Digest Newsletter | April 2020
TECNA Board Chair Message
To say these are extraordinary times would be understatement. This pandemic is really like nothing most of us have had to live through, and as we are adjusting every day to cope. We also know this is far from over, and it is hard to predict what the new normal will look like when it is. During these past few weeks, I have been struck by the ingenuity, the focus, and the innovative spirit of our colleagues across the TECNA community. One of the expressions we have heard so frequently is “we are all in this together”. That has always been the spirit of TECNA, our DNA if you will, and it has never been more apparent as we learn from each other and support each other in these trying times. We are all working to help flatten the curve, we've closed our offices to the public, we are working from home, we are finding innovative new ways to support our member companies as virtual delivery of our programs and services has become essential. In a very real sense, this is an opportunity for us all to learn how to do business differently, to be innovative, to begin to shape, in a very real way, how we will conduct our business in the future. At the same time, the uncertainty of the situation leads to anxiety for so many, to stress, to depression. And so, as we all work to carry on, to work through this, it is so important that we remember to be kind, be supportive, and be patient. We are all in this together, and we have to do our part to make sure we all come through this together. Stay safe everyone.
Doug Robertson
TECNA Board Chair
President & CEO
Venn Innovation, Inc
TECNA CARES Act Advocacy
TECNA Urges Paycheck Protection for Tech Associations
On April 6, 2020, TECNA, along with nearly the entire U.S. membership, sent a letter to the U.S. Congress and the Trump Administration urging that trade and membership associations can apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) under the CARES Act. To read the full letter, click here. TECNA also published a news release, to see the news release click here .
TECNA Member News
Wisconsin Technology Council CEO shares his piece, "In cloudy times for business and economy, some signs of silver linings" - read here .

Tampa Bay Tech CEO shares a personal piece on COVID-19 called, "Extending a Virtual Elbow" - read here .

Northern Virginia Technology Council prepared an online COVID-19 Resource Center - found here . Also check out the latest articles in NVTC's online magazine - The Voice of Technology .

WEtech Alliance shares how Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent tech community have stepped up to combat COVID-19 - read here .

Technology Association of Iowa is proud to release Season 3 of the Technically Iowa Podcast. Technically Iowa is a podcast highlighting innovators and leaders across the state of Iowa. Technically Iowa is proudly sponsored by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) - Listen Now

TechBirmingham shares about launch of Education Farm in Birmingham in partnership with Apple: Alabama News Center , Biz Journals , Bham Now .

Minnesota High Tech Association shares a recent blog post from an organization who turned to their SciTech Internship Program to help with increased workload - read here .

TechPoint shares an Inc. Magazine article recognizing Indianapolis as as startup city and TechPoint's role in the talent pipeline - read more.

Venn Innovation shares their blogpost, "How Atlantic Canadian SMEs Can Manage The Current and Next COVID-19" - read here.

Arizona Technology Council CEO shares a BizJournal article about AZTC members responding to call for action, even reinventing themselves, in response to the COVID-19 crisis - read here .

KC Tech Council shares an interview with Mark Houpt, from DataBank, who speaks on attending the TECNA DC Fly-in with the KC Tech Council delegation - read more .
2020 Innovation Awards
The 2nd annual TECNA Innovation Awards will recognize staff of TECNA member councils who have been integral to develop and implement innovative and impactful work on behalf of their tech associations. The work being nominated should have a milestone in 2019.

Nominations may be made by TECNA member council staff, a member of your tech council or Board, or by a community or government partner of your tech council.

Award categories include:
  • Membership Retention & Recruitment
  • Creative Marketing & Communications
  • Talent Pipeline & Workforce
  • Major Impact on Tech Community
  • Public Policy/Advocacy
Communities of Interest Webinars
TECNA Communities of Interest (COI) are peer-to-peer collaborations and information-sharing groups exclusively for members: membership, events, workforce and communications.

During webinars, conference calls and Slack Group communications, TECNA members share best practices and gain valuable insights on solving common challenges.

Bi-weekly Events Community Online Huddle
Informally discussing challenges and best practices in online events every-other-Friday.

Membership Community of Interest Webinar
Date & Time: TBD

Workforce Planning Committee Webinar
If you'd like to be added to this committee, please contact Alina at ahardy@tecna.org .
Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 11:00am PDT/2:00pm EDT

Additional Q2 Community of Interest Webinars to be announced soon.

Requests or ideas for Community of Interest webinar topics, contact the COI Chairs:

Recent past COI call recordings and slide decks are available for download in the members-only portal on the TECNA website. Login at tecna.org/login and click on the Resources tab to view.

For more information about COIs, please contact Alina Hardy: ahardy@tecna.org .
Save the Date: 2020 TECNA Summer Conference
Wednesday - Friday, July 22-24, 2020

The 2020 TECNA Summer Conference will be hosted by TECNA member Pittsburgh Technology Council and held in Pittsburgh, PA, in July 2020.
Call for Presentations - TECNA Summer Conference
The TECNA Summer Conference Planning Committee invites speaker recommendations and presentation proposals for the 2020 TECNA Summer Conference.

Below is a list of the tentative session topics planned for the event.
  • Powering Emerging Tech Councils
  • Talent Attraction
  • New Revenue Streams
  • Engaging the Millennial Workforce
  • Engaging Members Outside of Events
  • Benchmarking Dues Structures
  • Marketing/Branding Your Region
  • Strategic Partnerships
All presenters and panelists are expected to register for the conference and are responsible for their own travel expenses.
Please send any speaker recommendations or presentation proposals to Alina Hardy, TECNA Project Coordinator, at ahardy@tecna.org .
TechGirlz Partnership Opportunities for TECNA Members
TECNA and TechGirlz are partnering in 2020 to offer member tech councils the opportunity to host a workshop.

The TechGirlz program works to make learning technology both thrilling and inviting for middle school girls, through their free extra curricular workshops (or TechShopz as their coined them!). From programming to robotics, web/app design, genetics and beyond, there is so much for the TechGirlz to experience. Their vision is to create a world where girls have a lifelong passion and confidence in their use of technology throughout their careers.

TECNA member councils interested in organizing a TechGirlz workshop please contact Alina Hardy, ahardy@tecna.org.
Subscribe to TECNA Event Calendars
Click a link below and follow the prompts to synchronize with the default calendar on your system (if available). To synchronize with a different calendar, copy and paste the desired URL into your calendar software in the location where feeds are accepted, often identified with "Subscribe", "Add Calendar", etc.

Contact Alina for assistance, ahardy@tecna.org.
TECNA on Slack
Join TECNA's community on Slack exclusively for TECNA Member Council staff. Slack Channels include membership, events, talent/workforce and private channel for CEOs. A policy Slack Channel will be launching soon.
TECNA Members Only

You can group chat, private message, share files and search the discussion archive for help and best practices shared by other members.

Contact Alina Hardy with questions about Slack.
Thank You to TECNA's Strategic Sponsor
Keep Us Informed
We are always looking to provide valuable content to TECNA members. If you have any suggestions for content in the TECNA Digest, please email: news@tecna.org.