Monthly Update

July 2024

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Jun. 25-Dec. 5: Pasture Walk Series
  • Jun. 25-Jul. 30: Understanding Alternative Nutrient Amendments - Virtual Series
  • Jul 27: NSYF Summer Event
  • Aug. 7: 10th Annual Atlantic Forage Field Day
  • Sept. 15: Open Farm Day
  • Nov. 8-9: Maritime Beef Conference

Scroll down to Upcoming Events for more information on any of the above events!

The Nova Scotia Cattle Producers (NSCP) issue a monthly update to all members, occurring on the last Friday of each month. This is comprised of industry news and updates, upcoming events, upcoming sales and relevant articles.

If you have content to potentially be added, such as an upcoming cattle event, please contact the NSCP office at 902-893-7455 or

Industry News

Atlantic Canada TESA nominee: Holdanca Farms

Farming in harmony with nature can also help build resilience against weather variables.

Through proper management, Nova Scotia's Holdanca Farms can finish cattle and other livestock on grass on their 500-acre operation and at the same time protect and enhance the environment to the benefit of a wide range of flora and fauna.


It is definitely a win/win situation where proper management of forages and other natural resources on the farm supports economical livestock production while also benefiting the environment and diverse wildlife species as well.


The farm's management with nature-focused, regenerative and sustainable production systems, earned it recognition by the Maritime Beef Council as the 2024 Atlantic Canada recipient of The Environmental Stewardship Award (TESA).


"Proper pasture management is something that has been part of our approach to farming for many years," says John Duynisveld, who is the second generation on the family farm. "My dad started rotational grazing on a 10 acre field back in 1988 and it is still one of the most productive pastures on the farm. Grazing management was gradually applied to the whole farm by 1998."

Read the full blog on Holdanca Farms TESA nomination here!

Climate Adaptation Leadership Program (CALP) Lime Subsidy

The Climate Adaptation Leadership Program (CALP) have developed a new Lime Subsidy Program for Nova Scotia Cattle and Sheep Producers in good standing.

Cattle and sheep producers are eligible for $15/ton of lime purchases for pre-approval (up to a maximum 150 tonnes).

Applications will be accepted until September 30, 2024. Claims will be accepted until December 31, 2024 but can be submitted anytime after approval is received.

**Nova Scotia Cattle Producers are offering an additional $5/ton to eligible producers through the the 2024 Nova Scotia Soil, Pasture & Forage Management Program Application.

Climate Adaptation Leadership Program Lime Subsidy - Application

Why Lime?

The only reliable way to determine your soil pH is to take a soil sample.

pH influences many things in the soil, particularly the availability of nutrients. The ideal range is 6-7.

Similar to plants, which prefer to have a certain pH range, many microbes also prefer a certain pH range

At low pHs, unwanted plants such as weeds or mosses can thrive in environments where the more preferred plants do not outnumber them.

If the magensium as well as calcium levels are low on the soil test report, consider using dolomitic limestone.

The effectiveness of lime is measured by the calcium carbonate equivalency (CCE), which is identified by a percentage, where pure calcium carbonate is 100%. If using other sources to adjust pH, know the CCE of them.

**Above resources from: Nova Scotia Soil Newsletter (June 2024: All About Soil pH)

Canada Beef News Release -

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Announcement

July 8, 2024 – Calgary, Alberta – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Today, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced an investment of more than $6 million in two beef and cattle organizations through the AgriMarketing Program, an initiative under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The investment aims to drive the growth of Canada’s beef industry through promotional activities that increase awareness and demand for Canadian beef in existing and new markets.

Canada Beef is receiving up to $5,865,110 and the Canadian Cattle Association is receiving up to $453,364. The two projects incorporate promotional activities such as advertising campaigns, incoming and outgoing trade missions, technical training, and educational seminars.

Increasing trade in foreign markets will boost economic activity in Canada and positively impact farmers and businesses at all levels of the supply chain.

Read the full AAFC News Release here.

Canada Beef News Release

Use of pesticides in agriculture : Information from Health Canada

Health Canada's Pesticide Compliance Program (PCP) is responsible for promoting, monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) and its regulations.

The below document is a summary of the most relevant federal regulatory requirements applicable to the use of pesticides in agriculture. 

Use of pesticides in agriculture: Health Canada Documents

Climate Adaptation Leadership Program: Farm Highlight Opportunity

How have you adapted to our changing climate?

Big or small, we want to hear about the innovative practices you’ve been implementing.

Apply to have your farm highlighted by the Climate Adaptation Leadership Program team!

Approved producers could receive compensation up to $1,000!


If interested in being featured, please send an email of interest to, including a brief highlight of the issues you faced due to climate change, and how you overcame them! 

Open Farm Day


On Sunday, September 15th Atlantic Open Farm Day will be celebrated across all 4 Atlantic Provinces, and registration is open until July 31st for Nova Scotia farms! Farms can participate online and in person again this year.

Welcoming members of the public to your farm is a great way to give people a sneak peek at what farm life is like, gain new customers, and make connections in your community.

Even if you aren’t able to welcome people in person, or September isn’t your most exciting month on the farm, you can still participate. Virtual participants can go live on social media on Open Farm Day or submit pre-recorded videos (no need for professional skills here!). Virtual participation is a great way to showcase your farm when it’s at its best and to build your following online.


To be eligible to participate it is required that:

  • Your farm registration is current, you have adequate insurance coverage, and you are a member of the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture.
  • An in-person event provides an educational experience to the public and follows all current public health guidelines and/or a virtual visit on your farm provides an educational experience to the public.
  • You do not charge admission to visit your farm on Open Farm Day (paid activities are allowed)


If you’re new to Open Farm Day, want to learn more, or want to chat about what an Open Farm Day might look like for you/your farm, contact April at 902-893-2293 or

VBP+ Calving Book/Pocket Book

Are you in need of calving books? Verified Beef Production Plus is offering cattle producers calving books/pocket books for FREE by completing this order form.

Click Here for More Information!

Forage U-Pick

Visit Forage U-Pick Here

Current Opportunities: Nova Scotia

Check out the list of current opportunities available online HERE!

Beef Cattle Research Council Webinars & Podcast

Upcoming webinars have been updated on the BCRC website HERE!

The BCRC launched a podcast! The Canadian Beef Cattle Podcast will feature the most popular content from in a new audio format. Each week you’ll hear valuable information on topics ranging from animal health and productivity to feed and forage management, and much more. Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform or find weekly episodes on BCRC's podcasts page.

Transportation Manifests

As a reminder, the NSCP Livestock Transportation Manifest can be printed from our website, or books of 50 triplicate copies can be picked up from our office for a fee of $10.00.

Upcoming Events

Register here for this Virtual Series

Perennia: Pasture Walk Series

Come out for an insider look into local farm operations and community pastures throughout the province. Beef, sheep, poultry, hog producers and agronomists are encouraged to join! Are you interested in learning more about rotational grazing and improving pasture quality for your grazing livestock? The pasture walk extension topics will include soil health, rotational grazing, early season management, water management, multispecies grazing and more.

Visit the below link to register, as well as for the full detailed pasture walk schedule of dates, locations and topics!

Register here for the Pasture Walk Series
Register here for the Forage Field Day

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2024 Gold Sponsor


NSCP Programs:

Funding towards sire purchases, genomic testing and carcass ultrasound.

Application deadline: February 15, 2025

Funding towards the purchase of lime, and/or soil, manure or feed analysis.

Application deadline: November 30, 2024

Nova Scotia SCAP Programs:


Get Growing Program

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

This program supports small farms in adopting specialized infrastructure and equipment. The program helps with the expansion of local agricultural production for local markets.

Limestone Trucking Assistance Program

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

This program aims to help Nova Scotia farms defray the cost of trucking limestone to give equal opportunity in neutralizing the soil's acidity on agricultural land and improve production efficiencies.

On-Farm Automation and Innovation Program

Application Deadline: August 15, 2024

This program supports investments in innovative technologies that require testing and knowledge sharing in Nova Scotia before widespread adoption.

On-Farm Electrical Preparedness Program

Application Deadline: July 31, 2024

This program helps farms buy a backup generator and battery storage to support business continuity and preparedness for adverse weather.

On-Farm Technology Adoption Program

Application Deadline: August 15, 2024

This program helps producers invest in equipment and processes that provide labour efficiencies, reduce cost of production, increase yields and support more efficient use of inputs.

Planning New Opportunities Program

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

This program helps farms and agri-businesses be more competitive, manage transition, develop risk management strategies and respond to change.

Wildlife Damage Mitigation Program

Application Deadline: August 31, 2024

This program helps farms protect crops and livestock from wildlife damage to improve industry competitiveness and resilience.

For a complete listing of all Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture programs, please visit

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2024 Silver Sponsors

Upcoming Sales

Atlantic Stockyards Limited

Feeder Sales (10AM):

  • August 15

Producers are encouraged to pre-register all feeder cattle as early as possible.

Atlantic Stockyards Limited (ASL) will be listing pre-registered cattle on their website.

Click Here to visit their website!

Links of Interest

Check This Out!

Simply Verified Beef - The Podcast

The Verified Beef Production Plus podcast, Simply Verified Beef, focuses entirely on beef content.


Subscribe through your favourite podcast platforms, such as Spotify, iTunes or Google, or listen online at:

Facebook  Twitter