Volume L (51) 

April 9, 2019

     Number 7              


I am really looking forward to seeing you this coming Sunday, Palm Sunday. The kids process into the Jerusalem of Patchogue waving palms and singing for you. The choir has prepared special music.
Next Thursday is Maundy Thursday. At 7 o'clock in the evening, we will have will have a simple, prayerful and musical   service. No simple, silent soup dinner this year. Just readings, reflections, centering silence, traditional songs and Taize music that lifts our spirit and frees our soul in the Holy Week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.
In the meantime, this event is this Thursday, April 11th from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM.
Peace Whenever Possible,
Pastor Dwight 

Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick 
Administrative Assistant  
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music 
Chrissy Blair
Ann Carey  
Lisa LaGrandier 
Sunday School Co-Direc tors  

3- Robin Danes
4- Hannah Gilbert
6- Marcie Deedy
9- Paul Gilbert
9- Larry Martin
11- Richard Miller
11- Darya Wierzbowski
13- Maia Lewis
14- Jose Melendez
15- Branden Torino
15- Matthew Walker
16- Craig Coyle
16- Kathy Ljungqvist
20- Isabella Humberstone
20- Frankie Torino
22- Lauren Porter
23- Angelina Migdol
24- Christopher Baldi
28- Bradley Carlo
28- Mickey Thom
29- Kryssa Baldi
29- Jennifer Wierzbowski
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!  

Thank you for remembering

the church in your will.


praying hands
 Barbara Bailey 
Bear Bonner
Jan Bradley 
Peter Esser
Bill Paauwe   
Pete Roe 
Alex Sabosto
Barbara Sabosto


"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church  
of Patchogue,  
95 East Main Street,  
Patchogue, NY 11772. 
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to: 

phone: 631-475-1235
fax:  631-207-9470




For the previous weeks, the children have been learning in Sunday school about the story of Jesus praying in the garden and Peter who pretends not to know Jesus. We discussed the places we like to pray and about asking for forgiveness when we make the wrong choices.
This past Sunday Rev. Dr. Ann Van Cleef had talked with the children about when we do things that don't seem so fun at the time, like practicing an instrument, doing homework or cleaning up their bedrooms, it ends up being beneficial in the long run. We'd like to thank her for sharing a song with us on the "licorice stick" (or otherwise known as a clarinet.) Thank you Madison for being our Acolyte this Sunday.
Mr. Craig will be practicing the Easter Song with the children next Sunday, after service in the choir room. Please be on the lookout for an email of the music and lyrics and continue to practice at home. Mr. Craig would also like to have a quick practice before service on Easter Sunday. Please come at 9:45am and bring the children to the choir room.
There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday, so we can all rejoice at the Easter Service.
Blessings as Always,
The Sunday School Co-Directors

As I write this, Bill Paauwe is undergoing surgery. He will be home by late afternoon. I am confident your well wishes would be gratefully received by him.
Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM 
   Our church, the Congregational Church of Patchogue, was rented our Reception Room for this important event. This group as referred to us by Mayor Paul Pontieri. If you are receiving this email, it is because I am asking you be in attendance. We also may nee your help being hospitable and kind to the attendees; as well as supportive of the outreach of our church. The event begins this Thurasday at 5:30. It would be helpful for you to be here as close to 5pm as possible. 
    This event is addressed to "all crime victims" but, let's face it, the brunt of the crimes these organizations deal with are against women. Senator Monica Martinez, who, among many other things, sponsored a bill to prevent revenge porn, will be honored. A panel discussion with the police department and others, and some uplifting choral music will also be offered.
Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Friday, April 19, 2019
Church and church office are closed.
Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 7:00PM
SOMETIMES I CHOOSE THE ARTISTS in this "Spirituality of..." series. Sometimes, it is by overwhelming demand. Take a guess which category Tom Petty is in? Mark your calendars!  Tickets: Suggested $10 donation at the door (no one will be turned away for lack of money).
Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 7:00 PM
This live, musical event featuring musicians straight from South Africa and Long Island Singers is not to be missed! Tickets: Suggested $10 donation at the door (no one turned away for lack of money).  
Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 2:00 PM
The 13th Annual Celebration Tea will be held here, at the Congregational Church of Patchogue. Tickets are $25 per person; $20 for senior citizens and will be available via advanced sale only. Tickets will be sold after Sunday Worship in the Reception Room. For additional inquiries, contact the church office at 631-475-1235.

        *         *         *
                       MONDAY, APRIL 8
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room        
                       WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 
4:00 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM         Soup Kitchen
                       THURSDAY, APRIL 11
9:00 AM        Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
9:30 AM        Chair Yoga, Deedy Room
                       For more information, call
                       Kristen Orsini at (631) 807-4050
5:30 PM         VIBS Crime Victims' Awareness Event
7:30 PM         Choir Rehearsal 
                       SUNDAY, APRIL 14 
10:00 AM      Palm Sunday Worship Service
                       Sunday School
                       Nursery Care  
                       MONDAY, APRIL 15
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
                       WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17
4:00 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit 
5:00 PM         Soup Kitchen 
                       THURSDAY, APRIL 18
9:00 AM         Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM 
9:30 AM         Chair Yoga, Deedy Room
                        For more information, call
                        Kristen Orsini at (631) 807-4050
7:00 PM          Maundy Thursday Service 
                        FRIDAY, APRIL 19
                        Good Friday; Church Office Closed
                        SUNDAY, APRIL 21
10:00 AM       Easter Sunday Worship Service  
                        No Sunday School
                        Nursery Care


April 7th- by Barbara & Alex Sabosto in loving memory of Barbara's parents, Anita and Tom Bachman
April 14th- Shirley & Bob Werner in celebration of their son, Andrew's birthday 
Help decorate the sanctuary by sponsoring altar flowers. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday Worship, please return vase the next week. Sign-up sheet is in the Reception Room. Flowers are $25 and your dedication will be printed in the bulletin.
During the first half century (1793 - 1843) of the life of the Patchogue Congregational Church, there was a gradual evolution and expansion of its activities. On Sundays, the noon recess, with its social lunches between the two long preaching services, was a great value in forming acquaintances and promoting the informal exchange of ideas regarding experimental religion. Social prayer-meetings had been held on week days in the four natural sections of the parish, but Pastor Thomas organized them as regular branches of church work. In 1845, he appointed a committee, called a "Conference committee" in each of the four sections of the parish. The duties of each committee were to conduct local prayer meetings and promote other branches of church work including the investigation of charges against members.  
The District Committeemen were active in performing their duties. Sometimes they reported individual cases requiring formal action by the church, and a few backsliders were dropped from the roll; but the principal influence of the committees was the result of conducting local meetings, and of their personal contacts with lukewarm or erring members.
Excerpt from The Congregational Church of Patchogue: A History by Frank Overton, M. D. Clerk of the Church, 1943
Shirley Werner, Historian  
      OFFICE HOURS       
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, except for Liturgical holidays. 
In the event of inclement weather, please refer to our Facebook page and watch your email for alerts pertaining to services and events. 

Jennifer McCarrick  631-475-1235