Candidate Deadline Sets the Stage for November Elections | |
Before lawmakers decided to retire or move to a nearby seat, the new state legislative maps presented a series of challenges. Lawmakers in the Assembly were paired up in 15 districts, meaning thirty state reps faced the prospect of challenging a colleague, moving or retiring. In the Senate, this happened in six districts, including the 30th, where three current GOP Senators now live.
The November election picture becomes clearer with the June 3 deadline for filing candidate papers. More than 300 candidates filed to run for the 99 Assembly districts — all of which are on the ballot in November — and the 16 Senate districts (about half of the Senate) up this fall.
According to WisPolitics, 11 members of the state legislature have no major party opposition. However, more than two dozen incumbents — 22 Republicans and four Democrats — are facing primary challenges, compared to seven last election cycle.
The Elections Commission meets Monday to review any challenges and formally decide who makes the ballot this fall.
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Putting Transportation in the Spotlight | |
The disruption caused by the new maps is an excellent opportunity to educate candidates about the indispensable role transportation plays in our economy and daily lives. Research shows and our experience has reinforced that facts are most memorable and actionable when wrapped in a relatable story.
To that end, TDA will soon launch TDA Spotlight, a platform that highlights how transportation keeps Wisconsin moving, going into the next budget. The goal is to gather and then deliver stories focused on key messages aligned with larger objectives and tailored to the audience.
Here’s where you can help. Upload your story and tell us about success — the project you moved forward — or the one still in the hopper. It is as simple as filling out a form and answering the four questions with a few sentences.
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WisDOT Announces EV Grants | |
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and WisDOT recently awarded $23.3 million out of the more than $78 million in federal funding Wisconsin will receive through the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program to support private industry construction of fast-charging electric vehicle (EV) stations.
WisDOT selected 53 locations along Wisconsin's Alternative Fuel Corridor, a linkage of highways connecting all parts of the state. When choosing which projects would receive funding, WisDOT considered multiple factors, including potential for future development, parking availability, and extended business hours.
Officials expect these fast chargers across Wisconsin to support the 23,000+ EVs registered in the state and visitors from out of state.
“We really wanted a Wisconsinite who lives in the southern third of Wisconsin or someone who lives up north to be able to travel the entire state with an electric vehicle and not have concerns about where they’re going to be able to travel,” said Kaleb Vander Wiele, WisDOT's transportation electrification project manager.
The WEVI program received more than 260 applications during the first Request for Proposals (RFP) round. A list of selected applicants is available here.
Listen to the latest episode of the On The Go podcast featuring Vander Wiele.
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ARIP Applications Greatly Exceed Available Funding | |
Applications for the first round of the new Agricultural Road Improvement Program (ARIP) amounted to $260 million in total proposed project costs. The estimated state cost share of $234 million greatly exceeds the $50 million available in the first tranche and the entire amount authorized in the current budget.
The 2023-25 budget established ARIP with $150 million in one-time segregated funding to improve roadways classified as local roads or minor collectors and culverts that provide access to agricultural lands or facilities used to produce agricultural goods, including forest products. WisDOT may award grants of up to 90 percent of reimbursable costs.
According to a WisDOT presentation at the May 8 Freight Advisory Committee, the first-round applications show fairly consistent regional distribution except for the Southeast region, which is more urban.
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Towns comprise the bulk of the total applications (141 applications, approx. $224M in total cost), followed by counties (9 applications, approx. $30M in total cost), villages (6 applications, approx. $3M in total cost), and cities (4 applications, approx. $3M in total cost).
A committee of local government and industry representatives will meet to review the applications later this month. WisDOT anticipates the first awards will be announced in early July, with the second-round solicitation materials released in late July and second-round awards by late this year.
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TDA & Partners Form I-39/90/94 Project Coalition | |
The Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin (TDA) and partners have formed the Central Wisconsin Interstate Alliance (CWIA), a coalition of businesses, local governments, and other organizations, to support the modernization of the interstates between Madison and Wisconsin Dells.
The I-39/90/94 Corridor connects major population centers—Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis—to Wisconsin’s popular outdoor recreation and tourist destinations. It is also a primary long-haul truck route.
The State of Wisconsin has already modernized and expanded I-39/90 from the Wisconsin-Illinois border to Madison. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is now studying improvements to I-39/90/94 from Madison to Wisconsin Dells as the next leg in this corridor extending from the state line.
CWIA’s growing membership represents a diversity of economic interests throughout the corridor.
Visit to learn more about the corridor, the alliance, and its members.
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Biden Signs FAA Reauthorization Into Law | |
About two weeks after House and Senate transportation committee leaders announced a bipartisan agreement on an FAA reauthorization bill, President Biden signed the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 (H.R. 3935) into law.
The five-year (FY 24-28), $105.5 billion reauthorization measure includes $4 billion annually for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) for fiscal years 2025-2028, the first increase in about two decades.
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TDA is a large umbrella organization with partners routinely advocating for multiple modes of transportation. That was brought home again at the recent MobiliSE Why Transit Matters event as TDA Executive Director Debby Jackson listened to a panel moderated by Amanda Payne, future president and CEO of the Waukesha County Business Alliance, and including Harold Mester, director of public affairs and marketing at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport.
In Jackson’s opinion, there is no better Friday afternoon field trip than a City of Fort Atkinson connecting highways tour with city officials and WisDOT. Listening to locals talk about their vision for their community and how transportation plays a role is always inspiring.
The first week of June has been a whirlwind. Jackson gave TDA’s annual transportation update to the Black River Falls Rotary and then dropped by the Wisconsin County Highway Association Summer Highway Conference to talk transportation and have some laughs.
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TDA Podcast: It's Electric! | |
Wisconsin is on the verge of strengthening and expanding its electric vehicle (EV) charging station network.
On the latest On the Go podcast, Kaleb Vander Wiele, transportation electrification project manager at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, talks with TDA Executive Director Debby Jackson about the exciting plans for Wisconsin's charging network. Thanks to the NEVI (National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) Program, WisDOT has been allocated approximately $78M in federal funds to build out the network of Level 3 EV fast charging stations across the state. These fast chargers are among the top considerations for those considering the purchase of an EV. Vander Wiele shares the process that has gotten us to where we are today, including stakeholder engagement and conversations with Wisconsin EV users.
NOTE: After the podcast record, Governor Evers and WisDOT awarded $23.3 million through the Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (WEVI) program to support private industry construction of charging stations across Wisconsin. (See article above for more details.)
Listen to the podcast here.
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Thank You 2024 Organizational Sponsors | |
TDA Welcomes New and Returning Members | |
Fincantieri Marine Group is the U.S. subsidiary of one of the world’s largest shipbuilders. Established in the late 1700s, Fincantieri is known for designing and building military vessels, highly specialized support vessels, ferries, cruise ships, and mega yachts.
Fincantieri's shipbuilding success comes from outstanding employees and teamwork. Visit
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The East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (ECWRPC) is the official comprehensive, areawide planning agency for the ten-county East Central Region of Wisconsin, including the counties of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara, and Winnebago. Visit
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- TDA Annual Meeting: Oct. 16 at the Marriott Madison West
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Registration Open for the Fall Wisconsin Aviation Conference
The Wisconsin Airport Management Association and the host airport, Dane County Regional Airport, will hold the 68th annual Wisconsin Aviation Conference (WAC) on October 2-4 at the Madison Marriott West in Middleton.
Looking to attend? Details and registration information are available here.
More information is available to those looking to exhibit at or sponsor the event.
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If you would like TDA to consider including your organization's update or event in an upcoming newsletter, please forward information to Luke Pearson at | |
Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin10 East Doty Street, Suite 201 | Madison, WI 53703
(608) 256-7044 |
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