Missouri MUFON Meeting
August 12, 2021
6:30 pm CST
on ZOOM virtual webinar

Register in advance: www.missourimufon.org and click on "meetings."

ZOOM is a FREE online platform similar to Skype but with more options. We are using this platform for meetings and events. Visit www.zoom.us to sign up for free.
Missouri Ranks #14 for sighting reports
According to Cheryl Costa, author of The UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America, Missouri ranks #14 for UFO sightings from 2001 - 2020. This information was obtained from the National UFO Reporting Center and MUFON. During that time period 4,026 sightings were reported. Jackson County had the largest number of sightings at 724.
investigator looking with magnifying glass
Field Investigator Training Via ZOOM
Saturday, July 17, 2021
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

For current active field investigators and investigator trainees in Missouri this is a mandatory meeting per MUFON rules. Please mark your calendar and save the date. Other states - you are welcome to join us.

  • Lynne Mann will discuss evidence collection protocols
  • Larry Tyree will discuss the CMS and proper investigation techniques
  • Margie Kay presents: Investigator Tips, Tricks, and Tools
  • Debbie Ziegelmeyer will discuss an investigation layout timeline from start to finish.

There is no charge to attend
FIs only: Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Did you miss WORLD UFO DAY
July 2, 2021? We recorded it!
Watch it now for Free
Missouri MUFON in-person meetings are starting up again! Watch this newsletter and Facebook for meeting notices.

Kansas City MUFON will start meetings again in September on the second Tuesday of the month at the DAV building 14605 E 40 Hwy., Kansas City, MO 64136. This is a newer building on the south side of 40 Highway between Noland Rd and Lee's Summit Rd. $5 meeting admission does not include dinner. Dinner and social 5:30 - 6:30 pm. Meeting starts at 6:30 pm. No dinner orders after 6:30 pm. No children under age 16 please. Handicap accessible and plenty of room to social distance in this large hall. There is a wide variety of food on the menu. Open to the public.
Note: If there is a pandemic surge the meeting will be postponed.

Don't worry - our statewide meetings on ZOOM will continue since they've been so successful!
Joplin/SW Missouri MUFON Monthly ZOOM Meeting

ZOOM IS FREE. www.zoom.us.
Contact James Bair, SE MO Section Director at jpbairkc@yahoo.com to register
Enigmatic Anomalies
with Teri Lynge
Interactive and webcast "Live" MUFON Meetings on Zoom. No charge. Open to all. First come, first served. MUFON Members only. Register early to attend:
Photorealistic portrait of an alien in a black jumpsuit isolated on a white background. 3 d illustration. 3 d character.
ET Experiencers Group
A safe place to discuss your encounters with extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional beings with others who have had similar experiences.
No charge. Participants must be vetted first. Contact Jean Walker at jmwblondie@hotmail.com.
We meet on the Third Tuesday of the month

Join these groups on Facebook to discuss UFOs:
St. Louis UFO Watch
Kansas City UFO Watch
Mid-Missouri UFO Watch
Lake of the Ozarks UFO Central
UnXplained Missouri
UFO's and other things in South Kansas City

Contact MO MUFON: momufon@missourimufon.org
State Director Debbie Ziegelmeyer: mufondiver@gmail.com
ASD/Education/Newsletter Editor Margie Kay: momufonasd@gmail.com
Chief Laboratory Analyst: Lynne Mann
Chief Investigator: Larry Tyree
State Section Directors/Investigators:
Emmet Reary, Salem; Dana Simpson-West, St. Louis; Britt Faaborg, Sedalia; Chuck Frieden, Mid-MO/Columbia; Jean Walker, Kansas City; Lynne Mann, Farmington; James Bair, Joplin/SE.
Field Investigators: William Chapman, Melton VanVickle, Russell Payne, Jr.
Investigator Trainees: Chris LaCour, Jeannie Chilton, and Tracie Ann Houston
Honorary section director: Bruce Widamen
FI Meeting Coordinator: Mel Van Vickle