During his 70-80s, even though True Father was a billionaire, he lived in a tent in a jungle for months. It was dangerous to walk around at night, with jaguars prowling, ready to eat children. There are anaconda snakes that eat cows. But for Father, it was easier than Heungnam prison, where he survived in sub-zero conditions.
Hyung Jin Nim then discussed a book written by another death camp prisoner in Heungnam, who was not a church member. It included a chapter about the “saint of the prison camp,” who received tortures, electrocutions, but never collapsed. That was True Father. In Today’s World there are testimonies by co-prisoners at Danbury about Father, who was always smiling, willing to talk and reading the Bible.
In John 3:16, it says that God so loved the world… (not worldliness). Military guys like to joke about race. Since they have faced real evil and violence, they don’t complain about micro-aggressions. Many transgenders want to monetize victimhood. Many girls tend to sympathize with such people, but it’s all part of Satan’s culture.
God sent his anointed heir to the Abel-type White House in Mar a Lago. To speak a prayer of anointing and blessing as part of his rap.