Tennessee Federation of Republican Women
The Iris Messenger
Resolution in Support of U. S. Senate
Republican Candidates
in Georgia's January 5, 2021 Runoff Election
WHEREAS, the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women recognizes the absolute right to fair and legal elections;
WHEREAS, the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women supports All Republicans who have voted in fair and legal elections across America;
WHEREAS, the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women specifically supports the
U. S. Senate Republican candidates in the Georgia special election being held on January 05, 2021; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women stands firm in this support and we call upon all Republican women to join us in our efforts to ensure a victory for our fellow Republican candidates of Georgia.
Submitted on the Fourth day of December 2020 by Monroe County Republican Women. Julia Atchley-Pace, President 2020-2021
Adopted on the Twelfth day of December 2020 by the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women.
Barbara Trautman, President 2020-2021
Calling Information
Georgia Volunteers
TFRW Members
It is not too late to help win the Senate runoff election for Republicans Kelly Loeffler and
David Perdue! Calling Georgia Republicans from your home is safe and easy. Follow the directions laid out by NFRW Political Director Terri Hauser, get the training via Zoom on December 14 or December 21 at 6:00pm Central time, 7:00pm Eastern time, and then begin these important Get Out the Vote calls for our Republican Senators.
Getting On To TALK.GOP (After You Receive Email With Your ID)
- State - Georgia
- USERNAME: Your login username will be RNCvol_ followed by the initial of your first name and your last name.
- EX: RNCvol_thauser
PASSWORD: Victory20! (capitalization matters on the password)
Logon problems - If you are having difficulty logging in, you can email tech support at gophelp@bridgetree.com.
CALLS: The website being used for calls is TALK.GOP (formerly TrumpTalk) and will include the script and list. Calls may be made between 9AM and 9PM EASTERN. (Please be conscious of any time difference between local and Eastern time, especially in the evenings.)
MORE TRAININGS: The next trainings on TALK.GOP led by Kiera Wainer, RNC Director of Women's Engagement, will be on Monday, December 14. We will have one additional training on Monday, December 21. You will learn how to use the website and go over lists and scripts. The trainings will take place using Zoom. The trainings take about 30 minutes, followed by Q&A. You may also send questions to Kier at KWainer@gop.com. All trainings will take place at 7 PM Eastern/6 PM Central.
Meeting ID: 358 502 5075
Dates (you only need to attend once):
Monday, December 14
Monday, December 21
To request an absentee ballot: ballotrequest.sos.ga.gov
To find polling locations: vote.gop
To request an absentee ballot: ballotrequest.sos.ga.gov
Last Day to Register to Vote: December 7th
Early Voting Begins: December 14th
- Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: January 1st
Election Day: January 5th
Thank you!
Talking Points
Georgia Senate Runoffs: January 5, 2021
- These two Senate runoff elections are critical to holding the line and maintaining a majority in the Senate. Both Senate seats are up for grabs.
- Senator Kelly Loeffler vs. Raphael Warnock
- Senator David Perdue vs. Jon Ossoff
Chuck Schumer threatened America, “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world.”
This past Saturday, President Trump rallied supporters urging them to get out the vote on January 5th for Senators Loeffler and Perdue.
- If Democrats win in Georgia, we can expect defunding the police, higher taxes, court-packing, the radical Green New Deal, and a government takeover of our health care system.
- The Democrat candidates – Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock – are too extreme for Georgia.
Raphael Warnock called police officers gangsters, thugs, and bullies.
Warnock said, “nobody can serve God and the military.”
His mentor called for the “destruction of everything white” and argued white Christians are “satanic.”
Warnock has also criticized the Second Amendment during his sermons and condemned Georgia’s “stand your ground” laws.
The Georgia Secretary of State is investigating a voting rights group formerly led by Raphael Warnock for sending ballot applications to non-Georgia residents.
In a recent debate, Warnock refused to denounce Marxism and dodged answers on whether or not he would support packing the court.
- Jon Ossoff’s far-left agenda includes repealing the President’s tax cuts, cozying up to China, ending the Senate filibuster, and dismantling the Second Amendment.
Jon Ossoff’s company profited off of the Chinese Communist government and Al Jazeera, a disclosure he subsequently left off his FEC filings.
Jon Ossoff recently came out in support of a coronavirus shut down, and at the same time, embraced Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders’ support.
He has refused to support PPP and the CARES Act funding and said he didn’t want to get “bogged down with the details.”
Warnock and Ossoff are radical liberals who are bankrolled by California liberals from Silicon Valley.
- Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are defenders of the Constitution, support our law enforcement officials, and will work to support local businesses.
Talking Points
Ground Game
- The RNC has built a massive data-driven ground game, made possible thanks to historic fundraising under Chairwoman McDaniel’s leadership.
- We have had a presence in Georgia for years.
- During the 2020 election, we had over 100 staffers in the state.
- During the 2020 cycle, the team registered over 16,000 voters and made nearly 12 million voter contacts by Election Day.
- 372,000 more Republican voters turned out in 2020 than they did in 2016.
- The RNC has committed to spending at least $20 million on the Senate runoffs.
- We currently have the largest team ever in Georgia of over 500 staffers.
- There are thousands of volunteers on the ground.
- In just a matter of weeks, we have knocked on 1.75 million doors and made 1.5 million phone calls.
- We need all Georgians to get involved and help Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue win on January 5.
We can continue to fight for President Trump while we ensure Senators Loeffler and Perdue hold the line.
RNC Research: Ossoff And Warnock Are Too Extreme For Georgia
RNC Research: Hold The Line, Send David Perdue And Kelly Loeffler Back To The Senate
Fox News: RNC ramps up staffing, volunteers in Georgia, vows to spend at least $20M ahead of Senate runoffs.
Talking Points
Senate Candidates
U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler
or make checks payable to
Georgians for Kelly Loeffler
9755 Dogwood Rd, Ste, 340
Roswell, GA 30075
U.S. Senator David Perdue
or make checks payable to
Perdue for Senate
PO Box 12077
Atlanta, GA 30355
"Politics is a team sport." - Former Congressman Mike Rogers"
Our worth together is our greatest asset." - NFRW President Ann Schockett
Tennessee Federation of Republican Women | tnfrw.org
CONTACT: TFRW President, Barbara Trautman
bbtbabs@aol.com 901.262.6821
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