Volume L (51) 

March 5, 2019

     Number 5            


Many people don't care to spend their time thinking about what they have done wrong or might have done better. They prefer to let bygones be bygones. Even fewer people want to go as far as to repent or make amends for their sins, mistakes and shortcomings.
Many of you who can relate to what I just wrote have already deleted this or moved on to the next article. But for those of you left who are still reading this: I have good news!
Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, is a beautiful day and way to mark ~ in a spiritual, meaningful and musical way ~ the beginning of Lent, a period of prayer, introspection and generosity that continues through the final days of Jesus' earthly life and crucifixion. Lent is a time of cleansing, joy and getting spiritually centered. It is about turning away from what is harmful and turning toward what is helpful.
At our Ash Wednesday evening service, we light candles, pray and reflect. Much of the music is derived from the Taize monastic community in France. Taize is a practice of achieving a contemplative state through music, song and silence. We hope to see you at the Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 6th at 7pm in the Reception Room. Part of the service will include journeying to the gym to walk the labyrinth ~ so wear those nice socks you have been saving for a glorious occasion.
We also hope to be blessed by your presence on the first Sunday of Lent, this coming Sunday morning at 10:00. Don't for get to turn your clocks ahead and enjoy the extra hour of light in the world, in the church, and within you.
Pastor Dwight 

Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick 
Administrative Assistant  
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music 
Chrissy Blair
Ann Carey  
Lisa LaGrandier 
Sunday School Co-Direc tors  

1- Muriel Baum
2- Corrine Kustka
3- Barbara Berman
3- Connor Holmes
4- Tina Cardinal
8- James Migdol
10- Beth Marvin
11- Charles Rohde
14- Robert Danes
14- Athena Wisniewski
16- Barbara Bailey
16- Donna Foros
18- Carole Rohde
19- Ian Buck
20- Nancy Fleury
21- Patricia Harrup
21- Kerri Lechtrecker
26- Nicole Ruggles
29- Olivia Juan
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!  

Thank you for remembering

the church in your will.


praying hands
 Barbara Bailey 
Bear Bonner
Jan Bradley 
Peter Esser  
*Pete Roe 
Alex Sabosto
Barbara Sabosto
*Prayers & hopes for recovery are extended to Pete Roe who, as this is being written, is undergoing major surgery. 


"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church  
of Patchogue,  
95 East Main Street,  
Patchogue, NY 11772. 
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to: 

phone: 631-475-1235
fax:  631-207-9470





This past Sunday the children learned two of three parables Jesus told with a common theme- the joy of finding what was lost. A shepherd who lost 1 of his 99 sheep and a woman who lost 1 of her 10 silver coins. Jesus told these parables to teach the lesson that each one of us is valuable to God. We also spoke about Lent beginning this week on Ash Wednesday.  
Thank you again to our volunteer greeters the past two weeks. The congregation has had the pleasure of meeting Olivia and Christopher.  
If your child would like to volunteer to be a greeter with Pastor Dwight, or an acolyte, please see one of the Sunday School Co-Directors (Ann, Lisa or Chrissy).
-The Sunday School Teachers

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Come to the church for a service that begins the season of Lent, and includes walking the Labyrinth which will be placed in the gym for one night only (shoes will be removed).  
Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 10:00 AM
Daylight Savings Time begins. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead on Saturday night. This is also the first Sunday in the season of Lent which begins with the Temptation of Jesus.
Monday, March 25, 2019 from 3:30-9:30 pm
Our neighbors at Temple Beth El (45 Oak Street), have been planning the Patchogue Community Interfaith Blood Drive for months! Thank you to those who have already signed up to donate. If you would like to donate, please contact Robin Stern via email at or contact the church office.

Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 2:00 PM
The 13th Annual Celebration Tea will be held here, at the Congregational Church of Patchogue. Tickets are $25 per person; $20 for senior citizens and will be available via advanced sale only. Please contact the church office at 631-475-1235.

        *         *         *
                       MONDAY, MARCH 4 
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room         
3:30 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM         Soup Kitchen
7:00 PM         Ash Wednesday Service & Labyrinth  
                       THURSDAY, MARCH 7
9:00 AM        Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM 
7:30 PM         Choir Rehearsal 
                        SUNDAY, MARCH 10  
*Daylight Savings Time begins; set clocks ahead one hour Saturday night.
10:00 AM      Worship Service: First Sunday of Lent 
                       Sunday School
                       Nursery Care  
                       MONDAY, MARCH 11  
10:30 AM      Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
                       WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13
4:00 PM         Free Mobile Shower Unit
                       Free Haircuts
                       Food Pantry Distribution until 6:30 PM 
5:00 PM         Soup Kitchen 
                       THURSDAY, MARCH 14
9:00 AM         Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM 
9:30 AM         Chair Yoga, Deedy Room
                        For more information, call
                        Kristen Orsini at (631) 807-4050
7:30 PM          Choir Rehearsal 
                         SUNDAY, MARCH 17  
10:00 AM       Worship Service: Second Sunday of Lent 
                        Sunday School
                        Nursery Care

March 3rd -
given by Rich & Marcella Miller in loving memory of Rich's father, Otto (Mickey) C. Miller.

March 17th-
given by Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter in loving memory of Maya's birthday.
Help decorate the sanctuary by sponsoring altar flowers. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday Worship, please return vase the next week. Sign-up sheet is in the Reception Room. Flowers are $25 and your dedication will be printed in the bulletin.
The Lenten Banner
lent week 1  
It was on February 24, 1980 that the Lenten Banner was first hung in our sanctuary. It was a project of Lorraine Martin, the CE Director at the time, and the women of the church. The first banner was made by Sandra Sembler, but it went missing and the second banner was made by Peggy Danes. The banner and the eight symbols were all hand embroidered. One symbol is placed on the banner each Sunday in Lent, and a meditation that corresponds to the symbol, written by Rev. Wolter, is read aloud by someone from the congregation. The following talented and giving women of our church completed the project:
The Banner: Peggy Danes and Sandra Sembler
Towel and Basin: Alice Moesta
Rooster: Nancy Gustafson
Gavel: Carole Hayes
Dice: Helen Chamberlin
Crown of Thorns: Barbara Gaulrapp
Palm Branch: Ingeborg Rager
Chalice: Barbara Moger Farrell
Cross and Empty Tomb: Carmella VanEyk
Shirley Werner, Historian   
      OFFICE HOURS       
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, except for Liturgical holidays. 
In the event of inclement weather, please refer to our Facebook page and watch your email for alerts pertaining to services and events. 

Jennifer McCarrick  631-475-1235