Volume LI (51) 
August 26, 2019
            Number 17            

This issue of The Light
is dedicated to  
Gerard & Lisa Manecke 

"The Multi-Ethnic International Food Festival" 

"The Multi-Ethnic International Food Festival" at the Islamic Center of Long Island (ICLI) in Westbury was sponsored by the Interfaith Institute, of which I am a Board Member. Soon to be new member, Dian Larkin, and I were pleased and proud to attend. Here are about HALF of the cooks and servers who donned their ethnic attire as we tasted food from: Barbados, Bangladesh, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guyana, India, Kashmir, Kerala, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the United States and I bet I missed some others. I have been working with ICLI for over 10 years now. You know some of the horrors we have dealt with in the world ~ now you know some of the blessings!
Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick 
Administrative Assistant  
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music 
Chrissy Blair
Ann Carey  
Lisa LaGrandier 
Sunday School Co-Direc tors  

6- William Carey
13- William Houghtalen
24- Harold Trabold
24- Karlene Trabold
27- Liam Holmes
27- Ryan Walker-Zukowski
29- Karen Eten
30- Christopher Blair
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!  

Thank you for remembering

the church in your will.


praying hands
 Barbara Bailey 
Bear Bonner
Peter Esser
Bill Paauwe 
Pete Roe 
Barbara Sabosto


"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church  
of Patchogue,  
95 East Main Street,  
Patchogue, NY 11772. 
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to: 

phone: 631-475-1235
fax:  631-207-9470
Find Us on Facebook:




Sunday, September 1st @ 10:00 AM
Labor Day weekend at the church on Sunday September 1st the sermon will be "Hard Work. No Pay. Inquire Within." Two solos will be sung by Kathy Ljungqvist.

Sunday, September 15th @ 10:00 AM
Today marks the return to the sanctuary, the return of the choir, return of the Sunday School (including registration) AND an ice cream social! Welcome back everyone!

Sunday, September 22nd @ 10:00 AM
Join us for a very unusual and moving service. You will NOT want to miss this.

Thursday, September 26th @ 7:00 PM
At the CLARE ROSE PLAYHOUSE on Roe Blvd. in Patchogue, there will be a benefit performance of "Becky's New Car" by Steven Dietz. Proceeds will go to THE PATCHOGUE NEIGHBOR'S SOUP KITCHENS, which operates four locations in our area (including ours).
Wine and cheese reception is at 7:00 pm; performance at 8:00pm. Tickets are $20 and available through Bonnie Underwood. She can be reached at 631-475-0519 or You may also give Rev. Wolter your donation and he will get your ticket(s) for you from Bonnie.

The food pantry is in need of the following items: toilet paper and bottled water. Please place donations in the basket near the sanctuary entrance. Any donations are greatly appreciated.

*         *         *
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
4:00 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit
Free Haircuts at Shear Joy Barber-Salon 
5:00 PM         Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
                       THURSDAY, AUGUST 29
9:00AM         Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM 
                       SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1
10:00 AM       Worship Service
                       Nursery Care
                       MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
                       WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4
4:00 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM         Free Meal at Soup Kitchen 
                       THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5
9:00 AM         Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
7:30 PM         Choir Rehearsal  
                       SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8
9:00 AM         Choir Rehearsal 
10:00 AM        Worship Service
                        Nursery Care


August 25th - given by Pam Barr in honor of her sister, Francia Marshall's 78th birthday on August 27th.   
September 1st - given today by LeRae Lincoln in loving memory of her daughter, Joanna, and her mother, Lee. 
Help decorate the church by sponsoring altar flowers. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday Worship (please return vase the following week), or donated to be taken to those unable to attend church for health reasons. Sign-up sheet is in the Reception Room. Flowers are $25 and your dedication will be printed in the bulletin.
For many of us, Labor Day means the end of summer vacation, a guilt-trip for anyone wearing white, and an excuse for department stores to have sales. But, it's important to keep in mind the true history behind this holiday: Labor Day is a celebration of laborers, of workers. And, it was introduced at a time when labor meant something far more grueling than it generally does today.
When is Labor Day?
In the United States (and Canada), Labor Day falls on the first Monday in September, but for many countries outside of North America, Labor Day is celebrated on May 1.
When was the first Labor Day?
The first Labor Day celebration took place in New York City on September 5, 1882. About 10,000 union workers marched in a parade to honor American workers, who at the time were without the labor laws we now take for granted. This early celebration was the catalyst that spread Labor Day sentiment across America.
Beginning with Oregon in 1887, a number of states adopted Labor Day as a legal holiday. Unfortunately, the holiday alone didn't remedy the labor situation in Industrial Revolution era America. In 1894, the entire railroad system was compromised by the strike and boycott against the Pullman Palace Car Company, a railroad company guilty of terrible treatment of their workers. In response to the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland ordered federal troops to take action, which escalated the violence and caused several deaths. It was in the midst of this strike that President Cleveland helped push through a bill that made Labor Day a national holiday.
Elsewhere in the world, laborers are honored on May Day (May 1), also known as International Workers' Day. Oddly enough, the events that inspired this holiday also happened in the United States. Countries worldwide adopted the holiday in response to the Haymarket Riot of 1886. Although it began as a peaceful labor protest, the demonstration turned violent when police retaliated against the Chicago workforce.
Whether you're barbecuing with friends and family, or just enjoying some rest and relaxation, now you have the knowledge to take a moment and remember what Labor Day is all about.
Shirley Werner, Historian 
      OFFICE HOURS       
The church office is operating under its Summer schedule. Summer hours are Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM.

Jennifer McCarrick  631-475-1235