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Hey there boozefans, I hope you enjoyed the snow more than Ryker dog! I apologize to Lions fans for your loss and for taking your offensive coordinator but man, we have not had a coach anyone was jealous of since Cubs got Joe Maddon! I am almost recovered from whatever this latest ailment was/is and expect to be healthy for at least four consecutive weeks! I have been battling a series of yucks, mucks, and sucks since October, and when I asked Science if they wanted my body they said "no thanks".

I am already tired of all of this cold weather and even though it does make my whiskey taste better my whiskey already tasted pretty good! This weather just kind of saps my motivation for any activity outside of my house and that motivation was already very low to begin with. I have a full bar and a freezer full of all of the meats and at least eight packs of popcorn! So thank you to everyone who is journeying out here in the cold to find some of our goodies!

CONGRATULATIONS TO COLLEEN HUGHES AND RHEA BUCK FOR THEIR JAMES BEARD NOMINATION! I'm a tremendous fan of these two who are some of the best to do it in our business and my love for Supperland is profound and well documented. Normally when I am reading a booze publication and they are highlighting some bar it is from Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, DC etc. but this gem is right here! The worst experience I ever had there was brilliant. The best experience I ever had that there was unforgettable. I love to see people who work as hard and as well as those two get recognized. Very few people can understand the level of knowledge, passion, and dedication required to achieve that kind of consistency. During the pandemic when no one knew what was going to happen to anything Colleen was literally in her lab creating amazing cocktails in case the world didn't end and Supperland did get to actually open. Whenever I go there it is like being creatively recharged for me, a giant and delicious reminder that there are folks that care even MORE than I do about booze. Thanks, you two and your wonderful team for creating a beacon of style and substance! I hope you win but either way you raised the bar for myself and for Charlotte.

Four Roses NEW Recipes: New limited release recipes of four roses, showcasing 3 recipes in a single barrel bottle format!




I’m thrilled to share that I had an unforgettable experience visiting the Patron distillery! It was my first time in Mexico, and to be honest, I was a bit nervous—it was a big step to take on my own. But as soon as we arrived, the red carpet was rolled out, and I quickly made new friends with liquor store owners from all across the country.

I had the honor of selecting a single barrel alongside Doug and Devin Hinson from O'Darby's. Doug and I each had our favorites, and instead of a coin toss, he simply said, "You choose, and I’ll take the other." Both were outstanding choices, making it a win-win!

A huge thank you to Rey for organizing this incredible trip, and to Daphnie, Patron’s ambassador, for creating such a memorable and unique experience. I’m excited to share my very own Patron Añejo pick, Crema de Madresvela (Honey-Suckle Cream), with you all—this is truly something special! $69.99

WOODFORD DOUBLE OAKED "MALLOMAR": I'm always ready to pick some Woodford so when Jim came by with the samples I plopped right down and got straight to it. This was so tasty that it was a no brainer, and then with the holidays etc I kind of just forgot about it but NOW it is here! What you are getting here is a beautiful nose that gives way to notes of chocolate, graham cracker, and marshmallow! The perfect bourbon for after dinner. They are about to change up how they do these Double Oaked picks so this might be my first and last of this type. 71.99

FOURSQUARE EQUIDEM: It's been a while since we had some Foursquare so here and this time we are getting the newest release on time! Fourteen years old aged in bourbon and black muscat barrels, cause why not?? They are on the tasting table. 161.99

LOCHLEA HARVEST EDITION 2: The new kids on the block have started an annual release with this series and last years was tasty. I like wine finished Scotch. 68.99


BOOZE FACTS!: HIGH RYE BOURBON! In an attempt to be transparent the folks at Redemption put the words High Rye Bourbon on the bottle and caused what feels like millions of people telling me "I don't drink rye" which made my eye start to twitch because it is a bourbon, the vast majority of bourbons are high rye, and it would be weird for a rye to be called a high rye, rye, even though those do in fact exist! The fact is that the vast majority of bourbon is high rye. It is easier to count the wheated ones instead of listing all of the high rye ones. So, a bourbon must be at least 51% Corn which leaves that other 49% to make the difference. For example, Woodford Reserve is 72% Corn, 18% Rye, and 10% barley. Four Rose Single barrel is 60% Corn, 35% Rye, and 5% Barley. Makers a famous wheated bourbon is 70% Corn, 16% Wheat, and 14% Barley. Some folks are very transparent about these numbers and others are not (looking at you Sazerac). A lot of distilleries put out a lot of brands that use the same mash bill and instead the differences are found in age and proof, and marketing :). At the end of the day instead of voluntarily putting yourself into one box or another just keep trying things because both you and your taste buds are still alive, which is also a fact!

Tomorrow Friday, January 24th, we’re excited to welcome Travis Hammond, Head Distiller of Smooth Ambler Spirits, to our store!

Stop by for an exclusive bottle signing and tasting of our newest single barrel selection:

Old Scout ‘Cherry Almond Tart’

—a 6-year, 117-proof masterpiece.

Tasting is from 4-6 PM


WOODFORD "WINTER WELCOME": I have about one pour left of this savory beauty and I will miss her. I really never had a pick like this before and I have now done a lot of Woodford picks. 61.99

ELIJAH CRAIG "VANILLA BANGER": This has been another excellent winter Bourbon bottle! That big fat vanilla and those baking spices will warm you right up! 100.99

CONNEMARA: This Peated Irish whiskey was hiding upstairs in the bar and has been brought downstairs. While it doesn't have the power of a Laphroaig or an Adrbeg there is still a good amount of peat there. A tasty bottle and great for this weather. 65.99

ADMIRAL RODNEY PRINCESSA: Another forgotten winner from the back of my cabinet and wow is it great! Big and round, easy to drink, but really rich. Huge fan! 56.99


Bring Your Own TEQUILA Bottle Share

Carolina's Tequila Collective

6:30 - 9:30 FRIDAY NIGHT

TOMORROW NIGHT at Under Par Golf Performance Lab, Bring your favorite bottle of tequila to exchange with fellow enthusiasts.

🎉 Exclusive Tequila Bottle Share Event with the newest and hotest tequila lovers group in the Carolina's:

Carolina's Tequila Collective! 🍷

🔥 Limited Tickets Available – This is an amazing Experience You Don’t Want to Miss!



This past weekend Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson faced off and it was predetermined that the narrative of playoff "loser" was going to be attached to whomever lost. Then sure enough the Ravens lose in a heartbreaking way and it was time to throw Lamar right under the bus along with his tight end. Next week, if Mahomes beats Josh again then he too will be handed the loser mantle. If any Bills or Ravens fans want to trade Jackson or Allen for Caleb Williams please let me know and we can start a letter writing campaign together. Dan Marino never won a Superbowl, Charles Barkley didn't win an NBA title those two had to deal with Montana and Jordan. But Trent Dilfer "won" a super bowl and Stacey King "won" 3 NBA championships. No one thinks Dilfer and King are better than Marino and Barkley but Kenny Smith gets to take shots at Barkley anytime he feels like it. Kenny "the jet" Smith who lost his starting job the moment Sam Cassel showed up as a rookie.

Then there are of course all of the young people who practiced day and night and never even made the pros because it is a tiny percentage that even gets to play in the pros. I used to dribble until my arm felt like it was going to fall off and shoot jumpers from the same three spots over and over so if I found myself open there I could hit one. I would describe my skill level to be slightly above a person who had never seen a basketball before. Intellectually I understand how to play, where to stand, when to pass etc, but getting my body to do those things at the right time? Very different problem. My man cheats off me and I cut to the basket, Jerry throws me a perfect pass, sometimes a layup! High Five! Many other times ball bounces off my hands and goes out of bounds. Slaps self in head repeatedly and apologize to Jerry who was a tree trunk that passed like Jason Kidd. He would set a pick for you, your man would be crushed and then all you had to do was take that sweet bounce pass and finish Haze! If only Crash Davis had been there tell me "Basketball is supposed to be fun dammit!". I really only figured that out many years later while singing Karaoke in Japan. I can't sing but I would have fun kind of imitating John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Kurt Cobain etc. and it made my peers laugh. So when I got back to the U.S. I could just go right up there and do one of my twenty songs and have fun. If you were in the audience making fun of me I was definitely winning that one.

We like to maintain this winner vs loser narrative and it is at our own peril. Who gets to decide? Gallagher made more money as a comedian than Gary Shandling but I miss Gary. Dane Cook was at the top of the comedy world and fell off with a loud thud. Marc Maron was almost out of the business and is now a force to be recognized. Ian McKellan and Bryan Cranston were toiling away in obscurity before making it big later in life. Were they losers that became winners? Was Ted Danson a winner that became a loser and is now a winner again? John Travolta was never better than in Blow Out from 1981 and has had the craziest career of them all. Currently Santa Claus and making a sequel to "Cash Out" a movie I was unaware of until this very moment.

If I had to turn in some kind of life points, resume, am I going to be proud? Surely last night I could have written ten more pages in a novel rather than re-watching Twin Peaks episodes. I wanted to celebrate David Lynch, however you feel about the man and his art, we used the word "Lynchian" to describe the appearance of surreal or dream like elements in other shows and movies. So his collected box office doesn't equal a medium hit for Steven Spielberg he put his vision on the screen and was the king of specificity. He probably got a kick out of blowhards explaining the meaning of his visuals to people when David was thinking "I just really love red lamps!" The point is that David loved his art and worked hard to create his vision to the best of his ability. His version of "Dune" remained a sore spot for him because it was the one that he was interfered with the most and he learned to not let that happen again. I don't think he would have wanted to switch careers with Steven Spielberg, and I don't want to work at the world's largest Total Wine store! (or the smallest one, or the medium one). I don't need to walk into rooms and be recognized. I don't need to be interviewed by Whiskey Advocate, or The Charlotte Observer. If you ask me for an easy drinking Scotch and I give you one and you like it, then I won. If I track down a gin I really want and am able to get it onto the shelf, I won. If I can drive to the super G Mart and find the ingredients I need to make my Thai curry, I won. If I can afford to be a member of the Page Mill Wine Club, i won. If Ryker dog is happy to see me when I come home, I won. If my friends know they can count on me, I won. If I finish the day knowing I did considerably more good than harm, I won.

Most of the losses have already happened and I would enjoy not doing any more of that but that is impossible. Did I learn, did I try to make amends? Am I recovering from the loss or wallowing in it? Can I repair the mistake? Was the goal out of reach to begin with? Yesterday Melissa thanked me for helping her stay afloat during the VERY long and arduous process of putting her album together. I told her that if that is what happened then I am happy for us both. I certainly had aspirations of being a tremendous help, but I just did what I could do when I could do something. If you care and believe in someone and you can participate in helping them accomplish their dreams I strongly advise doing so. You could put that on the top of my life resume. I don't think I was ever a fantastic teacher but there are kids out there that I taught how to write, and they still have that skill, and I am proud of that. Folks could call me a loser and build a case with charts and graphs, and some very unflattering pie chart but I feel like a winner. Last week I built two amazing Woodford picks with Elizabeth McCall and the list of things I would rather have done than that is VERY short.

So even though you didn't cure Polio, travel to the moon, visit all seven continents (Shoutout to Lara Owen for actually doing that!) if you are enjoying your life than you are winning. If people are happy to hear from you, you are winning. If folks look forward to your green bean casserole every Thanksgiving, you are winning! All those folks that are counting on you, cheering for you, you are a winner to them and their vote counts more than some random person on the internet that says "our store smells funny" 2 stars. The people that actually know you, that are part of your life they are happy you are there and you should be too. Losers are folks that are terminally unhappy. Finding fault in everything and everyone. It would be better if, why does this have to be like this, remember when this was like that. Yeah I do remember, and you complained then too! Being a loser is looking for joy in other people's failures and misery. Someone asked me if I was happy Stateline got robbed?? Are you out of your mind? Don't get my disdain for mediocrity confused with some kind of blanket world hatred. I'm a cheerleader. I'm rooting for so many people! I want folks to make it, I'm not a misery loves company person I'm a soak up the sun person. Send me the people that are smiling, laughing, sharing, encouraging, and uplifting, always room for those winners. The folks stepping on heads, hands, pushing folks out of the way, taking credit for others work, talking shit about people when they are not around and smiling to their faces, those folks can walk right past me and enter the misery Olympics. I will be on the couch sipping on Winter Welcome listening to Melissa Engleman's album like a winner!

