CTA Weekly Communicator | Jan. 26, 2018 10 Shevat 5778 |
5:26 pm Candle lighting for Shabbat
CTA Weekly Communicator
Weekly Newsletter with Important News & Updates from Columbus Torah Academy
Shabbat Shalom D'var Torah
By Rabbi Yaakov Greenfeld, Upper School Judaic Studies Teacher
As we continue in Parshat Beshalach with the story of the Jewish nation leaving Egypt, it is worthwhile to zoom in on some of the words we recite weekly in the Friday night Kiddush. 

We mention that Shabbat is " Zikaron Lemaaseh Bereishit" a remembrance of the days of creation, as well as " Zecher Leyitziat Mitzrayim" a remembrance of our exodus from Egypt. That Shabbat is a remembrance of the days of creation seems well founded, as the whole concept of resting on Shabbat is to express our belief that after the 6 days of creation, Hashem "rested" on the 7th day. However, the statement that Shabbat is a remembrance of our being redeemed from Egypt seems puzzling. In what way is observance of Shabbat connected to our leaving the slavery of Egypt? 

Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky offers the following creative understanding. The Midrash states that there were periods of time during the slavery that the Jews were allowed a day of rest, on Shabbat, due to Moshe's lobbying on their behalf. The Midrash continues to relate that they had scrolls in their hands which they would read on this day of rest, and they would receive much needed encouragement to strengthen their belief that they would eventually be redeemed. Wouldn't it be amazing if archeologists would find those scrolls so that we would know what was written on them. Absent of such findings,

Rabbi Kamenetzky offers an idea. Every day of the week had a special song which was recited by the Levites in the Temple, still recited as part of the Shacharit prayer to this day. The song for the day of Shabbat is perplexing, as besides for the opening line which expresses that it is a song for Shabbat, the word and concept of Shabbat seemingly goes unmentioned. Instead we find expressions of belief in the ways of Hashem even during times of darkness, and our conviction that the righteous will eventually prevail. How do these concepts, undoubtedly important, relate to the concept of Shabbat? With the addition of the following component, we will be able to appreciate the answer.  

According to Rashi, Tractate Baba Batra 14b, the author of the song for Shabbat, despite the fact that this is one of the chapters in Psalms which was primarily written by King David, was none other than Moshe. When during Moshe's long and productive life did he pen these words? Perhaps during this era, when the Jewish nation was experiencing much grief from the Egyptians, and Divine retribution was seemingly non existent, Moshe saw the need to assemble this chapter for the lessons that it contained, to strengthen the nation to hope for a better future. According to the Midrash we began with, the time that the Jews were available to read and discuss these teachings was on their free day, which was Shabbat. 

Going full circle, what emerges is that without the reading of these scrolls on Shabbat, who knows if they would have had the fortitude to last until the redemption occurred. This then, can be a possible understanding of what we mean when we say that Shabbat is a remembrance of the exodus, in the sense that without the day of rest then, who knows how the redemption would have become a reality. If we are able to focus on this point as we recite the Kiddush, we will be linking the weekly Shabbat with the timeless redemption in a meaningful way.

Shabbat Shalom!
Preview of the Week: January 29-February 2, 2018
Lunch: Pizza Bagels


Activities: CTA Executive Board Meeting, 7:30 pm
Lunch: Tacos


Activities: Parent Cafe with Nicole Miller, 7:30 pm, Home of Jeff and Meagan Buren
Lunch: Grilled Cheese

Sports: MSG AWAY vs. Polaris Christian, 5:00 pm
VG AWAY vs. Village Academy, 6 pm
MSB AWAY vs. Polaris Christian, 6:15 pm
VB AWAY vs. Village Academy, 7:30 pm

Activities: Lower School Tennis, 4:15 pm
Lunch: Cold Cut Sandwiches

Sports: MSG AWAY vs. St. John's Lutheran, 5:30 pm
VG HOME vs. Madison Christian, 6:00 pm
MSB AWAY vs. St. John's, 6:45 pm

Activities: Kindergarten Siyum, 9:30 am
Lunch: Tuna


Activities: Lower School Dress Down Day
Feb. 7: 5th and 6th Grade Parent Informational Meeting about Jr. High, 7:30 pm, CTA
Feb. 16: Faculty Professional Development Day, NO SCHOOL
Feb. 19: President's Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 23: Lower School Dress Down Day
Feb. 23: Enrollment & Tuition Assistance Forms for 2018-2019 due
Re-ENROLLMENT AGREEMENTS and FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FORMS for the 2018-2019 school year must be turned in by February 23 including a deposit of $250 per child. The Financial Assistance forms must be begun while it is understandable that all supportive data including 2017 tax returns will not be turned in until a later date.

Electronic version of the forms were emailed to parents and paper versions were sent home with the youngest child in the family this week.

To apply for Tuition Assistance, go to the Smart Aid website at https://www.smartaidforparents.com and use school code: 13328. If you already have an account for last year, use your login.
Reminder that students should be wearing uniform compliant sweaters and sweatshirts in the building. You may also want to encourage your child to keep an extra one at school for days when it is extra cold in case they forget one at home.

And, LABEL, LABEL, LABEL everything!
Dear Families and Staff,

Flu activity in Columbus & Franklin County is high. While causing mild disease in a lot of people, the flu can also cause severe disease and death in others. The CDC provided an update about flu activity on January 12, 2018. According to the CDC 20 children have died from the flu nationally.

PREVENTION = everyday good health habits

·     Cover your cough – cough in your sleeve
·     Wash your hands
·     Limit contact with others who are sick
·     Stay home if you are sick
·     Get the flu vaccine

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Morford, BSN, RN, School Nurse.
She is at CTA: Monday & Tuesday Phone: (614) 864-0299 ext.211 or cmorford@torahacademy.org
Mrs. Miller is TWEETING!! Follow her on Twitter at https://twitter.com/NikkiMillerCTA. @nikkimillerCTA
#mrsmilleristweeting #coolprincipal #areyoufollowing #canyouhashtag
Proposed calendar for 2018-2019 is now available by clicking here. This calendar includes start and end dates for next school year as well as vacation dates. It is called a proposed calendar in case there are minor tweaks.
Tennis lessons at CTA started January 17 and will run through May for students in grades K-6. Lessons are after school led by tennis pro Marc Wurtzman. For more information click here or to register directly, click here. Any questions to arahav@torahacademy.org
DON"T LOSE IT. LABEL IT. PLEASE label your child's clothing!!! With everyone wearing uniforms, we have a large number of navy, blue and white shirts and gray, black and navy sweatshirts that have no known owners. If you need labels, go to Name Bubbles using this link:
https://fundraising.namebubbles.com/f/96566 . CTA earn 20% of every order.
Click on link or icon below to see more.
Come Tu B'Shevat - the Birthday of the Trees with PJ Library on Sunday, January 28, at 10 am.

Where: Franklin Park Conservatory,
1777 E Broad St, Columbus, 43203
When: Sunday, January 28, at 10:00 am
Details: Celebrate the Birthday of the Trees -
Tu B'shvat - with PJ Library, Columbus Torah Academy and CJDS! We will have storytime, a scavenger hunt, and arts & crafts. 
The next Parent Cafe with Nicole Miller will be on Tuesday, January 30, at 7:30 pm at the home of Jeff and Meagan Buren.

Have you ever wondered what the Common Core State Standards mean to your child? How can you best understand them and support your child? 

At this Parent Cafe, Mrs. Miller will discuss the fundamental instructional shifts that took place in English Language Arts and Math's Ohio Learning Standards also called Common Core State Standards. She will also share a few strategies that you can use at home to support these shifts. 

Address furnished by emailing RSVP to info@torahacademy.org
Order magazines for your office or home. 40% profit goes to benefit the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. Click on this flyer or this link and use the school code: 2522449. Any questions, ask an 8th grader or Norma.
Start saving those Box Tops. Lots of promotions! Click here for more information: Box Tops Back to School Promotions - Earn Prizes
Be sure to join PTO. Click here for more information and here are some ways you can volunteer!
Mister G Concert and Purim Palooza. CTA is a partner with this fun pre-Purim event on Sunday, February 25 from 10:30-12:30 at the JCC on College Avenue. Flyer here.
Click icon above for detailed information and ways to fulfill your Give & Get .
70 Faces of Israel events featuring Mehereta Baruch Ron who will speak on: “The challenge of equal opportunity in Israel”.

Sunday, January 28 at the JCC, 7:00pm including dessert reception.  

For more information contact Merav Livneh- Dill, Senior Shlicha: meravld@tcjf.org or Justin Shaw, Director, Jewish Community Relations: jshaw@tcjf.org

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/157671834866692/?active_tab=about
I MATTER on February 4 for teen girls, moms and mentors. It will be an afternoon of empowerment, motivation and inspiration with some food, fun and gifts thrown in there, too. The topic is teen dating violence awareness and education surrounding healthy relationships which will include promoting self confidence, self respect and inner beauty. A complete flyer can be found here.
Save the Date for the JCC Gala on Saturday night, February 24, 2018. Full flyer here.
How to Outsmart Our Kids in Technology with Alex Paskie on Sunday, February 25 at 6:30 pm at the JCC on College Avenue. Flyer here.
Learn How to Live Longer and Better at a FREE Breath Brake Seminar with Rabbi Goldberg of Kids Kicking Cancer. Program on Saturday, February 3 at 7:45 pm at the JCC on College Avenue. Flyer here.
Columbus Conference for Jewish Women on Sunday, February 11, from 9:30 am - 2:00 pm at the Columbus Museum of Art. More information and register here.
Ahavas Sholom Cholent Cook Off on February 17. RSVP to ahavas-sholom.org
Meet Sharon Tal, successful Israeli designer and entrepreneur on Thursday, March 8 at 7 pm at Creekside Event Center in Gahanna. Flyer here.
Consider sponsoring  a Day of Learning in memory or honor of a loved one or to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, b'nai mitzvah or other life cycle event. A Day of Learning is a $180 donation and dedications are listed in both the CTA Weekly Communicator and the monthly CTA Dateline.

CTA's Day of Learning for Friday, January 26, the 11th of Shevat, is sponsored by Rabbi Michael Emerson and Dr. Adina Bitton in memory of Rabbi Emerson's grandmother, Bernice Cooper, Basha Bat Yaacov Dov. May her neshama have an aliya.

To choose your Day of Learning, contact Shari at  sherszage@torahacademy.org
Give to CTA
CTA accepts donations to our Annual Fund or Scholarship Fund throughout the year. We also accept Tribute Donations in memory of or in honor of loved ones. Donations can be made through the school office at 614-864-0299 or online by clicking  here.

Donations are listed in our monthly CTA Dateline. Check  here to see our most recent issue.
Columbus Torah Academy | (V) 614-864-0299 | (F)614-864-2119 | info@torahacademy.org | www.torahacademy.org