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(City of Buda Weekly Newsletter)
Week of Aug. 26, 2019
In this Issue:
  • Municipal Complex Urban Land Institute Award
  • Labor Day Holiday
  • Smart Watch
  • Rose St. & Lilly Street Paving
  • Heritage Tree Named
  • Friends of the Buda Library Donation
  • Budget Public Hearings
  • City of Buda Water Smart Portal
  • Main Street Improvement Project
  • Buda Construction Website Page
  • Upcoming Meetings
Municipal Complex
Urban Land Institute Award
The City of Buda Municipal Complex was recognized with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) “Best Public Place” award. The ULI celebrates projects that achieve excellence in land use practice .

Labor Day Holiday
All city offices, including the Buda Public Library, are closed on Monday, Sept. 2, 2019 in observance of Labor Day.
Smart Watch
The Buda Police Department recently developed and implemented a voluntary residential/business camera registration program. The program is designed to assist in criminal investigations through the use of available video resources. If you're interested in registering your surveillance system with us, please follow the link and fill out the required information:

For more information about Smart Watch, please contact Crime Prevention Officer Freddy Erdman at: aerdman@ci.buda.tx.us
Rose St. and Lilly St. Paving
As part of the Houston Street Drainage Project, the Public Works Department is paving Rose St. and Lilly St.
Heritage Tree Named
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Friends of the Buda Library Tree Naming and Dedication Ceremony over the weekend. Friends of the Buda Library received close to 500 votes. The winning name was "Guardian Oak" .
Friends of the Buda Library Donation
A big thank you to Eric & Gina Rosalez for their donation to the  Friends of the Buda Library ! The $995.00 was donated through the Progressive Insurance Foundation, which provides matching funds to eligible 501(c)(3) charitable organizations to which Progressive employees contribute. Eric and Gina are patrons of the Buda Public Library and visit often. 
Proposed Budget
Public Hearings
The Buda City Council received the proposed budget presentation at its August 6 Council Meeting and has set public hearings for the proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget.

Public Hearings
Aug. 20, 2019 - 6:00 p.m.
Sept. 3, 2019 - 6:00 p.m.
Buda City Hall - Council Chambers
405 E. Loop St., Building 100

City of Buda WaterSmart Customer Portal Open
City of Buda has partnered with WaterSmart Software to offer residents a digitalized way of seeing real-time water consumption through this free service on mobile devices.

Main Street Improvement Project
(Between Cabela's Drive and Railroad Street)
The Main Street Improvement Project will begin construction in the upcoming weeks. To learn more about the construction, watch the video. For more information on the project, visit the link below.

Buda Construction
Website Page
With so many construction projects happening we decided to create a page on our website dedicated to construction updates. You can find it at  ci.buda.tx.us/budaconstruction. We will keep this page updated and continue to post updates on our social media channels. Construction updates are also running on the monitors in the lobby of the Municipal Building. 
Upcoming Meetings
City Council
Sept. 3, 2019
6:00 PM

Sustainability Commission
Sept. 5, 2019
7:00 PM

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City of Buda