Temple Israel Reform Congregation
of Staten Island
315 Forest Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
Rabbi Michael D. Howald
Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Sandy Mazzucco, Felicia Otto
E-Shalom - AUGUST 2022
Temple Israel’s Electronic Bulletin
“Shalom, Welcome to Temple Israel....” is a phrase taught to us by Carole Lachman, a beloved, long-time congregant and bulletin editor who died in 2002. We named our bulletin in her honor and worked to realize her vision of Temple Israel as a community that welcomes the stranger and lets no one stand alone. As we move to a new version of this tradition of communicating with our Temple Israel family, we continue to forward Carole’s vision, love and devotion for our synagogue.
The current Covid policy regarding participation in on-site activities within our building as adopted by your Board is:
Adults and children 16 and up must show proof of vaccination or present a negative Covid test result taken within the previous 5 days
All children must remain with their parents or guardian except during school classes or organized children’s activities.
Masks must be worn at all times on the Temple grounds.
Proof of vaccination is to be shown upon entry (copy of certificate or phone app).
Copies of proof may be submitted to the Temple office in advance of your arrival.
We thank you for your cooperation in maximizing the safety of our Congregants and our Temple.
We are aware of the changing guidelines from the state and CDC. We will monitor them carefully, adapting them as needed to maximize protection for our temple's unique population.
Erev Shabbat Services take place IN PERSON. Live-stream links, for those unable to join us, will be e-mailed to all congregants, along with the Friday night Progam, every Friday. The Zoom link for Saturday morning Torah Study and Services can be found below. (Please check weekly News and Notes and the Friday Night Program for any updates or changes.)
July and August Shabbat Morning
Torah Study at 10:00 a.m. followed by Services at 11:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 816 9177 5909
Passcode: 812020
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Meeting ID: 816 9177 5909
Passcode: 812020
Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Shabbat, available
Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Youth, available
A Message from
Rabbi Michael D. Howald
Every year, a few months before the beginning of the High Holy Days, I start seeing requests, usually by email or Facebook, to address a particular modern-day issue in my sermons on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. At around the same time, editorials start appearing in the Jewish press about why rabbis must always, or must never, address politics in their comments from the bima. I have never totaled the number of opinion pieces on each of the issue but, like many other things in life, I have found that whether to talk about politics from the pulpit does not lend itself to an absolute or one-size-fits-all answer. That is why, before I decide to address a political issue in one of my sermons, I often struggle with whether it is appropriate and what is meaningful to say if it is. This year is no different.
I usually start with asking if the issue matters to our community. By this I do not just mean whether the topic concerns Temple governance or our synagogue rituals and practices. We are, each of us, part of many communities. We are Reform Jews, certainly, but we are also residents of Staten Island and New York, citizens of the United States and observers of the world beyond our shores. When a matter arises that affects or concerns many of us in all our complex identities, Torah does not limit itself to teaching about what an ancient people did or believed more than 3,000 years ago and more than 3,000 miles away. Indeed, the sages of our tradition maintained that Torah contains lessons about every aspect of life, past, present, and future: “Turn it and turn it again, for everything is in it. Reflect on it and grow old and gray with it. Don’t turn from it, for nothing is better than it.” (The Sayings of Our Ancestors, 5:22). Based on this and other teachings, Jewish tradition maintains that Torah remains as relevant today as it was in ancient Israel.
Given the depth and breadth of what Jewish tradition has to say about human behavior and the search for the sacred over thousands of years, it is hardly surprising that Torah still has a lot to teach us, even about how to think about modern political issues. The Hebrew prophets were acute observers of politics and the complexities of power. Indeed, as Moshe Halbertal and Stephan Holmes maintain in their recent publication about the Book of Samuel, the Hebrew Bible addresses deep structural themes about human relationships that remain resonant wherever and whenever political power is at stake. (The Beginning of Politics at 1). Indeed, the Hebrew prophets are among the earliest examples we have of those willing to “speak truth to power.” The Central Conference of American Rabbis, building on the long Jewish tradition of demanding justice and righteous behavior from our leaders, reaffirmed “social action and social justice as a central prophetic focus of traditional Reform Jewish belief and practice” in the latest platform of our movement (1999 Statement of Principles).
Once I have decided that an issue is important to our community, accordingly, I ask myself if I have Torah to teach. I could, if I wished, for example, give a sermon about the development of the right of privacy in American jurisprudence since Roe v. Wade but that is not why I became a rabbi. I still enjoy reading and talking about secular legal topics, but Jewish clergy are, first and foremost, teachers of Torah. For that reason, I usually avoid topics if I cannot say something meaningful about them based on Jewish texts and tradition. They may be of interest, but they do not, in my view, fulfill my duty as a teacher of Torah.
If I have Torah to teach, accordingly, I may decide to address a political issue of interest to our congregation. When I do so, my primary goal is to invite us to think about a topic, not according to the partisan positions of the day, but from a Jewish perspective formed long before founding of the United States. By presenting this viewpoint, I hope to remind us that, while our technology has changed since Sinai, human behavior remains the same. Jewish tradition, formed over centuries of dialogue and thought, often provides insights that are surprisingly relevant to modern political issues. When the opportunity arises to present those insights on a political issue significant to our members, accordingly, I have sometimes elected to address them from the bima. In doing so, I follow in the footsteps of those who taught Torah before me, from the rabbis who taught and ordained me all the way back to Moses and Joshua.
Tisha B'Av, observed on the 9th (tisha) of the Hebrew month of Av, is a day of mourning the destruction of both ancient Temples in Jerusalem. Liberal Judaism never has assigned a central religious role to the ancient Temple, so mourning the destruction of the Temple may not be particularly meaningful to liberal Jews. In modern times, many Jews understand Tishah B'Av as a day to remember many tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people throughout history, and to reflect on the suffering that still occurs in our world.
Customarily, Tisha B'Av is a time set aside for fasting and mourning. As on Yom Kippur, the fast extends from sundown until the following sundown. In the synagogue, the Book of Eichah (Lamentations) is chanted, as are kinot, which are dirges written during the Middle Ages. Sitting on low stools, a custom associated with mourning the dead, Jews read sections of the books of Jeremiah and Job, as well as passages from the Bible and the Talmud that deal with the Temples' destructions in 586 B.C.E. and 70 C.E.
Some Jewish communities begin a period of semi-mourning three weeks before Tisha B’Av, on the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz. It was supposedly on this day in 586 B.C.E. that the Babylonians first made an incursion into the Temple in Jerusalem. Beginning on this date, Jews who observe this custom refrain from holding weddings and festive celebrations or cutting their hair. The mourning intensifies on the first of Av, with no meat or wine consumed, no new clothing purchased, and no shaving allowed. On the evening before Tisha B’Av, a 24-hour fast begins, and in synagogue services, the Book of Lamentations is chanted. When Tisha B’Av falls on Shabbat, its observance begins after Shabbat ends and extends into the next day.
For most liberal Jews, Tisha B'Av has faded in importance as a ritual observance, as the rebuilding of a central Temple in Jerusalem has lost its priority and significance in modern times.
Although historians dispute the fact that both Temples were destroyed on this day, Tisha B’Av has become a symbol of Jewish suffering and loss. Over the centuries, other tragic events have come to be commemorated on this day, including the brutal massacres of the Crusades, the Jewish expulsion from Spain, and the Holocaust.
Click on the image for a video explanation of
Tisha B'Av
suitable for the entire family.
Topic: Tisha B'Av to Tu B'Av
Time: Aug 6, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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A Message from the Co-Presidents
When we read a message from Presidents it might possibly be a serious topic, a religious topic, or a request for money. This message is none of the above.
The summer months have been ones dedicated to planning for the coming Temple Israel year. The four of us are determined to coordinate and provide for a positive, productive year at our synagogue.
This message is a one of THANKS to each of you in our congregation who supported the “ 22 AND YOU” fundraiser. As you well know, the past 2 1/2 have been stressful. Planning our annual Gala for June, 2022 was filled with too much uncertainty. We could not commit to an in-person event so we initiated an alternate plan to raise the money.
After brainstorming at my house my husband, Richard, came up with the title of “ 22 AND YOU”, and Jodi Siegel created our logo. We send out letters to each one of our members. Jodi was the mastermind as the contributions came in, and our very able bodied committee made many follow-up phone calls. Thank you to Terry Baver, Linda Brill, Jerry Gross, George Kurlander, Sandy Mazzucco, Felicia Otto, Nina Rohan, Judy Scher, Philip Straniere, and Lissa Winchel for all of your effort on this important project.
We have received donations from our Board of Trustees, the Sisterhood, Brotherhood, from merchants and from YOU. The incredible generosity of each of you has resulted in an intake, as of July 1, 2022, of $35,649.00. We had the hope when we created this year’s Temple Israel budget to raise $30,000 ( and this was just a hope). We have more than succeeded.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! These funds will be used to maintain our building, pay necessary people and bills, and increase what we can do for each of you during the year!!!!!
The four of us are determined to work as a team - thank you for working with our team to make Temple Israel even stronger.
Bryn Biren
Linda Brill, Sandy Mazzucco & Felicia Otto
Dear Fellow Congregants,
As you know, the new fiscal year for Temple Israel 2022-2023 began on July 1st.
You have already received your Membership Form indicating your annual commitment for the coming year. Please fill out this form as completely as possible so that we may have accurate and current information for you and your family. As you review this document, you will see that you have a few options for honoring this commitment. You may choose to submit your amount in full via check, by means of a credit card payment or by submitting post-dated checks or monthly credit card payments according to the provided template.
(N.B. – If you have not received your statement, please contact me at 917-873-4739)
Your timely return of the document with your commitment satisfaction will enable us to provide you with your Temple membership document which will serve as your admission ticket for this year’s High Holiday Services. Please be reminded that attendance is limited to members in good standing.
Should you wish to have non-members or other family members join us at these Services, Guest Seating will be available according to the following template:
- Non-members: $234 per person
- Unaffiliated relatives of members:
- Adult Family Members: $180 per person
- Adult Children: $126 per person
- Parent/In-law Parent: $90 per person
Please feel free to contact me via the Temple office should you wish to discuss any matter regarding your annual commitment.
We look forward to having you continue as a member of Temple Israel and availing yourself of all that we have to offer you and your family.
Thank you in advance for your on-going support of Temple Israel.
Alan Siegel
Financial Secretary
Please consider becoming a member of our
It helps to make membership available to all our families. Speak to our Financial Secretary to upgrade your membership.
Please join us for our summer services with music led by Jim Rohan and other special guests.
I am so excited to return to Temple Israel, which was such a significant part of my cantorial and family life. I look forward to making more music and memories with old friends and new. Right now I am in Colorado celebrating Chaya and Devon’s wedding. I will be back east in August, ready to begin preparing for the High Holy Days with two Thursday choir rehearsals (August 11 & 18.) We welcome new choir members! Try it - you’ll like it!
On Saturday evening, August 27, “The Cantor’s Last Cantata” a charming short film about my retirement concert at my congregation in Brooklyn, will be shown as part of the Staten Island Summer of Shorts festival. I hope you will join me there (and vote for our film for the Peoples Choice Award!) Details at:
Looking forward to a great year at Temple Israel!
Your old and new cantor,
Suzanne Bernstein
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, August 11- 7:00 pm
Thursday, August 18- 7:00 pm
CANTOR SUZANNE BERNSTEIN on the marriage of her daughter, Chaya Coppersmith to Devon Ferguson;
SANDRA & LESTER FEUERSTEIN on their 50th wedding anniversary;
SHARIANN & JEFF GANZ on their retirement from the DOE; KAREN WOLFF & JAY DUSKIN on the birth of their grand nephew, Simon Usher.
August 5, 2022
Shirley Ann Hirsh *
Sylvia Marcus
Jacob Price *
Shimonov Mashiach
Yetta Weiss *
Lenore Herrmann
Jimmy Smith
Stella Blumin *
Jean Baruch *
Stanley Schuster
Augusta Straniere *
Marion Cohen
Emanuel Trachman *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Henryk Kowalczyk
Henzia Rippel
Morritz Katz
Henoch Taruts
Jacob Pinkassowitsch
August 12, 2022
Lila Avis *
Celia Holtz *
Alter Pisetzner
Betty S. Rothaus *
Isadore Marks Dumont
Claire Eisen *
Irwin Magnus
Harriet Taylor
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Alfred Spiegel
Ila Navi
Ahron Scheuerman
Rachel Liberman
Abraham Pais
August 19, 2022
Lewis Dickar *
Gertrude Sappin *
Fannie Feldhamer *
Renee Nadel
Audrey Lasher *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Gertrud Loewi
Antonie Bannink
Karl Feust
Yakov Tobiasz
Aime Georges
August 26, 2022
Max Baskin
Rose Jaeger *
Joseph Silberberg
Bertram Bleiman
Emil Checchi
Louis Friedburg
John David Muhlfelder *
Cynthia Roiter
Eva Benjamin *
Bella Bronzaft
Vera Armstrong
Lena Goldberg *
Sarah Miriam Gross *
Celia Holtz *
Mary Krisburg *
Rose Lippman
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Ciza Herz
Suzanne Sanger
Wolf Behm
Zanwel Jochymowicz
Josef Vagner
* These names are on our Memorial Wall.
Erev Shabbat Services
Friday, August 5
Celebration of August
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Service at 7:00 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, August 12
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, August 19
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, August 26
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Torah Study and Shabbat Services
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.
As we continue in a summer mode at Temple Israel the Ritual Committee is grateful to the many congregants who have volunteered to lead Shabbat Services and Study.
Libby Gershansky and Jerrold Gross were our prayer leaders at Erev Shabbat Services on July 8th and July 15threspectively when Rabbi Howald was on vacation. And Jim Rohan is our summer musical leader at Erev Shabbat Services.
For the month of July our Saturday morning Torah Study leaders included Linda Brill, Arnie Grossman (2x), JR Rich and Barbara Fried and in August we look forward to studying again with Barbara as well as Kathi Kass, Maxine Cohen and Judy Lee. Our summer Saturday Morning prayer leader is Pamela Carlton with Jaimie Blackman and/or Dr. Ken Pickover when they are available.
Please note there will be a Tish B’ Av Study Session on Zoom led by Rabbi Howald on Saturday August 6th at 6:00PM “From Lament to Loving “. Please see further information elsewhere in this E-Shalom Bulletin and in the weekly News and Notes.
Looking ahead to the High Holy Days, you should have received information by mail about the Memory Book that is distributed during the Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur afternoon. The Memory Book is an opportunity to remember family and friends. To participate in the Memory Book please follow the instructions provided in the mailing and return immediately to the Temple Office in the envelope provided.
For your information, the dates of the High Holy Days and Fall Festivals are as follows:
Selichot: Saturday September 17th
Erev Rosh Hashanah: Sunday September 25th
Rosh Hashanah First Day: Monday September 26th
Rosh Hashanah Second Day: Tuesday September 27th
Kol Nidre: Tuesday October 4th
Yom Kipper Day: Wednesday October 5th
Erev Sukkot: Sunday October 9th
Sukkot Day: Monday October 10th
Shemini Atzeret/Erev Simchat Torah: Sunday October 16th
Simchat Torah Day: Monday October 17th
We look forward to seeing you all in person at Temple.
Linda Brill, Jerry Gross Nina Rohan
Thank you to the following congregants for their assistance with ushering during services as well as for honoring the Congregation with their presence on the Bimah in July:
Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Pamela Carlton, Jeffrey Chason,
Deanna Feder, Barbara Feigelman, Sandy Feuerstein, Lester Feuerstein, Claire Guttsman, Dennis Guttsman, Richard Marlieb, Beverly Mazer, Sandy Mazzucco, Charles Nadel, Felicia Otto, Jacqueline Rabinowitz, Blanche Ricci, Pamela Rogozin,
Alan Siegel, Jodi Siegel and Inez Singer
Nina Rohan
Ushering Chair
We hope you are enjoying the summer warmth and sunshine, and spending time with friends and family.
As your presidents, we hope you join Sisterhood by sending in your dues, if you haven’t already. If this is your first year, membership for new Sisterhood members is complementary.
We are looking forward to a year of exciting activities as well as Rosh HaShanah (Sept 25-26) and Yom Kippur (October 4-5). To start off the year, we will be having a joint Sisterhood/Brotherhood meeting on
September 11th. Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, we will be having a General Sisterhood Meeting on October 2nd.
The fall is a busy time, and before we know it, we will be celebrating Sukkot with “Sipping in the Sukkah” and Simcha Torah with celebratory music and apples. November brings a Sisterhood Paid-Up Membership breakfast and other enjoyable programs planned by our fund-raising, membership, and programming committees.
In addition, we look forward to welcoming back Cantor Suzanne Bernstein in September as our part-time Cantor and choir leader.
We want to thank Maxine Cohen, ShariAnn Ganz, Barbara Fried, Sandy Feurstein, Pamela Carlton, and Miriam Friend for setting up and providing desserts for Friday services during July. Thank you, Terry Baver, for keeping a record of oneg helpers and sending out reminder notices. We always need volunteers for our onegs and we are especially grateful for help during July and August, and all through the year.
This is a good time to remind you to contact Blanche Ricci who is responsible for taking orders for the delightfully sweet honey bags she and her committee put together for Rosh HaShanah. Along that line, remember to join Temple Israel’s Community New Year’s Card. The card is designed by JD Lee, creative and artistic child of Judy Lee. Silvia Gornstein is the one to contact to send all members of the Temple Israel Family your good wishes with this beautiful New Year’s Card. Order early because the price goes up after August 12th. There are forms for the Honey Bags and New Year’s Card in this E-Shalom issue.
Thank you, Gayle Chason, Remy Smith, and Polina Leibovich who have organized the Social Action Fundraising Project “GotSneakers?” Please continue to donate socks and underwear for Project Hospitality. In addition, another box has been added for nonperishable, unexpired canned goods that will be brought to Project Hospitality by Pamela Carlton and distributed to those in need. Thank you, Pamela Carlton! And thank you all for your generosity.
We hope you will continue to join Temple Israel on Friday evenings (Erev Shabbat), partake in our onegs, and join us for the many enjoyable events Sisterhood has planned.
We are looking forward to a good, healthy, and sweet year and we welcome any suggestions and help.
In Sisterhood,
Judy Lee, Pamela Rogozin, Anita Zuckerberg
Brotherhood at Temple Israel continues….
As we now experience the warmest days of the summer season, it is also time to look ahead to the new year at Temple Israel. With your participation, Brotherhood will re-establish itself as a strong and purposeful ancillary organization.
More information will be shared in future correspondences as we look forward to creating collective and cooperative leadership, drawing from all areas of Temple membership, both veteran and newer members. Please be reminded that the mission of Temple Israel’s Brotherhood is to provide service to our congregants, particularly the children of our members.
Please stay tuned and prepare to become an active member of the newer and stronger auxiliary organization. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to contact me to offer your services.
Alan Siegel
We are sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted. Please contact John at the Temple Office to update your membership information.
The Sisterhood of Temple Israel would like to help you celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for you and your family.
You can share the joy of Shabbat and your birthday and/or anniversary by helping to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat on the Friday evening when we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for that month.
In addition to sponsoring the Oneg, the names of those celebrating appear in the Friday night program and celebrants are invited to the Bimah.
A contribution of $10 for birthdays and $18 for anniversaries is suggested to honor your special occasion and help the Temple at the same time.
Letters are sent out early in the month prior and payment would be appreciated before the first Friday of the month of the celebration.
I hope summer has been fun, restful and relaxing for all children and families! The Parents' Committee is hard at work planning for the school year. We met at the end of July to map out special Holiday celebrations and to discuss how to motivate more children to attend services and to engage while in attendance. As our school grows, we also will have a member of the committee serving as "Class Parent" this year. The class parents will be your point people regarding what is happening in your child's class. Thank you to the following class parents who have stepped up from the committee for this school year:
Kitonim: Jackie Rabinowitz
Kitah Alef: Sarah Sarfati
Kitah Bet: Polina Leibovich and Samantha Sherer
Kitah Gimel: Remy Smith
Friday, August 5th at 7:00pm is a Family Shabbat Service and we would love to have you come in from the sun and connect, pray and sing with us then.
Sunday, August 14th at 4:00pm we are hosting a school fundraiser at the Staten Island Ferryhawks. A portion of every ticket sold will be donated back to our school. Additionally, there will be raffles and lots of fun to be had! The flyer is attached here.
Finally, our school orientation will take place via zoom on Thursday, September 1st at 7:30pm. It is required that one adult family member attend this orientation to learn about the exciting activities going on, curriculum in our classes and expectations for our students at school.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Felicia Otto
Parents' Committee Chair
Click anywhere on the above flyer to print or download.
Click anywhere on the above flyer to print or download.
Shhh!!! Don’t say a word…Maybe?? Hopefully??? Okay,…YES!!
The exciting news is that Cantor Suzanne Bernstein is returning to Temple Israel and we couldn’t be more excited. The Membership Committee is sponsoring a Welcome back Oneg on September 16th and we need you to spread the word that we will all be singing and praying again with Cantor Bernstein.
The Membership Committee has been busy all summer. We are continuing our focus to gain new members across all different ages and generations. Plans are being worked on such as a movie night and discussion group and a game night which will combine a variety of different age groups. Information will be coming.[sic]
We are always open to new ideas for increasing membership and are looking forward to a wonderful year.
We will be having our next meeting on July 21st at 7:30 on Zoom.
Sandy Mazzucco and Claire Guttsman
Membership Committee Co-Chairs
2.Select "Change Your Charity"
3.Type in “Temple Israel Reform 4.Congregation of Staten Island"
5.Click Search
6.Click Select
7.Order as usual.
Temple Israel benefits!
Every Voice Every Vote Campaign- Primary voting is well under way across our country. In New York, the primaries were in two parts. The August primary will take place on August 23rd when we vote for U.S. House of Representatives and N.Y. State Senate.
Early voting will take place from August 13-21. For more information, including polling places and absentee ballots go to
Looking toward the November General Election, we think about what we can do to make sure that everyone has equal access to the polls and that all votes are counted. If you are interested in more information about how you can participate in voting efforts through the RAC, click on the link to the Every Voice Every Vote initiative here
The Torah teaches us to pursue justice which can only be achieved if everyone’s voice is heard. Watch for more information, in future E-Shalom issues as well as in the weekly News ‘n Notes.
There are so many social justice issues to think about in these troubling times- anti-semitism, access to abortion, allowing travel to enable access to abortion, gun violence, climate change and others. Follow the RAC at https://rac.org Read the Reform Movement’s position on these issues and contact your Senators and Congressional Representatives at the key moments when important bills are coming up for a vote.
Temple Israel Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Just what you need and just what they want!
The only place on Staten Island for all your Jewish gifts.
Special Orders available.
Some featured Judaica Shop items this month:
Contact Blanche Ricci at branchtr.ricci@gmail.com
if you are interested in any Judaica Shop items.
Please contact Steve Scher through the Temple Office for information.
Bryn Biren
Terry Baver
Avis Foundation Trustees
The mission of the Dr. Ronald Avis Foundation for Temple Israel Reform Congregation is:
…. to provide financial support for young families seeking membership in Temple Israel, and to attract new young families by providing learning opportunities, family programming, and social justice initiatives.
We hope you are enjoying a relaxing, tight-schedule free summer. We all need the down time before the Fall crunch.
The Avis Foundation is currently planning for the coming year. We will just spark your interest by letting you know that Cultureats, created by our very talented Alina Shteynberg, will return this year with four classes in the 2022-2023 for our children ages 9 and older. In addition we are planning for 4 Ceramics Classes at Wagner College for our children and their parents on Sunday afternoons in the Fall. As the weather grows colder we are also planning to offer a Theatre program for both our younger and older children at Wagner College during the weekend.
We are very much looking forward to rejuvenating the Children’s Choir at Temple Israel. Cantor Suzanne Bernstein is already planning to meet with our students on the Sundays when she will be at Temple Israel. Choir practices will take place immediately following Religious School at noon.
We are also investigating trips with specific Jewish topics throughout the year.
We will definitely we having a Purim Shpiel, under the direction of Cantor Bernstein. If any of you might be interested in assisting Cantor Bernstein please contact Bryn Biren at MsBunny7@aol.com.
In the coming year we want to encourage families to attend Shabbat services, especially the Family service on the first Friday of the month, beginning at 7:00 PM. Tot Shabbats will also return on the third Friday of each month. We will have a new starting time of 5:30 PM to accommodate our very youngest children.
As we say every month, if you know of a young family that might be interested in joining our Temple Israel family just contact Terry Baver at Terryqbaver@gmail.com or Bryn Biren at MsBunny7@aol.com and we will immediately follow up with a call.
An exciting year is coming, if you want to take a greater part in its planning we would be thrilled to include you!
Bryn Biren and Terry Baver
Book Discussion—Wednesday, September 7, 7:30 PM, on Zoom
We will discuss—“Lilyville, Mother, Daughter and Other Roles I’ve Played” by Tovah Feldshuh. This humorous but poignant memoir, by the actress we enjoyed in the role of Dr. Ruth Westheimer, will lead you to memories of your own childhood, and subsequent relationship with your mother. The discussion will be led by Judy Pessah.
Book Discussion—Wednesday, November 16, 7:30 PM, on Zoom
We will discuss—“People of the Book”, by Geraldine Books
This historical novel discusses fictional events surrounding the real historical past of Sarajevo Haggadah, one of the oldest surviving Jewish illuminated texts.
This discussion will be led by Anita Zuckerberg.
We are planning future trips to the Holocaust Center at Wagner College, to the Lower East Side, and to view some Jewish sites in Philadelphia.
We ask all congregants to join the members of the Adult Learning Committee in thinking of exciting ideas for future programs. If you have any ideas let us know and we can research the information. Feel free to contact Cheryl or Judy if you have some thoughts for the Committee.
Cheryl Levine and Judith Pessah
Adult Learning Committee Co-Chairpersons
Save the date November 19, 2022 for our next FUNdraising event.
Details to follow.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Trontz-Allen, Karen Frey-Gamoran, Lissa Winchel
Click the order forms above to print or download.
Monday, August 1- 6:00 pm
Thursday, August 4- 6:00 pm
Monday, August 8- 6:00 pm
Thursday, August 11- 6:00 pm
Monday, August 15- 6:00 pm
Thursday, August 18- 6:00 pm
Monday, August 22- 6:00 pm
Thursday, August 25- 6:00 pm
Monday, August 29- 6:00 pm
Instructor: Denise Nizzare
Sunday, August 7 -7:00 pm
Sunday, August 21 -7:00 pm
Sunday, August 28 -7:00 pm
Instructor: Katarina Smith
Classes are for ADULTS ONLY.
Both chair and mat students are accommodated at each class.
For more information, contact
Terry Baver at 718-490-4428 or
Bryn Biren at 718-447-6225
The cost of Yoga is:
Temple Israel members: $48 per month $6 per class
Non members : $10 per class
(Two people in a home pay only one fee)
Pilates classes are FREE.
Checks payable to:
Ronald Avis Temple Israel Foundation
Send monthly payment to:
Terry Baver. 30 Theresa Place. SI, NY. 10301
Contributions to Temple Israel as tributes, dedications or memorials are welcome and are published in the weekly Shabbat program.
Donations can be dedicated to the general Temple Israel Fund or to any of the following specific funds:
- Adult Education Fund
- Building Preservation Fund
- Caring Community Fund
- Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
- Choir Fund
- Confirmation Fund
Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration)
Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors)
- Liheyot Fund
- Membership Fund
- Prayerbook Fund
- Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund
- Shoah Education Fund
- Scholarship Fund
- Rabbi Michael D. Howald Fund for Social Action and Tikkun Olam
A $5.00 minimum donation is requested for these funds. Checks for donations to any of these funds should be made payable to Temple Israel.
PRAYERBOOKS may be dedicated in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. For specific prayerbooks and donation amounts, look for the Prayerbook icons found in this bulletin
Please make checks for Donations to the RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND payable to that fund.
Donations in any amount may be made to SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL or BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL with checks made payable directly to the affiliate organization.
For a leaf on the TREE OF LIFE in honor of a simcha, please scroll down.
For permanent MEMORIAL PLAQUES on our Family Memorial Wall or Original Memorial Wall, please call the Temple office at 718-727-2231.
To see list of all recent
Tributes and Program
Donations to Funds...
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Our E-Bulletin is shared with the entire Temple Israel Family and the Staten Island Community. If you are a local business or community organization and you would like to advertise in our monthly bulletin, please contact the Temple Office at 718-727-2231 or e-mail TICommunication@aol.com.