Summer 2023 Newsletter

In This Issue

TCNA Co-Presidents' Updates and actions taken at the TCNA July board meeting

Neighborhood Committees

  • Public Safety Updates: Car thefts increasing
  • Events: Yard Sale in the Fall
  • Calvert Liaison Committee: Calvert School Rental of Squash Courts
  • Greens Committee: Ridgemede Elbow Pruning
  • Streets Committee
  • Communications: Website - History of the Inner Core of Tuscany-Canterbury

Neighborhood News

  • Water Main Break at Stoney Ford and Linkwood Update
  • BGE Gas Regulators: Next Hearings
  • Transit Equity Coalition: Petition
  • Maryland Climate Legislation: Input Requested
  • Neighborhood Demographic: Education Trends in TCNA
  • Recycling Message: Weekly Recycling from Odette Ramos
  • Neighborhood Dumpster: September 2 and September 20
  • University Homes Celebration: Pictures & Video

Neighbors in the Spotlight

  • Maggie McIntosh: Orioles Game

Johns Hopkins University

  • JHU Study: Hearing aids may reduce your risk of dementia by half

Restaurants In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

  • Kanom - New restaurant coming to the location of the Sam's Cafe.

Home & Condo Current Sale Prices 

Save the Dates

  • Public Service Commission Meeting about BGE Gas Regulators Meeting August 15 at 10:00 a.m. in the Frank O. Heintz Hearing Room, 16th Floor, 6 Saint Paul Street.

TCNA Board Meeting September 20 7:00 pm

Broadview Apartments, Lower Level Meeting Room

Neighbors are always welcomed. Agenda will be posted on website TCNA calendar

Additional events included at the end of the newsletter


TCNA Neighborhood July Updates

Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso, Co-Presidents

Dear Neighbors,


It’s hard to believe that summer is almost half over. Despite the higher than usual temperatures, we hope it’s been a good summer for all of you! One of the highlights of the season was the superb Alley Party, under the masterful leadership of Josh Cohen and Mat Leffler-Schulman, that was held on July 8 to celebrate the (delayed) 100 anniversary of the University Homes. It was so great to see such are large crowd of neighbors and friends.


We (Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso) began our journey as the new co-presidents of the TCNA on June 14. It was with a little bit of trepidation that we started this journey, primarily because of the terrific job that Julia Frazier did as president. We all owe her a round of applause! But since chairing our first TCNA Board meeting on July 19, we are beginning to get into the groove.


We wanted to update you regarding several things discussed/approved at the meeting. Here are some of the highlights:


Water Main Breaks: 

Representatives from DPW talked about the frequent water main breaks near the intersection of Stoney Ford and Linkwood Roads. Councilwoman Odette Ramos indicated that the city plans to begin replacing out-dated water pipes throughout the city but there is yet no timeline assigned to the project.

BGE Gas Regulators: 

Councilwoman Ramos announced that the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) has received complaints about BGE’s installation of exterior gas regulators. The PSC will be holding a hearing on Tuesday, August 15 at 10:00 a.m. in the Frank O. Heintz Hearing Room, 16 Floor, 6 Saint Paul Street. Members of the public may attend and can submit comments either on-line (; docket #9711) or by mail to: Andrew S. Johnston, Executive Secretary, Maryland Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 Saint Paul Street, 21202 by August 11.


The TCNA Board agreed to form a work group to monitor the situation and report back to the community. A letter from the Board in support of the lawsuit against BGE was sent to the City Council and other key people involved in the lawsuit. If you would like to serve on the work group, send an e-mail to:

Calvert School Request to Rent Athletic Facility:

The Board approved Calvert’s request to rent their new athletic facility during squash season for a period of one year.


Next TCNA Board Meeting, Wednesday, September 20, 7:00 pm,

Lower Level Meeting Room, Broadview.


Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso

For more details on these issues see below articles


The St. James, Charles Street

Tuscany-Canterbury is a beautiful neighborhood. Neighbors and owners take great care of their homes, condos and buildings. TCNA supports various efforts to keep our neighborhood a beautiful treasure in Baltimore.

TCNA is stronger with you as a member! We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues. 

Join or Renew TCNA Membership

Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates

Paul Gallo, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee

Car thefts have increased across Baltimore and the country.

Car thefts in Baltimore City from 2016 to July 2023

2023 Car Thefts

January-July 29, 2023

  • Charles Village 38
  • Homeland 9
  • Roland Park 8
  • Guilford 7
  • Tuscany-Canterbury 3

Source: Baltimore Banner Interactive Map

The Baltimore Banner, July 26, 2023

The number of auto thefts in the city has jumped to rates not seen since the mid-‘90s. Auto thefts have nearly quintupled year over year. In the first 22 days of July, 1,378 autos have been reported stolen to Baltimore Police. Last year during the same period, it was 294, according to a Baltimore Banner analysis of crime data.


Baltimore isn’t the only city to struggle with a spike in auto thefts. Washington, D.C., has seen a 117% increase in car thefts as of July 26. Philadelphia and Chicago have also reported increases of 102% and 121%, respectively.

This information came from the Baltimore Banner article published 7/26/2023. For complete article CLICK HERE


Hyundai and Kia Theft - Tips on How to Avoid

If you have a Hyundai or Kia vehicle, it is vulnerable to theft. Please pick up an anti-theft device from Northern District Police Station. It is FREE!


Different board members & neighbors will chair specific events throughout the year.

Cloverhill / Canterbury Yard Sale

Coming Fall 2023

Some neighbors on Canterbury and Cloverhill are planning a yard sale. If you live in those blocks and are interested please contact Martha (who lives on Canterbury and is organizing the event).

Click Here to Contact Martha about the Yard Sale

If your area of the neighborhood or condo is planning a yard sale, let TCNA know a month ahead, and it will be published in the TCNA E-newsletter. The newsletter is sent to 640 neighbors in Tuscany-Canterbury.

Let us know what events you would like to have during the year. Some possible ideas

  • First Fridays
  • Yard Sale
  • Picnic /cookout in the park
  • Neighborhood night at the Symphony
  • Neighborhood event at an Oriole game
  • Special presentations such as "Birding"
  • Children's bike race
  • Halloween event for adults or children or both
  • Tour of Calvert's new athletic center and squash courts
  • Other ideas to consider?
Share your ideas about events for the next year

Streets Committee

Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects

No additional updates about the Street Committee projects. Waiting for Baltimore City to approve the Developers Agreement for the 39th Street project. The MOU between Parks and People and Baltimore City is needed to begin work on the Stony Run Path Project.

We're doing our best to stay on top of the problem of broken street lights, we're getting more classic street lights installed that will complement the character of our neighborhood. We're working with building owners and businesses to install publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations around the neighborhood. We're also working to fix broken sidewalks and complete a few missing curb ramps that prevent people in wheelchairs from getting where they need to go. 

What did we miss? Send a note to if you have any feedback or ideas for us to consider.

Your input is needed.  Let us know  you what you think.

Greens Committee

Eric Elton & Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs

Committee Members: Alison Moliterno, Bonnie Boland, Pat Hawthorne, Mary Loker (Does not include all the volunteers who help throughout the year)

The Greens Committee continues to maintain the four public gardens in the neighborhood. At the end of June, the 39th street garden was pruned and spruced up. On July 13th, a crew of folks tidied up the Ridgemede Elbow garden. Participants included Charles Brenton, Mary Loker, Alison Moliterno, Patrick Mutch and Bonnie Boland. 

We continue to look for individuals who would like to volunteer to help with the gardens. If you are interested, please contact Greens Committee co-chairs

  • Eric Elton
  • Patrick Mutch

Help!: Invasive Plants and Spotted Lanternfly

The Greens Committee would also like to ask all TNCA residents to keep an eye out for two invasive plant species that are fairly common in our area. Both of these plants should be removed from any home, apartment or condo yard or garden. If you need help, please reach out to Eric.

 Tree-of-heaven is an invasive tree species that outcompetes native tree species, deposits allelopathic (harmful to other plants) chemicals into the soil, and is the preferred host species of the latest threat to mid-Atlantic forest systems and the Spotted Lanternfly

Learn more about the Tree-of-heaven

Porcelainberry is a troublesome, shade tolerant invasive species capable of strangling native forest vegetation. Like all the plants called invasive exotics, it grows rapidly and has few pests because it did not evolve here with the checks and balances of competition from native plants and animals.Instead it takes the place of the plants that supply the resources our native wildlife needs.

Learn more about the Porcelainberry

What You Need To Know About Spotted Lanternflies

Kill Them when you see them!

Baltimore City Recreation and Parks have create a FAQs page for Spotted Lanternflies. They have been spotted in the city and in Tuscany-Canterbury. They won't be going away. You can learn about the life cycle of these insects and what you can do to prevent them from causing harm to your plants. (no worries they won't sting you). For all of those details,

click here.

Spotted Lanterfly seen on Tuscany Road

Calvert Liaison Committee

Amy Mutch, Chair

Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy), Nick Kouwenhoven (Tuscany Road)

July 2023 Calvert School Updates


This month a walk-through was conducted of “the Woods” by the Baltimore City Forest Conservation Department with representatives from Calvert School and TCNA. The purpose was to identify the health and status of replacement trees planted last year and seek permission for removal of large dead overgrowth trees on the property.  

Calvert had already replaced dead trees on Tuscany Road in June. Eight dead replacement trees were identified along with two overgrowth trees to be removed. The area identified as forest conservation has been left untouched by Calvert and both native and invasive plants grow wild in the designated area. Many trees were identified as “stressed” due to insufficient watering. Calvert offers no watering but will replace all dead trees in a more suitable planting season, this fall.  

The Calvert/TCNA committee will continue to work together with Baltimore City to promote a healthy green space in our neighborhood. 


The construction work on the roof and new classrooms in the rear of Calvert Lower School progresses and we have received no complaints from nearby residents other than minor littering that Calvert addressed immediately.

TCNA Approves Calvert School's Request to Rent Their Athletic Facility and Squash Courts

At the July 2023 TCNA board meeting, the Board approved Calvert’s request to rent their new athletic facility during squash season for a period of one year.

The following the topics will be included in the one-year agreement with Calvert School for the 2023-2024 school year. Once the agreement is signed, it will be posted on the TCNA website.


1. How many schools do you expect will want to use Calvert’s squash facility?

  • 2-3 schools from Mid-month November - February. The schools are Boys Latin, McDonough, Friends, or other similar area schools. 


2.  Will they be using the facility for both practice and matches or just matches? 

  • Both practices and matches 


3.  Can you estimate the days of the weeks and the hours per day that the facility will be used for matches and/or practice?  

  • 5-8pm 4-5 days a week 


4.  Will the matches include guests/parents in attendance in addition to the student athletes?  

  • Parents will likely attend matches, but not practices.  Most teams have approximately 10 players. They are not large teams.  

5.Will they be directed to enter the school grounds from Charles Street entrance only? 

  • All access will be via Charles Street into Calvert's parking lot.


6. Will Calvert rent or allow usage of the facility to outside schools or groups for purposes other than inter-school squash matches?  

  • The request to outside groups is only for the other area schools mentioned above.   


7.  Do you expect any increase in traffic on Tuscany Road or roads other than Charles Street in the TCNA area as a result of the rental use of the squash facility?

  • All ingress onto and egress from the school grounds will be via the Charles Street entrance.  
  • Expect one 15 passenger van per practice per school. The vans would access the parking lot via Charles Street.
  •  On days with matches, there may be some additional cars that would access the parking lot via Charles Street. Most squash teams are small, so the parent visitors are minimal. 


8. What security measures will Calvert have in place for all matches/practices?   

  • Calvert's onsite security will be on campus during all these teams. 
  • The schools squash pro will manage the courts and will be onsite during these times.

Please contact Amy Mutch with questions and concerns. Calvert School, while not in session, has provided ample contact support and respond quickly to communications.


Calendar Events for Calvert School

  • August 30, Fifth & Sixth Age Drop-In/Fifth Grade Orientation 
  • August 31, Classes begin at 8:00
  • September 4, School Closed - Labor Day
  • September 15, School Closed – Rosh Hashanah 

All dates are also shown on the TCNA web page - Calvert & JHU events

Communications Committee

Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator.

Julie Watson, Webmaster,

John Robinson, photographer

Committee: Ann Finkbeiner, Lois Schenck, TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.

TCNA Website History Feature:

"The Inner Core, 39th Street"

All of these building were built as apartments and some of them have been converted to *condominiums in the past 20 years.

Canterbury Hall, built in 1912, is one of the oldest buildings still standing in Tuscany-Canterbury. It was designed by Clyde Friz who also designed a number of the other magnificent buildings in Tuscany-Canterbury. Click on each link to find out more about each building.

100 W 39th Street Canterbury Hall (1912)

101 W 39th Street, The Hamlyn (Late 1920’s)

103 W 39th Street, The Hamilton (Late 1920’s)

104 W 39th Street, Berkeley House (1920)

105 W 39th Street, The Broadview (1950)

106 W 39th Street, The Ascot House (demolished 1978) See National Historic District

108 W 39th Street, Woodcliffe Country Home, Richard Capron (1874), Home of the Presidents of Johns Hopkins University, Woodcliffe Manor (1952)

110 W 39th Street, The Hopkins House (1970)


Questions, Comments, Messages

Updates: Water Main Issue on Stoney Ford at Linkwood

Status of Long-Term Solution

The issue 4 water main breaks in 4 months has been sent to the City's engineering department for long term recommendations.

Then the proposal must go to the Board of Estimates for approval before any long term work is done on the water line.

Once the water line is permanently repaired, then the Stoney Ford Road will be fixed.

TCNA and Councilwoman Ramos will continue to monitor this problem that affects 250 households.


If you have no water or low water, pressure call 311 immediately. Let TCNA know the confirmation number so we can also follow-up on the problem.

BGE Gas Regulators: Updates

Public Service Commission Hearing:

August 15

Circuit Court Hearing Rescheduled:

September 5

Public Service Commission Hearing


August 15th 10 am

William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street

TCNA has taken a position opposing the BGE Gas Regulators and will submit a letter.

Members of the public may attend and can submit comments either on-line (; docket #9711) or by mail to: Andrew S. Johnston, Executive Secretary, Maryland Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 Saint Paul Street, 21202 by August 11th.

CHAP Executive Director’s Actions

BGE discussed gas meter installation at a meeting with Commission on Historic and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) early in 2022, but CHAP has not issued any guidance on the issue. CHAP has, however, authorized BGE to proceed with the meter installation in neighborhoods including Federal Hill – actions it took without a vote of the commission.

Read more

Judge denies BGE motion to dismiss for mootness and extends restraining order for 60 days. Hearing rescheduled

September 5 9:30 am

Clarence Mitchell Courthouse, Room 434M

BGE filed a strategic motion trying to cancel Plaintiffs' request for a preliminary hearing by voluntarily agreeing to stop installing exterior regulators without written consent. After reviewing Plaintiffs' response, Judge Nugent rejected BGE's motion to cancel the preliminary injunction hearing on mootness grounds and instead extended the Temporary Restraining Order for an additional 60 days.


BGE's 2024-2026 Multi-Year Plan This plan includes major investments that will also begin to lay the foundation for the infrastructure work necessary for the State of Maryland to be able to meet its net-zero emissions by 2045 goal.

This investment also includes:

  • To relocate more than 11,000 gas regulators over the next 9 years, BGE estimates it cost about $105 million in capital costs alone.

  • BGE has proposed a $243.1 million rate increase in 2024, a $180.3 million increase in 2025, and a $179 million increase in 2026.

See more

University Homes 100th Celebration

Special thanks to Josh Cohen, Mat Leffler-Schulman (co-chairs) and neighbors for organizing this outstanding event.

Pictures of the 100th Celebration 

If you have photo that can be included, please send them to

Councilwoman Odette Ramos presented a City Council Resolution recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the University Homes and enjoyed the celebration with the neighbors.

Sac Au Lait band played amazing 1920's jazz music throughout the celebration. TCNA provided the music.

200 neighbors and a few pets celebrated and donated amazing food and drinks. A special thank you to the Hopkins Market who donated a case of wine.

More about University Homes and the First Families
Video: University Homes Tribute: Benjamin Merrill R. Hopkinson

Click on buttons above to see the great materials created by neighbor, Josh Cohen

Resurrecting the Ghosts of Those Who Lived Here Before Us

Your opinions are needed!

Policymakers are beginning to solicit public opinion on a recently released blueprint for achieving the state’s ambitious climate goals. Prominent environmental podcasters are focusing national attention on some key pieces of Maryland climate legislation.

The Maryland Department of the Environment recently issued a document outlining possible steps the state can take to meet the goals for reducing carbon emissions that were laid out in the Climate Solutions Act legislation of 2022. The agency said it would hold a series of town meetings across the state to gauge public opinion before issuing a final report by the end of the year with recommendations for tangible action. Many of the recommendations are expected to result in legislation to be taken up in the 2024 General Assembly session. The Baltimore hearing will be:

  • Sept. 12, at 6 p.m., at Morgan State University, 5299 Perring Parkway in Baltimore, at the Center for the Built Environment and Integrated Studies. The public can register to attend the sessions at

They want hear from everyone as they form a robust plan to combat climate change head-on.

The 2019 analysis reveals that 80.5% of the Tuscany-Canterbury residents have a higher than a high school diploma, compared to 38% in Baltimore City. 98.9% have a high school diploma compared to 48% in Baltimore City.


Dumpster Available for Neighborhood Use

September 2

Linkwood and Tuscany

September 30

Canterbury and Tuscany

Start time is at the discretion of the city. It usually arrives in the morning, and is there for for 4 hours.

Special thanks to Sam Park, TCNA board member who arranges with Baltimore City for the neighborhood dumpsters to come to Tuscany-Canterbury.

Baltimore City Recycling Program

Councilwoman Ramos confirmed at the July 2023 TCNA board meeting that weekly recycling will resume in 2024. (see below)

Weekly recycling to resume in Baltimore by the end of the first quarter in 2024 — as long as new garbage trucks arrive.

Baltimore officials doubled down on their commitment to restart the city’s weekly recycling collection in early 2024, provided that the city receives 30 new garbage trucks that are currently in production.

Baltimore Sun article about recycling program

Neighbors in the Spotlight

Tuscany Canterbury has great neighbors.

Let us know about a neighbor that should be featured.

Maggie McIntosh

Tuscany-Canterbury's former delegate and neighbor

Delegate McIntosh threw out the first pitch at the June 28th Oriole game. Maggie was recognized by the Orioles on Pride night as the first LGBTQ+ woman in the Maryland legislature. She was also instrumental in passing Maryland's constitutional amendment in 2012, ensuring that all Marylanders have equal rights.

Hearing Aids May Slow Dementia Onset

A new study could influence the future of millions with hearing loss

For people facing a greater threat of cognitive decline, getting hearing aids could cut your risk in half, according to a new study.

Cognitive decline is a reduction in abilities that can range from mild impairment to dementia, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and dementia is a big problem across the globe.

“As everyone lives longer, the number of people with dementia over time are going up,” said co-principal investigator of the study Dr. Frank Lin, professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Published July 21, 2023. Read more about the JHU study

Restaurants In


One World Café

Brunch never disappoints, with Belgian waffles, salmon omelets and buttermilk pancakes on the menu. The variety doesn’t stop at food.  There are dozens of amazing teas available.

Current Restaurant Hours

Breakfast 7am-11am

Dinner and Bar 5 - 10pm

Now offering Weekend Brunch Buffet. Voted Best Indian Restaurant in Baltimore by Baltimore Magazine, Ambassador Dining Room serves the traditional & authentic Indian dishes.

Enjoy the beautiful outdoor patio, overlooking a verdant urban oasis.

A casual but upscale authentic neighborhood restaurant

Whatever your occasion, however big or small, Cypriana has the perfect options to choose from.

They cater your birthday party, holiday party,

corporate events, wedding festivities and more!

KANOM (former Sam's Cafe site in the Ambassador apartment building)

Kanom will be opening soon. Kanom is Thai for a snack or sweet food made from flour. The owners, Niki and Ann, are both Thai. The plan is to serve drinks (coffee etc) and pastry and sandwiches. 

They plan to open early for those who like their morning caffeine.


Hopkins Market Updates

Renovations continue. They are planning a grand opening event and are also creating their website. The neighborhood is looking forward to welcoming them in the Fall.

Read more about all the local restaurants in Tuscany-Canterbury in the new TNCA restaurant web page.

Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos

in Tuscany Canterbury

Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.

Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Events In and Around


If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off

August 5 & 6 9am-7pm

September 1 & 2 9am-5pm

October 6 & 7 9am-5pm

Northwest Citizen Convenience Center

2840 Sisson Street, 21211

This is an opportunity for Baltimore City residents to dispose of hazardous household materials such as oil-based paints, pesticides, herbicides, car and household batteries, drain cleaners, pool chemicals, and many other items. Latex paint is NOT hazardous waste. It can be dried up and the cans put out for regular trash collection.


Free Family Sundays: Wearable Collage

Join our monthly drop-in art-making workshop

BMA Main Campus, Fox Court

Sunday, August 13 from 2 pm to 5 pm

Free Family Sundays is an art-making program designed for families with children ages 6 to 9 or older. RSVPs are not required.

Art-making supplies provided.

This month, explore themes from the current exhibition, The Matter of Bark Cloth, with local teaching artist Noreen Smith and make wearable collages that the whole family can enjoy.

Teaching Artist, Noreen Smith

Noreen Smith has over 20 years of experience in youth, adult, and family program development and implementation. She has collaborated with various non-profit organizations and educational institutions to provide quality, content-rich program experiences to underserved populations throughout her hometown of Baltimore City and abroad. Smith is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist whose current body of work encompasses colorful, thought-provoking collages that are based on her journey through life as a black woman, on inequities that women of color experience, and on the power, strength, softness, and divinity found in womanhood.

BMA Sculpture Garden

10 Art Museum Drive, (443) 573-1700

A short walk south of Tuscany-Canterbury is the Baltimore Museum of Art’s Sculpture Garden. It is a great picnic destination among the impressive pieces of art at the Baltimore Museum of Art Sculpture Gardens.

The gardens are free and open to the public year-round every Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. No reservations are required.

Read more

Abell Community Street Fair

September 10, noon - 5 pm

3000 & 3100 blocks, Abell Avenue

Each September, the Abell Improvement Association hosts the Street Fair. This year Abell is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Abell Community Street Fair

The Street Fair is an annual celebration of what makes this community unique, and what makes urban living great. With Abell Avenue's brightly-painted rowhouses as a backdrop, the Street Fair features live entertainment, great food, local artists and vendors, and Baltimore's Best Silent Auction. At a far more manageable scale than the oversized festivals in neighboring communities, Abell's Street Fair retains the authenticity and intimacy that defines our community.

Summer is beautiful in Tuscany-Canterbury

Special thanks to John Robinson who takes most of our neighborhood photos.

Send your pictures to share to

Summer Gallery Photos

TCNA Officers and Board Members

  • Co-President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Co-President: **Mike Travieso (Tuscany-Lombardy, Stony Run Lane)
  • Past President Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Events Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)

Board Members:

  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Gardens Committee
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Communication Coordinator
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court), Public Safety Liaison
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator. Membership Committee
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road), Streets Committee Chair
  • Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Web Master