Fall 2021
Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative
Good morning and welcome to the 2021-2022 school year!  
Times are, again, uncertain and stressful as the school doors opened this year. New initiatives, more training, and more anxiety face you every day. Know that we are here to help guide the instructional process. We stand by and with teachers and administrators across this vast state. Welcome to your new partnership if you are new to TEKS Resource System, and thank you for your continued support and use for returning districts!
Summer never stops the work of educators. The Content Development team, ESC Specialists from all 20 Service Centers, and contracted teachers have continued the revisions, updates, and new development for our documents, assessment items, and resources. Remember, we need your feedback to ensure we all are on the same pathway. Ensuring student success can be challenging, but together it will happen.
Thinking about next summer seems a long way ahead of September, but please mark your calendar now for June 27-29, 2022. This is the date for TEKSCON 2022, and we have already started the planning process. Beautiful San Antonio offers many personal perks, and TEKSCON 2022 offers professional growth, networking, and renewal opportunities for a new school year. This summer’s conference was very successful, with our Keynote speaker Gerry Brooks bringing us joy, reflection, and laughter. We expect and anticipate the same results next summer. Keep an eye on upcoming announcements regarding registration and applications to present your expertise.  
Have a great fall and please, contact your ESC Specialist for questions regarding TEKS Resource System. We are here to help!  

With Best Wishes,
Ann Graves
Director TEKS Resource System
June 27-29
San Antonio, Texas
TEKS Review and Revision
Implementation Timeline
Implementation Schedule for Upcoming TEKS Revisions:

  • School Year 2021-2022: Revised Pre-K Systems
  • School Year 2022-2023: Revised Health/PE
  • School Year 2024-2025: Revised Science AND Revised K-8 Tech Apps
  • School Year 2025-2026: Revised Social Studies
Thank you, teachers and leaders, for your brilliance and resilience during this challenging time. You are an inspiration and we’re proud to be your partner. Please see our message of appreciation for your hardwork below.
New STAAR Item Types
Coming in 2022-2023
Limit of 75% multiple-choice on STAAR operational in 2022-2023
HB 3906 establishes a cap so that no more than 75 percent of any State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) test can be multiple choice. This takes effect for all STAAR tests by the 2022–2023 school year to align with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) 's legislative requirement to develop a plan to move to a full electronic administration by 2022–2023. Electronic assessments will potentially allow for a greater variety of test questions. The new cap on multiple-choice questions will require changes to the design of the state assessments. Educators began providing input during summer 2019 to help inform the new design.
TEA is developing new types of questions and will continue to seek feedback from educators through various focus groups before field testing the new question types.
Check out these NEW resources to support planning and instruction!
Items are found in the formative assessment
item bank of the
Assessment Center.
Addressing the gaps in unfinished learning - available for Math, Science, and Social Studies
Available in all content areas under Resources. NEW Documents recently posted for ELAR and SLAR.
Science and Social Studies have flashcards available to help teach content specific vocabulary! They are found in the Resource folder and linked on the IFD.
Don't miss implementing the NEW formative Assessment items for
ELAR/SLAR found in the Assessment Center.
The Cross-Curricular Alignment Documents
will help you teach
smarter not harder!
Content Updates
RLA Update
Current Work and Recently Published:

Resource: K-12 (ELAR) / K-6 (SLAR) Backward Design Documents
  • Includes information taken directly from each IFD
  • Shows the alignment of Overarching and Unit Understandings, Questions, and Concepts to the Performance Assessments
  • Includes all units for an entire grade/course in two documents – one for each semester
  • Can be located in the Resource section for each grade/course
Resource: K-12 (ELAR) / K-6 (SLAR) Assessment Creator Passages by Unit
  • Includes the genre and title of all passages aligned to each unit
  • Includes both English and Spanish titles
  • Located in the Resource section for each grade/course
  • *Grade 2 - only has assessment passages in the second semester
Assessment: K-12 (ELAR) / K-6 (SLAR) Formative Assessment Items
  • 1st and 2nd six weeks posted, continued rollout through January 2022
  • Provide qualitative and quantitative data of student progress towards the unit and course goals.
  • Activate prior/background knowledge, skills, and understanding
  • Measure current knowledge, skills, and understanding
  • Assist in planning targeted instruction for whole group, small groups, and/or individuals
  • Located in the Assessment Creator

STAAR / TEA Update:

  • Grade 4 and Grade 7 Writing eliminated for Spring 2021-2022 administration
  • Multiple choice writing items field-tested in Spring 2021-2022 administration at all grade levels (full implementation 2022-2023)
TEKS Resource System response to STAAR / TEA testing changes

The RLA TEKS Resource System:
  • unit assessments already include multiple-choice, revising, and editing items for all tested grade levels ​
  • unit assessments already include short answer response items for all tested grade levels
  • stand-alone prompts for extended response at all tested grade levels; will add more once we know what the STAAR extended response items will look like
Mathematics and Matematicas Update
Welcome back, teachers! We hope everyone at your school is healthy and learning. Thank you for your diligence in working with the students in Texas. You are very appreciated!

Recently, we added resources for each grade level/course titled Instructional Considerations to Activate Purposeful Planning (ICAPP): Addressing the Gaps from Unfinished Learning to Maximize Current Grade Level Learning. Hopefully, you have had the time to examine and implement these resources in planning and everyday instruction. They are designed to address potential gaps from unfinished learning to maximize current grade-level learning and enhance the planning process. Analyzing prior knowledge expectations allows teachers to target instruction that moves students forward in learning while addressing possible unfinished learning and/or clarifying misconceptions to improve and reinforce student learning. So, strategic spiraling before, during, and after instruction is critical. Remember, these resources are to be used in conjunction with the Instructional Focus Documents (IFD). Don't hesitate to contact your local ESC if you are not familiar with these resources.

Currently, we are analyzing the STAAR released items for Spring 2021. Our team is looking at content, rigor, standard alignment, etc. As soon as our analysis is complete, we will update the STAAR resources in TEKS Resource System to include these released items. Additionally, we use this analysis to determine if enhancements should be made to TEKS Resource System components, such as specificity, assessment banks (Unit Assessment Bank and Formative Item Assessment Bank), misconceptions, etc.
We are continuing the review of TEKS Resource System assessment item banks to determine what items, if any, are needed for each student expectation. We will be developing additional unit assessment items and formative items throughout the year. 

One last update, we have added an enhanced EXCEL version of the resource titled Mathematics Suggested Engaging Literature K-12. The PDF and EXCEL versions of the literature list both contain the same information. The EXCEL version has been added to allow for sorting and/or filtering by grade level and/or concept. To allow for sorting/filtering by concept, any book titles with multiple concepts have been duplicated and listed in separate rows in the spreadsheet.

The TEKS Resource System Mathematics team is here to support you. Have a wonderful school year!  
Science Update
  • The Science I-CAPP tools for Grade 1 through Grade 5 are under development. Unit-specific I-CAPP information is being added on a rolling basis ahead of their use in traditional school calendars.
  • All remaining I-CAPP resources and IFD revisions will be complete by the end of September.

  • More NEW Formative Assessment Items are being added – Grades 6-8.
  • Currently calibrating the formatting of all Assessment Items for consistency.
  • K-8 Vocabulary Cards will be published in September.
  • New K-12 Science Development Contractors, including Anatomy & Physiology and Forensic Science
  • Beginning Winter 2021 – Contract opportunities for curriculum writers, curriculum reviewers, and grade band leaders are available on the ESC 13 Careers website.
Science TEKS Review and Revision
  • The recently adopted High School Science TEKS (Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC), and Physics) are scheduled for implementation beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.
  • The TEKS have become effective and are available in Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 112, Subchapter C, with “Adopted 2020” in the title. Please note that the “effective” date and “implementation” date are not the same.
  • Other High School Science TEKS courses: Aquatic Science, Astronomy, Earth Systems (formerly Earth Space Science), Environmental Systems, and a new Specialized Topics in Science independent study course.
  • Specialized Topics in Science is scheduled for implementation beginning with the 2022-2023 school year.
  • The other courses are scheduled for implementation beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Work group drafts can be found on TEA’s Science TEKS Review webpage.

  • The SBOE’s TEKS review process for Kindergarten-Grade 8 and CTE courses, including Anatomy and Physiology and Forensic Science, is still underway.
  • During the August/September SBOE meeting, the SBOE made their first round of amendments for these courses.
  • The starting language for K-8 Science can be found as an attachment to the SBOE Agenda.
  • Amended K-8 Science TEKS will be posted on TEA’s Science TEKS Review webpage soon. You can watch the SBOE videos of amendments made during the 9/1/21 and 9/3/21 meetings on the TEA Admin Monitor webpage.
  • The language for CTE courses can be viewed on the TEA CTE Review and Revision webpage.

VOICE Your Opinion:
  • Follow the instructions on the following page(s) to submit feedback to TEA regarding K-8 Science and CTE workgroup recommendations and SBOE’s First Reading Amendments. Feedback may be sent via email to [email protected] with relevant TEKS Review in the subject line.
  • Subscribe to updates from TEA.

Social Studies Update
Completed rollout of Vocabulary Idea Completions
The summer of 2021 culminated in the completion of the rollout of several additional tools for social studies teachers. All secondary courses now have available additional formative assessment items around unit vocabulary. These items are written so that students use vocabulary in context and appropriately as opposed to just providing a memorized definition. Items are found in the formative assessment bank of the assessment center. An associated resource is available titled “Vocabulary Idea Completions Guide” and provides a deeper explanation of their use.

Social Studies TEKS Revisions
Social Studies TEKS Revisions
The Texas State Board of Education accelerated the review and revision of social studies TEKS by moving the work to this year. TEA has released an application to join revision committees. You can find an application to join the committees at https://tea.texas.gov/academics/curriculum-standards/teks-review/2021-2022-social-studies-teks-review.
New TEKS will come into force for the 2025-26 school year.
Revision of the curriculum and assessment in the TEKS Resource System will commence after the completion of the review. We will need your expertise, so look for opportunities to help after the revisions are completed.

Professional Organization Opportunities
Fall is the season for many conferences for social studies professional organizations. The state organizations of The Texas Council for the Social Studies and the Texas Social Studies Supervisors Association host a joint conference November 11-14, 2021. The conference is currently scheduled for the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock. Visit www.txcss.net for details. Additionally, the National Council for the Social Studies will be hosting a virtual conference from November 15-21, 2021. Visit www.socialstudies.org for details.
Don't miss these updates!