THE INSIDE SCOOP Issue #151 / MAY 6, 2023
Top Stories:

  • FROM ELT: Strategic Directions Video
  • CHAT WITH ELT: April 2023 Topics
  • Michael Kantartjis' Passing
  • FROM SWI: Computer Pornography Blockers
  • What's New at
  • ... VIRTUAL CHAPEL: Video Archive, Prayer Sheets, & more!
+++ You won’t want to miss any of this info. Be sure to scroll to the end. Thank you! +++
FROM ELT: Strategic Directions Video
We are excited to share with you with five strategic directions that came out of the input from all of you through the prayer and discussion of the leaders last October. Your leader has been sent a copy of the video linked here and the approved 2023-27 Strategic Plan.

In the weeks ahead, they will be gathering each of your teams to watch the video together and have discussion about each of the five directions. One thing that has become clear, if we are to obediently join God in this journey He has set before us, it will require the participation and contribution of every one of us. We look forward to hearing from you, engaging with you, and taking the journey together. In the weeks ahead, they will be gathering each of your teams to watch the video together and have discussion about each of the five directions. One thing that has become clear, if we are to obediently join God in this journey He has set before us, it will require the participation and contribution of every one of us. We look forward to hearing from you, engaging with you, and taking the journey together.
CHAT WITH THE ELT: April 2023 Update Topics
  • Quarterly focus – The ELT continues to review all the major projects that are going on, provide coordination and working on timing issues so to not overload a department at a critical time. Two major elements that will shape May and June are the finance systems upgrade planned for May and summer programs throughout the month of June.
  • Strategic Direction Workgroups – As part of the 5-year plan rollout, we have formed 7 workgroups with facilitators who will engage with workers from across the mission in our five strategic directions. Details of the groups will come with the plan rollout as seen earlier in the Scoop.
  • Community Forum- On May 3rd the ELT hosted an optional community forum at the USMC discussing issues that primarily relate to the headquarters with some bleed over. These included current mission financial status, the idea of siloing within the USMC staff, and how we move forward in wise stewardship and use of the headquarters building. The forum was dialogue oriented and there are some built in feedback loops from that time. Those who are interested in watching the video can follow this link May Community Forum-Recording.mp4. You can also dialogue with us on any of those topics using the Teams chat below.

  • Routine Monitoring — Besides the topics listed above, the ELT routinely debriefs and evaluates events and ongoing processes to include monitoring finances, personnel concerns, and other operational details. 

Reading through the list above, what would you like to explore further? Click the link below to start a conversation using Microsoft Teams Chat with the ELT. 
Michael Kantartjis' Passing
Michael Kantartjis passed away April 19, 2023. Michael’s pamphlet, “The Prayer Life of a Missionary,” is available in electronic form from Stan. Michael’s family and the team he developed will continue his ministry. Please pray for them. Also, please pray for Athena whose health is quite poor. Donations can be made to the Greek Newspaper account or to a Kantartjis Memorial account, which will be used to support orphans that Michael helped. 
A video of Stan interviewing Michael in 2016 is available:
FROM SWI: Computer Pornography Blockers
The SWI team understands that some of us need a little extra help in resisting the desire to watch pornography. We know that, although it is not a cure all, a pornography blocker can be a valuable part of your defense against pornography and help break its hold on your life.
Watch a humorous advertisement on the purpose, value, and use of the software.
Although we consider the CE software to be good, there are other blockers. See an annotated list here:
Covenant Eyes has offered One Challenge a corporate discount to our workers. You can find the discount here:
What's New at
This special monthly email bulletin is for you and others to skim to see what's new in OC’s world of ministry. Spread some good news!

FORWARD this to your missions committee or other partners. Or even COPY a story/video link to your own e-letter!

VIRTUAL CHAPEL AT US-MC: Streaming Live and Video Archive
We record the weekly 8:30 am chapel message for those who cannot be present and would like to view it at a later time.

See the Virtual Chapel web page for chapel announcements, video, speaker notes, prayer sheets, etc.
PRAYER: Weekly Chapel Prayer Sheets and Daily Website Prayer Requests
Prayer requests and praises are collected into a weekly prayer sheet for weekly chapel at the US-MC.
Here are the most recent prayer sheets: 

Also, see the weekly prayer sheets and chapel notes on the company intranet ... and Daily Prayer Points on the OC Website.
Want to Post an Action Request, Announcement, or Information Here?
THE INSIDE SCOOP is our internal bulletin for US-MC and related fields. It goes out two times a month around the 6th and the 20th. 

Contact: Communications by email with any questions or topics for the SCOOP.
5801 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Telephone: 719.592.9292 Toll-free: 800.676.7837 Fax: 719.592.0693