Volume L (52) |
January 13, 2020
Number 1 |
What does God look like? When I was a kid, I heard he was a tall, white man with a long, white beard and wearing a white robe. But not all Christians think of God as a white man dressed in white. For Christians around the world, God might have different color of skin; shape of eyes; and God might not be a man. Some hymns (Bring Many Names, for example) mention God as both father
and mother.
Ultimately, words are mere approximations of the reality they are trying to explain; like when Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven as being like a mustard seed. Jesus did not say that God is a mustard seed. Similarly, calling God "father" or "mother" does not mean that God is a man or a woman.
The opening two words of the Lord's Prayer is about much more than the gender identity of God. It begins, "Our Father." ~ not "
My Father." We pray ~ not as individuals ~ but as family. Jesus points to our relationship to God as one of family: God is our father (or mother or parent, if you prefer). We are each other's siblings. The foundation upon which the church is built, is Jesus the Christ. We as children and family members, lay bricks and mortar in the construction of Christ's church here on earth.
Christ's church is a family based on something even thicker than blood. The church is based on covenant. We are here because God needs us to help reclaim our broken world, and to be a source of strength and hope in times of trouble and joy; times of war and peace.
It is important to have a strong personal relationship with God, but we cannot be right with God if we are not truly right with people. When Jesus teaches the Lord's Prayer to his disciples, he quickly segues into talking about friends, neighbors, guests and family. To have a great relationship with God, we must include striving to have great relationships at home, work, and church.
God is the head of a family (the father, mother, parent of us all). Like any parent, God loves to see us in established, sustained, restored and reconciled relationships. May we, at the Congregational Church of Patchogue, believe and behave as a loving family; and may God be a loving parent who will nurture and love all of us into wholeness.
Pastor Dwight
**THE LORD'S PRAYER SERMON SERIES, part 2, continues on Sunday, January 19th, with "Who Is in Heaven?" You need not be at all of these services; but it would be helpful, since they are designed to fold neatly into the one prior, and the one that follows.**
Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick
Administrative Assistant
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music
Chrissy Blair
Ann Carey
Sunday School Co-Direc
9- Tex Dennerlein
11- Thomas Clements
11- Eve Fasolino
11- Jen McCarrick
15- Priscilla Teich
16- Jody Roe
17- Ariana Melendez
19- LeRae Lincoln
19- Kathleen Walker
26- Thomas Logan Jr.
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!
Thank you for remembering
Volunteers are needed to help with refreshments on Sundays. Please volunteer to bring refreshments via the sign-up sheet on the large table in the reception room. Thank you.
Barbara Bailey
Bear Bonner
Peter Esser
"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church
of Patchogue,
95 East Main Street,
Patchogue, NY 11772.
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to:
The past two weeks, the Sunday School children have been learning about John the Baptist and that we are all children of God. This past Sunday, they heard stories from the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
This coming Sunday, January 19th, the class will visit Mrs. Toni Dean at the Children's Library and learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his mission of equality and peace.
Blessings Always,
Ms. Chrissy and Ms. Ann
The Food Pantry is is need of the following items:
pop tarts, ramen noodles, canned stews, canned pastas, juice. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
Week of January 13th, 2020
Please email them to the church office as soon as possible
Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 11:00 am
The 227th Annual meeting of the Congregational Church of Patchogue will be held immediately following the worship service for the purpose of:
1. Receiving the 2019 Annual Reports of the
Minister, the church boards and the church officers
2. Adopting the Annual Budget for 2020
3. Receiving the report of the Nominating
Committee and election of board members and officers to replace those whose terms have
4. Receiving the reports of the affiliated church-
sponsored organizations
5. To transact such other business as may properly
come before said meeting
Shirley Werner, Church Clerk
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Please sign up for a delicious meatloaf lunch immediately following the Annual Meeting via the sheet on the table in the Reception Room (or contact the church office). Your contribution of a dessert or helping to clean up is most appreciated.
Sunday, February 9, 2020 from 11:00-12:00
Agnes Riker is available for childcare in the nursery for those with little ones who would like to attend the Annual Meeting.
7:00 PM "An Ounce of Prevention:
Safety in Our Houses of Worship"
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
No Mobile Shower Unit
9:00 AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM The Lord's Prayer Sermon Series Part II:
"Who Is In Heaven?"
Sunday School
Nursery Care
11:00 AM Fellowship Hour following service
4:00 PM Free Haircuts at Shear Joy Barber-Salon
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
No Mobile Shower Unit
9:00 AM Food Pantry Distribution
10:00 AM The Lord's Prayer Sermon Series Part III:
"Holy Be Your Name"
Sunday School
Nursery Care
11:00 AM Fellowship Hour following service
**No Mobile Shower Unit until further notice.**
January 26 - given by Dian Larkin: "For my beautiful boy. Forever."
*The 2020 Sign-up sheet to sponsor altar flowers is now on the table in the Reception Room.
The Beginnings of our Sunday School, Continued:
The road to recognitions and influence began in the new Brownstone under the ministry of the Reverend Alfred Colton and his wife. Mrs. Colton was the founder of the Come and See Society for primary-aged children. She prepared a two-year Bible study and activity course that was taught during the afternoon Sunday School hours.
The completed course was later published as weekly feature in the Congregationalist of Boston under the title "Sunday Occupations for Boys and Girls." The older children at this time were taught lessons from the Junior Chautauqua Bible Series. Temperance and missionary tracts were purchased with the children's offerings.
"Let the children come"- this was Jesus' invitation. For the children to "come" enthusiastically they needed more than lessons and temperance tracts. They needed to know it was their church and they were welcome. Mission projects and fund raisers were to provide a way for children to learn, to serve others and to have fun. The Sunday school in the early 20th Century helped to support from seven to ten Congregational missions each year, groups like the Sunday School Publishing Society and the Homeland and Foreign Mission Boards.
This was particularly true during the period before and after World War I, a time in our church history that could be called the Johnston era. A flyer dated May 10, 1911, advertising a play at the local Lyceum Theatre for the benefit of the Singing Book Fund of the Congregational Church is an example of a "fun" fund raiser. Among other things, it invited the town to "Come hear 75 little boys and girls sing "I've Got the Mumps."
Source: Celebrating a Proud Heritage:
The Congregational Church and Parish of Patchogue 1793 -1893 (1994).
Shirley Werner, Historian
The church office is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
In the event of inclement weather, please refer to our Facebook page and watch your email for alerts pertaining to services and events.
Jennifer McCarrick 631-475-1235