Volume 6, Issue 17
April 23, 2021
THIS SUNDAY: April 25, 2021
Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:5-12
Peter and John address the Temple Authorities by saying that they could heal the man born unable to walk only through the power of the Name of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 23
The most well-known Psalm, that God is our shepherd.

1 John 3:16-24
Christian faith consists in believing in the Name of Jesus, and loving each other as Christ loved us.

John 10:11-18
Jesus equating himself to the Good Shepherd, who cares for his flock and protects them from harm.

David Crocker (EM)*
Judy Saronitman (U)
Lorna Nishi (AG)
Carolyn and Ron Morinishi (DM)

Mary Margaret Smith (EM)
Linda Crocker (U)
Joan Roughgarden (LR)
Jan Hashizume (AG)
Vikki Secretario, Mabel Antonio (HP)
Carolyn and Ron Morinishi (DM)

Live Stream
9:00AM on our home page, YouTube, or Facebook accounts

* EM - Eucharistic Minister; U - Usher; LR - Lay Reader; AG - Altar Guild; HP - Healing Prayers; DM - Digital Ministry; SS - Sunday School

Ke Akua Youth Group Meeting
Wednesday, May 5th
5:00 - 6:00PM
Contact Cami for login information.

Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception Services
Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick, presiding
Sunday, May 16th
8:00AM and 9:30AM

Commissioning of the Organ
Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick
Sunday, May 16th

Inaugural Organ Concerts
Adam Pajan, organist
Church Members and Donors
Saturday, May 15th
General Public
Sunday, May 16th

Recurring Events
Sunday School
First Sunday of the month, 9:30 - 10:15AM
Memorial Hall

Aloha Hour
Every Sunday, 10:45AM - 12:00PM
Under lanai tent

Monday/Friday Crew
Every Monday/Friday, 8:00AM 
Church Office
Ke Akua Youth Group Meeting
1st and 3rd Wednesday, 5:00 - 6:00PM

Laundry Love
1st & 3rd Wednesday, 5:00PM
Kapa`a Laundromat

Daughters of the King
2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 - 8:00PM
All Saints' Rosales Opus 41 Pipe Organ
A Day of Celebration

All Saints' Episcopal Church May 16th
Commissioning of Rosales Opus 41 Pipe Organ
On May 16th we will celebrate the commissioning of our newly-rebuilt pipe organ in conjunction with a service that will include Baptisms, Confirmations, and a Reception to the Episcopal Church. It is a day for celebration as the All Saints’ `Ohana grows and develops new ways to serve our community. We are pleased to welcome Bishop Bob for the commissioning of the Rosales Opus 41 as well as the baptisms, confirmations, and reception. Please join us in-person or on-line on May 16, 2021 to celebrate this very special day.

What is happening

"First Look" Organ Concert
(Private Donor and Church Member Event)
Saturday, May 15th at 7:00PM
Limited Seating!
Please RSVP now at:
(808) 822-4267

Sunday Service and Commissioning Ceremony
(Public Event - Blessing of the Organ) 
Sunday, May 16th at 9:30AM

First Public Organ Concert
(Public event - all are welcome)
Sunday, May 16th at 2:00PM
Limited Seating!
Please RSVP now at:
(808) 822-4267
Meet the New Organ Crew
Welcome Kevin and Morgan
Kevin Cartwright
Morgan Byrd
We are pleased to announce that the All Saints' Rosales Opus 41 Organ is nearing completion. Fine-tuning of the instrument (so-called "voicing") is currently underway. This delicate and critical operation is being managed and executed by experts from Rosales Organ Builders of Los Angeles. They are working diligently and expect to complete the voicing by May 7th.

Kevin Cartwright

As the President of Rosales Organ Builders, Kevin Cartwright has dedicated his career and life’s work to superior pipe organ building, restoration, and maintenance. Mr. Cartwright began working as an organ builder's apprentice in 1998. After an extensive period of apprenticeship and a career as a maintenance technician with the A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company in the Atlanta area, he continued to work as a contractor for various organ builders including Rosales Organ Builders where he joined the Rosales team in 2015. Mr. Cartwright began studying the organ at the age of fourteen with Dr. Harold Rohlig, a student of Marcel Dupré, and further studied organ at the University of South Alabama and Huntingdon College. He has subsequently served as Organist-Choirmaster at various churches throughout his career and uses his training and knowledge as an organist and church musician combined with work-study experiences both in the United States and abroad to guide his work.

Mr. Cartwright currently serves as Sub-Dean of the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, President of the Los Angeles Theatre Organ Society, and as a Board member and Chair of the Technical Committee for the American Theatre Organ Society. He is also an active member of the Los Angeles Breakfast Club, the Hollywood Heritage Museum, and the Academy of Magical Arts in Hollywood.

Morgan Byrd

After a youthful flirtation with a voice degree, Morgan Byrd studied organ at the University of Michigan under Marilyn Mason and Tim Tikker, graduating _summa cum laude_ in 2015. Even before graduation the organbuilding fever had taken hold; he departed his native southeast Michigan for Tennessee to build organs, and among other things studied as a voicer under Brad Jones. In very early 2020 a persistent redhead succeeded in her years-long quest to drag him to Los Angeles, where he is currently the foreman at Rosales Organ Builders.m to Los Angeles, where he is currently the foreman at Rosales Organbuilders
The Organ Crew Needs Your Help!!
The Organ Crew is here to voice (fine-tune) the new organ. They will be working long hours, 6 days a week to complete the voicing of the organ within the next few weeks. Our congregation will be donating meals for the crew while they’re here. You can sign up to donate lunches or dinners by clicking here: Feed the Crew and filling out the meal donation form to select the meal and your preferred date.

Email [email protected] for dietary restrictions for the organ crew.

Meal Instructions:
  • Meals may be dropped off at the Church and placed on the table outside the sanctuary.
  • Meals may be dropped off at the Church earlier than the time slot indicated but packaged so they can be refrigerated and eaten at their leisure.
  • PLEASE DO NOT interact with the organ crew. They need absolute silence to listen for every note. 

Crew #2: 4/22/21 - 5/7/21
  • Please prepare and drop off 2 meals per time slot.
organ console

Organ Crew Extends Workdays
Working Toward a Joyful Noise
In order for the organ crew to finish voicing the organ in the time allotted, they are extending their working hours. We appreciate their dedication to completing their work in time for our planned celebrations and the Bishop's visit. Please remember that the area around the Sanctuary needs to be keep quiet for them to do their work. Any activities planned for the Church during their work hours have been relocated.
New Organ Crew Workdays and Hours

Monday - Saturday: 8:00AM - 8:00PM
Sunday: 11:00AM - 8:00PM

Quiet please!
Welcome Our New Siblings in Christ
Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick will be here on May 16th for a much anticipated service that will include Baptisms, Confirmations, and a Reception to the Episcopal Church. It is a day for celebration as the All Saints’ `Ohana welcomes our beloved new members in Christ.

Those to be baptized:
Neva Leung
Nora Leung
Tony Leung

Those to be confirmed:

Enrico Curtis
Soloman Curtis
Marcus Punua
Herenui Punua
Leimomi Punua
Edward Punua, Jr.
Victoria Punua-Beckett (from O'ahu)
Kamakao Punua-Beckett (from O'ahu)
Those to be received:
Mark Cain

Please join us in welcoming our sisters and brothers in Christ!
For the sick and suffering in body, mind, and spirit, especially Those affected by the Pandemic, Those affected by the island flooding, Todd, Patsy & the Tabura 'Ohana, Bracy, Suzanne & Harold, RuAnn, Seth, Mickey, Rosalind, Glen, Willy, Donna, and those we name silently or aloud, let us pray to the Lord. ​Lord, have mercy. 

For those saints who have gone before us in the Grander Life, especially those affected by the COVID-19 virus, and those we name silently or aloud, in the hope of the resurrection, and for all the departed, let us pray to the Lord. ​Lord, have mercy. Amen.
Reflections from Kahu Kawika+
Jesus’ Grindz

Luke 24:36b-48
Psalm 4
Easter 3B
18 April 2021

I think I may have mentioned in earlier sermons that the most often talked about subjects in the Gospels are, in this order, food and money. Yes, Jesus brings up about Heaven, love, and servanthood, but Jesus also talks about food and money more often than any other topics of conversation. This may sound surprising in one way, but when you think about it this makes sense – food and money are near and dear to everyone’s hearts, no matter the culture, language, or time of living in history, and Jesus knew this when he talked about the Realm of God to people.

So it also may come as no surprise that many of the post-Easter stories about the resurrected Jesus are centered on meals. The disciples knew the Lord in the breaking of the bread after their trek on the road to Emmaus, as we recall in today’s collect prayer (“O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread …”); and Jesus comes among the disciples and shows the real physical presence of his risen form by eating a piece of broiled fish in the gospel reading today, so that the disciples would be assured that the Risen Jesus is no ghost nor a figment of their imagination.

Meals are a very central part of the ministry of Jesus. Some meals get him into trouble, as when he chooses to eat with people considered notorious “sinners” and those outside the faith.

Other meals are acts of abundance, as when Jesus feeds the five thousand by taking what is available and blesses, breaks, and distributes it until and all are fed, and does the same thing on another occasion involving 4,000 people. 

Some meals are highly symbolic, especially Jesus’ last evening of fellowship with his disciples with the focus on the Passover Seder meal, during which he links it to his coming suffering and death and thus initiates Holy Communion. 

Thus it should not be too much of a surprise for us that pono, our Hawaiian word for that combination of justice and righteousness, is part of the meal experience. In that sense, “righteousness” meaning right relationships based on the just treatment of all people. Scholars tell us that one fundamental difference between our world and that of the early church is that the early church existed in a world with a clearly defined ruling class and a subjugated class. So, there were people with whom you ate, and people with whom you did not eat. Slaves, the poor, Samaritans, and gentiles or non-Jews were kept separate from those of wealth and privilege. Jesus re-wrote the rules by associating with and eating with people of all categories; they were all God’s people to him.

Eating together is a sign of celebration of relationships being lived out. Even today we have the expression “breaking bread with each other” to imply an opportunity to go deeper into relating with one another around food. Folks at All Saints like having meals together because they like being with each other and eating good food – the pandemic in the past year put a damper on this, but our Easter cookout a couple of weeks ago was a real sense of celebration and joy as we could break bread together.

We can clearly see that food is very important to Jesus and to his ministry, but why? I think there are at least three reasons:

  • Holiness: For Jesus, a sense of the holy and sacred underscores the earthy nature of eating together, and again this nicely ties into our Hawaiian word pono. The fact that we celebrate Holy Communion together each week (and that verb “celebrate” is intentional as opposed to “observe”, highlighting the joy of communing with God and with each other) suggests the centrality of even common food to the spiritual and social sharing of our very selves. As mentioned before, Jesus’ use of the Passover meal to institute the Lord’s Supper ties the ritual meal, a meal recalling God’s deliverance from slavery, with a new relationship with Christ and one another. It becomes the spiritual meal that brings us all to a common table. That is why it has become central to our common life as Christians.

My mom used to say that I would eat too fast, and several people over the years have told me the same thing! I do love my food, but by eating too quickly I can miss out on the chance to “savor the flavor” all the more. I believe that whenever we either partake of Holy Communion or even of meals with each other, we should also savor our experience together rather than buy into the culture of rushing through our food just to survive. In fact, there is an international movement called the “Slow Food” movement, which is an intentional way of growing and eating healthy food and food grown locally and fairly, as opposed to the processed and corporate-driven fast food so common in our culture. “Slow Food” also implies slowing down when we eat with each other in order to go deeper in our relationships with one another. Let’s savor the holy in each other and from God.

  • Healing: Sharing food together is an important gateway toward the healing of shallow and even broken relationships. Sharing table fellowship helps to restore and reconnect relationships. This reminds me of a film that came out about 20 years ago called Chocolat, when a mysterious young woman and her young son in the 1950’s arrive at a French village that is gripped in a very stiff and formalistic religiosity devoid of all joy. She opens up a chocolate shop, and as people begin to sample her pieces of chocolate, they recover their sense of joy and love of life. There is stiff opposition from the religious and civic authorities, but soon even they come around to the charms of the woman and her chocolate. Food shared together has a way of touching hearts and attitudes beyond what discussions and intellectual debate can achieve. 

Several years ago, a woman moved back to a small town here in the US, followed shortly by her son, who was dying of AIDS. The community accepted them both, but after his death, she had a difficult time with church and God. She was often angry and short-tempered. However, she continued to stay involved with the community, and then one weekend she attended a workshop about Bible study, followed by a fellowship meal. The next day she came to her pastor in tears and said, “You know, after the study yesterday, the meal last night, and Eucharist this morning, I’m not angry anymore.” The power of communal and spiritual meals was a significant element to her inner healing.

  • Hope: Finally, meals shared together become sources of hope. In today’s psalm, Psalm 4, which is also included as part of the service of nighttime Compline in the Book of Common Prayer, the psalmist says: “Many are saying, ‘O, that we might see better times!’” All of us live with some fear and concern over our current health and economic situation, thanks to the ravages of the global pandemic. As more and more of us feel the stress of these times, our prayers for stability, for healing, for jobs for all, for honesty and fairness in our economic system, bring us to utter the psalmist’s words as our own – that we might see better times.

The psalmist continues with the great words of praise, even in the midst of these troubling times of viral pandemic and economic distress: “You have put gladness in my heart, more than when grain and wine and oil increase.” Perhaps that is why we all felt such a sense of celebration at our Easter cookout two weeks ago – a sense of hope and a return to better times as we move forward together from the pandemic. The Eucharistic meal is also a source of our comfort and hope, reminding us that through the sacrificial love of Christ we know the joy of knowing God, growing together, and heading toward Heaven, our ultimate home, where we will all partake in that great heavenly banquet.

Jesus wisely honed in on the importance of food. I call this “Jesus’ Grindz.” God provides us the gift of food as a means by which we may live into God’s promise of holiness, healing, and hope offered to every one of us, without exception. As we are seeing in these resurrection stories following Easter, the disciples’ eyes opened up to see the Risen Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread. May each of us also meet the Risen Lord afresh in our lives this Easter Season, feasting on Jesus as we share table fellowship. Amen.
What is the Season of Creation?

The Season of Creation is a special liturgical time in which we recognize our responsibility for caring for God’s Creation and our past neglect of that care. Through worship that uses the language of our love for what God has made, we may be formed and inspired to be better stewards of that creation. In the Season of Creation we join our ecumenical siblings in a global effort.

We hope to promote participation in this liturgical season within the diocese by making resources available and coming together for education, advocacy, and action.

Happy April and happy Earth Month! Thursday, April 22, marks the 51st Anniversary of the first Earth Day. Responding to our call to care for God's creation and to build a just and sustainable world, Episcopalians and our partners are coming together and taking action. We hope you will join us! 

The Diocese has formed a Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Justice with the aim to:

  • make available practical tools for Hawai’i based Episcopal institutions as we work toward sustainability, help people find their voice in advocating for Creation Care, and
  • to provide a theologically grounded education and formation about Creation Care. We hope to share information about how each of our congregations are living into God’s call for us to care for Creation and each other. 

The Task Force will be contacting congregations throughout the diocese to gather information to share with one another about what we are doing. We hope to participate in The Episcopal Church’s efforts to build “asset maps” (https://www.episcopalassetmap.org/) which will highlight issues of environmental justice and inform future work. 

We will also share liturgical resources and other programs from The Episcopal Church and faith-based environmental organizations so that our worship and community life can reflect our love for God’s handiwork. Below we share just two examples of active work taking place in our Diocese:

Epiphany Episcopal Church formed a Green Team in 2017. Since then, we have heard talks by the Rev. David Turner who, at that time, was the Executive Director of Camp Mokule'ia, and Travis Idol, Ph.D. and President of Hawai'i Interfaith Power and Light. They both spoke on what is known as “Stewardship of Earth’s Resources” and the “Care of Creation.”

Epiphany has published at least annually an article in its newsletter on various aspects of protecting and conserving Earth’s resources and every year except for 2020, has held an observation of Earth Day in testimonials from those most especially affected by rising sea levels in our Pacific Ocean, video and song. Epiphany extends a willingness to share its resources with all, regardless of where your congregation is on the path toward full acceptance of our responsibility to care for this most precious of God’s gifts, our Island Earth.

Epiphany's 2021 Observance will feature a presentation by Albie Miles, Ph.D. and Assistant Professor of Sustainable Community Food Systems (SCFS) University of Hawai'i West Oahu on Hawai'i's Food System: Pressing Ecological, Social and Moral Issues to advocate the necessities of changing our consumption and production of food to reduce waste and support those most needy.

Do you believe there is enough food to feed all humans if only we would share?  Knowing we live with a climate in crisis, is it okay to continue polluting with the waste of our massive food production systems, and wasteful consumption habits? Is there a way out of the systems we have constructed, to be more responsible stewards of Earth, without making things worse?  

Please attend this presentation at Epiphany Episcopal Church from 8:00 to 9:00 AM to hear his ideas about how we may provide food while considering the effects of its production and consumption on a variety of issues, not just hunger. All proper COVID-19 protocols will be in place. Professor Miles’ presentation will be videotaped, but attendance by many will be appreciated to show our support of and appreciation for his presentation, and to encourage him in his difficult work. Learn how you can take part in this important challenge.

Epiphany Episcopal Church is located at 1041 10th Avenue in Kaimuki. For more information, call the church office at (808) 734-5706, or email HERE.

-excerpted from the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii website.
The Episcopal Church Racial Justice Audit
April 19, 2021
After two years and more than 1,300 surveys, the ground-breaking Racial Justice Audit of Episcopal Leadership (iam.ec/rja) is now available to the wider church and public. The audit identifies nine “patterns” of systemic racism – ranging from the historical context of church leadership to current power dynamics — that will also be highlighted in three public webinars in May and June.

Conducted by the Mission Institute in partnership with The Episcopal Church’s Racial Reconciliation and Justice Team, the audit focused on two key questions: who makes up the leadership of the church; and what are their experiences of race and racism in their leadership roles? The Mission Institute team mined the data for key insights about race and power and offered long-term recommendations.

“This racial justice audit, I think for the first time, has given us a real picture of the dynamics and the reality of structural and institutional racism among us,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said. “It has given us a baseline of where we are, to help us understand where we can, and must, by God’s grace, go.”

The survey was sent to nearly 3,000 clergy and lay leaders, with a response completion rate of 45 percent, or 1,326. Research focused on the church’s major leadership bodies: the House of Bishops, House of Deputies, Executive Council, Episcopal Church Center/churchwide staff; and a representative sample of diocesan leaders from 28 of the 109 dioceses of The Episcopal Church.

Survey respondents were invited to participate in more in-depth narrative interviews designed to surface personal stories and reflections on race and racism across the church. The Mission Institute team conducted approximately 65 interviews, in person and via Zoom after the onset of COVID-19.

The Rev. Gay Jennings said the audit has already been helpful to the House of Deputies, of which she is president. The House of Deputies comprises equal numbers of clergy and laypeople, all of whom are elected to the governing body. “This audit of church leadership, which represents the work of many people over several years, provides us with invaluable data that will help us draw closer to the Beloved Community that we long to be,” she said. “We are already taking action based on its findings, and we look forward to continuing this essential work.”

The audit rose in response to resolutions at The Episcopal Church’s 78th General Convention in 2015 and as part of the church’s long-term commitment to Becoming Beloved Community. The resolutions to Work for Racial Justice and Reconciliation and to Address Systemic Racial Injustice formally acknowledged and repented of The Episcopal Church’s “historic and contemporary participation in this evil” and urged the Executive Council to conduct an internal audit to assess racial disparity and systemic injustices within the church.

Learn more about the webinars and audit and find supporting materials at the bilingual website: iam.ec/rja.
Episcopal Leaders Pray for Victims of Racism as Ex-Officer Found Guilty in Killing of George Floyd

By David Paulsen
April 20, 2021
A mural memorializing George Floyd and other Black victims of police violence is displayed near the site in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where Floyd died May 25 while being taken into police custody. Photo: Paul Lebens-Englund

[Episcopal News Service] The presiding bishop and other Episcopal leaders called for prayer, justice and healing on April 20 as a jury in Minneapolis, Minnesota, found former police officer Derek Chauvin guilty on all three counts of murder and manslaughter in the killing of George Floyd. Chauvin’s bail was revoked while he awaits sentencing.

Much of the trial had centered on the eyewitness video that showed Chauvin, who is white, pressing his knee for more than nine minutes into the neck of Floyd, who was Black. Floyd’s death and the video of the killing sparked widespread national protests against police brutality and racial injustice.

Episcopalians and church leaders have joined in the calls over the past year for a reckoning with the racism embedded in American institutions after the killing of Floyd, 46, and other victims of violence by police and white vigilantes. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, in a video message released before the Chauvin verdict, said the struggle for justice will continue.

“There is no celebration. Nothing will bring George Floyd back to his family or his community,” Curry said. “Please pray for the soul of George Floyd, for his family, and for everyone everywhere who has suffered because of the sin of racism and oppression.”

Minnesota Bishop Craig Loya issued a statement after the verdict, saying it “will undoubtedly bring a sense of justice, and even relief, to many many people in Minnesota and around the nation.”

“Regardless of the verdict, Mr. Floyd’s murder is a symptom of a deep sickness that infects every one of us, and every institution that makes up the fabric of our common life,” Loya continued. “One verdict, however momentous, will not heal this sickness that lies deep inside us. If we are to be faithful to the call of the Gospel, joining the Spirit’s work of healing and liberation must now form a core part of how we spend the rest of our lives.”

He and other Minnesota Episcopal leaders and Episcopalians planned to attend an ecumenical and interfaith prayer vigil scheduled for 5:45 p.m. CDT at the intersection in Minneapolis where Floyd was killed.

The jury found Chauvin, 45, guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, and he faces a prison sentence of up to 40 years on the second-degree murder conviction. Chauvin was one of four officers involved in the attempt to detain Floyd on May 25 after police received a report of a counterfeit $20 bill at a Minneapolis convenience store. In the video of his final minutes alive, Floyd can be heard pleading with the officers, “I can’t breathe.”

The other officers, Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng, await a separate trial later this year on charges they aided and abetted the killing of Floyd. All four officers were fired after the incident.

Chauvin’s trial lasted for three weeks, with attorneys delivering their closing arguments on April 19. That day, President Joe Biden called Floyd’s family to offer his support. He later said in remarks to reporters that he thought there was “overwhelming” evidence to support a guilty verdict against Chauvin.

The jury – six white jurors, four Black jurors and two who identify as mixed-race – then spent four hours deliberating before breaking for the night. They returned to deliberations in the morning, and news broke midafternoon April 20 that the verdicts were forthcoming. The judge read the verdicts of guilty just after 4 p.m. local time.

Biden praised the verdicts in a national address with Vice President Kamala Harris from the White House. “This can be a giant step forward in the march toward justice in America,” he said, while acknowledging that such verdicts against police are rare.

Episcopal leaders from across the church issued statements in the hours before and after the reading of the verdicts.

“If this is a victory, it is a victory for the role of law in affirming human dignity,” Atlanta Bishop Rob Wright said in response to the trial’s outcome. “It is a victory for the countless law enforcement officers who embrace accountability and who practice appropriate use of force as they protect and serve without prejudice. Still, justice requires more than sending one man to prison. Justice requires us to acknowledge and change the fact that Black, brown, and poor Americans are often treated differently than other Americans, particularly in encounters with law enforcement and the criminal justice system.”

Indianapolis Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows said in her message after the verdicts that the trial had been “a very personal issue for me, and for many other Black people.”

“I am relieved that Derek Chauvin has been held accountable for the murder of George Floyd. But accountability is not the same thing as justice,” she said. “I am aware of my deep longing for true justice, the kind that becomes possible when people like us promise to stand with the vulnerable and marginalized to transform systems of injustice.”

In the Diocese of New York, Bishop Andrew Dietsche, Bishop Suffragan Allen Shin and Bishop Assistant Mary Glasspool offered hope that the judicial system would “meet the need which all people have for justice.”

“But it is our prayer that, whatever verdict comes, we may as a people remain steadfast in our commitment to work for racial justice. Let us pray for the safety of all people in the hours and days to come,” the bishops said in a written statement before the verdicts.

After the verdicts, Washington Bishop Mariann Budde issued a joint statement with other Episcopal leaders in the nation’s capital.

“While the trauma of George Floyd’s murder remains, today we give thanks that justice has been done,” they said. “We pray for God’s mercy to surround George Floyd’s family and friends as they hold their private grief in the spotlight of an international movement demanding acknowledgement that Black lives matter as much as other lives.”

Curry is expected to participate in the Episcopal Church in Minnesota’s Compline service to be livestreamed on Facebook starting at 8 p.m. CDT.

“Our pain persists and our grief goes on,” Curry said in his video statement before the verdict. “May we not be paralyzed by our pain, our fear, and our anger. May we learn, as the Bible teaches, to ‘love not in word and speech but in truth and in action,’ truth and action that leads to justice and healing.”

– David Paulsen is an editor and reporter for Episcopal News Service. He can be reached at [email protected].
Archbishops of Canterbury and York Respond to Church of England Anti-Racism Taskforce Report

April 22, 2021
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued this statement in response to the Anti-Racism Taskforce report published today.

[Archbishop of Canterbury] Racism is a sin. Of this, we have no doubt. Anything which diminishes the value and beauty of each individual person, made in the image of God, is sinful. There is no place for it in the world, and we are determined to make sure there is no room for it in the church.

But it is here. We have seen, time and time again, people being bullied, overlooked, undermined and excluded from the life of the church, from the family of God. It breaks our hearts, and we are truly sorry.

We welcome this report from the Anti-Racism Taskforce, which we commissioned last year to help us understand what progress we might have made towards tackling racism in the Church of England. Having scrutinized reports and recommendations from the last 35 years, the Taskforce have identified many things which must change; things which have been called for before and have not been done.

A Prayer from the Sheepfold

April 22, 2021
Leslie Scoopmire

In peace, we pray to You, Lord Christ,
our hearts and faces upturned and open to your glory.
Holy One, You are our shepherd;
we therefore rejoice,
and offer you our thankful hearts,
centering our lives in You.

You gather us into your arms, Blessed Jesus,
and carry us in safety and love.
We rest within your mighty embrace, O Redeemer;
You cover us in the mantle of your grace and truth.
Each breath we take is precious in your sight, O God;
you know our lying down and our rising up.
We know that we are yours forever;
nothing can separate us
from the love and mercy of God our Savior.

Lord of Life, Prince of Peace,
You strengthen the trembling;
You comfort those who mourn;
You bear within You those who have fallen.
We can endure and overcome all things through Christ;
in You we root our trust and our hope.

Holy One, we place before you
the names and cares of all who call upon You this day,
and ask that You grant them peace and solace
by the power of the Holy Spirit as we pray.


The Rev. Leslie Scoopmire is rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Ellisville, MO in the diocese of Missouri.
IN BRIEF . . .

These news briefs were featured in previous issues of "The Epistle"

Please submit your story ideas to the Epistle Staff at [email protected].
There is an on-going need for travel sized toiletries and canned goods so these items will be accepted every week. As always, monetary donations are gratefully accepted. Leave them in the red wagon outside the sanctuary

Any of our All Saints' kupuna who need assistance with grocery shopping can contact Carolyn Morinishi at [email protected] to set up a delivery.

If any ministry has an unmet need, reach out to put it in the All Saints' Virtual Swap Meet and it will be published in the Epistle. Contact Bill Caldwell at [email protected].

Whenever you have a need for support, please call (650) 691-8104 and leave a voice mail. The system will immediately forward the information to the Pastoral Care Committee who will respond to each request. If you prefer, you may send an electronic pastoral care request via email to [email protected].

Individuals who want to participate in the Prayer Chain Ministry must re-enroll to continue receiving the email communications. To re-enroll, please visit the newly established Pastoral Care web page or contact the Church Office at (808) 822-4267.

Prayer requests will now be submitted online or by contacting the Church Office at (808) 822-4267.

Names can be added to the Prayers of the People petitions by using the Prayer Chain Request form or by contacting the Church Office at (808) 822-4267. Names will remain in the Prayers of the People for a maximum of four Sundays before a name must be resubmitted.