We are pleased to be approved for OnZoom events marketplace. Here are the first five new courses available - click on images for registration and dates.
22 Critical Concepts for Being the Best Virtual Events and Sales Presentations Presenter in 20 Minutes
-- November 5 @10AM Eastern
Register now for this vital webinar to help you be a better virtual and enterprise sales presenter.
Virtual-First Business Model Accelerate Virtual Selling
Accelerates Sales
- November 20 - 10AE
Get this new Virtual Professional Power Certification vital and critical to developing and delivering CEO leadership, customer sales meetings, investor pitch presentations, and team meetings.
As one CEO said, "we are not going back, we are going forward into the virtual business world before our competitors do, new startups do and anyone else does, as we want to be the best in virtual business now."
This keynote or course is ideal for channel partner agent meetings, educational training, virtual webinars, conferences and virtual trade shows.
Click on image for OnZoom.
Enterprise Sales Acceleration – UP Market UP Margin B2B Professional Development Program
- November 10 10AE
Proven sales revenue acceleration concepts for B2B sales professionals that:
• Reduces sales cycle
• Increases competitive edge
• Reduces staff turmoil and turnover
• Produces higher margins
• Provides improved sales leadership
And, most importantly, maximize the confidence-to-close factor and the customer gain-retain ratio.
SEAL Program Advanced Virtual Events and Sales Profession Development
- November 17 10AE
Part of the Advanced and Expert Level Courses in the Virtual Events Pro Cert, this is an indepth discussion of:
• Speaker - what you do - preparation, rehearsal, development and delivery including agenda and purpose of the meeting
• Engagement - what you to together - discussion, dialog, attention retention and interaction including exchange and analysis of information, debate, discussion and optional decision-making – know beforehand your goal(s)
• Audience - who they are - engagement and feedback – voting, polling, testing
• Logistics – how you do it - technology selection including platforms, lighting, microphones, noise reduction, mixing, editing software, testing, room, home office, furniture, power, comfort, backgrounds, implementation, optional food service, usage, feedback and reports
Overview of 2021 Expanded Curriculum
This one-hour event will explore the expanded virtual professional certification program for 2021. Please click through to the event for more details.
OnZoom is a new marketplace for video events from Zoom. TECHtionary has been approved to host and produce OnZoom events which is a very exciting platform. Click on images or here for the FAQs, such as terminology, terms fees and more. For example, hosts can also schedule both public and private events that are invite-only and, at the Host's option, private events will not be placed in the OnZoom event directory. If private tickets are the only ticket-type (as there can be many ticket types - free, VIP, etc.) available for an event, OnZoom users who are not placed on a private event's allowed-list by the event Host, and/or are not logged in, will not be allowed to register for that event.
For events where the Host has made both private and public tickets available for purchase, registration will be available from the event page. OnZoom will not take a fee now (they were a bit vague whether they will take a fee in the future).

Special Virtual Events and Virtual Sales Power Professional Courses will be available shortly on OnZoom. If you are interested in these courses or helping produce your own courses OnZoom, please email me at cross@gocross.com
ZoomCribs is now live highlighting what exciting people are doing in their virtual home, business and offices in the wild.
Here are some examples of ZoomCribs, please submit your crib for sharing and possibly prize money (when available).
Schedule Now for 2021 and Save !
Virtual Sales and Virtual Presentation Power Professional Presentations
Accelerate Your Sales and Presentations Skills Today.
For immediate assistance call 303-594-1694 or email cross@gocross.com
You can skip this article to all the courses below. However, we thought we would give you some critical issues driving the future of the virtual business world. As one CEO said, "we are not going back, we are going forward into the virtual business world before our competitors do, new startups do and anyone else does, as we want to be the best in virtual business now."
The New Virtual-First Business Model
Accelerating Everything Faster Than Ever Virtually
Click on image for new videos

In conversations across the country we have found the pandemic is driving business faster virtually than ever to all areas of business and living alike. From still wondering to realizing the world has changed forever and is not going back, executives at all levels are all businesses changing some or all of their game plans. Historically, this is like the way technology has always changed business. When trains replaced horses, cars crossed towns and states, airplanes across countries and now virtual technology crossing continents faster than all of them, you realize the speed of communications is changing the velocity of business. As one C-level said, "we're not going back even if business comes back live, we want to be the leader in virtual-first business which will give us a competitive edge." Another pinned, "we can't afford to sit still as we see the competitors we know of are already going virtual and what really worries us is that virtual technology like the way Amazon changed the internet, new competitors we that didn’t exist or others that can change quickly can emerge faster than ever." Others have told us they are struggling with creating a new virtual-first sales organization without any experience at all.

The name of TMC is Technology Marketing Corporation and since the beginning they have always focused on the marketing of technologies. Today, marketing of your technology is now more important than ever accelerating your efforts to retain and sustain current customers and gain new customers faster. If you are involved in marketing, sales and customer experience you know this was not just one thing before, now it's extending and expanding your business presence virtually to everything your customer is and their customers are doing. Even more important is "seeing through" them to help their customers gain and retain customers takes looking beyond what you are selling them to what experiences they are creating. TMC is totally focused on doing this and through this process we are now providing virtual-first business acceleration programs. To the end, TECHtionary has partnered with TMC to offer our courses from them including Fundamentals, Advanced and Expert virtual sales and presentation programs, these virtual technology marketing programs go even farther with a 14-course Enterprise Business Acceleration program with ongoing sales coaching service. Even further is a seven-phase organizational virtual sales development program. 
You may not be ready for this kind of long-term professional engagement but we are ready when you want to put the "pedal to the virtual metal" and go. This is what we have been doing for more than twenty years. To get this started, we plan weekly updates to this blog to show you our commitment and provide you with steps and pathways to this business development program. I can only recommend you start today before your current competitors beat you in current markets you serve and new companies beat you to new markets and customers before you do. As once said, "if you don't make dust, you eat dust." We can't guarantee there will be no dust but help you be the one making the dust and not eating it. Get started with the program below.
Part 2 - Throughout business history there are clear business models of market dominance, transformation, decline and destruction. Forty years ago, new businesses started with a personal computer rather than a typewriter. The PC could do many things, not just one thing. Typewriters didn't die right away but they are largely found in museums today. A decade later when the laser printer emerged it could print images, graphics and much more, not just text. There are many other examples as when CDs replace vinyl, digital cameras replaced film, even now as electric cars are replacing gasoline vehicles and soon driver-less autonomous vehicles will replace person-drive vehicles. Yes there will be problems but in twenty years driving a car for most but certainly not all activities will be a think of the past. Twenty years ago, or so, the internet was finally accelerating, not just a real innovation but seen by many as a means for replacing FAX machines and mailing expensive printed content. Look at what happened to those who were internet-first in their business model. Today, video meetings invented in 1964 by AT&T used in the iconic 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey are finally changing the way all kinds of business meetings are conducted and much more with hundreds or thousands of participants and viewers The point is that technology always changes the way we do business, some much faster than others and some dependent on a changing customer styles and user behavior such as the business suit has taken a while longer to decline. In other situations, things like working in an office may die much more slowly but will absolutely change dramatically. Why because for many though not all working at home saves so much time that was wasted commuting. We have dozens of other reasons like not working with people you actually didn't ever like. The home is a sanctuary where people can not wear pants, play the music they like, set the temperature that suits them and so much more. Yet, we also see offices of any kind from military, school, industrial, office and government becoming more of a place for inperson events and corporate studios like television broadcast networks with large video and augmented reality demonstration centers. Buildings and offices will have to also evolve with health safety as a priority, we will address in future articles.
Today, companies are always facing the challenges of digital transformation or put more simply, automate anything and everything they can faster than their new or existing competitors. This concept has fueled the growth of many siloes which focus on narrow business functions such as process automation, sales management, team communications and others. The point is that the pandemic will not necessarily accelerate digital transformation, however along with a virtual-first business model alter the trajectory and ultimate outcome. Just redesigning a business for telecommuting or as some say working virtually from anywhere is not just about technology but changing the company culture. Previously when you had a "collective" approach to your culture, your communications processes were designed for face-to-face meetings and inperson business operations based on a "hive" office environment. The pandemic destroyed both of those concepts at the onset and while many forms of "collective hive" will may come back, it will be very different if not completely different than before for existing companies. However, for the new virtual-first businesses that have emerged based on new ways to business and will grow with people hired on a "remote office" basis using technology to "meet up virtually" rather than, in some cases, never meeting the person inperson. There are a dozen other business models that we have identified incorporating a virtual-first business approach that will rise, struggle, succeed and fail like anyone business model. New technologies from 5G, IoT, and artificial intelligence along with its many variations such as robotics, machine learning, expert systems and others will also rise not as just another silo application to solve process automation or logistics but synchronized networks solving many problems not just a few. 
Summary - technology always changes the way we think faster than society can adapt to its impacts and consequences. The pandemic has shown us that we can adapt faster even when we are forced too, though the unintended consequences of all this are only beginning to emerge. In parts 3 and beyond, we will explore the virtual-first business model and see how fast, what new and exciting innovations will emerge into what will be the next billion dollar startup. We do know for sure there is "no going back" as whether this virus or the next has set the global stage for how the world must and will react, then act and be ready for the next one.
Virtual Sales & Events
Power Professional

"We don't build great tech,
we build great talent."

Overview and Background
Business has been and always will be about being faster, cheaper, better. To accomplish that strategically, the faster you can communicate, the faster you can change, and those corporations that change the fastest will be the most successful. Yet organizations struggle because to increase the speed you need to increase the speed of the people who work there. The world is moving faster and faster as what I call “organizational velocity” (OV). OV is the speed by which information travels throughout the organization. We all know where information is but how it is used and how fast it is used is critical to making decisions faster. Decision making is more than a yes-no but often a carefully orchestrated process that looks at what needs to be done and through the lifespan until the decision changes. The concept of the mythical person month effectively describes that if you are an organization of one, you can make decisions instantly, but you can only do the work of one. When you add more and more people, decisions take almost infinitely longer as more and more people are involved but you can do more like sending a person to space. To accelerate the communications process means getting people “on the same” page faster.
If your sales presentation suffers, customers think your solutions also suffer.
Can you afford to not be the best virtual sales presentation pro ever?

Click on image for video.

“If you are boring face-to-face, you will still be boring via virtual video and technology only makes you look even worse,” one great speaker noted. 

Click on image for video.
Virtual professional presentations are very different for CEO, CFO, CIO, analyst, public policy, purchasing, technology, customer service and customer use cases and many others.
Click on image for video.
The process of collaboration in today’s environment requires the “buy-in” or socialization from more and more people. However, as each day delays any decision the value or ROI-return on investment declines faster and faster. In other words, the longer the delay the lower the return. Giving that people involved in many decisions are not just sitting around waiting for what you need but working on their own work. Indeed, we need better collaboration, but we also need not just faster but better improvements in the collaboration process. If you consider that meeting participants may need time to research, complete a task, visit a customer, work with others you can see that the more complex the decision the more indepth the development to determine validity or potential outcome. In those situations, in which factual information is being exchanged in order to solve a problem, studies show that only about half of the person’s time is actually spent communicating—sending or receiving information. Searching for information, taking notes, and other organizing efforts took up the rest of the time. If the meeting type is one of negotiation or conflict requiring an exchange of opinions and argumentation, the person spends as much as 75% of his or her time actually communicating with verifying each step of a document or process along the way. Nonetheless, other non-communicating activities, such as information retrieval and document reading, still make up 25% of the person’s time. In addition, another overlooked challenge did meeting attendees really understand what the presenter/speaker was trying to convey. That is, did they all agree on what was said, was what was heard and ultimately gets done? If you are boring face-to-face, you will still be boring via video and technology only makes you look worse. The goal of the course is not just to overlay technology to a fundamental problem of poor communication but integrate enhanced technology with better business communications processes.
Before you fail, flub or otherwise lose face or some would say fall on your face yet again in your video sales, lecture, crisis call, news, investor, team, status, leadership or any other meeting or class, get virtual meetings smart today.

To order, please email cross@gocross.com or call 303-594-1694
Summary – Virtual Sales (VSP) & Virtual Events (VEP) Professional Certification is designed to provide faster, cheaper and effective ways for improved business communications. Enhanced meeting technology options are complex and getting more so as there are fewer and fewer people in one place with more and more people in customer, technical labs, research centers, working at home, co-working, mobile, auto, train, plane with fewer onsite each using often very different technology. VEP can bring technology with business processes and operations that accelerates decisions faster with more involvement and allows for more thoughtful analysis.
New Recommendations:

"Tom and I developed and delivered more than a dozen virtual webinars on social media, virtual selling and marketing strategies. Tom is an excellent course designer, developer and importantly has great delivery and virtual presentation skills. I would highly recommend him for any virtual presentations including investor pitch, virtual selling, virtual events/sales professional as well as highly technical subjects including AI. His book on AI - MindMeld has been called the best business book on AI yet written. He can really help you be the best."
Evan Kirstel #1 Social Media in AI, Retail Tech and many other B2B markets.
Tom has been involved in the Rockies Venture Club for many years at one time assisting us with our social media and insightful thought leadership blogs. He also attended many monthly meetings listening to hundreds of startup pitch presentations.
Tom and I team-taught the section in the RVC Hyperaccelerator program five times on Sales, Go-to Marketing and Marketing to more than 50 companies. We also share the critical concern that marketing is #1 cause of startup failure and success. Tom is a great course developer, engaging presenter and thought leader and would highly recommend his Virtual Event/Sales Professional courses to any startup, business or anyone wanting to make their business plan presentation to investors and others get "pitch perfect."
Peter Adams CEO Rockies Venture Club
Virtual Seminar on Virtual Selling on Critical Success Factors for The New Sales Force
This is both an introduction and taking action seminar designed to not just “talk the talk” but “walk the walk” in changing the nature of virtual sales, direct and indirect channels and most importantly customers in the way they explore, evaluate, decide, purchase and deploy new and expanded versions of solutions in their business. This course is for new-hires, new to position, new to market and otherwise new to sales though this isn't a fundamentals course on sales which is recommended prior to this class. There is a course in the Expert Level that addresses the personal aspects of presenting oneself - Top-10 Personal Sales Professional Criteria.

Virtual Selling Professionals (VSP) - Fundamentals

Session 1 – Customers Bane or Boon ~1 Hour
Session 2 - Building Strategic Customer Assessments ~1 Hour
Session 3 – Taking Virtual Selling Action Today ~1 Hour

Clck here for 11-page complete course outline and details in PDF. 
Virtual Selling for Corporate and Sales Management - Leadership
Session 1 – Selling Virtual Selling to the Organization – The Hardest Part ~1 Hour

Session 2 – Critical Virtual Selling Concepts ~1 Hour
Session 3 – Corporate Management and Virtual Selling ~1 Hour
Special Session - Building a Virtual Selling Corporate Strategy - email for indepth 30-page PPT. Special Session - email to discuss

Click here for 11-page complete course outline and details in PDF.
Strategic Goals for Virtual Sales Expert Level Enterprise Sales Acceleration 
“Confidence is a demonstration of knowledge.”
Ivan G. Seidenberg Former CEO Verizon
These courses:
•       Present enterprise solutions selling scenarios.
•       Understand what customers especially enterprise business customers are looking for and expect from a provider of integrated applications solutions and networking services.
•       Understand what the situations are, success factors and solutions in making the sale and how you can make a difference in your prospective and ongoing customer relations.
•       And, most importantly, maximize the confidence-to-close factor and the customer gain-retain ratio and seek to shorten the sales cycle.

Expert Sessions Outline : QUEST for The Accelerating Enterprise sales
Questions, Understanding, Evaluating, Systems-Support and Teaching
Session 1 - Top-10 Personal Sales Professional Criteria
Session 2 - Top-10 Enterprise Sales Opportunities for Cloud, SD-WAN, UC, Collaboration, AI, Pandemic Tech and Emerging Tech
Session 3 - Top-20 Enterprise Customer Types
Session 4 - Top-10 Key Criteria for Enterprise Sales Meeting/Presentation 
Session 5 - Top-10 Enterprise Proposal Guide
Session 6 - Top-10 Enterprise Business Issues
Session 7 - Top-10 Enterprise Technical Issues
Session 8 - Top-10 Enterprise Network Management Issues
Session 9 - QUEST - Questions, Understanding, Evaluating, Systems-Support and Teaching
Session 10 - Customer Phases - Assessment, Analysis, Selection & Implementation
Session 11 - Optional Role Play – Customer Case Studies – Mortgage, Newspaper & Manufacturing
Session 12 – Sales Manager Development for First Time, Team Turn Around and Accelerate Growth
Session 13 - Optional Certification Testing
Session 14 – Ongoing “Personal Trainer” Coaching Service and App

Delivered in one, two or three initial virtual sessions at a time for each Section (Note: unlike large onsite sales training classes, it is recommended virtual classes be 15 or less) from professionals with the "highest scores ever" and “award-winning” evaluations and multi-decades of experience and a satisfaction guarantee this course is a win-win experience. In addition, knowledge is delivered with a goal of a high knowledge gain-retain customer approach. 
Sales leadership can select all Sessions or any Session “by the slice” option for delivery including keynote, C-level, investor or sales meeting presentation format.

Click here for 11-page complete course outline and details in PDF.
Course Evaluations

“Leadership begins with great presentations, team building, collaboration and frankly being organized. The Procert gave me all these tools and much more to be a better CTO leader.” J.L

“Meetings are the bane of my business, however, nothing gets done without them. I needed skills and ideas to make meetings and business communications faster, reducing costs and frankly, much better. Virtual Pro did that - thanks.” M.G CEO

”This is the best course for better management communications – period.” K.E

“The class accelerates our conferencing and collaboration revenues reducing the sales cycle by demonstrating to our customers we are committed to user ‘driver training’ to help them make better presentations and use cases of our solutions.” D.T.

“I have been selling conferencing for a long time and so tired of hearing stories of the old conferencing system going unused because users aren’t really trained. That is, they try it and fail, especially C-levels, the course gives me a real competitive-edge showing we are committed to the customer now and in the future.” R.C.
Virtual Events Professional (VEP) Certification Fundamentals Course
The following course is available for webinar delivery. This is for business and organizational managers, executives, meeting and travel planners, technology developers, presentation creators and professional speaker/presenters.

Session 1 – Introduction to Virtual Events Technologies
Any meeting of people is comprised of some or all of the following traditional and virtual meeting elements:
·   Audience
·   Venue and scheduling
·   Agenda, purpose and format
·   Discussion, dialog, attention, retention and interaction
·   Research and presentation preparation
·   Exchange and analysis of information separate from discussion
·   Meeting reports and analysis
·   Ratification of meeting and distribution of results
·   Actions taken, if any
·   Other activities
This session will focus on how virtual meeting technologies enhance, engage, change, alter, and often diminish the way people communicate, conduct, evaluate and take actions from such an event. As it has been said many times, "communications will always fail, except by chance." Or, if you prefer, what is said is not what is heard, not what is done." This reflects the challenges of traditional business meetings which are often made worse by virtual meeting technologies Insights on how virtual meeting technology can be used to overcome and improve communications challenges will be presented.
Session 2 – Implementation of Virtual Technology Within Events
This session will focus on the technologies used or planned for as well as integrating traditional meeting delivery approaches. Aside from a review of what works better or worse for different kinds of meetings and activities. As it has been said with humor, "if you are boring face-to-face, you will still be boring via video." With an industry leader adding, "technology only makes it worse."
·   Video - real-time, still-frame, broadcast, streaming
·   Audio - multi-person conference, broadcast, podcast, streaming
·   Graphic - whiteboards, displays, graphics, and other webinar style presentations
·   Augmented - artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality and emerging technologies
Session 3AE SEAL Training only in Advanced and Expert Level Courses
Any meeting online or off is comprised of some or all ofthe following SEAL training elements:
  Speaker - what you do - preparation, rehearsal, development and delivery
   Engagement - what you to together - discussion, dialog, attention retention and interaction
   Audience - who they are - engagement and feedback – voting, polling, testing
   Logistics – how you do it - – technology selection, implementation, testing, room, food service, usage, feedback and reports

Session 3AE – Using Enhanced Virtual Technology for Specific Meeting Types only in Advanced and Expert Level Courses
In this session, there will be a discussion of what meeting technology enhances what type of meeting such as:
  • Sharing information by audience type
  • Sports Events
  • Religious Sermons
  • Solving conflicts
  • Providing status
  • Presenting reports
  • Convincing
  • Negotiation
  • Information seeking
  • Giving information to get “one the same page”
  • Problem solving
  • Discussion of ideas
  • Delegation of work
  • Policy decision making
  • Presentations strategic, reports, updates
  • Training
  • Product review, inspection, evaluation
  • Crisis condition
  • Conflict resolution
  • Disciplinary interviews
Session 4E Integration of Virtual Technologies - Only in Expert Level Course
Depending on client needs, audience type and size as well as goals is also a workshop to allow participants to give their own presentation, this class is approximately 60-90 minutes with less than 20 students recommended. In the past, we have used Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address as a model for participants to give their own version of this thoughtful and profound speech. If not, this session will be a discussion of how virtual meeting technologies enhances what types of meetings such as, depending on time-permitted and participant discussions:
  • Negotiation
  • Deliberation
  • Persuasion
  • Voting
  • Jury
  • Delegation
  • What does "getting everyone on the same page" really mean and how to you know that is accomplished
  • Information seeking - research
  • Problem solving
  • Discussion of ideas
  • Delegation of work
  • Decision making policy, guidance,
  • Orders "always avoid verbal orders"
  • Policy decision making
  • Presentation - strategic, informational, reports, updates
  • Quality control
  • Training - learning - education - pedagogy
  • C-level presentations
  • Investor and financial compliance
  • Wall Street Analysts
  • Crisis communications
  • Interpersonal conflicts
  • Conflict resolution
  • Disciplinary reviews
Special Session - Virtual Event Production (sponsorships invited)
This new section has been suggested by many who are interested in building or remodeling a room or rooms for professional home video production. Key to any virtual production is also having all presenters and talent complete all the Virtual Event Professional courses (Session 1-4) to make sure they all have the key presentation skills. This is an one-hour introduction, not an indepth analysis of this very complex issue. Some of the topics covered however briefly are:
  • Room preparation including green waiting room, server and cabling room
  • Cameras
  • Microphones
  • Desk and studio setup
  • Computer platforms
  • Virtual event applications and services
  • Video distribution platforms and content management systems
  • Control switching hardware/software
  • Graphics - animations
  • Presenters/talent
  • Script/screenplay - rehearsing
  • Editing
  • Noise management
  • Lighting
  • HVAC including air purification due to Covid and noise handling
  • Power - UPS, generators
  • Internet and backup
  • Cabling
  • Access - security
  • Personal prep - makeup
  • Support staff management
  • Production design and development
  • Production management - budgeting and cost control
  • Project management
  • Promotion
  • Remote - mobile production
  • Accessories
  • Talent management
  • Legal and contracts
  • Consultants
  • If additional onsite staff/crew - add parking, bathrooms, social distancing, etc.
  • Special topics
If you have other ideas, please them along to cross@gocross.com
Special Section - Virtual Event Producer
This new special section is a one-hour (yes, we could talk about this all day for event producer rather than presenters, however this is an introduction, not an indepth discussion which could lead to still other special classes depending on customer needs) for large audience and special audience (museums, parks, sporting) event productions. Some made famous with thousands of people singing a song along with the entire concept video streaming for any kind of event. Key to any virtual production is also having all presenters and talent complete all the Virtual Event Professional courses (Session 1-4) to make sure they all have the key presentation skills. Here are some of the large audience presented briefly with a class discussion of them afterward.
  • Webinars 
  • Trade shows - small to large
  • College Lectures
  • Virtual Trade Shows - animated and non-animated
  • Concerts
  • Large Audience Events
  • Sporting
  • Outdoor such as tours, parks and performance
  • Museum Tours
  • Visitor Centers
  • Tech Talks, Symposium, Town Hall, City Council, Sermons and 
  • Other communications formats and concepts including AI
  • Promotion, project management, budget, presenters
Delivery methods – via webinar one-hour for Fundamentals Sections 1 and 2, approximately three-hours for Advanced Sections 1-3 and approximately five-hours for Expert Level Sections 1-4 courses if taken serially at the same time.

If taken separately, after students have attended the Fundamentals course, the Advanced (Section 3) class is approximately 60-90-minutes. Or after students have taken both Fundamentals and Advanced courses, the Expert Level (Section 4) course is approximately 60-90-minutes each (length is always is determined by student interaction and discussion), subject to change. Scheduling is extremely limited due to previously scheduled seminars. If you are ready to schedule, have special requirements or questions, call 303-594-1694 or email cross@gocross.com - classes on weekends and evenings are available.

Scheduling and Terms – Tuition and webinar fees are prepaid prior to confirmation of delivery date. Payment methods include credit cards, PayPal, ACH/wire. Due to the breadth and depth of this seminar, all topics may not be discussed due to student questions and class interaction. Course topics or terms may change without notice. NOTE: Moneyback guaranteed.

If you have any questions regarding specific content presented or want specific topics or issues addressed, please email or call. The author and presenter have used their best efforts in preparing this seminar and the programs contained in it. These efforts include the development, research, and testing the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness.
The author and presenter make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation contained in this seminar. The author and presenter shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. Seminar topics and terms are subject to change without notice.
Please subscribe to keep up on virtual events, crisis management, video streaming, AI, virtual technology and many other innovative subjects.
Please join the largest Linkedin Group in SD-WAN, 5G, TeleHealth, Virtual Sales, Teleworking, Virtual Events, SaaS, Enterprise, Safe and Clean Workspaces PandemicTech - click on image below.
One attendee noted, “These classes are critical to show customers and partners leadership by leaning-in and leading from the front now and in the future.”
Get ready now for the new Virtual Re-Opened Business World

Executive Webinar Series Available Topics include:
- Social Distancing Designed Workspaces Blueprintd Places
- Top-10 Hot Crisis-Driven Innovations & Opportunities
- Top-10 ReThink > ReGroup > ReBuild > ReBound Innovations and Opportunities
- Virtual Selling Seminar & Strategy – Critical Success Factors for The New Virtual Sales Force
- Top-10 in Virtual Events & Digital Meetings Moving Minds, Not Matter
- Top-10 Teleworking Beating Commuting and Viruses Too !
- Executive Seminar on Building an Artificial Intelligence Market & Business Validation & Leadership Professional Certification
- Understanding Software Defined Networks (SD-WAN) Executive Level
- Building a Competitive Intelligence Agency (CIA) with AI
- Top-10 Critical Concepts in Business Resiliency
- Top 10 Critical Concepts in Crisis Management Communications
- Enterprise Sales UP Market UP Margin Acceleration Presentation
- Building Strategic Customer Market Assessments

Click here or on image for detailed course outlines in PPT and custom content available including conversion of current content.

Proven Results and Innovation in
Market/Product Design-Development-Delivery
Top-10 Coming Crisis-Driven Innovations - Webinar

Pandemics will be more frequent, intense and global as "history is only a prologue" to the future, to not prevent them much less reduce their economic, biological, climate or human impacts. Concepts like AI, machine learning and intelligent technologies are more like weather forecasts based on historical models, again not a panacea for what is coming next or even insights. From decades of research in business, economic development, terrorism and other areas, the bottom-line is, "you cannot predict, nor react fast enough, you can only direct your customers to your strategy." This really means that crisis-driven innovation much be integrated into your current and emerging business models and forecasts. This webinar will focus on key innovations and opportunities coming and a few ideas to be ready to the next one. They up to 10 sub-categories within each major category which are:
1 - Clean
2 - Green
3 - Intelligence
4 - Movement
5 - Space
6 - Place
7 - Mind
8 - Body
9 - Random
10 - Next
Additional time for discussion is available and recommended.
Evaluations from previous classes - “Getting a fresh look at how we should do rather not do social media was worth the course alone plus the ”heat map” approach was really insightful.” S.R. CMO. “You think you know everything and are really ready but you are just a fool in the dark. This seminar amped up our readiness.” R.E. CM. “After Boeing, Covid19 every CMO and CEO should get this for their company.” R.R. CMO
This webinar is available and please email for complete outline and scheduling.
This executive keynote presentation is focuses on responding to critical crisis communications conditions. The world by all standards is not more stable but is actually significantly more vulnerable due to sabotage, espionage, and crises of all kinds. A crisis management solution is a series of online tools/apps designed to assist, guide, track and manage all corporate communications activities in a timely manner. While we would like to think there is one term to describe responses in a crisis, there is not one type of crisis nor one word to cover all situations critical to any crisis communications. Increasingly, social networks are filled with toxic nonsense, mis and disinformation, weaponized media, shamers, haters, privacy violations, fake and deep fake which you cannot predict. You cannot react to crisis’s; you can only direct a strategy to manage personal and company messaging. There are 10 reasons for acquiring and using a crisis management team as well as tools/apps as it is "not if but only when" a crisis, disaster or terrorist attack will happen. 
The Top 10 Critical Crisis Concepts are: Communications, Context, Contact, Collaboration, Connections, Consistency, Channels, Compliance, Cynchronicity and Customers. This seminar will review, navigate and provide actionable tools to help you manage the upcoming crisis coming to you and your business. 
To schedule this webinar, please email cross@gocross.com
Here are a few reviews of the presentation:
“Getting a fresh look at how we should do rather not do social media was worth the course alone plus the ”heat map” approach was really insightful.” S.R. CMO  
“You think you know everything and are really ready but you are just a fool in the dark. This seminar amped up our readiness.” R.E. CMO  
After Boeing, Coronavirus every CMO and CEO should get this for their company.” R.R. CMO
Top-10 Teleworking Beating Commuting and Any-Virus Too !

1 - Driving factors for not driving at all - costs, health, productivity
2 - Virtual office - anywhere-anytime
3 - Flextime goes flexplace
4 - People issues in the office or anywhere
5 - Digital transformation changing jobs - any job can do some telework
6 - Why telework fails and the darkside
7 - Converging and emerging communications technologies
8 - Management and cost analysis
9 - Getting the home really telework ready
10 - Future global and local issues and options
Tom Cross is seriously one of the great thought leaders of our era. Having written more than 1,000 articles on the widest range of technology, applications and business leadership, he has helped 100s of companies accelerate their performance and succeed in their pursuits. He is a superb strategist and thinker with the ability to design and deliver on marketing, product development and channel management. I also strong recommend him for his work ethic and leadership skills."
Evan Kirstel Social Media Expert
Becoming a global social media influencer and thought leader in the technology industry demands a rare mix of communication and marketing expertise combined with broad and deep technical experience. Tom is a thought leader in both B2B IT and B2C application solutions. He has content development and delivery skills across a wide range of technologies including AI, social media, social selling, mobile apps, IoT, IoMT, network security, blockchain, machine learning and quantum computing. He has a unique ability to translate complicated technologies and opportunities into actionable insights for business leaders from the C-level to the floor-level. If you need help generating and communicating compelling stories about your technology products and services, I recommend you contact Tom. He will challenge you to think differently and act differently in how you communicate the value of your solutions to customers, partners and markets.”
Roger Toennis – Senior Director Gartner - Retired
Need custom onsite, online-webinar or elearning course design, development and delivery, ask about special offers for scheduling courses in 2020/21 now. Click on email button below or tele to get going.
For scheduling, please email cross@gocross.com or call 303-594-1694 and ask about special offers for 2020 and even 2021.