhu.edu

The Washington Post also has a good update page:    https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/local/dc-maryland-virginia-coronavirus-cases/  

The Sun is doing frequent updates, not only the numbers but also context:   https://www.baltimoresun.com/coronavirus/bs-md-daily-coronavirus-update--20200311-k3zo35wudvhehb5yklyjv6jjem-story.html
Green Information: Butterflies

If you can, plant milkweed for the monarch butterflies. Other butterflies need other types of plants. Click here for more information.


(These butterfly photos were all snapped in Tuscany-Canterbury.)

Highfield House Condominium Construction
The Highfield House is undertaking complete restoration of the concrete plaza that runs underneath and behind our building. The work is necessary because the 55-year old flat concrete plaza is in poor shape and is allowing water to infiltrate the structural slab below the surface topping, which threatens the roof of our garage and some occupied spaces below. 

5G Cable installed in front of the Highfield House.
UPDATES : JHU demolition project at the
Old Carnegie Building
115 W. University Parkway (St. Martin's Drive and University Pkwy)
UPDATE : Old Carnegie Building (115 W. University Parkway)

April 2020: The project is continuing, but they hit a bit of a delay waiting for BGE to disconnect power into the building. At this point, the interior demolition has been completed. Once BGE is able to disconnect the power, the structural demolition can begin. The demolition is anticipated for early to mid-May.
Questions or concerns, contact Mike Loester
443-997-4457 or  loester@jhu.edu
Replacement of Power Pole
BGE recently replaced a power pole in the Cloverhill alley close to Highfield Road.
If you have a neighborhood question or issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email  presidentTCNA@gmail.com and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.

Andy and Lu Parsley.

What is happening at Cloverhill and Highfield Road?

There is a gas leak that is being repaired section by section.

What's going on? I haven't received a City water bill for April.
Water billing in Baltimore City will resume on Friday, May 8 and a new Emergency COVID-19 Discount will be in place.

Water billing has been delayed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic.
To protect our DPW staff from COVID-19, we created a process to generate bills, provide customer service remotely, and allow our employees to telework,” said Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young. “This process took a few weeks to put in place, which delayed billing cycles for March and April—time well spent, given that the new process provides the flexibility to meet the changing needs of our communities.”

Customers will see a larger than normal water bill that includes part of March and all of April. Late fees will not be assessed for overdue water bill payments and the water has not and will not be shut off for lack of payment, the city said.

The Emergency COVID-19 Discount will be for any Baltimore City water account holder who shows proof of unemployment eligibility. The discount will provide the same assistance that eligible BH20 Assists and BH20 Plus participants currently receive:
  •  A 43% discount on charges for water and sewer usage
  • A waiver of Bay Restoration and Storm Water Remediation fees
The discount is effective May 8 and will stay in place until 90 days after the end of the current state of emergency or December 31, 2020, whichever comes first; the discount will be good for one year.

To make it easier to apply for the Emergency COVID-19 Discount and the BH2O programs, the city will launch a new online application on May 8. The application will be available at  cityservices.baltimorecity.gov/BH20  and  bmorechildren.com/bh2o . Applications by mail will also continue to be accepted.

DPW encourages customers to continue to make payments online at  cityservices.baltimorecity.gov/water/  or by mailing their payment to the Director of Finance, 200 Holliday St., Baltimore, MD 21202.
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
March 2020
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Address and Sale Price:

  • 230 Stony Run Lane #4G $142,000
  • 4000 N Charles Street #402 $279,764

Note:  This data represents real estate activity from March 1 to March 31, 2020 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source;  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:  julia@monumentsothebysrealty.com
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Support our neighborhood businesses.

Thanks to Ann Bond who updates restaurant information monthly.

Dine-In will be closed until further notice.
Take-Outs & Delivery Orders ONLY. 
Tuesday - Sunday 5PM - 9 PM

See website for more information

Due to the Governor's orders, take-out and curbside pickup only
See website, available 11am - 7:30pm, 7 days a week 
410 366-6603

15% off in-store purchases and pick-up (except tobacco products) for TCNA members. Show this to the cashier on your phone or a printed copy for your discount.

A large selection of wine, beer, and liquor; grocery items, prepared foods, medicine; and delivery service.

Open 7 days a week
10:00 am - 10:00 pm
during Covid-19 period
11:00 am - 11:00 pm for delivery
Liquor sold on Sundays
Note from the Hopkins Deli
Due to the events and reaction surrounding the Coronavirus, we wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and your loved ones. Please do everything you need to do to remain safe and healthy.

We are open and operating as usual and taking extra care to keep our store clean and disinfected. If you don't feel comfortable coming in, please call ahead with your order and we will happy to deliver it to your doorstep.

We understand this might be a challenging time, so please don't hesitate to reach out to see how we can provide an added level of service

Hopkins Deli Management
Events Happening In and Around

Spring Dumpster Days
As the City redirects it resource to respond to the COVD-19 outbreak's, DPW's Bureau of Solid Waster will not be able to provide roll-off dumpsters for community supported cleanup activities.
Event Cancelled: Household Hazardous Waste Drop off Days
May 1 and 2
DPW's Household Hazardous Waste Collection drop off event, originally scheduled to be held on Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2, has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Future Household Hazardous Waste collection drop off days have been suspended until further notice.
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator. PresidentTCNA@gmail.com
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association         
T uscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Co-Presidents:   Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President:   Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents:   Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer:  Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary:  Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members :
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Hannah Mazo (Ridegmede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)
  • Steve Summers (Ridgemede Road)
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)