Volume L (52) |
January 28, 2020
Number 2 |
Why are the Dalai Lama and the Pope both called "His Holiness"? Is everyone holy? Is everything holy? Is nothing holy? Can a name or a place be holy? If so, what makes it holy? The Bible has over 550 references to the word "holy." It says that God is holy; God makes us holy; gifts made to the temple are holy; that there is holy ground; and there are holy mysteries.
Contrast that reverence and sensitivity with our modern age, in which people routinely denigrate God's name with G-D this and G-D that. Some say that words are just words ~ none worse than others. Do people really use the Lord's name in vain simply because words are just words? Can using the Lord's name in vain be dangerous? If you truly believe that a Prayer of Invocation can really invoke God, and if we pray, "Come, Holy Spirit, come!" and God shows up ~ we had better be mindful of our behavior and words thereafter.
"Holy", according to the New American Heritage Dictionary is, "set apart as being holy; highly venerated; unassailable." The name of God should be uttered with reverence, awe and praise. Recognizing and accepting God's name as holy is the beginning of recognizing and accepting that some things in this life are sacred. There is such a thing as sacred music; sacred space; and it makes sense that God said to Moses from a burning bush on Mt. Sinai, "Take off your shoes for the place where you are standing is holy ground."
Accepting and recognizing that there are such things as sacred music, sacred names, and sacred space is a way to begin to teach our children and each other that some things are exalted over others. Peace should be exalted over violence; justice should be exalted over injustice; and compassion should be exalted over indifference. May we treat ourselves; each other; our earth, sanctuary, music, our "sacred texts," and even our silence as reflections of the holy name of God. Then we could pray, with meaning, our Father, who art in heaven, Holy would be thy name; Holy would be thy earth; Holy would be thy people; and Holy would be all of thy creation.
Pastor Dwight.
Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick
Administrative Assistant
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music
Chrissy Blair
Ann Carey
Sunday School Co-Direc
9- Tex Dennerlein
11- Thomas Clements
11- Eve Fasolino
11- Jen McCarrick
15- Priscilla Teich
16- Jody Roe
17- Ariana Melendez
19- LeRae Lincoln
19- Kathleen Walker
26- Thomas Logan Jr.
3- Shirley Werner
9- Tyler Lynch
13- Lennon Sempere
18- Rich Bartolotta
19- Melissa Coyle
20- Aiden Holmes
21- Cameron Eten
27- William Underwood
28- Robin Young Roe
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!
Thank you for remembering
Volunteers are needed to help with refreshments on Sundays. Please volunteer to bring refreshments via the sign-up sheet on the large table in the reception room. Thank you.
Barbara Bailey
Bear Bonner
Peter Esser
Mickey Thom
"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church
of Patchogue,
95 East Main Street,
Patchogue, NY 11772.
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to:
To commemorate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ms. Toni Dean and her husband, Maury, spoke to the children about Dr. King's message of love, peace and equality. Mr. Dean told us about his personal experience in the march for equality in the south. It was great to hear about that moment in time, that for most, we only read about.
The Sunday School class then visited the Children's Library and did a special art project with Ms. Toni. They made cut-out people and we all helped to create a beautiful poster with all different shades and looks of people holding hands together. Please take a look at the poster that sends a beautiful message. You can find it in the hall by the Children's Library. Thank you again Ms. Toni and Mr. Maury Dean for this special lesson and project with the children.
For the next couple of weeks, we will be hearing Bible stories from the Old Testament about leaders. We will discuss the qualities and characteristics of good leaders.
Also, a friendly reminder that there will be
NO Sunday School class on February 16th.
Blessings Always,
Ms. Ann and Ms. Chrissy
The Food Pantry is in need of the following items: Fruit cups; Vienna sausages; large bottles of juice, iced tea, lemonade; small cans or bottles of seltzer, Gatorade; shampoo, bars of soap, any canned meal with pop off top. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 11:00 am
The 227th Annual meeting of the Congregational Church of Patchogue will be held immediately following the worship service for the purpose of:
1. Receiving the 2019 Annual Reports of the
Minister, the church boards and the church officers
2. Adopting the Annual Budget for 2020
3. Receiving the report of the Nominating
Committee and election of board members and officers to replace those whose terms have
4. Receiving the reports of the affiliated church-
sponsored organizations
5. To transact such other business as may properly
come before said meeting
Shirley Werner, Church Clerk
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Please sign up for a delicious meatloaf lunch immediately following the Annual Meeting via the sheet on the table in the Reception Room (or contact the church office). Your contribution of a dessert or helping to clean up is most appreciated.
Sunday, February 9, 2020 from 11:00-12:00
Agnes Riker is available for childcare in the nursery for those with little ones who would like to attend the Annual Meeting.
4:00 PM Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
9:00 AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
10:00 AM The Lord's Prayer Sermon Series Part IV:
"If It Be Your Will"
Sunday School
Nursery Care
11:00 AM Fellowship Hour following service
4:00 PM Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
9:00 AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
10:00 AM The Lord's Prayer Sermon Series Part V:
"Bread for a Day"
Sunday School
Nursery Care (until noon)
11:00 AM Annual Meeting
12:00 PM Meatloaf Luncheon
February 2 - given by Bob & Shirley Werner in celebration of the birthdays of their grandchildren: John Matthew Werner and Abigail Anne Werner
*The 2020 Sign-up sheet to sponsor altar flowers is now on the table in the Reception Room.
The Beginnings of our Sunday School, Continued:
The names of teachers and church workers who came for a season and stayed for a decade are legion: Helen Woodhull, Mable Chichester, Helen (Tilly) Chamberlin, Ruth Rogers, Nancy and Milan Kana, Ruth Gilligan and Sue Chamberlain to name a few. Over the years some were to wear a "variety of hats," while others like William B. Sinn, wore just one. Bill Sinn joined the teaching staff in 1917 and stayed for 30 or more years. Known around the town for his humorous gift of gab, he is remembered lovingly by his daughter as a father who started each day at his bedside on his knees in prayer. One of his many students remembers him for offering small monetary incentives for less noise and a peaceful lesson.
While the older Protestant youth in Patchogue were enjoying a full Christian Endeavour schedule of activities, younger groups, members of Young People's Christian Education, were meeting Fridays after school. With the help of their leaders, they made scrapbooks for a local tuberculosis hospital and mounted pictures on cards that were sent to the kindergarten on Ellis Island.
Source: Celebrating a Proud Heritage:
The Congregational Church and Parish of Patchogue 1793 -1893 (1994).
Shirley Werner, Historian
The church office is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
In the event of inclement weather, please refer to our Facebook page and watch your email for alerts pertaining to services and events.
Jennifer McCarrick 631-475-1235