THE INSIDE SCOOP Issue #59 / July 6, 2019
Top Stories ...

+ Video ... July Webinar: Building Towards Our Future
+ September 2019 Newsletter Deadline
+ Research LINK, Summer 2019
+ Safe Password Policy
+ Accumulating frequent flier points
+ Communications Tip ... Better Email Subject Lines
+ From SWI ... An Integrated Mind
+ Employee Transitions ... Comm and Mission Pastor
+ ...and more!
WATCH VIDEO ... July Webinar: LIVE with PEP Attendees ... Building Towards Our Future (Upcoming OC U.S. 2020 Leadership Conference)
This webinar is an important session launching us into OC’s future over the next few years.
  • What are the opportunities and challenges currently facing OC – and especially our work internationally? 
  • What is God doing, and how can we best join Him, in the coming years? 

Together, all of us in OC will discover the answers to these questions through an interactive process over the next six months, building towards the One Challenge US 2020 Leadership Conference, in April 2020.
A brief poll of webinar participants asked them to consider global trends that are most affecting them and their ministries. The results of the poll are included in the webinar archive.

As outlined in the webinar, our whole organization is beginning a process of prayer, discussion and discernment, to discover how the Lord would have OC join Him in strategic ways beyond 2020. This month, we’re launching our process together through individual prayer.  Before joining your teammates in guided discussion later in July, take time to prayerfully let the Spirit show you the things from your ministry that you should share with the rest of your team.

We look forward to this journey in the coming months – with you!

Back page theme - Communications/Website/Media 

NEW INTERNAL EMAIL ... please send your letter Word file using new internal email to: Newsletters-IntC@... 

Questions? Contact:  Communications-IntC@... 

Research Link Highlights Kunming Circle and Shaping Our Future

The Summer edition of Research Link highlights the Kunming Circle, the home of half of the people on earth and the focus of many OC ministries. 

Also, “Shaping Our Future Together” provides an update on OC’s second Futures Think Tank and how you can participate. 
You can shape the Future!

Russ Mitchell from the Global Research team says...

We are looking for people who would like to shape OC’s future. OC’s Second Think Tank will take place November 19-20. 

During the summer months, we are seeking input from people throughout the mission to develop three position papers, which will be the basis of the consultation. Intrigued?

2019 TECHNOLOGY REALITY – July 6, 2019
Secure Technology – Clear Communication – Better Business

Safe Password Policy (also Office 365 Password Policy)

With recent PEP meetings and continuing roll out of Office 365, here is an update. Steve G in the UK says, " As I was reading the IT acceptable use policy, there was reference to a
' safe password policy '. We want to clear up the
UK policy here, and we'd like to see yours as a reference."
Accumulating frequent flier points! 

Good news! OC has recently registered for corporate points programs with both American and United Airlines – which will allow OC to accumulate points that can be converted to frequent flier miles. 

When you add OC’s account number to your business bookings, our organization will receive points – and you still earn your personal miles as you always have. This is costing OC nothing to participate!

Questions can be directed to David Bulger at [email protected]
Tip ... Get More People Opening Your Newsletter Emails with 7 SUBJECT LINE Tips

For your monthly newsletter title (that becomes your email subject) or for emails in general, here are some tips...
  • Keep it short - Subject lines of 28-39 characters got better results than emails with longer subject lines
  • Make it useful and relevant - Write subject lines that are useful and that show how the email will help the person who gets it
  • Be timely - Remember that urgency drives action
  • Open loops - A great subject line opens a loop that can only get closed by reading the email
  • Straightforward beats clever - Make sure your cleverness isn’t coming at the expense of clarity
  • Create visual interest - Use emojis, font spacing, or color to draw attention from the 100s of emails people get per day
  • Set a timer for 6 minutes - Brainstorm subject line ideas
  • Read more from
From the Sexual Wholeness Initiative Team (July 6)

Here's a Thought.. . An integrated mind.
The mind, when left to its own volition, tends to disconnect. It often conspires to hide the truth (the depth of our emotion, memory, and relational patterns, as well as the reality of a God who loves us beyond belief) from ourselves and others. We then suffer the personal and communal consequences. And what does it mean to have the mind of Christ? I propose that it includes having a fully integrated mind—what the Bible calls “an undivided heart”—which draws us closer to and makes us more like Jesus. When we pay attention to disparate aspects of our minds that we sometimes (even often) ignore, we become more like him.

Thompson M.D., Curt. Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections between Neuroscience and Spiritual Practices That Can Transform Your Life and Relationships.
... What do you Think?"
Guide to COMING ALONGSIDE Sexual Conduct Issues (Guide and Video)
IMPORTANT: the Guide is unpacked in an accompanying 18 min video. It is vital to view the video when absorbing the Guide for the first time. 
Amazon Smile Charity Donation Update

Luellen in Finance shares this update, "Just wanted to share how purchases made through the Amazon Smile page help OC. Just click on , choose your organization ( OC International, Inc), and shop! It’s pretty easy and OC receives a check each quarter from Amazon.
RC (spell out the company name) and Near Frontiers (One Challenge USA, Colorado Springs) are also available, but unfortunately you cannot choose multiple organizations to support.
Leadership Transitions ... Communications Director and
Mission Pastor Roles
Kathy Copley handed off the directorship of the Communication Department to Shannon June Kittlitz, effective July 1. Kathy was appointed director in January of 2011.

In chapel on Monday, June 24, when the announcement was made, Kathy said, “Serving in the Communications Department has been quite an adventure! Shannon June has been on that adventure with me for over 7 ½ of those 8 ½ years. In that time the Comm Department has grown into something much more than it was when we started. Technology has driven a lot of that change. Shannon June has been instrumental in all of those major changes: new website, redesigned e-letter delivery, new internal communication email bulletins (What’s New and the Inside Scoop), and an expansive company intranet...

For much of this adventure we’ve been a non-co-located team. We’ve learned how to work remotely, and Shannon June has shown us how to do it well. I have often said the Communications Team is virtually the best team. Now, we are celebrating that we all have our residences in the same area for the first time EVER!” (Shannon June moved to Colorado Springs in March of this year.)”

Kathy and Shannon June have been talking and praying about leadership succession for a couple of years. They both feel confident that this is God’s timing. Kathy will continue to work on the Comm Team in the area of communications research and development. Kathy says, “I’m thrilled that I have the privilege to continue working on the team under Shannon June’s leadership.” 
Mission Pastor Transition
Three years ago, during PEP, Gill and Karen Nash shared that they might not be returning overseas during the upcoming season of their lives. They went on to say they would like to do more shared ministry together while based in the States. As Ralph and Joyce Anderson have had their “antennae” up for some time as to who would follow them in the Mission Pastor role, they spoke with Gill and Karen at that PEP about the role and the possibility of them following the Andersons as the mission pastor couple.

This began a series of conversations and shared experiences which led Gill and Karen to becoming part of the mission pastor team about two years ago. As prayerful conversations and shared ministries have continued, the ELT has now asked the Nashes to assume this position and they have accepted.  

With thankful hearts for the Nashes stepping into this role, the Andersons will retire and move to associate status at the end of May 2020. In between now and then they all are in a season of transition. The passing of some responsibilities from Ralph to Gill is already taking place. On January 1, 2020 Gill will officially become the mission pastor and Ralph will serve in a mentoring/supportive role until his retirement in May.  

The ELT thanks the Lord for the pastoral care Ralph and Joyce have given within the OC family for almost 25 years and look forward to the ongoing, heart-felt care through Gill and Karen for many years to come!

Prayer requests and praises are collected into a weekly prayer sheet for Monday morning chapel at the US-MC. Contact Ralph Anderson.

Action due: New items are due each week no later than Thursday.

Here are the most recent prayer sheets :  

 Also, see the Weekly Prayer Sheets on the company INTRANET website
... and Daily Prayer Points on the OC Website
Want to Post an Action Request, Announcement, or Information Here?

THE INSIDE SCOOP  is our internal bulletin for US-MC and related fields. It goes out two times a month on the 6th and the 20th. Submission deadlines are the 1st and 15th. 

Contact:  Communications-IntC@...
5801 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Telephone: 719.592.9292 Toll-free: 800.676.7837 Fax: 719.592.0693