November 2020 Edition

Dearest Beloved,

Welcome to our November Newsletter 2020. We are so glad to be in touch with you again.
inspite of lots of unforeseen challenges, due to the worldwide pandemic, we remain grateful for the many blessings and favour poured out on us.

Preparation is in top gear for the November Kingdom Come coming up this Friday the 27th. (Please See the flyer below). It's the last one for this year, as the last Friday in December is on Christmas Day. This Friday, Please join us on Youtube or Facebook, from 5 to 8.30pm. If however you need a prophetic word or you know anyone who needs healing, then do come out of Youtube or Facebook platforms and go unto the Prophetic or Healing Prayer Zoom rooms which open at 7pm and run to 8.30 pm. The links are on the flyer. The Lord is healing very many, so go and receive your healing. Don't forget to share your testimony of what the Lord has done.

We have your usual features in this Newsletter. Spending time in "In His Presence," Papa was trying to help us understand how powerful His Love is and how important it is to imagine He is our " Love" Power Bank, and therefore stay plugged into His love. In this way, the fear that all these challenges throw at us, will not make any impact. Rather, we will be those who help the world also get connected to Him.

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Since the advent of the mobile phone, the use of power banks has become common. A powerbank is the portable device used to charge mobile phones and tablet computers when you are on the move. It can also be referred to as a portable device that can supply power from its built-in battery through a USB port. In other words, they use circuitry to control any power in and power out.

This has been a rather challenging year for all of us. Apart from major changes and distortions in how we live, due to the pandemic, we have had great economic set back on every level. Major world economies have practically come crashing around us. Certain business sectors have all but collapsed. One of the greatest debilitating emotions that has been thrown at the world at this time, has been widespread fear. This fear has been so crippling that many have gone under. In other words, the impact of fear has been worse than whatever scenario they were afraid of.

1 John 4 v 18-19. reads " There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him, because He first loved us."

This implies that there's power available in God's love. John 3 v 16 tells us that God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not die, but have everlasting life. We learn here that God is the Source of love. This leads us to understand that this love from the Source, our God, is not only very powerful, but it's also perfect. This helps us understand why the perfect nature of the powerful love of God, is able to cast fear out completely. So torment, danger, everything associated with fear is cast out. We have confirmation from God that He didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1 v 7).

We thus need to learn to intentionally release God's love in our lives as we remain completely plugged in to God's love power bank. As we see the transformational impact of God's powerful love in our lives, then our ability to influence the lives of others increase.

The battery charge for our appliances only last so long. You then need to plug back into the powerbank. It's the same with our love, especially when we are under attack and feel very unsettled. When fear comes, one of the first thing that goes is the revelation that we are mightily loved by the King of kings.

Being plugged into the love power bank causes us to align with or be engaged directly with the heart of God. This is really what stands Christianity apart from every other religion. Father desires the restoration of the relationship He had with Adam (mankind) in the garden of Eden. He thus gave us His Begotten Son to die in our place on the Cross (1 Peter 2v24) so we would not have to die for our sins. God desires to puts His powerful love in the centre of our hearts making it possible to drive out tormenting emotions like fear.

With the fear and panic caused by the pandemic or any other attacks, sent our way by the enemy, our ability to spend time in the Presence of God plugged into the love bank, will keep us charged. Plugged in, we can worship, or stay in the Word, or listen to the voice of our God, or rest in His Presence. Our ability to stay plugged in will eradicate fear leaving us hope filled and secure in His love. These wide open arms of love give us a sense of safety, and assurance at a time when everyone else seems traumatised. This is what will attract the world to us, to ask how we can remain so calm.

We can then show them how to offload their pain, fear, depression etc. unto our God, thus keeping them plugged into the love power bank.

You don't normally buy a power bank just before you need it. You buy it sometimes as part of the accessories for the mobile. It's similar with us. You learn early to stay plugged into God's powerful love, so that when challenges come, you are not thrown around and put in a panic. In these situations, you are able to provide the stabilising effect because you are in the habit of constantly being charged up by your power bank.

1 Peter 4 v 8a further proves how powerful God's love is. It is able to cover a multitude of sins. As we soak in the forgiving grace Jesus made available, then we can easily extend God's love to others, even those who hurt us. We find that in these challenging times, it's so easy to get angry and offended at each other. We see lots of agitation in the world over injustices and many have lost their lives. Staying plugged into the powerful love of God Almighty is the way to stay charged up, so that things going on around you do not overwhelm you. Rather, you are part of the solution because you carry the powerful love of God.

Praying that our loving Father will hold us close and help us remain plugged into our powerful love bank especially in these challenging times.

God bless us all.
Mina Bajomo


Join Alun Leppitt at the Kingdom Come November 2020 Edition (Friday, 27th of November)

"Our experience leads to testimonies, which leads to hearing and responding, which leads to healing and miracles, of course which leads to more testimonies and celebration and thanksgiving, which leads to encounter and outpouring, which then leads to more miracles and so on. This is what I like to call the everyday Christian, the everyday Kingdom Life."
Find the full preach and more on our Youtube page ��

Join us at 5:00pm as he ministers at this month's Kingdom Come on Friday, 27th of November, 2020.

Click any of the links below to watch/join this Friday:                
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For your healing/prophecies, click below to join zoom Healing and Prophetic rooms for your healing or prophecies (7:00 - 8:30pm)

�� Healing Room
ID: 975 4765 8603
Passcode: 426971

�� Prophetic Room
ID: 897 7022 4746
Passcode: 109635                

We would like you to please send your testimonies in for what God has done for you, so we can join in giving glory to His name.


For enquiries call or text:

Lapis LM Radio Programmes for December (

Daily @ 06:00 - Reflections

Daily @09:00; 14:00; 19:00 - Teaching

Every Monday @ 16:30 - In His Presence

Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday @ 20:00 - Bible Reading Corner

Every Wednesday @ 20:30 (Repeat Friday @ 20:30) - FB Chats with Guest of the Week

Every Wednesday @ 16:30 (Repeat Saturday @ 16:30) - Kid's Hangout

2nd Friday @ 17:00 - As You Go, Heal the Sick

Last Friday @ 17:00 - 20:30 - Kingdom Come

Lapis Lazuli Ministries is now on Telegram; stay connected, get updates & follow our channel by clicking this link
Testimonies... Lives Transformed...
In this edition, we have a write up from Oluseyi Adolphus, one of our Volunteers on the Abuja planning team. She is also on the Lapis Lazuli Ministry Healing and Prophetic Teams.

I've been attending the Lapis Lazuli Conferences since 2016, but didn't full commit, nor volunteer, till about 2019.

All the conferences I've attended have been wonderful, but it was during the one in 2018 that I received complete emotional healing.

I had gone through some faith-doubting experiences about a decade prior that made be afraid to believe in God or trust in His word.

I had become more of a "God-please-do-this-for-me" kind of Christian than a "I believe-in-you-to-do- this" kind of Christian. I would literally beg that He did something rather than believe that He would do it. My past experiences made me afraid to step out in faith on anything major. I would always playing it safe as I didn't want to be hurt again by any 'God experience'.

While I kept serving and helping others, that part of my emotions was still there - unhealed.  In addition, I was even afraid to have God revisit it with me. Clearly, there were boundaries between my Father and I. I couldn't bring myself to just trust that He will keep to His word or bring certain promises to pass.

I took some hours off work to attend the conference and was determined to allow God touch that part of me. I went to as many prophetic ministers as I was led to during the conference on both days to have a word concerning my situation.

Leif Hetland ministered on healing (I honestly can't remember the title) and he prayed for me. I literally felt something left me for good as he prayed the love of the Father into my heart. This kick- started the healing.

As the programme began to wind down, I was still going round to every minister to have a word. Just as I was about to give up, I took one last attempt and asked Dr. Sherri Lewis for ministration as she was leaving the hall and her words broke me and at the same time melted my heart.

Her words were so accurate and spot on revealing all my journeys with God and the hurts I experienced while at it. One of the things she said was, " God is telling you He is sorry for all that you went through. He wants you to trust again just like a baby would".

There and then I knew that the healing was sealed. I wept like a baby and felt the love of the Father all over me. I was in this mood for about 2 weeks. The love I felt by Father God was overwhelming.

Here I am today, full of love for the Father and have continued taking bold steps of faith like before for my Father.

Lapis Lazuli has been a blessing to me. I'm glad to be a part of this family of God.

May the Lord continue to uphold and preserve us all.

God's blessings,

Femi and Mina Bajomo

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Prayer Requests

1. Thanking God for life, provision, protection and how He continues to sustain us all and grateful for the outpouring of His love, pleasure, healings and power at our various conferences, online teachings and meetings

2. Praying for the unity of the Body of Christ and that we will arise into the NEW and all that our Father desires that we walk in at this time.

3. We command the rolling away of the reproach of this Covid 19 pandemic from Nigeria and all other nations of this world.

4. We pray for wisdom for our leaders, that they will rule justly and fairly.

5. Praying for new jobs, new business, and new means of provision for all who have lost business due to the various challenges of this year.

6. Praying that Governments identify strategies to educate all our youths so they can all be gainfully employed. Praying for the establishment of adult education to begin to stamp out illiteracy.

7. Praying for the safe return of Leah.

Calling Intercessors

We would like to ask Intercessors who have attended our Kingdom Conferences and would like to meet in your states to pray for the Nation and for Lapis, to please do so.

Please send contact details of your group to us - OR 07034371401.
Bible Passage
Isaiah 58: 11-12

11. The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

12. Those from among you
Shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.

Contact Information
Lapis Lazuli Ministries
Contact Details




No. 10 Norman Williams Street,
off Keffi Street, Ikoyi,
Lagos, Nigeria.


+234 703 437 1401
+234 906 390 1916
+234 816 351 0857

Recommended Books
Co-Labouring with the Lord: Experiencing the Miraculous
by Dr. Mina Bajomo

You can buy a copy in Lapis Lazuli Ministries Office, No. 10 Norman Williams Street, off Keffi Street, Ikoyi, Lagos or call 07034371401
You can order on Amazon/Kindle

You can order on Jumia
order now

(Delivery cost by GIG logistics to all parts of Lagos will be from N1000 - N1,500).

The Promise Of The Presence: Rebuilding The Tabernacle of David
by Alun Leppitt


Biblical Basis for Healing
by Dr. Randy Clark

Kingdom Come
Click Below To Watch On
Lapis LM Radio

Click below to join zoom Healing and
 Prophetic rooms for your healing or prophecies (7:00 - 8:30pm)

Healing Room

ID: 975 4765 8603
Passcode: 426971

Prophetic Room

ID: 897 7022 4746
Passcode: 109635

We would like you to please send your testimonies in for what God has done for you, so we can join in giving glory to His name.


+2349063901916 / +2348097167491


For enquiries call or text:

Radio: +2348163510857

General inquiry: +2347034371401