Reaching Our Community Through a Loving Christ Centered Fellowship, Prepared for Service
Newsletter for April 23, 2021
Come out and see our
at the STEM FAIR THIS TUESDAY! The School Constituency, (that means YOU!), meeting is following a haystack benefit dinner
(donations accepted!) Everything starts at 5PM.
It's going to be great!
Wednesday is our Open House and Move-UP day! Spread the word far and wide about what our AMAZING SCHOOL has to offer!
Announcing a new blogger! Christopher Harman's new feature, 'Education Corner' is now at the school's BLOG. We are happy to provide this platform for Chris to extoll the great benefits of Christian Ed and other GACS news.
Please take note that the school newsletters are no longer posted on the BLOG page of the school website.

They are now found on the NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE page. (needs work - volunteers needed) It was too redundant to have them both places.

There is now a link at the top of the blog to Rose's HOMESCHOOL COMPANION podcasts. It's much easier for listeners to just go to the LifeTalk Radio website and pick and choose which podcast to listen to then to post them everyday at the blog. If you haven't listened to them you are missing a treat.

Photos, stories, interesting links can be contributed by YOU to the blog by emailing them to me at:
This week's sermon, by Pastor Spangler can be found at our LiveStream Channel at the link below, on 4/24/2021 at 11:10AM.
This week's inspirational message is
Part 4 of the 'Deeper Relationships' Series:

You can get the latest Gettysburg Eden's Way Community Garden News on our Facebook Page.
A special thanks to Jan Althoff for bringing a load of mulch out to the garden!
Gettysburg Connections Bible Study
Group Zoom Meeting Every Thurs until May 20, 2021 
Topic: The Epistle of James – Chapter 1
Time: Apr 22, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
       07:00 PM       
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 8972 5704
Passcode: 903933

Robin's Zoom Prayer Meeting
Time: 7:00 PM every Monday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 234 621 6512
Passcode: 1mR4U6

Other News: Social Committee is asked to meet before the Constituency Meeting on Tues to come up with social events to tie in with evangelism. See Robin for details.

Terzo home has a potential buyer and it may possibly be closing soon! Praise the Lord.

July 19-23 is VBS. More information next week.

Aug 21 is Outdoor Church. Robin arranged for a band and we've invited Hanover SDA.
Click the above link to learn how Amazon donates to the GACS every time you shop.
Hanover's Zoom Sabbath School Class and in person discussion will begin at 9:30. You may join via Zoom starting at 9:15.  

Sabbath Service will begin at 10:45am
Thank you for your faithfulness in returning Tithe and Offerings at our online giving link or by mailing your gifts to Joann Witta, Treasurer, 4963 Lehman Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362

John Bible Study Tuesday & Thursday at 7pm

Please lift up the Romero family in prayer. They are dealing with covid and would greatly appreciate our prayers!

Starting this Sabbath you will also have the opportunity to help the people on the island of St. Vincent, where many people lost everything due to the eruption of the volcano. Items to donate include:
baby wipes and baby items
Hand sanitizer, flashlights, feminine products, batteries, food, toiletries, toothpaste and toothbrushes.
Lisa Woods will receive the donations and be responsible for placing them in the right hands.
Exodus 14:14 “The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”