For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:3 (NKJV)
As we enter the last month of the year 2024, we must keep in mind that the vision of doing more in 2024 is still alive in 2025. We are thankful for all the LORD has allowed us to accomplish; there is still much Kingdom work to be done.
Our pastor has been encouraging us through the Word of God to bear fruit, not only to bear fruit but to bear more fruit. Bearing is the process of growth that occurs when we remain attached to the Vine. It is a spiritual process that happens naturally. The question is, how do we stay attached to the Vine?
First, we must have an intimate relationship with the Vine. This requires involvement and is a personal, not a long-distance one. Text, emails, facetime, and phone calls are good, but the courtship grows stronger on date nights.
We must also have a desire to learn more about the Vine. I remember when I first saw my wife as a teenager, I wanted to know more about her. So, I began to ask questions like, “What is her name? Where does she live? etc. The more I knew about her, the more I wanted to know.
Our church is blessed with gifted saints called to serve God’s people inside and outside the church. But it takes all of us working together for a common goal to fulfill our mission. So, if you are involved, be prepared to bear more fruit. If you are not involved, you are encouraged to join us in the fruit-bearing ministry of NPG so that together, we can bear much fruit. Remember, the vision is still alive in 2025
Sowing HIS Seeds
Pastor Emeritus, Dave