CTA Weekly Communicator | May 25, 2018 11 Sivan 5778 |
8:31 pm Candle lighting for Nasso
CTA Weekly Communicator
Weekly Newsletter with Important News & Updates from Columbus Torah Academy
Shabbat Shalom D'var Torah
By Rabbi Jon Savage, Upper School Judaic Studies Teacher
During the twelve days of the dedication of the Tabernacle, the heads of the twelve tribes each brought an offering. Although the offerings of the leaders were the same, the Torah repeats each gift with all of its details. The Torah never uses an extra word or letter unless it is coming to teach us a lesson about life. What lesson can we learn here?

Rav Zelig Pliskin in Growth Through Torah quotes The Ralbag, a 14th century French Biblical commentator, who informs us that the lesson for us to learn is that we should not try to out-do another person in order to boast or feel superior to him. We should keep our focus on the accomplishment, not on our egos.

The goal in spiritual matters is to serve the Almighty, to grow as a person and not to seek honor or to compete with anyone else. Competition has its motivating factor, but one-upmanship has no place in fulfilling Torah principles.

Shabbat Shalom.
Preview of the Week: May 28-June 1, 2018
Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL


Lunch: Chicken Nuggets


Activities: Senior Trip
Garden Club, 4-5 pm
Lunch: Grilled Cheese


Activities: Senior Trip
Lower School Tennis, 4:15 pm
Robotics Club, 4-5:15 pm
Garden Club, 4-5 pm
Lower School Achievement Fair, 6-7:30 pm
Lunch: Cold Cut Sandwiches


Activities: Garden Club, 4-5 pm
Lunch: Hot Dog Lunch - Compliments of PTO


Activities: Lower School Dress Down Day
Field Day, Grades K-8
Final Exams, Grades 9-11
Garden Club, 2-3 pm
June 3: 12th Grade Graduation, 1 pm
June 4: 3rd Grade Plays, 3 pm
June 5: Class of 2022 Freshman Speech, 7 pm
June 6: Last Day of School, 12 pm dismissal
Kindergarten Celebration, 10 am
Upper School Awards Assembly, 7 pm
Parents, students and the entire community is invited to the Lower School Achievement Fair this Wednesday, May 30 from 6-7:30 pm.

Students and parents in 2nd and 5th grade are scheduled for Writer's Workshop Share Night presentations beginning at 6:30 pm. Please keep that time in mind as you plan to come to the event. The Writer's Workshop with Artist in Residence Amy Greenberg ended this week and the Share Night is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a taste of what the students have been learning with Mrs. Greenberg.

Other highlighted activities include interactive games with 3rd and 6th grade about the Garden and the 4th grade class business "Scented Dreams" selling scented hand sanitizer.

The Book Fair will also be open from 5:30-7:30 pm.

A more detailed scheduled will be sent home on Tuesday.

If you have questions, please contact info@torahacademy.org
Field Day Volunteers Needed: PTO is helping to organize Parent Volunteers for K-8 Field Day on June 1. There are three available shifts to support our teachers and make sure our kids have a great day. Use this link to sign up. Earn Give & Get

Got Crayola Markers you aren't using? Want to protect the environment? Here's a chance to recycle and help others.

Crayola and schools across North America are banding together to help kids understand the importance of their role in protecting the environment. That’s why we launched Crayola ColorCycle. Through this initiative, students in K-12 schools across the continental United States and parts of Canada can collect and repurpose used Crayola markers.

More detailed information can be found here.

A box is located at CTA in the lobby. Any questions to Agi Hartstein at agihartstein@torahacademy.org
Pre-Order School Supply Kits for 2018-2019 School Year: The link is now available to pre-order school supply kits for the 2018-2019 school year for students in incoming grades 1-6 for Fall 2018.

Kits will be available for pick up on the Monday before school starts or delivered directly to your child's classroom on the 1st day of school.

Please use this link to order:   https://kits.officecityexpress.com

School Supply lists for K-6 is attached and the list will be sent home in the June packet and posted on the website in June. Grades 7-12 will receive their school lists on the first day of school.  

Deadline is June 6 to order the kits.
Click on link or icon below to see more.
Important Columbus BUS Information: NEW FOR 2018-2019: ALL Columbus Torah Academy students who ride COLUMBUS City School buses will need to request transportation to CTA by completing an online Transportation Request. Requests are made using Infinite Campus Online Registration.

Register online at: https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=4818

  • The slides will walk you through the online registration process.
  • Each slide will prompt you for the information needed in order to proceed to the next step.
  • Make sure you review each screen’s instructions before continuing.
  • Select Charter, Non-Public Transportation Request as the registration type.
  • Don’t forget to click “Submit” when you are finished.
  • CTA staff cannot register for you.

Click HERE to Register online

A Detailed PDF of what how to register HERE.

Columbus buses WILL pick up at 12:00 pm
on the last day of school,
Wednesday, June 6, 2018.
New link for Magazine and more sale. Help our 7th graders raise money for their trip to Washington DC in the Fall. Use this Link: Tiny.cc/TorahDC

Detailed flyer here.
Hebrew Language Books: Check out this special offer for Hebrew books from the Keshet and the Israel American Council. To sign up, go to www.iackeshet.org
Buy tons of items for camp (and every day, too) and support CTA. Columbus Torah Academy receives 10% of every purchase. Be sure to use this link: www.packforcamp.com/cta For more information click here.
Start saving those Box Tops. Lots of promotions! Click here for more information: Box Tops Back to School Promotions - Earn Prizes
CTA’s Book Fair continues May 29 -June 1

Visit us any day during school, and at Achievement Fair, Wednesday evening May 30!

For more information, visit CTA’s Book Fair homepage at http://www.scholastic.com/bf/cta.
Can’t come to the Fair, or to see even more great books, shop online at that website, too. Our Online Fair is available thru May 31. 

We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school. 
Save Around App: Use this link to check out this new App that you can buy for your phone. The App will be available for purchase through June 6. Help CTA 8th graders raise money and save some money yourself! Click Here. More Details here.
Gratitude Grams: PTO is selling Gratitude Grams for teachers and staff. A sheet of gratitude grams is $1 for 4. You can show your appreciation for your favorite teacher or staff person. They can be purchased online at http://www.torahacademy.org/pto-gratitude-grams/ by emailing to pto@torahacademy.org or using the same email to send payment to Paypal. Orders will be delivered to your child to take home. All completed Gratitude Grams will be returned to the front desk for distribution by the Lower School Student Council. If you have any questions, contact Beth Binsky at beth@2828design.com.
Click icon above for detailed information and ways to fulfill your Give & Get .
HELP CTA EARN KROGER REWARDS: https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow to make sure that your rewards card is linked to Columbus Torah Academy. We earn 3% of every sale in donations to support our students. Now is the time to confirm you are enrolled. More information here.
Proposed calendar for 2018-2019 is now available by clicking here. This calendar includes start and end dates for next school year as well as vacation dates. It is called a proposed calendar in case there are minor tweaks.
Columbus Torah Academy is on INSTAGRAM! Follow us at:

Columbus Torah Academy

Buckeye Kosher BBQ Festival is on August 12, 2018 from 3-7 pm on the front lawn at Capital University. Volunteers are needed. Click here for more information.
Consider sponsoring a Day of Learning in memory or honor of a loved one or to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, b'nai mitzvah or other life cycle event. A Day of Learning is a $180 donation and dedications are listed in both the CTA Weekly Communicator and the monthly CTA Dateline.

To choose your Day of Learning, contact Shari at sherszage@torahacademy.org. 
Give to CTA
CTA accepts donations to our Annual Fund or Scholarship Fund throughout the year. We also accept Tribute Donations in memory of or in honor of loved ones. Donations can be made through the school office at 614-864-0299 or online by clicking  here.

Donations are listed in our monthly CTA Dateline. Check here to see our most recent issue.
Columbus Torah Academy | (V) 614-864-0299 | (F)614-864-2119 | info@torahacademy.org | www.torahacademy.org