CTA Weekly Communicator | March 9, 2018 22 Adar 5778 |
6:15 pm Candle lighting for Shabbat
CTA Weekly Communicator
Weekly Newsletter with Important News & Updates from Columbus Torah Academy
Shabbat Shalom D'var Torah
By Leah Savage, 2nd Grade Judaic Studies Teacher
The Torah states with regard to Betzalel, the artisan in charge of creating the Mishkan (Portable Sanctuary), that the Almighty filled him with wisdom, insight and knowledge ... "and to think thoughts to make with gold and with silver and with brass (Exodus 35:32). What can this verse teach us about our own lives?

Rav Zelig Pliskin, in Growth Through Torah states: "There are two types of skillful artisans. The first type of craftsman is one who is able to picture new designs in his mind. His imagination enables him to create original works of art. This, wrote Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, is what the present verse is expressing. "And to think thoughts," that is, Betzalel had the ability to visualize entirely new artistic creations.

The second type is an expert in making fancy vessels with intricate designs though he may not be creative or original. After he sees what someone else has done, he learns to make similar things -- perhaps even better than the original designer.

Our lesson: Whatever abilities the Almighty has blessed you with can be utilized for the honor of the Almighty. One does not need to be a Betzalel to serve the Almighty. One just needs to be his or her creative self!

Shabbat Shalom
Preview of the Week: March 12-16, 2018
Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese - Volunteer: R. Schwartz


Lunch: Tacos - Volunteer: L. Blumberg


Activities: PTO Yoga for Moms, 8:45 am, CTA
Lunch: Lasagna - Volunteer: D. Weprin


Activities: PTO Yoga for Moms, 8:45 am, CTA
Lower School Tennis, 4:15 pm
Parent Cafe with Nicole Miller, 7:30 pm, Blumberg home
Lunch: BBQ Chicken - Volunteers: S. Stanich/S. Epstein


Lunch: Fish Sticks - Volunteer: J. Vilensky


Activities: End of 3rd Quarter
Lower School Dress Down Day
March 11: Daylight Savings Time Begins; turn clocks ahead 1 hour
March 11: Baseball Team Fundraising Take Out Dinner, 4-7 pm, Beth Jacob Synagogue
March 18: Passover and Hebrew Story Time, 2 pm, Bexley Public Library
March 20 and 21: Upper School Drama Presents: The Hundred Dresses, 7:30 pm, CTA
March 20 and 21 : Pizza Dinner Cafe (before the show), 6:30-7:15 pm, CTA
March 28: Model Seders
March 29-April 8: Passover Vacation - NO SCHOOL
Registration for the Garden Club for students in grades 3-7 is now open. Weekly sessions begin after school on March 12. Click here to sign up.
The CTA Baseball team is holding a Take Out Burger Night on Sunday, March 11 from 4-7 pm to help them get new uniforms. Here is a flyer. Drive through pick up and delivery options are available.

Please send us pictures of any Israel experience photo you have as CTA participates in a community wide Art Exhibit organized by the Jewish Federation of Columbus. The photos will be used in a CTA picture mosaics (a large picture made up of a lot of small pictures) which will be displayed with other mosaics for local Jewish institutions. This is all part of the celebration of Israel’s 70th!

We need your help to make CTA’s mosaic awesome! Please upload any Israel experience photo you have (of you, your family, or just scenery) to the following folder using the link below by next Friday March 16th. 

Step 2: Drag Photo into Folder


Email any photos to info@torahacademy.org

We will create a larger picture of Jerusalem representing CTA in this art exhibition.

Thank you for helping us to represents our school in the community,

Any questions to sbenatar@torahacademy.org or sherszage@torahacademy.org
Click on link or icon below to see more.
The next PTO Yoga for Moms will be on Tuesday, March 13 at 8:45 am at CTA . Bexley Yoga is again partnering with PTO for this class. Cost is $5 per person. A flyer will be available next week.
SPECIAL RATE FOR CTA PARENTS AND STUDENTS: CTA parents and students are invited to see Side Show on Thursday, March 15 for a discounted rate of $5.00. The show is appropriate for grades 5-12.

Email Norma Whitmyre at  nwhitmyre@torahacademy.org  or contact Nina Martin at Gallery Players at the JCC at  nmartin@ columbusjcc.org o 614-559-6248  for tickets.
Hebrew and Passover Story Time at the Bexley Library on Sunday, March 18 at 2 pm. Join with Moreh Dror and Moreh Eran (from CJDS) for a celebration of the upcoming Jewish holiday of Passover with stories, songs, and crafts. Program will be in both Hebrew and English and is appropriate for families with children ages 7 and younger. For more information, contact info@torahacademy.org
Order magazines for your office or home. 40% profit goes to benefit the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. Click on this flyer or this link and use the school code: 2522449. Any questions, ask an 8th grader or Norma.
Start saving those Box Tops. Lots of promotions! Click here for more information: Box Tops Back to School Promotions - Earn Prizes
Proposed calendar for 2018-2019 is now available by clicking here. This calendar includes start and end dates for next school year as well as vacation dates. It is called a proposed calendar in case there are minor tweaks.
The next lower school Parent Café with Nicole Miller will be on March 14 at 7:30 pm at the home of Lara and Gary Blumberg.

Due to the animated discussion at the February cafe, the topic will be a book talk based on the book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck.

Parents are encouraged to read the book and Mrs. Miller will present leading questions for a discussion about how a growth mindset prepares our students for future success. A growth mindset gives our children problem solving skills and the tools to understand that effort and time equal higher achievement. Dr. Dweck’s studies have shown that when students believe they can get smarter they understand that effort makes them stronger.

RSVP to info@torahacademy.org or to request the address if needed.
Purchase Shmurah matzoh for Passover and proceeds will support our school, Columbus Torah Academy. Orders can be made online and are guaranteed if received by March 11. A flyer can also be downloaded here.
Be sure to join PTO. Click here for more information and here are some ways you can volunteer!
Click icon above for detailed information and ways to fulfill your Give & Get .
Mamanet Family Festival on Sunday, March 11 from 12-2 pm at the JCC.
Cole Essay Contest for High School Seniors. Deadline is April 20, 2018. Details can be found here.
Community speaker. Wendy Amsellem for High School aged girls on Sunday, March 11 at 3 pm. Flyer and more information can be found here.
Gallery Players presents "Side Show" at the JCC from March 3-18. Purchase tickets at jccgalleryplayers.org or 614-231-2731
Consider sponsoring a Day of Learning in memory or honor of a loved one or to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, b'nai mitzvah or other life cycle event. A Day of Learning is a $180 donation and dedications are listed in both the CTA Weekly Communicator and the monthly CTA Dateline.

CTA's Day of Learning for Wednesday, February 28, the 13th of Adar is sponsored by Dr. Neil and Audrey in honor of their grandchildren Yehuda Leib, Sara and Hillel Weinreich and to wish a Happy Purim to the staff at CTA. The Siegels are grandparents to kindergartner Yehuda Leib.  

CTA's Day of Learning for March 5, the 18th of Adar is sponsored by Leah Kohn in honor of the yarzheit of her husband Paul Kohn, Moshe Eliyahu ben Elyokim HaKohen, z'l. Mr. Kohn is the grandfather of students Eliezer, Esther, Orah and Abby Kohn and family. May his neshama have an aliya.

 To choose your Day of Learning, contact Shari at sherszage@torahacademy.org. 
Give to CTA
CTA accepts donations to our Annual Fund or Scholarship Fund throughout the year. We also accept Tribute Donations in memory of or in honor of loved ones. Donations can be made through the school office at 614-864-0299 or online by clicking  here.

Donations are listed in our monthly CTA Dateline. Check here to see our most recent issue.
Columbus Torah Academy | (V) 614-864-0299 | (F)614-864-2119 | info@torahacademy.org | www.torahacademy.org