Kym Pine on the Rampage vs GOP

Aloha, Republican:

LOTS OF BREAKING NEWS :  In just 48 hours since HIRA's last report, 'Tea Party Republican' Kym Pine has definitely ratcheted up her level of active campaigning for Hawaii Democrats in 2016.

Pine's unmistakable middle finger to ALL Hawaii Republicans who helped put her in office is now just as visible as her leftward political drift into the arms of Hawaii's Democrat Machine and Oahu's PRP-run Rail Cartel.
Many more hot news tips to HIRA were received overnight -- from RINO Bob " Amnesty " McDermott , ghost-from-the-past Tom " APEC " Berg , the bureaucrats at the State Campaign Spending Commission and even HIRA's own USPS mailman -- plus HIRA's own exhaustive research resulted in some shocking new findings since yesterday.

NOTE :  Republicans might want to read what follows before mailing that check to the Kym Pine-Ryglowski campaign fund and/or before helping the treacherous and morally-bankrupt Pine to signwave at passing motorists . . . since she's already been using Republican money and Republican volunteers to directly help Democrats in 2016.

Okay, here goes.  You already know about
yesterday's stunning report of Kym Pine's mega-donation of $1,000 to Democrat Matt "Crazy Talk" LoPresti in order to help him defeat Republican Bryan Jeremiah (you can donate to Jeremiah HERE ).

Well, Pine has struck again and again and again since then.  First, Democrat LoPresti's brand new campaign postcard arrived yesterday in the mailboxes of thousands and thousands of Ewa Beach residents.  [Hat tip:  HIRA's mailman]

Hey, who's that in the upper left-hand corner (where marketing experts say that consumers look first when digesting an advertisement)??  OMG, that's none other than card-carrying Republican, yes Republican, Kym Pine actively campaigning for a Democrat!!  Gosh, LoPresti surrounds himself with so many "We support MATT!" Donkeycrats in these photos that one or both of the following is true:  (1) Pine is trying to lend the Democrat some needed "bipartisan" appeal (like when the Bush family supports Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump); or (2) Pine has gone over to the dark side and our own GOP leaders refuse to level with us.  Either way, wake up Fritz, that's another violation of party rules right there.
But this is just the TIP of the iceberg .  When HIRA tells you that Pine ratcheted up the active campaigning for Democrats, believe us:  She was just getting started.


Pine's next middle finger was aimed directly at first term GOP incumbent legislator Andria Tupola.  Nanakuli's Tupola is responsible for leading the effort to get a Republican elected to represent the neighboring state house district in Waianae .  So, who is Tupola's hand-picked candidate for that open seat (lost in the August Primary by ousted incumbent Democrat Jo Jordan)??  Well, it's GOP contender Marc Paaluhi (you can donate to Paaluhi HERE ).
Marc Paaluhi
(pictured here at Pine's own political fundraiser) has been campaigning with Tupola's help for many months to enhance his chances of beating the eventual Democrat who would emerge from the 2016 primary.  Long story shortKym Pine wants Tupola and Paaluhi to fail miserablyRumor also has it that the next report will show a big donation from Pine to Tupola's own union-backed Democrat opponent.  [And the dweebs at Team Hellreich are doing nothing about any of this.]

So who does card-carrying Republican Kym Pine decide to help in the HD 44 contest?  Drum roll, please.  Pine chooses . . . Democrat Cedric Gates (
the controversial former Green Party candidate ) of course, with Pine's massive mega-donation of $2,000 to Gates' campaign.  That $2,000 donation was matched by Pine ally and Waianae Democrat state senator Maile Shimabukuro In your face, Republicans!!  Pine groomed her own 2016 Democrat candidate by having him work for her at City Hall.  So, on her way out the door of the Hawaii GOP, Pine apparently wants to reshape (and destroy) the local GOP for years to come.  Can you feel her love, fellow Republicans?

ON A RELATED NOTE :  Ask anyone running as a challenger for state house in Hawaii how easy it is to solicit a donation of $500 or more and you'll learn why half a candidate's time is spent just trying to raise enough money for all those banners and mailers.  It is NOT easy.  Most checks (or online donations) are for $100 or less.  Well, Pine's massive middle finger to Andria Tupola in the form of a $2,000 check to help take down Tupola-aligned candidate Marc Paaluhi was meant to send a very distinct message, which goes something like this"The West Side is run by the up and coming Pine mafia, beeyatch.  And I'm running for mayor next.  I pick the winners and I get to spend PRP's political money any way I like.  They give it to me and I get to hand it out to folks that will owe me big time.  I'm Kym Pine, beeyatch.  Deal with it."  Yes, Pine is clearly trying to create her own political crime family of politicians and interest groups beholden to her.  And in 2020, the next GOP candidate for mayor would be well-advised to print this newsletter and read it 100 times before jumping in blindly -- since everyone in town knows that Pine is running for mayor next.

Kainoa Kaumeheiwa-Rego: 
Charles Djou's former key aide, also a former aide to Beth Fukumoto, and a former co-worker of Beth's sister Sarah Fukumoto, chief fundraiser for disgraced GOP legislator Richard Fale, and a recent former member of the Hawaii GOP state committee is currently running the Democrat campaign to unseat Republican Tupola.  Well, isn't that special?
A HARD LESSON TO LEARN :  Until our party jettisons RINO's, closet Democrats and infiltrators from GOP leadership positions, we will continue to lose . . . Often at the hands of those we worked alongside.  Even turncoat Aaron "Ling" Johanson, Beth Fukumoto's mentor, is a major mega-donor to Tupola's Democrat opponent.

None of this should be surprising, though it's still shocking.  The ambitious and self-dealing Pine's attempt to be influential in politics extends far past the City's Waimanalo Gulch landfill in Nanakuli and the Ewa Beach offramp.  As HIRA already reported , Republican Pine publicly endorsed Democrat Kirk Caldwell . . . and Caldwell reciprocated by helping to raise funds for Republican Kym Pine .  Pine has made it clear to many around her that she is going for the big time.  And all of this lurching to the left (and trashing of the right) has been happening with the full support of Pine's formerly Republican campaign aides, such as Sarah Hunt, April Nishii, Matt Caires, Lana Alapa, Kevin Rathbun and others.  True blue RINOs along for the ride.

SHE SCREWS DJOU TOO :  Next on Kym Pine Ryglowski's warpath against the GOP, HIRA has learned from our friends at the State Campaign Spending Commission that Republican Pine flipped the bird at Charles Djou and all of his loyal pro-HART supporters with a massive $4,000 contribution to Democrat Kirk Caldwell.  With the entire, official Hawaii GOP establishment "all in" for Djou, Pine seems to be sending Team Hellreich and her supporters at the Oahu League of RINO Women the ultimate "&#%$ you" by joining with Democrats and Democrat special interest groups in destroying Djou (and other GOP candidates) once and for all.

Yessirree, just another big check from Pine to Democrats reportedly written by the Oahu League of RINO Women's very own April Nishii who simultaneously serves as Pine's LONGTIME campaign treasurerShe must be soooooo proud to have cancelled out the OLRW's $4,000 check to Djou with Pine's $4,000 check to Democrat CaldwellNot to worry, April.  Your cooked books for Pine have escaped legal and political scrutiny for quite some time.  The ladies at the Oahu League will surely 'hug it out' with you at next month's RINO luncheon.  The Rail Cartel and Democrat Machine pour the money into Pine's account, and April helps to pour that money into the campaigns of fellow progressivesNo biggie, April.

HITTING THE FAN :   With leaders of the Hawaii GOP pinning all their political and financial hopes on a Djou victory in 2016, and with the GOP organization reportedly teetering on bankruptcy -- according to shocking info about the party's "zero" funds left in 2016 as provided to HIRA by McDermott and confirmed through the party's financial reports to the State and the Feds -- Pine might be trying hard to impress her Democrat buddies and the PRP gangstas by torching GOP headquarters to the ground; with hapless Miriam Hellreich, Charles Djou, Fritz Rohlfing, Barbara Marumoto and Gene Ward helplessly roped together inside, drenched in gasoline and wondering what happened to the Kym Pine they used to know.  [Side Note:  If Duke Aiona had followed through on his plan to run for mayor in 2016 , HIRA wonders how Pine's financial and political support for Caldwell would have been received over at Team Aiona which has helped Pine for years and years Perhaps a prayer vigil at the State Capitol for Pine's soul??]

With all of the direct assistance provided by Republican Pine to Democrats in key races in 2016, the evidence is pretty strong that Pine is sending the Hawaii GOP a message.  And  Pine's biggest message in 2016 might be found in the ONE AND ONLY DONATION she made to a Republican using Democrat and Rail Cartel funds from her campaign account.
In fact, you might say the biggest middle finger of all from Pine comes in the form of a donation to the ultimate RINO, the ultimate closet Democrat, the one and only Beth Fukumoto She's the very RINO that Bob McDermott warned us about  earlier this year.
***** Well, as readers of HIRA newsletters know, Beth Fukumoto couldn't be more pro-rail or less Republican if you waved $500 under her nose . . . yet that is exactly what Pine did.  That was Pine's ONE and ONLY donation to a "Republican".  Message received!!

It makes perfect sense Fukumoto fits the Pine criteria perfectly.  Beth Fukumoto is pro-rail, pro-taxes, pro-HART and pro-building rail all the way to UH Manoa -- music to the ears of Democrats (and RINO's).  Plus, as a real bonus to Pine's anti-GOP crusade, Fukumoto probably won't even be a card-carrying Republican for very much longer; having teased the idea of jumping-ship to the Democrats for the past couple of years (remember Fukumoto being booed off the stage at the May 2016 GOP state convention by all the Republicans who saw HIRA's video expose of Fukumoto?).

Ditching the GOP at the height of political power is a reprehensible feat accomplished by Fukumoto's predecessor as GOP leader, Aaron "Ling" Johanson just two short years ago.  Yes, brace yourself.  We will likely soon be watching yet another leader of all the elected Republicans in Hawaii's State House switch parties in the weeks ahead, just as Bob McDermott warned us she would Kym Pine taught these closet Democrats well:  (1) infiltrate the tiny GOP, (2) become a big fish in a small pond, (3) avoid the long line you'd have to stand in if you ran as a Democrat, (4) get elected as a Republican, (5) increase your visibility and profile, (6) make friends across the aisle, (7) then change parties with a vengeance.  Just seven simple steps!
For a time, Pine employed Beth Fukumoto's sister Sarah on her City Council staff (with your tax dollars, thank you).  Sarah Fukumoto is currently the chairman of her sister's re-election campaign committee .  HIRA wonders if Beth Fukumoto will wait until after more names of Democrats receiving Pine monies emerge from Pine's next CSC report or if sh e'll sign that membership card at Democrat Party HQ before then.  No matter.  Just think of this major looming defection as a time-delayed political bomb with a long fuse set by Kym Pine to explode sometime between November and January.  After all, Fukumoto needs to win her re-election next week so that Pine's time-bomb will be most effective.  To this end, Pine's final message to the Hawaii GOP should make Kym's new buddies at the Democrat Rail Cartel pretty happy.

For the rest of us, if 2016 has taught Republicans anything, it's DON'T turn your back on Kym Pine since she is ready and willing to put a dagger right between your shoulder blades.  Just ask this year's growing list of stabbing victims:  Andria Tupola, Mark Paaluhi, Charles Djou, Bryan Jeremiah, and probably a bunch of others whom we'll learn about when the next batch of campaign finance reports are due to be unveiled on December 8th . . . one full month after Pine's damage has been done.

BETRAYED . . . good judgment must be in really short supply when BOTH Djou and Aiona can't spot a backstabbing traitor in their midst.

Just think, this is the very same same 'Tea Party Republican' Kym Pine who risked fines and/or jail time by creating and controlling two fake 'independent' PACs in 2010 to attack her Democrat opponents in order to assure her re-election to office; snubbing her nose at law enforcement the entire time.  That was only six years ago when most people still regarded her as a Republican.  Now, in 2016, she's working alongside the very Democrats she mercilessly (and anonymously) attacked with those phony PACs.  It's rich with irony.  But Democrats are quick to forgive if you hand them a few GOP heads on a platter.
HIRA has it on good authority that Pine is specifically TARGETING Republicans AND at those who don't support higher taxes for the Democrat Rail Cartel's get-rich-quick construction and development scheme.  For instance, Andria Tupola voted no on the most recent 5-year extension of the rail tax by the state legislature (a great vote!).  Based on the record and public statements of those she is helping and hurting in 2016, it's not hard to figure out that Pine is actively targeting Republicans who cannot be controlled (like Pine and Fukumoto clearly are) by the Democrat Rail Cartel.

GETTING AWAY WITH IT Meanwhile, state GOP chair Fritz Rohlfing and his trusty sidekick, blogger Andrew Walden,the chairman of the 'selective rules enforcement committee', are maintaining their low profile and apparent vow of silence and inaction about the flagrant rulebreaking by Pine by doing . . . . NOTHING AT ALL.  Somehow the big, big story -- the BIG MIDDLE FINGER to all Republicans across the state from Pine, a recent attendee of annual GOP Lincoln Day fundraisers -- goes completely unnoticed by these weak and worthless party leaders in a time of crisis . . . leaders who wanted to endorse Pine the Backstabbing Traitor for re-election only a few weeks ago.   IDIOTS!!




Finally, just for kicks, HIRA leaves you with a brand new message to the Hawaii GOP sent yesterday by Pine's former protege and staffer, Tom Berg.  Upon receiving the same Pine endorsement mailer from Democrat LoPresti at the top of this newsletter, Berg took it upon himself to e-mail practically everyone in leadership positions at the Hellreich-run Hawaii GOP.  No Wikileaks here.  Berg sent his missive to HIRA also.  WARNING:  Some foul language gets used.

Tom Berg message subject
"Pine endorses LoPresti-  GOP a disgrace-"
WTF-  I got a flyer in the mail today with a photo of Pine endorsing LoPresti-    why has the R party not kicked her out? Shame on the R party to allow her to utilize her position to harm the R's   -  stand up for something -  enough! 
How pathetic-
This should outrage Ward and gang- but it appears they too, have sold out big time.....sleazy -  scum sticks to scum....disgusting -  I can't find the right adjective to tag this -  just wrong, plain wrong....when Dems do this- they get sanctioned or kicked out low can a party go....for shame-
Bryan Jeremiah is by far, the superior candidate on all fronts-  Pine needs to be kicked out of the party-  if not-  you all suck running the show- shame shame shame-
when you finally kick Pine out of the party-  I will come around and be your best worker bee cheerleader - see your darling Pine upper left corner of this flyer that just dropped - you guys at GOP are pathetic-
Damn I loathe you assholes at GOP headquarters - and proud to have quit the R party-  can I say- FUCK YOU GOP HAWAII!!!!!!!! Go to hell!!!!
T Berg

Yes, even Tom Berg knows that the Hawaii GOP has huge problems.  HIRA is committed to ensuring that Republicans across the state know why we are losing.  It's  NOT that Hawaii is a blue state.   Hawaii used to be a a RED state .  The truth is that for several decades our party has been  grossly mismanaged infiltrated by Democrats controlled by RINO's , and  repeatedly run off the road into a ditch by those who do NOT have the party's or its members' interests at heart .  A strong GOP which can realistically aspire to become the majority party in the Aloha State is actually quite possible.  But it  can't happen with the same clowns masquerading as Republicans calling the shots.  They  don't even share the same belief system as real Republicans.   HIRA has proven this conclusively again and again.
Thanks for your support for making our party better with new and serious leadership in 2017.  Let's throw down the gauntlet and begin reversing our fortunes in 2018.  Please join HIRA today so we can change Hawaii tomorrow.

Please donate to HIRA Action, the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly, to support HIRA's work to educate voters about failed Democrat policies and about conservative Republican solutions for Hawaii.


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and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands. 

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We are the conservative base of the Republican Party. 
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