December 2018
December News & Updates
Please share this newsletter with your community of faith, friends and family.
Executive Director's Message
The holidays are upon us! May we all take intentional time during this busy season to reflect on the past year- the painful and the beautiful moments- and give God thanks. My prayer for you this season is that you will seek the Divine in all your interactions and efforts. Below is a wonderful way to approach this Advent Season shared by our Administrator, Ann Mills. Will you join us in this daily practice?

Blessings and Peace,
Lindsay Klatzkin
Donor and Volunteer Spotlight- Lola Michelle Winder

Born and raised in For Worth, Lola (some call her Michelle too) has been a life-long member of Broadway Baptist Church. At an early age, she discovered her love of photography. She began working for Sante Fe Railroad in 1993 which later merged as BNSF. Soon after, she started photographing unique boxcars and galleries began to notice her beautiful work. Her art was featured in shows in Colorado and North Texas. In 2007, she was awarded Fall Gallery Artist of the Year in 2007 in the Dallas Morning News. In 2015, Michelle started volunteering and donating to Tarrant Churches Together when TCT's Board Chair, Jorene Swift, communicated to her about the mission of this long-standing organization. Over the past three years, Michelle has not only given her resources, but her time with Home for the Holidays and Freedom School. Thank you, Michelle for all you continue to do for TCT! We are grateful for you.
A Merry, Merry Welcome Home!
Help us make the holidays bright for newly housed clients in Tarrant County. 
We are in need of:
Quarters (client laundry needs)
Food donations (sides, desserts)

Do you know an agency or local organization in need to some helping hands? 
We are seeking sites where we can serve.
Email Charmaine Baylor

Be on the lookout for the volunteer sign up in the next couple of weeks!
2019 Sack Lunch Chuck Wagon

ALL DATES FULL! Thank you to all the groups and churches. We are excited for another year of Sack Lunch Chuck Wagon!

Book Bank Volunteers Needed!
Literacy Connexus will be moving it's book bank soon and needs help! If you have a few hours and energy to spare, contact Lester Meriwether lester Learn more about Literacy Connexus here.
Check out this wonderful community event at Nu Birth Community Development Center! Thank you for all the support you give to our community!
Tarrant Churches Together | 817-737-5554 | |