THIS SUNDAY: January 17, 2021
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Scripture Readings
Muriel Jackson (EM)*
Jeff Albao (U)
Marge Akana (AG)
Mark Cain (DM)
Mario Antonio (EM)
Mary Margaret Smith (U)
David Crocker (LR)
Faith Shiramizu (AG)
Vikki Secretario, Mabel Antonio (HP)
Jan Hashizume, Carolyn Morinishi (DM)
Live Stream
9:30AM on our home page, YouTube, or Facebook accounts
* EM - Eucharistic Minister; U - Usher; LR - Lay Reader; AG - Altar Guild; HP - Healing Prayers; DM - Digital Ministry
8:00AM and 9:30AM
Aloha Hour
Every Sunday
10:45AM - 12:00PM
Monday Crew
Every Monday
Church Office
EAM/ACAM Youth and Young Adult meeting
Sunday, January 17th
12:00 - 1:00PM
Zoom meeting
Those who are interested in the EAM/ACAM meeting may contact Carolyn Morinishi for login information.
Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, January 24th
Church and Zoom meeting
Register in advance for the secure Zoom meeting:
For the aged and infirm, for the widowed and orphans, and for the sick and the suffering, especially Donavan, Kul, Uncle Nathan, Ken, Rosalind, Glen, Suzanne, AJ and those we name silently or aloud, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.
For all who have died, especially Linda and those affected by the COVID-19 virus, and those we name silently or aloud, in the hope of the resurrection, and for all the departed, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Amen.
What Is an Annual Parish Meeting?
The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the members of a parish. The by-laws of the parish generally require an annual parish meeting and state the qualifications to be a voting member of the parish. Diocesan canons may state requirements concerning parish meetings. The annual parish meeting typically elects vestry members, and it may elect vestry officers. Delegates to diocesan convention and representatives to other diocesan, deanery, or parish entities may also be elected by the parish meeting. The budget of the parish may be presented. The rector, vestry officers, and ministry leaders may make presentations at the annual parish meeting. The parish by-laws may allow the rector or a majority of the vestry to call a special parish meeting at any time. The by-laws may specify the requirements for a special parish meeting, including the requirements for notice to the members of the parish.
All Saints' Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, January 24, 2021, 10:00AM
On Sunday, January 24th, All Saints' will hold its Annual Parish Meeting. On that Sunday, we will have only one service at 9:00AM in the sanctuary. This will be livestreamed as usual.
After the service is finished, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting in the sanctuary. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are giving members the option to attend the Annual Parish Meeting virtually, via a secure Zoom link.
With Zoom, attendees will have the option of participating in the meeting and voting, via hand-raise, chat or Zoom poll. Please click on the link below to register for your Zoom attendance.
Zoom Annual Parish Meeting 2021
When: Jan 24, 2021 10:00AM Hawaii
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
If you have any technical questions regarding Zoom, please call the church office.
During the Annual Parish Meeting we will elect new Vestry members and 2021 Diocese Convention Delegates.
Vestry Nominations Are Now Due
Election To Be Held During Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 24th, 10:00AM
Aloha i ke Akua,
To say that 2020 has been an eventful year is an understatement! We have traveled together these past 12 months through the greatest pandemic and the deepest economic upheaval since the Great Depression, yet I am struck by the positive resolve and uplifting spirit with which all of you have faced this year together. Muriel and I are so thankful for your support and for the blessing it is to be part of our church ʻohana together.
I’d like to offer a special mahalo to the Vestry, whose leadership has been unselfish and unflagging, and who make business meetings fun, full of wisdom and insight, and meaningful: Linda Crocker (Senior Warden), Ron Morinishi (Junior Warden and Chair of Buildings & Grounds), Jan Hashizume (Treasurer), Joe Adorno (Term 2021), Mario Antonio (Term 2023), CeCe Caldwell (Term 2023), Vikki Secretario (Term 2023), and Faith Shiramizu (Term 2023). I’d like especially to thank Joe, whose term expires this month and who has served admirably with voice, vote, and action, as well as David Murray, who had served untiringly as Senior Warden for five years, and Linda and Ron, who respectively stepped up into their roles as our amazing and awesome Wardens and have blessed us immeasurably!
At the Annual Meeting we will choose the following Vestry positions:
One full 3-year term (Term 2024, to replace Joe)
One 2-year term (Term 2023, to complete Linda’s elected vestry position she left to become Senior Warden)
I’d like to ask each of you to consider if God may be calling you to serve in one of the above capacities. Serving on Vestry is a special call to leadership at All Saints’, and asks for people of vision who both represent all the constituencies of our church and preschool, as well as the ability to have the birds’-eye view of the whole rather than merely representing only one’s own perspective. It is a joyful privilege that also comes with expectations and responsibilities.
Those who serve on the Vestry of All Saints’ participate in the broad life of our church. Regular attendance at worship services and Vestry meetings is the cornerstone of a Vestry member’s duties. In addition, Vestry members exercise servant leadership by example and by participating in both the business and spiritual life of the church.
A simplified Vestry member job description includes the following:
- A regular attender of church services who is a pledging giver.
- Committed to regular attendance at the monthly Vestry meetings.
- Maintain an active prayer life which includes praying daily for the clergy, staff, lay leaders, and members of our ‘Ohana.
- Continually engage with members of the congregation—being attentive to their concerns, needs, hopes, and visions for the Church.
- Participate in and promote the annual financial stewardship campaign of the Church.
- Provide sound stewardship and oversight of All Saints’ finances and facilities.
- Be an active minister of the Gospel in daily life and work.
- Bring one’s whole self to the table; being present in mind, body and spirit.
- Identify and recruit individuals to serve in leadership roles and committees as needed.
- Embody and promote love, accountability, authenticity, healthy habits, and spiritual well-being.
- Share openly one’s ideas, beliefs, and desires.
Since we have good representation from the 9:30AM service, we especially need at least one person from the 8:00AM congregation to serve; however, we welcome people of diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences, and there is no one set of qualifications that make a person an excellent candidate. It is important for us to have new ideas, new perspectives, and new views as we discuss issues and make decisions.
The work of the Vestry is for everyone and anyone - young and young at heart. Whether you have been at All Saints’ a lifetime or just a little while, you might be called by God to serve on the Vestry. All of us have very busy lives and lots of demands on our time and energy, but if you can bring a sense of joy and wonder to your work on the Vestry, you will be doing a great service for yourself, your family, and the entire All Saints’ ‘Ohana.
We invite you to submit your name for consideration to be on Vestry. Applications will be available on the table at the entrance of the Church, as well as through The Epistle e-newsletter.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to me or any of our current Vestry members.
Mahalo nui loa i ke Akua,
Kahu Kawika+
To access the Vestry Nomination Form, please click here.
The Rosales Opus 41 Organ Update
Organ Voicing Crew Arrival Temporarily Delayed
The organ voicing crew’s arrival on January 4th has been delayed. The increase in COVID cases in the Los Angeles area from where they will depart has made the virus tests difficult to obtain. They will be unable to get a pre-travel tests for at least two weeks. Morris Wise is in contact with the Rosales Workshop and will let us know as soon as we have a new date for their arrival.
Many thanks to everyone has who provided meals for the organ crew in the past, and signed up to provide meals for the next crew. The “Feed the Crew” sign up form has been taken down until we know when the crew will be able to come for next steps in completing the organ.
Reflections from Kahu Kawika
Why Did Jesus Get Baptized?
Epiphany 1B
Mark 1:4-11
All Saints’ Kapaʻa
10 January 2021
Growing up in the Baptist church, I decided to come forward for baptism when I was seven years old. My mother and I were in Topeka, KS, while my father was serving in Vietnam in the U.S. Air Force. I had been asking my mother many questions about God, Jesus, and why we went to church, and especially why people would come forward at the “altar call” following the pastor’s sermon in order to get baptized either after church or a little later. She said that baptism was the right thing to do, making a promise before God to be good, and that I would sense when it was the right time for me to make that decision.
One Sunday, I felt an internal “nudge” to come forward at the altar call, but I was too intimidated. So I decided instead to come up to the pastor as the service was ending and let him know that way. When I did, he immediately turned around to the congregation and announced that “this young man has come forward to give his life to Jesus!” To my chagrin, everyone applauded and, by mistake, I ended up getting even more scrutinizing attention than I would have done had I just come up during the altar call with other people.
The following Sunday after church, I got baptized in the full-immersion baptismal pool located in the basement of the church. I had on a thin white gown and stood next to the pastor. He cupped his hand over my nose and mouth, and proceeded to dunk me – not once but three times – “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This made me come in and out of the pool water three times, gasping for air and hoping I would survive the experience! I tell people now that I was not baptized just once, but three times for good measure.
Whenever I have heard this story of Jesus getting baptized by his second cousin, John the Baptizer, I’ve had one of those nagging questions – why? Why would Jesus, who is God’s Son and both perfectly human and perfectly divine, need to get baptized? Isn’t baptism a symbolic and spiritual turning-away from a disobedient will in order to pledge to follow God? That wasn’t Jesus’ problem, was it?
Quite often, the response I have heard is “Just because.” This reminds me of my childhood and having to follow what my parents told me. Most of the time I would just do as they said, but once in a while I would ask my parents why when what they said didn’t make sense to me. And sometimes their answer was a rather frustrating one: “Just because!” With adult hindsight, in those instances my parents felt that they could not lay out the full rationale for what they were telling me in a way that I could understand, so I would have to trust them with it.
But that doesn’t seem like a very satisfactory answer. After all, the Christian practice of baptism stems from the older Jewish ritual of spiritual cleansing in the Temple purification pools in Jerusalem. John’s practice of baptism takes place far away from Jerusalem at the Jordan River, to show that it is not enough to be spiritual pure and right with God to go into the Jerusalem Temple, but that we also need to be pure and right with God to approach God wherever we are. But surely this is not Jesus’ problem – he doesn’t have to get himself spiritually right with God, since he himself is the perfect image of God and of God’s holiness.
So why does Jesus have to get baptized by John, and what can we learn for ourselves? I’d like to suggest three reasons:
The Approval of God: A time for God the Father to announce his approval of Jesus as God’s Son: “As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased’” (Matthew 3:16–17). All three Persons of the Trinity— God the Father (in a voice from heaven), God the Son (Jesus in human flesh), and God the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove)—were present at Jesus’ baptism. God wanted everyone to know that this Jesus is “the One” they’ve been waiting for all these centuries, and that indeed he is the Savior of the world.
This got me thinking – how much have we really taken on board that fact that God has placed the “seal of approval” on our lives? Do we really feel as if God accepts us as we are, in order to grow up into the full stature of the people God wants us to be? Whenever I am feeling down about myself or how adequate I perceive myself to be, I take great comfort in knowing God has my back, loves me, and approves of who I am.
The Start of Ministry: Shortly after his baptism, Jesus called his first disciples and he began to publicly teach, heal the sick, and perform miracles. In a similar way, our spiritual birthday of the day of our baptism begins our growth process and spiritual maturation. Baptism is important, but not sufficient unto itself – we also need to constantly be fed by God through fellowship, prayer, deepening our understanding of the Bible as God’s Word, and learning from the wisdom of the saints who have gone before us. Just as our physical day of birth is just the beginning of our maturation process and we need care, nurture, and nourishment along the way, so also baptism begins a process of a lifelong journey toward God and being conformed more and more into the image of Jesus.
So a question for us is if we are always striving to grow more into the image of Jesus in our lives, or are we just “sitting pat” and settling for what is comfortable at the moment?
The Building Up of Stamina: Immediately after Jesus’ baptism, the Spirit “drives” him (as the Greek says) into the desert, to face the trials of physical deprivation (hunger and thirst), social isolation (in the desert), and spiritual endurance (the Devil testing Jesus to try to sever his dependence on God). Jesus will have to have the strength to resist taking shortcuts to bring about the Realm of God and of God’s counter-cultural love into our world.
Even some of his own disciples, including the one who would betray him, Judas Iscariot, advocated for Jesus to lead a violent overthrow of the Roman Empire and all the subsidiary powers connected with it. If you read the Gospels, Jesus is always setting his followers straight as to his purpose in being the Messiah and introducing the Kingdom of God, which is not for a violent overthrow of government but a transcendent change in people’s hearts and attitudes as citizens of Heaven.
In contrast to the rioters who violently stormed the Capitol building in Washington, DC, Jesus resisted grasping after worldly power, and instead instituted the Realm of God as a positive force of love, reconciliation, and justice into a world filled with violence and oppression. The insurrections last Wednesday sought to affect a change in government through violent means, but this was not Jesus’ way. Even Jesus’ own cousin, John the Baptist, modeled a peaceful transfer of authority: “The One who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals.” (Mark 1:7) Rather than being resentful of his younger cousin, John took the big perspective and ceded his authority for the glory of God and for the blessing of others.
Jesus and his cousin John the Baptist are two great examples of having the spiritual stamina and reserves to trust God and to let go of their positions of power, for the glory of God and the blessing of the world. They were motivated by love, faith, and hope over fear, hatred, and grasping after power. Do we trust God enough to offer ourselves out of love and care for all people?
Each Sunday after the sermon, we affirm our faith with the words of the Nicene Creed. However, this Sunday in light of Jesus’ baptism, I’d like us to reaffirm our own baptismal vows from the Baptismal Covenant (Book of Common Prayer, 304-5). It has eight petitions: the first three to do with affirming our loyalty to the Triune God, and the last five to do with applying that fidelity to God in this world. When we reaffirm our faith, let us promise to love God with all our heart and to be a positive force for God’s righteousness and justice in this world.
Both John and Jesus are our role models for obedience to God, for allowing God’s Holy Spirit to “drive” us to be God’s people when forces around us dictate otherwise, and to allow God to give us the resources to build up our spiritual stamina for the journey. In this new year of 2021, let’s recommit ourselves to be citizens of God’s kingdom and its righteousness. Amen.
Sign Up for 2021 Altar Flower Donations Now
Donation Forms Available Online or at Church
Ever wonder where all our beautiful altar flowers come from each Sunday?
Our flowers are lovingly arranged by Mrs.Tanaka or by JC Flowers. These flowers were all donated by members of the congregation. To participate with a donation in 2021 and for more information, click here: Altar flowers, or sign up on the form outside Memorial Hall before or after services.
Sunday School Update
In-Person Classes on the First Sunday of Each Month
Plans for our Sunday School format have been finalized. Vikki and Rachel Secretario will be taking the lead. In-person Sunday School will be held on the first Sunday of each month, run by the Secretarios, during the 9:30AM service. An online video recording of the lesson plan will be available on the church website and published in The Epistle for those using remote learning. The lessons and activities will be tailored toward any holidays or important holy days for the month. June and July will be summer vacation for Sunday School.
If you are interested in teaching Sunday School, please contact Cami ( For families interested in participating, but not teaching, an option to email pictures or 1-minute videos of their completed projects will be provided for posting on the church website and in The Epistle under the Sunday School banner.
Many thanks to the Secretarios for their continuing service as Sunday School teachers.
-Cami Baldovino
EAM/ACAM Youth and Young Adult Meeting This Sunday, January 17th
12:00 - 1:00PM
A Focus on Cultural Sharing
CULTURAL SHARING: For the new year, we will again have cultural sharing. If you weren't at the November meeting, please think of a "cultural" thing to share: a costume, an item, a food, a song, a dance, a greeting or word... anything! It can be from the country of your ancestors, or from the area that you live in. If you were at the November meeting, please teach us something different, such as how to say "Happy New Year" in your culture's language (even if New Year's is not in January!). It's also very interesting if you can share an item or photo with us.
Please encourage your youth and your friends to register and attend.
Registration Details (only for people who haven't registered before):
- Any new attendees need to go to this link and register:
- Youth (age 17 and under) will need a parent/guardian to sign the form. Young Adults (18+) and Adult Leaders can sign the form themselves.
Prizes: We always have Amazon gift cards as prizes for those who attend!
A Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Hawai`i
January 8, 2021
Aloha my beloved Siblings in Christ Jesus,
I write to you following the insurrectionist riot that led to the storming of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., and the subsequent Congressional confirmation of the Electoral College’s election of Joseph Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President on Wednesday, January 6.
This Sunday, January 10, is the First Sunday after Epiphany: The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The lesson from the Hebrew Scripture for this Sunday is from the beginning of the first chapter of Genesis (verses 1-5):
When God began to create the heavens and the earth— the earth was without shape or form, it was dark over the deep sea, and God’s wind swept over the waters— God said, “Let there be light.” And so light appeared. God saw how good the light was. God separated the light from the darkness. God named the light Day and the darkness Night. There was evening and there was morning: the first day.
In the Gospel according to John, Jesus and Pontius Pilate enter into a dialogue during the trial before the crucifixion (John 18:33-38a):
Pilate went back into the palace. He summoned Jesus and asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this on your own or have others spoken to you about me?” Pilate responded, “I’m not a Jew, am I? Your nation and its chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus replied, “My kingdom doesn’t originate from this world. If it did, my guards would fight so that I wouldn’t have been arrested by the Jewish leaders. My kingdom isn’t from here.” “So you are a king?” Pilate said. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. I was born and came into the world for this reason: to testify to the truth. Whoever accepts the truth listens to my voice.” “What is truth?” Pilate asked.
As a Bishop, I promised at my ordination to “boldly proclaim and interpret the Gospel of
Christ, enlightening the minds and stirring up the conscience of [God’s] people” and to
be “merciful to all, show compassion to the poor and strangers, and defend those who have no helper.”
The events of these past days require me to try to bring to light our proper roles as faithful Baptized Christians and as citizens of a democratic republic. Likewise, I must tell the truth by God’s grace as I understand it as your Bishop.
From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference
January 17, 2021
On January 18, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, The Episcopal Church will launch “From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference,” a campaign urging Episcopalians and their neighbors to engage in the spiritual practice of listening and sharing in honest conversation across the many differences that separate us, starting with four simple questions:
- What do you love?
- What have you lost?
- Where does it hurt?
- What do you dream?
Inspired by the Latin phrase on the U.S. seal – E Pluribus (“from many”) Unum (“one”) – the campaign is designed to offer a faithful perspective and time-tested practice for knitting deeply divided communities into a diverse, more perfect union. In a cultural moment shadowed by pandemic, fractious politics, and deep division within families, communities, and nations, Episcopalians can hold up simple yet powerful ways to celebrate difference, listen with deep curiosity, and promote healing.
“I have never been more profoundly aware of the need for passionate and practical commitment to the way of unselfish, sacrificial love that Jesus taught,” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said. “Conversations with others across difference is not just a nice thing to do. It is a spiritual practice of love in action. It’s how we reknit the fabric of our democracy and the human family of God.”
“From Many, One” is designed to be simple and transformative. It aims to foster individual people talking to other individuals, and also includes avenues for small groups and congregations to join. Participants are encouraged to follow these steps:
Learn about The Four Questions and related wisdom at, which goes live January 11.
- Watch videos of people modeling The Four Questions.
- Sign up and set a conversations goal.
- Have the conversation(s).
- Pray for your conversation partner(s).
- Contribute to the “From Many, One” story space with insights, video/audio highlights, a poem, prayer, or image inspired by your conversation(s).
- Join the Easter campaign celebration that will feature a special online worship and sharing time.
“We hope people understand this is only scratching the surface of the practice and learning that we’re called toward,” said the Rev. Melanie Mullen, the Church’s Director of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care, one of the departments that collaborated to shape the campaign. “Our goal is to point people toward partner efforts that meet you where you are: for more simple conversation, further learning, deeper reckoning and/or action. More than that, we hope people see this as part of a lifelong commitment to creating Beloved Community.”
Published by the Office of Formation of The Episcopal Church, 815 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017
© 2021 The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. All rights reserved.
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message
Posted Jan 5, 2021
[Church of England] In his New Year Message, Archbishop Justin Welby reflects on his experiences volunteering as a hospital chaplain at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospital during the pandemic, and where he finds hope for the year ahead.
The archbishop recorded the message in the chapel at Guys and St. Thomas’ Hospital. It was first broadcast on BBC One and can be viewed here or by clicking on the Archbishop's picture above.
Read the transcript of the message below:
“This chapel is at the heart of Guy’s and St. Thomas’ in central London – one of Britain’s largest and busiest hospitals.
Like health workers across the country, the staff here have been on the front line of the coronavirus crisis and have responded with incredible bravery, skill and care.
It’s my local hospital, a few minutes’ walk from where I live. During the pandemic, I’ve been volunteering as an assistant chaplain – working for the senior chaplain, the wonderful Rev. Mia Hilborn.
We visit COVID wards and other units – spending time with patients, staff and relatives.
One evening, I might be with a young child, praying with him and his mother. On another I could be sharing a joke with someone – finding a moment of warmth and connection in a frightening time.
Sometimes the most important thing we do is just sit with people, letting them know they are not alone.
This year has seen tremendous pain and sadness. Many of us have lost family members or friends, often without being able to say goodbye. For anyone who is on the dark and difficult journey of grief – a path I know myself – I want to assure you that I am praying for you.
But it’s at St. Thomas’ that, alongside acknowledging this darkness, I find reasons to be hopeful for the year ahead. Because what I see here teaches me something about human beings – and about God.
This crisis has shown us how fragile we are. It has also shown us how to face this fragility. Here at the hospital, hope is there in every hand that’s held, and every comforting word that’s spoken. Up and down the country, it’s there in every phone call. Every food parcel or thoughtful card. Every time we wear our masks.
The Bible tells us that God rejoices in these small acts of love – because they reveal who we truly are: human beings made in God’s image, deeply connected to one another.
Such gestures speak to me of Jesus – the one who shows us what God’s love looks like. And for this reason, we can have hope for each and every month ahead. May God bless you, and all those you love, in this coming year.
All Saints' Pasadena Helps Homeless People During Pandemic by Offering Refuge and Support
January 13, 2021
Janice Rhoshalle Littlejohn
People greet friends as they pick up a Christmas breakfast of McDonald’s takeout at All Saints Church in Pasadena, California, on Dec. 25, 2020. Photo: Noé Montes/Faith & Leadership
[Faith & Leadership] Marcy Dyment arrived for Christmas Day breakfast at All Saints Episcopal Church on a peaceful, convivial kind of morning in Pasadena, California.
With her dog, Bullet, in tow, the 57-year-old former elementary school teacher chatted with parish leadership and about a dozen unhoused people from the church’s Safe Haven Bridge to Housing program.
She and the other people gathered there were treated to packaged McDonald’s meals, lined up on socially distanced tables in accordance with coronavirus protocols.
It was a reunion of sorts for Dyment, who had moved into permanent housing in December after three years of living on the streets. Dyment said she is grateful for the effort the church is making at a difficult and complicated time in a situation that is often messy and imperfect.
“They’re just extremely tolerant, wonderful people,” she said.
Although a small number of unhoused people have lived on the All Saints campus for years, the church was overwhelmed with people needing shelter during the early days of the pandemic, when local facilities cut capacity and nearby City Hall closed.
Through trial and error, planning and reaching out to community partners, All Saints has worked to create a manageable system in which 12 people without shelter can stay on church grounds and receive support services.
Church leaders hope to expand this model to other congregations to create a network of support for the unhoused without overly taxing any one church.
It’s particularly important to them that the model be workable for smaller and less wealthy congregations than the 3,000-member All Saints, said the Rev. Mike Kinman, the church’s rector.
The process has not been easy, and All Saints leadership has had to pivot. But they are clear that it’s been worth it — not just because of what the church can now offer people who lack housing but also because of the community it has nurtured.
Presiding Bishop Curry’s Word to the Church:
Who Shall We Be?
Posted Jan 8, 2021
[January 8, 2021] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued the following Word to the Church.
Watch the video of the Presiding Bishop’s statement by clicking on the video link below.
To read a full transcript of the Bishop's statement, please click HERE.
A Prayer When There Are No Words
January 12, 2021
Dear God,
What can we say
when our words only bring tears?
What can we say
when our mouths cry out in pain?
What can we say
when the weight of the world feels overwhelming?
Where can we turn
when no one seems to be listening?
Where can we turn
when we’re afraid for the days ahead?
Where can we turn
when the road in front of us seems insurmountable?
Between the tears and the anger and the frustration and the worry,
we turn to you, God,
to give us your peace
to hold our hands
to calm our fears.
We hear your words: Come to me all you who are weary
and we come –
to lay down our burdens
to give up our worry
to rest in you
to be filled with your peace.
Hear our prayers, Lord.
The ones we speak out loud.
The ones that fall with our tears.
The ones that speak in righteous anger.
The ones that reside deep within.
Give us your peace,
And lead us into your goodness.
IN BRIEF . . .
These news briefs were featured in previous issues of "The Epistle"
There is an on-going need for travel sized toiletries and canned goods so these items will be accepted every week. As always, monetary donations are gratefully accepted. Leave them in the red wagon outside the sanctuary.
ZONTA OF KAUAI FOUNDATION CHRISTMAS FUND is accepting donations for Christmas 2020. To donate, click here: Zonta Christmas Donation.
Any of our All Saints' kupuna who need assistance with grocery shopping can contact Carolyn Morinishi at to set up a delivery.
If any ministry has an unmet need, reach out to put it in the All Saints' Virtual Swap Meet and it will be published in the Epistle. Contact Bill Caldwell at
Whenever you have a need for support, please call (650) 691-8104 and leave a voice mail. The system will immediately forward the information to the Pastoral Care Committee who will respond to each request. If you prefer, you may send an electronic pastoral care request via email to
Individuals who want to participate in the Prayer Chain Ministry must re-enroll to continue receiving the email communications. To re-enroll, please visit the newly established Pastoral Care web page or contact the Church Office at (808) 822-4267.
Prayer requests will now be submitted online or by contacting the Church Office at (808) 822-4267.
Names can be added to the Prayers of the People petitions by using the Prayer Chain Request form or by contacting the Church Office at (808) 822-4267. Names will remain in the Prayers of the People for a maximum of four Sundays before a name must be resubmitted.