Volume LI (51)
September 10, 2019
Number 18
This issue of
The Light is given
by Robert & Shirley Werner
in memory of
Ansgar (Andy) Fagerland
November 1, 1930 - August 21, 2019
This coming Sunday, September 15th,"Laughing It Up with God" is the message, based on Sarah (Abraham's wife) getting pregnant at 90 years of age. The special music is "Don't Give Up" by Peter Gabriel and sung by Craig Coyle. We also welcome two new members, Heather Botelho and Dian Larkin. The choir and the Sunday School are back from summer hiatus. "Thanks Be to Thee" is the choir anthem.
Jan Bradley of the food pantry volunteers will talk with the children about the people they help with their weekly offerings. An ice cream social follows the service. GROWNUPS are hereby encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation. The children will rehearse the song they will offer to the congregation the following Sunday. It is our hope to see you at church on the 15th.
Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Jennifer McCarrick
Administrative Assistant
Craig Coyle
Coordinator of Music
Chrissy Blair & Ann Carey
Sunday School Co-Direc
13- William Houghtalen
24- Harold Trabold
24- Karlene Trabold
27- Liam Holmes
27- Ryan Walker-Zukowski
29- Karen Eten
30- Christopher Blair
Our supply of donors for "The Light" is nearly depleted. Your donation of $50.00 is appreciated!
Thank you for remembering
Barbara Bailey
Bear Bonner
Peter Esser
Bill Paauwe
Pete Roe
Barbara Sabosto
"The Light" is published and prepared by
The Congregational Church
of Patchogue,
95 East Main Street,
Patchogue, NY 11772.
Submit news to:
Jennifer McCarrick
by Sunday evening to:
phone: 631-475-1235
fax: 631-207-9470
Find Us on Facebook:
Happy September Sunday School Families! We hope everyone had an amazing summer and look forward to welcoming all of your children back to Sunday School next Sunday, September 15th. We will be hosting an Ice Cream Social after the service on 9/15 to welcome everyone back and to update the children's Sunday School Registration forms.
Please check your emails from the past few weeks from Ms. Chrissy and Mr. Craig regarding music and lyrics of a short song that the children will be performing during service on 9/22. Please have your child practice at home before we meet on the 15th. We will be having a brief practice after service on 9/15 and another practice at 9:45am on 9/22 before we perform the song for the congregation and a special guest. If you haven't received an email from Ms. Chrissy or Mr. Craig, please contact the church office to update your email address.
We look forward to seeing all the little smiling faces on Sept 15th!
Ms. Chrissy and Ms. Ann
Sunday School Co-Directors
Sunday, September 15th @ 10:00 AM
Today marks the return to the sanctuary, the return of the choir, return of the Sunday School (including registration) AND an ice cream social! Welcome back everyone!
Sunday, September 22nd @ 10:00 AM
Albert Rizzi, founder of My Blind Spot, will co-present the message with Rev. Wolter on Sunday, September 22nd. Albert was here a few years ago. This time, we are going to "step it up a notch." This service will be unlike any you have ever attended. The relationship between those who cannot see, and those who "turn a blind eye" to what is going on is explored; as it the relationship between darkness and light, and blindness and sight. The children and the choir will be participating in the embodiment of blindness and sight. It is our hope to see you in church on September 22nd.
Thursday, September 26th @ 7:00 PM
At the CLARE ROSE PLAYHOUSE on Roe Blvd. in Patchogue, there will be a benefit performance of "Becky's New Car" by Steven Dietz. Proceeds will go to THE PATCHOGUE NEIGHBOR'S SOUP KITCHENS, which operates four locations in our area (including ours).
Wine and cheese reception is at 7:00 pm; performance at 8:00pm. Tickets are $20 and available through Bonnie Underwood. She can be reached at 631-475-0519 or bbunderwood@optonline.net. You may also give Rev. Wolter your donation and he will get your ticket(s) for you from Bonnie.
The food pantry is in need of the following items: toilet paper and bottled water. Please place donations in the basket near the sanctuary entrance. Any donations are greatly appreciated.
10:30 AM Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
Patriot Day
4:00 PM Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
9:00AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal
10:00 AM
Worship Service returns to Sanctuary
Choir Returns
Sunday School w/Registration
Nursery Care
11:00 AM Kids' Music Rehearsal followed by
Ice Cream Social
10:30 AM Women's AA Meeting, Deedy Room
4:00 PM Free Mobile Shower Unit
5:00 PM Free Meal at Soup Kitchen
9:00 AM Food Pantry Distribution until 11:00 AM
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal
9:45 AM Kids' Music Rehearsal
10:00 AM
Worship Service: "Intentional &
_______________Unintentional Blindness"
Sunday School (Kids' Perform Song)
Nursery Care
11:00 AM Fellowship Hour following service
September 15th - given by Bryan Gutman
September 22 - in honor of Nancy & Ted Minski
Help decorate the church by sponsoring altar flowers. Flowers may be taken home after Sunday Worship (please return vase the following week), or donated to be taken to those unable to attend church for health reasons. Sign-up sheet is in the Reception Room. Flowers are $25 and your dedication will be printed in the bulletin.
Very little information is available concerning the origin of Sunday Schools in Patchogue. Religious instruction of the children seems to have been attempted during the years of the late 1840's, by both the Congregationalists and the Methodists. During the early 1850's a Sunday School was held in the district school-house that stood where the railroad depot is now located and another was held in the school-house that stood on East Main Street, just east of Medford Ave. These were sponsored and supported by John S. Havens, George F. Carmen, and Deacon Elisha Ackerly. The teachers were volunteer workers from both the Congregationalist and the Methodist churches.
After the new church buildings were erected in the center of the village, Sunday School was regularly conducted in each church on Sunday afternoon. In 1960 the new Christian Education Wing was completed and the Sunday School had enough room to accommodate the surge of baby boomers in both the new wing and the Old Brownstone Church.
Sources: articles from The Congregational Church of Patchogue: A History by Frank Overton, M. D., Clerk of the Church (1943) and Celebrating A Proud Heritage: The Congregational Church and Parish of Patchogue 1793 - 1993 (1994).
Shirley Werner, Historian
The church office will continue to operate under its current hours; Monday through Thursday 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM.
Jennifer McCarrick 631-475-1235