CTA Weekly Communicator | Dec. 8, 2017 | 20 Kislev 5778 |
4:48 pm Candle lighting for Shabbat
CTA Weekly Communicator
Weekly Newsletter with Important News & Updates from Columbus Torah Academy
Shabbat Shalom D'var Torah
By Leah Savage, 2nd Grade Judaic Studies Teacher
When Jacob sent his son Yosef to check on the welfare of his brothers who were grazing the flock, the Torah relates:

"And he said to him, go see about the welfare of your brothers and about the welfare of the sheep."
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin in Growth Through Torah asks: "What lesson do we learn from Jacob's additional request to check on the sheep?"

He quotes Rabbi Noson Tzvi Finkel, Rosh Hayeshiva of the famed Slobodka yeshiva, who states as follows: "We learn from here that a righteous person emulates the Almighty who is compassionate and merciful. A person who is truly compassionate will be concerned about the welfare of animals as well since all of the Almighty's creation is important."

Such a great lesson going in to Chanukah - to love and show kindness to all of in order to bring more light into this world!

Shabbat Shalom
Preview of the Week: December 11-15
Lunch: Pizza Bagels - Volunteer: R. Schwartz


Lunch: Chicken Nuggets - Volunteer: L. Blumberg

Sports: AWAY MSG vs. Liberty Christian, 5:00 pm
AWAY MSB vs. Liberty Christian, 6:15 pm
HOME VG vs. Probe Academy, 6:00 pm
HOME VB vs. Probound HS, 7:30 pm

Lunch: Lasagna - Volunteer: D. Weprin

Sports: HOME VG vs. Horizon Science, 5:30 pm
HOME VB vs Horizon Science Academy, 7 pm

Lunch: Chicken Cutlets - Volunteer: D. Kopp

Sports: HOME MSG vs. CSG, 5:00 pm
HOME MSB vs. Probe Academy, 6:15 pm

Activities: Lower School Student Council, 4-5 pm
Lunch: Fish Sticks - Volunteer: J. Vilensky


Activities: Chanukah Carnival, Grades K-6
Dec. 10: CTA Scholarship Gala, 5:30 pm, at CTA
Dec. 18-21: High School Mid Term Exams
Dec. 21: End of 2nd Quarter; Start of Winter Break, 2:00 pm Dismissal
Dec. 22-Jan. 2: Winter Break
Jan. 3: School Resumes
RSVP for the Scholarship Dinner. All proceeds benefit the Scholarship Fund and support a CTA education. Click here for online payments.
Thank you to the following who helped prepare the Holiday Treat bags for our students: Shulamit Ginsburg, Norma Whitmyre, Robin Garvin, Sara Libby Epstein, Sarah Stanich, Levana Slabodnick, and Karan Tanenbaum.

Thank you also to Ilana Klamka for providing holiday napkins.
Flu Notice from THE NURSE: Please take precautions to stay healthy. Click here for an important notice from the Nurse.
Holiday Gift Fund

Participate in PTO Holiday Gift Fund to show your appreciation for our staff with a gift. Each staff member receives the same amount based on full or part time status. The cost is $4 per person.

Deadline to turn in forms is Monday, December 11. Click here for all of the information and to print out a form.
Click on link or icon below to see more.
Order magazines for your office or home. 40% profit goes to benefit the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. Click on this flyer or this link and use the school code: 2522449. Any questions, ask an 8th grader or Norma.
Start saving those Box Tops. Lots of promotions! Click here for more information: Box Tops Back to School Promotions - Earn Prizes
Click icon above for detailed information and ways to fulfill your Give & Get .
Be sure to join PTO. Click here for more information and here are some ways you can volunteer!
PTO Directory: The CTA PTO Directory has been sent home with the youngest child of ALL PAID PTO members. Don’t miss out on this important booklet. Become a member of PTO for just $25 ! Please send your check, made out to CTA PTO, to the school office or pay directly through Paypal at pto@torahacademy.org.  We’ll send the Directory right away!  
Gallery Players presents Oliver! Dates are December 9-17. Flyer Here. Come support CTA students: Ayala Hazan, Gillian Herszage, Yaakov Newman and CTA Staff: Norma Whitmyre
Israeli Chanukah Party on December 12. Details Here.
Pick up Fried Chicken on December 15. Flyer Here.
Blood Drive at the JCC College Ave., Wednesday, December 13.

The need for blood donors is never completely satisfied. New donors must be found when long time donors can no longer give. Please come Wednesday, December 13th, to the JCC between 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm to give the “Gift of Life”. You can arrange an appointment by calling the Red Cross at 1-800-Red Cross or go to the Red Cross website at www.redcrossblood.org sponsor code: tolifecolumbus  
Special Chanukah Masmidim for students in grades K-6 at the Kollel on Sunday, December 10. Flyer here.
Chanukah at Wildlights 2017 - At the Zoo on December 13. Flyer and Coupon Here.
JCC Annual Kosher Chinese on December 19. Flyer Here.
Motzei Shabbat Chanukah Celebration at the Kollel on December 16. Community is invited. Flyer here.
Consider sponsoring  a Day of Learning in memory or honor of a loved one or to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, b'nai mitzvah or other life cycle event. A Day of Learning is a $180 donation and dedications are listed in both the CTA Weekly Communicator and the monthly CTA Dateline.

CTA's Day of Learning for Thursday, December 7/the 19th of Kislev was sponsored by the Hartstein Family in memory of parents and grandparents, Yehuda Ben Menachem Mendel and Chana bat Yisrael Neubauer on the anniversary of Mrs. Hartstein's mom's yarzheit. May their neshama have an aliya.

To choose your Day of Learning, contact Shari at  sherszage@torahacademy.org
Give to CTA
CTA accepts donations to our Annual Fund or Scholarship Fund throughout the year. We also accept Tribute Donations in memory of or in honor of loved ones. Donations can be made through the school office at 614-864-0299 or online by clicking  here.

Donations are listed in our monthly CTA Dateline. Check  here to see our most recent issue.
Columbus Torah Academy | (V) 614-864-0299 | (F)614-864-2119 | info@torahacademy.org | www.torahacademy.org