Volume LI (51)
November 20, 2019
Number 23
The children and adult choirs have prepared songs to sing for YOU this coming Sunday, November 24th, during our annual Thanksgiving Service. We have much to be grateful for. After the service, we have our Hanging-of-the-Greens at which we transform the church into a beautiful Advent and Christmas place of awe and wonder while Craig Coyle plays Christmas tunes in the Reception Room and we munch on holiday breads.
See you in church,
Pastor Dwight
What a blessing it is to have received a $20,000 matching grant from the New York Conservancy of Sacred Sites. It is, however, literally a "matching" grant. If we do not come up with a $20,000 expression of support for our church to match their expression of support for our church ~ we do not receive a penny of the grant. We have so far received a little over 10% of the needed funds. It is in the bank. The other 90% is still in your pockets. Be the church.
Pastor Dwight
Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick
Administrative Assistant
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music
Chrissy Blair & Ann Carey
Sunday School Co-Direc
5- Anna Zuleta
7- Rick Disney
11- Toni Dean
18- Kyle Foros
20- Pam Barr
23- Gerri Clements
25- Mike Campanile
30- Bill Paauwe
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!
Thank you for remembering
Barbara Bailey
Bear Bonner
Peter Esser
"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church
of Patchogue,
95 East Main Street,
Patchogue, NY 11772.
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to:
phone: 631-475-1235
fax: 631-207-9470
Find Us on Facebook:
Thanks to Mr. Craig, the children have been doing a great job learning the song they will be sharing with the congregation on Sunday, November 24th. Please bring the children to the Sunday School room for a 9:45am rehearsal before the service. Please check your emails for recording of the song so they can practice at home this week.
During Stewardship Sunday, the children have learned that even though they are young, they can still help their church and community. They can give others toys and and clothes to others that they no longer use, donate their time or money to help others, or make something for someone. Even a simple gesture of giving a hug when someone is sad can contribute to someone to feel loved and cared for.
This past week, the children heard the story of Noa
h and The Flood. They learned about the trust and faith that Noah placed in God and God's promise. We discussed promises, making and keeping them, and how it feels when promises are broken. We created rainbows to represent the promise of God's love for us always and that this promise will never be broken.
The children will have special ornaments to hang on the Christmas Tree in the Reception during the Hanging of the Greens. It would be great to see the children help dress the tree during this wonderful tradition.
Blessings Always,
Ms. Chrissy & Ms. Ann
Sunday School Co-Directors
- Sunday, November 24th @ 9:45 AM, Deedy Room
- Sunday, December 1st @ 11:00 AM, Deedy Room
- Sunday, November 24th during service, Sanctuary
Sunday, November 24th @ 11:00 AM
We will have our annual HANGING-OF-THE-GREENS after the service, during which the church is transformed into a wonderland of Christmas. Craig Coyle will be playing Christmas carols on the piano for anyone to sing-a-long. In the past, decorators and helpers have brought in breads, chili, or pie to share. Please sign up to decorate or bring a treat via the sheet in the Reception Room or email Jen McCarrick in the church office at
The food pantry is in need of the following items: canned beef stew, canned chili, fruit juice boxes or pouches, canned pasta (i.e. Chef Boyardee), tuna, large bottles of apple juice, toilet paper, bottled water, poptarts, pudding cups, and fruit cups. Please place donations in the basket near the sanctuary entrance. Any donations are greatly appreciated, as well as volunteers on Thursday mornings. Call (631) 475-1235 for more information.
As the weather gets colder, our Soup Kitchen guests are in need of warm gloves, hats and socks (men's and women's). Please place donations in the basket in the reception room. Your donation is much appreciated by the soup kitchen staff and guests.
4:00 PM Free Mobile Shower Unit
Free Haircuts at Shear Joy Barber-Salon
5:00 PM Free Thanksgiving Meal at Soup Kitchen
9:00 AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal
9:45 AM Children's Song Rehearsal, Deedy Room
10:00 AM Worship Service
Sunday School: Children Perform a Song
Nursery Care
11:00 AM Hanging of the Greens:
Please join us to decorate the church!
Fall Bread Day:
Bake & Bring a loaf to share during decorating
Soup Kitchen Closed
No Mobile Shower
Happy Thanksgiving!
Office Closed
Food Pantry Closed
Office Closed
10:00 AM
Worship Service with Communion
Sunday School
Nursery Care
11:00 AM Fellowship Hour following service
Children's Song Rehearsal, Deedy Room
November 24th - given by Donna Foros in loving memory of Jim.
December 1st - given by Kathy Walker; dedicated to her mother and father, Marilyn & Stanley Walker.
Help decorate the church by sponsoring altar flowers. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday Worship (please return vase the following week), or donated to be taken to those unable to attend church for health reasons. Sign-up sheet is in the Reception Room. Flowers are $25 and your dedication will be printed in the bulletin.
"In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, the United Church of Christ recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion."
-From the Preamble to the Constitution of the United Church of Christ
"Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ...."
-Acts 2:38
"For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ Jesus have clothed yourself with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."
-Galatians 3:26-28
The sacrament of baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. Through baptism a person is joined with the universal church, the body of Christ. In baptism, God works in us the power of forgiveness, the renewal of the spirit, and the knowledge of the call to be God's people always.
Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of our common discipleship. Since baptism is God's gift, the Holy Spirit is called to be upon the water and those being baptized. The act of baptism also marks the beginning of new life of discipleship with Christ, the human response to that gift.
Water is an essential element of baptism. Water is a prominent symbol of cleansing and life in the Bible-the water of creation, the great flood, the liberation of Israel through the sea, the water of Mary's womb, the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, the woman at the well, and Jesus' washing of the feet of the disciples. That is why water is visibly present in the service. In the United Church of Christ, the mode of baptism is a matter of choice. Some traditions use sprinkling, some pouring, and some immersion.
Infants, children, youth and adults. For infants and children, as well as for youth and adults who have never been baptized before, baptism marks their acceptance into the care of Christ's church, the sign and seal of God's grace and forgiveness, and the beginning of their Christian faith and life.
The United Church of Christ recognizes the validity of all baptisms, therefore there is no need for re-baptism. If there is a question about whether baptism has taken place, a conditional phrase may be added as a person is baptized, such as "if you are not already baptized." It is a well-accepted practice, however, for people to renew their baptismal vows in a service of baptismal renewal, such as the Order for Renewal of Baptism in the UCC Book of Worship.
Baptism is a personal celebration in the lives of the individual candidates and their families. It is also a celebration within the local church family and a recognition of its commitment. For this reason, baptism is celebrated in the presence of the community gathered for worship. If circumstances require baptism to take place outside of corporate worship, members of the local church, if possible, may participate in the ceremony with the pastor. In urgent circumstances, such as imminent death, any Christian may perform the baptism.
Baptism may take place at any worship service where the community is gathered. In the early Christian church, the season of Lent was used as the final period for the preparation of candidates. In the scriptures that are read during the seasons from Advent up to Easter, there are many texts that teach the faith and point toward baptism. In the early church, the candidates were baptized together at the Vigil of Easter (the pre-dawn Easter service). Some local churches still perform baptisms at this service, or on Pentecost Sunday, and also baptize throughout the year.
Parents, in consultation with the pastor, may choose sponsors or Godparents for infants and young children who are to be baptized. Other candidates for baptism may also be given this opportunity to have sponsors. At the time of the baptismal service, the sponsors, who accompany the candidates and present them for baptism, may make promises identical to the promises of the parents concerning their role.
Book of Worship
of the United Church of Christ provides an Order for Baptism and orders for Affirmation of Baptism. The recognition of our baptism by the ecumenical church is important to us, and the Book of Worship encourages the use of language recognized in most Christian churches: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." Feminine images for God may surround these words to enrich understandings and offer balance.
Shirley Werner, Historian
The church office will continue to operate under its current hours; Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM.
Jennifer McCarrick 631-475-1235