Volume L (51) 

March 19, 2019

     Number 6             


Many people including, perhaps, you, find little interest or time to "celebrate" Lent ~ the season of introspection; checking your motives; adjusting you expectations; considering your part in any conflict or disappointment in life, etc.
Welcome to the crowd. Lent was never meant to be fun, like a ride on the sled or a snuggle in the sweater you got for Christmas.
And yet Lent is just as rewarding a gift. But this gift if not something you ride on or put on ~ it is something you take off. Lent is an unburdening. And it is celebrated in ritual: placing an emblem on the Lent Banner in church; walking the labyrinth; receiving a smudge of ashes on your forehead to remind you of the preciousness of each day. 
And then, of course, there is Easter!!! But... not... yet. We have some traveling to do before we get to the Jerusalem in our heart.

See you in church.
Pastor Dwight 

Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick 
Administrative Assistant  
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music 
Chrissy Blair
Ann Carey  
Lisa LaGrandier 
Sunday School Co-Direc tors  

1- Muriel Baum
2- Corrine Kustka
3- Barbara Berman
3- Connor Holmes
4- Tina Cardinal
8- James Migdol
10- Beth Marvin
11- Charles Rohde
14- Robert Danes
14- Athena Wisniewski
16- Barbara Bailey
16- Donna Foros
18- Carole Rohde
19- Ian Buck
20- Nancy Fleury
21- Patricia Harrup
21- Kerri Lechtrecker
26- Nicole Ruggles
29- Olivia Juan
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!  

Thank you for remembering

the church in your will.


praying hands
 Barbara Bailey 
Bear Bonner
Jan Bradley 
Peter Esser
Bill Paauwe   
Pete Roe 
Alex Sabosto
Barbara Sabosto


"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church  
of Patchogue,  
95 East Main Street,  
Patchogue, NY 11772. 
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to: 

phone: 631-475-1235
fax:  631-207-9470





Happy St Patrick's Day!  
The children had their first practice of the song they will be performing on Easter Sunday. Practice will continue every Sunday briefly after service. Thank you to our greeter last week William and our acolytes Christopher and Anna.  
  If your child would like to volunteer to be a greeter with Pastor Dwight, or an acolyte, please see one of the Sunday School Co-Directors (Ann, Lisa or Chrissy).
-The Sunday School Teachers

We offer prayers of continued recovery to the follwing members and friends: Jan Bradley, Bill Paauwe, Pete Roe and Alex Sabosto. 
If you would like to place a plant in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, (or contribute for a plant to be taken to a person physically unable to attend church), please place your order no later than April 7th. Order forms will be available in church on Sundays, as well as on the table in the Reception Room. The names and memorial messages will be printed in the Easter bulletin.
Monday, March 25, 2019 from 3:30-9:30 pm
Our neighbors at Temple Beth El (45 Oak Street), have been planning the Patchogue Community Interfaith Blood Drive for months! Thank you to those who have already signed up to donate. If you would like to donate, please contact Robin Stern via email at or contact the church office.

Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 2:00 PM
The 13th Annual Celebration Tea will be held here, at the Congregational Church of Patchogue. Tickets are $25 per person; $20 for senior citizens and will be available via advanced sale only. Tickets will be sold after Sunday Worship in the Reception Room. For additional inquiries, contact the church office at 631-475-1235.

        *         *         *
                       MONDAY, MARCH 18  
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room         
3:30 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM         Soup Kitchen
                       THURSDAY, MARCH 21
9:00 AM        Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
9:30 AM        Chair Yoga, Deedy Room
                       For more information, call
                       Kristen Orsini at (631) 807-4050
7:30 PM         Choir Rehearsal 
                        SUNDAY, MARCH 24   
10:00 AM      Worship Service: Third Sunday of Lent
 Baptism of Angelina Cecilia Vazquez  
                       Sunday School
                       Nursery Care  
                       MONDAY, MARCH 25   
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
                       WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27
4:00 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit 
                       Free Haircuts
5:00 PM         Soup Kitchen 
                       THURSDAY, MARCH 28
9:00 AM         Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM 
9:30 AM         Chair Yoga, Deedy Room
                        For more information, call
                        Kristen Orsini at (631) 807-4050
7:30 PM          Choir Rehearsal 
                         SUNDAY, MARCH 31   
10:00 AM       Worship Service: Fourth Sunday of Lent;  
 Guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Ann Van Cleef 
                        Sunday School
                        Nursery Care

March 24th - given by Heather Botelho
March 31st - given by Lorraine Goetz in celebration of her granddaughter, Olivia Juan's, birthday on the 29th of March 

Help decorate the sanctuary by sponsoring altar flowers. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday Worship, please return vase the next week. Sign-up sheet is in the Reception Room. Flowers are $25 and your dedication will be printed in the bulletin.
Since March is Women's History Month, Dolly and I decided to do some research into the women's organizations of this church. Going back into the 19th century we found evidence of women doing fund raising for the poor (dating to 1840) and for the building of the 4th (present) church building. The Ladies Aid Society was formed in 1890. The Young Ladies Service Society existed for 2 years. There was the Martha and Mary Society raising funds for missionary work and the Women's Foreign Missionary Society formed in 1886.
A quote from the Minutes of the Women's Auxiliary Society: "This meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Carroll Swezey for the Purpose of forming a new organization in our church, which will be known as the Women's Auxiliary Society of the Congregational Church of Patchogue. The meeting opened with the reading of the Constitution of the Women's Auxiliary Society". The date was December 10, 1934. This organization morphed into the Women's Fellowship. In 1972 the Women's Board was formed under the revised Bylaws of the church. It continued until 1999, when the Rev. Diane Prosser (our first and only female minister) suggested the streamlining of the various boards into four ministries: Worship and Arts, Outreach, Christian Education, and Fellowship and Parish concerns. It is indeed ironic that the Women's Board was abolished by the only woman minister that this church ever had.
Shirley Werner and Dolly Searles  
      OFFICE HOURS       
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, except for Liturgical holidays. 
In the event of inclement weather, please refer to our Facebook page and watch your email for alerts pertaining to services and events. 

Jennifer McCarrick  631-475-1235