Volume 3, Issue 23
June 29, 2018
THIS SUNDAY: July 1, 2018
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (B)
Wisdom of Solomon 1:13-15; 2:23-24
Psalm 30
2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Mark 5:21-43

Cami Pascua (EM)
Geoff Shields (U)
Dee Grigsby (AG)

Mario Antonio (EM)
Mary Smith & Chris Wataya (R)
David Crocker & Bara Sargent (U)
Janis Wright (AG)
Braden & Enrico (A)
Every Sunday | 9:00-9:30AM
Adult Bible Study on this Week's Gospel
(Under the tree )

Friday, June 29 | 6:00PM
Potluck & Travelogue - Isreal
(Memorial Hall)

Saturday, June 30 | 10:00AM
AAUW Meeting
(Memorial Hall)

Saturday, June 30 | 10:00AM
Laundry Love Meeting
(Geoff and Kim Shield's home)
( 6290-C Olohena Rd)

Sunday, July 1 after 9:30 Service
Independence Day BBQ and Welcome Back Rev. Ryan

Monday, July 2 | 8:00AM
Monday Crew

Thursday, July 5 | 8:00AM
Eucharistic Healing Service

Every Wednesday | 6:00PM
McMaster Slack Key Guitar and Ukulele Concert (Church)
Always Frugal, Rev. Ryan Returns to Kaua'i in Style
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!

On Sunday, July 1 st , after the 9:30AM service we will convene under the false kamani tree for food, fellowship, and fun.
The Hospitality Ministry will sponsor the BBQ and will provide:

  • Hamburgers, veggieburgers and buns 
  • Sausages, hot dogs and buns 
  • Chicken drumsticks 
  • Potato and/or mac salad 
  • Salad fixings (lettuce, tomatoes, onions) 
  • Watermelon 
  • Pie and ice cream 
  • Coffee
  • Juice
  • Root beer floats
  • Sodas 
  • Other beverages! 

If you would like to MAKE A DONATION toward the cost of the BBQ, provide anything listed above or bring something else along (your favorite July 4 th dish, beverage or whatever) please inform me or any other member of the Hospitality Crew (Chris, Janis, Jean and Wayne). Mahalo. 

Love you all and look forward to a wonderful celebration!

Ke Akua pu me Hale Pule All Saints' - God be with All Saints' Church.

  • Stay tuned for details of the special events on July 15th (celebrating the fifth anniversary of Rev. Ryan’s Installation as our rector) and July 29th (baby shower for the Newmans)!

For the Hospitality Ministry 
David Murray
Prison Ministry Seeking Support and Donations for Hawaiian Bible Study Program
Prison ministry
In recent years, the Diocese of Hawai'i has become heavily engaged in a Prison Ministry at our correctional centers that has grown and continues to flourish. The program, which involves a deep connection to Hawaiian cultural practices, is interwoven with a Hawaiian Bible ( Baibala ) Study Program.   

The Rev. Kaleo Patterson, who has been instrumental in building this ministry, is seeking to obtain Hawaiian Bibles for the Baibala Bible Study Project at the Halawa and Waiawa Community Correctional Centers. The program emphasizes the weekly study of the Revised Common Lectionary Gospel Lessons, and Hawaiian language/vocabulary. Hawaiian Himeni, Mele and pule (prayers) are also taught and practiced.   

Patterson invites interested volunteers to join in as a guest in the program to perhaps lead a session or share in song or prayer. He is also seeking donations to purchase a special Hawaiian English New Testatment Bible that they use in their Baibala Study.
Prison ministry
"These Bibles are very popular in prisons and encourage the study of God's Word," said Patterson in an e-mail. "It is a bright light and a lamp to the path and the feet." 

These Bibles normally retail for $45 but are being provided to the program by Mutual Publishing on O'ahu for only $13.75. His goal is to provide 100 Bibles in 2018.

If you would like to help with the purchase of a Baibala , checks may be made out directly to Mutual Publishing, and mailed to St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 1679 California Avenue, Wahiawa, HI 96786 
General Convention 2018
Imagine Eucharist for 8,000 people. Imagine a marketplace of goods and ideas. Imagine quiet conversations among friends, old and new. Imagine one of the largest legislatures in the world. Imagine the utter silence of prayer before momentous decisions.

The every-third-year gathering of the Episcopal Church known as General Convention is all of these things. The 79th gathering begins in Austin, in the Diocese of Texas, on July 5 and continues until July 13. Bishops and deputies from the Episcopal Church will make broad decisions about policies and worship.
Those decisions take the form of resolutions agreed to by both the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops.

The House of Deputies ranges in size between 800 and 1,000 members. Its sessions are moderated by its elected president, a position held by the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings of the Diocese of Ohio. Each diocese is represented by up to eight elected deputies: four priests or deacons and four lay members. Deputies cannot be instructed to vote one way or another. They agree to have an open heart so that they can prayerfully listen to others and be led by the Holy Spirit. And they cannot refuse to vote on an issue.

Most resolutions or other actions must pass by simple majorities in each house. Occasionally, the House of Deputies votes by orders, meaning that clergy and deputies vote separately and each order’s votes are counted as one vote with the majority of those two votes being recorded as the vote. If the deputation’s orders are evenly split, the vote counts as “no.”

The House of Bishops consists of diocesan, suffragan, assisting and retired bishops. It will be led by the Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry, who was elected at General Convention in 2015.

Resolutions come from the groups that carry out work authorized by the previous convention, and from bishops, dioceses, provinces (geographic collections of dioceses), and deputies. Before a resolution can come before either house, it must be considered by a committee, which hears public testimony and makes recommendations on whether that resolution will be presented.

Convention is more than legislation. All business stops each day so that everyone can join in the Holy Eucharist.

In the exhibit hall, organizations and interest groups present their wares, recruit members and do their best to influence legislation. Many church-related organizations hold meetings in conjunction with Convention, including the Episcopal Church Women, who hold their Triennial Meeting concurrently.

- from The Episcopal Digital Network
-from St. Michael and All Angels, Lihue ( http://stmichaels-kauai.org/documents/enews_current.htm)
No background
What Does It Mean?

 This glossary is intended to be a handy, quick, general reference for Episcopalians. It will appear occasionally in  The Epistle  and will include material specific to the Episcopal Church and its history and polity, liturgy and theology, as well as subjects relevant to the whole church. If you have a question, please send it to the   Epistle Staff .
The Episcopal Church
A conference of three clergy and twenty-four lay delegates met at Chestertown, Kent County, Maryland, on Nov. 9, 1780, and resolved that "the Church formerly known in the Province as the Church of England should now be called the Protestant Episcopal Church." On Aug. 13, 1783, the Maryland clergy met at Annapolis and adopted the name "Protestant Episcopal Church." At the second session of the 1789 General Convention, Sept. 29-Oct. 16, 1789, a Constitution of nine articles was adopted. William White was one of the chief architects of the new church. He was Presiding Bishop from July 28, 1789 to Oct. 3, 1789, and from Sept. 8, 1795 until his death on July 17, 1836. White had previously served as chaplain to the Continental and Constitutional Congresses and the United States Senate from 1777 until 1801. The new church was called the "Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America" (PECUSA). The word "Protestant" noted that this was a church in the reformation tradition, and the word "Episcopal" noted a characteristic of catholicity, the historic episcopate. The first American BCP was based on the Proposed Book of 1786 and the 1662 English BCP. It was ratified by the 1789 General Convention. Alterations or additions to the BCP require the approval of two successive General Conventions. BCP revisions were ratified in 1892, 1928, and 1979. 
The church has grown from thirteen dioceses to more than one hundred dioceses. It is divided into nine geographical provinces. It is governed by a bicameral General Convention, which meets every three years, and by an Executive Council during interim years. The General Convention consists of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. The House of Bishops is composed of every bishop with jurisdiction, every bishop coadjutor, every suffragan bishop, every retired bishop, every bishop elected to an office created by General Convention, and every bishop who has resigned because of missionary strategy. All members of the House of Bishops have seat and voice in the House of Bishops. The House of Deputies is composed of up to four lay and four clerical deputies from each of the dioceses. The two top leaders of the church are the Presiding Bishop, who is also called Primate and Chief Pastor, and the president of the House of Deputies. 
Over the years there were numerous efforts to change the name of the church and to drop the word "Protestant." Among the names suggested were "The Reformed Catholic Church," "The American Catholic Church," "The American Church," and "The American Anglican Church." The 1967 General Convention voted to add a preamble to the Constitution, which states, "The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, otherwise known as The Episcopal Church (which name is hereby recognized as also designating the Church)...." The title page of the 1979 BCP states that the Book of Common Prayer is "According to the use of The Episcopal Church." The Episcopal Church in the United States of America is sometimes called ECUSA. The Episcopal Church is a province of the Anglican Communion.
Continuing Support Needed for Victims of Kilauea Volcanic Eruption  
As lava from the Kilauea eruption continues its crawl of devastation through the Puna District of the Big Island, Episcopal churches and organizations around the island have quickly mobilized to help their neighbors in need.  

The Church of the Holy Apostles in Hilo has been actively coordinating relief efforts for the victims, some of whom are members of the church.  In a  recent article by the Episcopal News Service   (May 24, 2018), Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Katlin McCallister shared how Holy Apostles created its own Kilauea Relief Fund to collect donations from across the diocese to help pay for items such as blankets, pillows, clothing, air purifiers, and rental assistance. The church offered its parking lot for displaced residents wishing to camp in their cars rather than stay at emergency shelters, though most people are staying with family members or friends.

A number of members from Holy Apostles have been directly affected; some located in the evacuation zone had to flee, and one family lost their home and farm to the lava.  

McCallister spoke about the challenges they face going forward. "It's an emotional situation for people. We're talking about homes and lives, cultural heritage. Family heritage is a deep, deep part of life here," she said, "and for families who have lived in the same home for generations, it is hard to suddenly leave that behind." 

To assist with volcano relief efforts, checks can be mailed to:
The Church of the Holy Apostles
Attn: Kilauea Relief Fund
1407 Kapi'olani Street
Hilo, HI 96720

Up north, St. James' Episcopal Church has also seen the fallout with an increasing number of people at Spencer Beach Park, where they deliver meals. Volunteers from the St. James' Community Meal Ministry discovered that more and more evacuees from Puna are camping there, and are making sure to bring back additional meals. They are also partnering with others in Puna to supply much needed items. That list can be viewed in their e-news  HERE

Other local organizations actively involved with relief efforts and are seeking assistance, are listed on the  Holy Apostles' Facebook page  and also shown below:
  1. Pahoa Red Cross Shelter - See wish list HERE. Items should be dropped off at the Pahoa Gym (pet friendly shelter).
  2. Kea'au Red Cross Shelter - See wish list HERE. Items should be dropped off at the Kea'au Shelter.
  3. Pu'uhonua O Puna (Grass roots distribution center on corner of Hwy 130 and Pahoa High School) Please note that unlike the Red Cross, Pu'uhonua O Puna WILL take gently used items.
  4. Pahoa High School is looking for air purifiers, preferably ones that cover 800 sq. feet. 50 are needed to cover the whole school. The link to sign up to donate air purifiers is HERE.  
  5. Salvation Army is in charge of meal service for both the Pahoa and Kea'au Red Cross Shelter. They are in need of help with hot meals. If you have a certified kitchen and would like to provide a hot meal(s) or if you are willing to purchase hot meals from a restaurant and donate it to the shelter please call (808) 756-0306, or signup to do hands-on volunteer service HERE
  6. Hawaii Community Foundation (Monetary donations to be used locally by any proposing non-profit for direct relief services) Their link is HERE.
  7. Food Basket - Help the food bank sort and package donations for distribution! Contact the Hawaii Food Basket at (808) 933-6030 to volunteer.
  8. Aloha Kokua - To offer or seek housing, click HERE.  
Israel Through the Eyes of Joan Roughgarden

Friday, June 29 th at 6:00PM All Saints' will host a dinner and Israel travelogue, presented by our very own Joan Roughgarden.

Please plan to attend this next installment of the All Saints’ travelogue and potluck dinner Friday, June 29 th , in Memorial Hall, beginning at 6:00PM. We will begin with a potluck dinner. If you are so inclined, please bring an Israeli or Jewish food dish to share. Never prepared one or tasted one? Just Google: Israeli cuisine, or Jewish recipes.  Google some specific Jewish foods, such as potato latke or knish or matzoh or challah.

If you would like to learn more or see a preview of the slide show, please click the link below.
This travelogue series usually occurs on the last Friday of each month.  For more information about this travelogue series, or if you would like to present a travelogue of your own journeys, please contact Bill Brown or David Murray by email.  
Sunday School Holiday

In the immortal words of Alice Cooper, " School's Out For Summer! " Sunday School summer break begins this Sunday, July 1 st . Sunday School will resume this fall.

All Saints' compassionate acceptance of pets during services puts us in good company with other caring congregations. Here are a few congregations who have official ministries for the aid of pets and their owners.
Congregations’ Pet Ministries Offer Support to Pet Owners and Their Four-Legged Companions
By David Paulsen
Cat and dog food repackaged in gallon plastic bags is stacked for distribution at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Roswell, New Mexico, for the church’s Four Paws Pet Pantry.
The Lord God made them all, the creatures of the world great and small, and God’s smaller creatures are getting a helping hand from the numerous Episcopal congregations around the country with pet outreach in their lineup of parish ministries.

In Roswell, New Mexico, there’s the Four Paws Pet Pantry, a ministry of  St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church . In Danvers, Massachusetts, All Saints Episcopal Church calls its ministry  Perfect Paws , with services ranging from pet food drives to a therapy dog program in local schools. And St. Paul’s Church by-the-Lake in Chicago has a monthly food pantry called  AniMeals  that doubles as a basic pet clinic, with local veterinarians donating their time.

Pets are the focus, but such outreach would more precisely be described as serving the needs of human members of the congregations’ communities who struggle financially with taking care of their pets. AniMeals, for example, was created about 20 years ago out of concern for older and low-income residents forced to decide between self-care and pet care. “Instead of buying food for themselves, they were buying food for their animals and depriving themselves of that nutrition,” said the Rev. John Heschle, the longtime rector of St. Paul’s. 

One of the simplest pet ministries can be found in Episcopal churches across the country: Annual services offering pet blessings have become commonplace and typically are held in early October around the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. Some churches, though, take pet outreach a step further. The Episcopal Church  Asset Map , though not a comprehensive listing, shows at least a dozen congregations that offer some form of concerted  pet ministry , from the pet supplies collections led by  St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church  in Waterford, Michigan, to the fundraisers that  St. Jude’s Episcopal Church  in Niceville, Florida, holds to support a local no-kill shelter.

Several churches run their own pet food pantries – think of it like a church food pantry but for pets – such as  St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and St. Andrew’s in New Mexico. The pet food pantry was created about two years ago and now serves 70 to 80 pet owners on the third Wednesday each month. The congregation has rallied behind the new ministry, and some local school groups have volunteered to help as service projects. “I just feel like it’s both community and church,” Smith said. “We’re really helping a lot of people in the community. The website of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem, NC includes a description of their Pet Pantry, “Following the example of St. Francis of Assisi, we strive to enhance the lives of all animals by helping end animal hunger. Our Pet Pantry serves low-income families.” Their pantry is open the first and fourth Saturdays and the second and third Fridays.

These ministries often are driven by the congregation members’ love of animals. What else but love would compel a ministry like Perfect Paws in Danvers, Massachusetts, to host a presentation on dog body language for owners of white terriers on the church green?

“We always have been pet lovers,” James Wojcik said, though he sees a greater purpose in the Pet Food Cupboard at St. Aidan’s. “It’s like the  letter  of James: Faith without good works is kind of hollow.”
– Excerpted from The Episcopal News Service
School Supplies
Please place your donations in the red wagon by the door to the sanctuary on Sundays. Hale Ho'omalu also needs and appreciates monetary donations as well as gift-in-kind items.
All Saints' Choir Holiday
Used for Choir summer break

The All Saints' choir will be taking their summer recess starting July 2 nd and finishing August 2 nd . Practice will resume in the music room on Thursday, August 2 nd at 6:00PM and choir will be seated at the 9:30AM service on August 5 th . If you are interested in singing with the choir (visitors are welcome, too!) or you have any questions, please contact music director, Hank Curtis .
During Rev. Ryan's sabbatical Chris Neumann, CeCe Caldwell and Bill Caldwell will be publishing the Epistle . We encourage you to submit your ideas, announcements, photos, videos, articles, or stories for publication in the Epistle . We will work with you to craft your story. You give us the idea, we have a brief chat with you to outline the story, and you give us a quote if that is comfortable for you. It should only take five or ten minutes at your convenience. We take it from there! If you would like to have your item included, please email it to [email protected] or call Bill at (336) 414-7921.