Volume LI (51) |
July 31, 2019
Number 15 |
This issue of
The Light is dedicated to Ted Minski
The Buddha, like Jesus, utilized paradox and understatement to convey the message of his suttas (discourses). In one sutta, Buddha asked, "If a person is struck by an arrow, is it painful?" Those in attendance replied the obvious, "Yes, it is." Then Buddha asked, "If the person is struck by a second arrow, is that even more painful?" Again, they replied, "Yes, it is."
We all get wounded. Sometimes we can anticipate the first arrow, and sometimes we don't see it coming. And, sometimes, another one strikes us! The pain of the second arrow is your reaction to the pain of the first arrow. The pain of the second arrow comes when you ask yourself questions such as, "What would have happened if the car had turned right instead of left?" or "What was I thinking when I volunteered to go on stage with the comedian at the comedy club? She humiliated me in front of my friends and family! I should have said this... I should have done that..." You practice do-overs endlessly in your mind.
You can go to the hospital and get the first arrow removed, but you leave with the second arrow still inside you. Often we are not merely replaying the tragic event; we are re-traumatizing ourselves. How many times do we have to relive the tragedy before we will finally let go?
The sutta of the Buddha insinuates that while the pain of the first arrow may have been unavoidable (life happens); the pain of the second arrow is optional. We allow the second arrows of life to inflict more pain when we ruminate endlessly about why something painful happened to us, and who caused it; when we plot revenge and recruit sympathizers to our side of the story; when we blame, whine and replay the same song in our heads. The quiver of second arrows seems to never empty when we cling, demand and withhold.
Ephesians 4:26b says, "Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."
As the sun is about to set, I can hear the Buddha and the Christ lovingly whisper across millennia, "You don't need to carry this ~ (fill in the blank) ~ into another day. Let it go." We need not make pain worse, nor love better, as we navigate a lifetime of saying hello and letting go. We can remain fully present in this one moment, the only moment when it is possible to be fully alive.
Pastor Dwight
Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick
Administrative Assistant
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music
Chrissy Blair
Ann Carey
Lisa LaGrandier
Sunday School Co-Direc
28- Betty Dennerlein
29- Ann Carey
30- Tex Dennerlein
8- Tom Savastano
10- Anna LaGrandier
18- Ethan Baldi
18- Celeste Wolter-Sempere
22- Herb Harrup
22- Dolly Searles
22- Oliver Sempere
22- Sophia Sempere
23- Jackie Kemp
24- Jake Lynch
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!
Thank you for remembering
Barbara Bailey
Bear Bonner
Peter Esser
Bill Paauwe
Pete Roe
Barbara Sabosto
"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church
of Patchogue,
95 East Main Street,
Patchogue, NY 11772.
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to:
phone: 631-475-1235
fax: 631-207-9470
Find Us on Facebook:
WE AIN'T PRETTY, but we ARE beautiful. Welcome to "Shear Joy" ~ the Free Barber Salon at the
Congregational Church of Patchogue
. We have no A/C (no moola to pay for it), but lots of cool love and personal attention for any person of any generation in need of a haircut. Out three stylists are employed in fashionable salons on Long Island.
The food pantry is in need of the following items: toilet paper and bottled water. Please place donations in the basket near the sanctuary entrance. Any donations are greatly appreciated.
4:00 PM Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
9:00AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
10:00 AM
Worship Service
Nursery Care
10:30 AM Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
4:00 PM Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
9:00 AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
10:00 AM
Worship Service
Nursery Care
August 4th- sponsored by Titus Kana in memory of his father, Milan Kana's birthday and in celebration of his uncle, Al Kana's 99th birthday.
August 11th - sponsored by LeRae Lincoln
Help decorate the church by sponsoring altar flowers. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday Worship (please return vase the following week), or donated to be taken to those unable to attend church for health reasons. Sign-up sheet is in the Reception Room. Flowers are $25 and your dedication will be printed in the bulletin.
The final segment of a presentation given by Nan Lechtrecker in 1976:
The chorus of "Amen" had hardly died away when the congregation became aware of change in the wind, the freshening breeze, the darkening sky, and then, thunder and rain! Inside the meeting house: tears from every eye.
As Mrs. Roberts' original story goes, the meeting went on for a long time afterwards, during which each member stood up and offered prayers of thanksgiving for the life-saving rain, and many of the prayers specifically mentioned Aunt Rebecca.
When the afternoon was nearly done, Currain stood up to give the benediction. He was interrupted by a small boy calling from the open window, "Look! A rainbow!" The congregation cut Currain's benediction short and began to sing, "praise God from whom all blessings flow." Currain opened his eyes in the middle of his benediction and began to laugh! Somehow that afternoon he lost some of his puritanical rigidity forevermore.
And (the story ends) Aunt Rebecca looked very, very smug walking homeward, her husband and Deacon Bell walking silently, but very, very close to her- to stay out of the rain in the shelter of her large umbrella.
Part of a presentation given by Nan Lechtrecker and written by Jere Austin, Church Historian, in 1976 in honor of the Bicentennial of the United States of America.
Shirley Werner, Historian
The church office is operating under its Summer schedule. Summer hours are Monday through Friday 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM.
Jennifer McCarrick 631-475-1235