Volume XLVI(46)

June 28, 2015

Number 13            

This issue of


 is given in loving memory of son, Michael Seitz. 
Lorraine Martin and Frederick Seitz. 



Last Sunday was the final service at which Joseph Woo was our organist and pianist. He moved on to a different hospital for his second year of his medical residency program and that change precludes him from being able to commute to our church. While I join the chorus of those who will miss him ~ I choose not to lament his departure. His moving on reflects a good change for his medical career. Additionally, rather than wishing we could hold on to him for an even longer time; we have the option to be grateful for the time we shared with him in the first place. Replacing him will be difficult for many reasons; one of which is his talent and the other of which is that it is quite difficult to find viable candidates, even if working through (as we do) the American Guild of Organists (AGO). The AGO is also having a difficult time building a cadre of available organists at a time when fewer people are going to church (including organists) and fewer people are  interested in studying the pipe organ. Further complicating the process is the fact that most of the available organists prefer to work in Nassau County. Rest assured, however, we are diligently seeking a new organist.


Likewise, Malcolm Gilbert, our Interim Choir Director, has indicated that he is not a candidate for the permanent position. Malcolm stepped into the position under difficult circumstances. He did so out of his love for Christ and his love of the church. As many of you know, he was previously our Choir Director and had a long and successful tenure. He has done remarkable work with our dedicated choir that has not only hung-in-there in trying times, but has become increasingly better and better in the past few months. Malcolm, however, no longer lives in the area; has four children; a loving and talented girlfriend; a full time job in a school; and he sings in a choir as well. Malcolm has indicated that he will indeed stay with us as we search for his replacement. This is indeed a testimony to his love of you and our church.


Fortunately, the choir is on sabbatical in the summer and the organ is not used since we hold our worship service in the Reception Room where there is a fine piano, but no organ. This will give us a little time for our search.


I ask that you continue or commence with your prayers for our church in fulfilling our mission and ministry. We need more than music.  We need food to feed the poor. We need wisdom to guide our children. We need generosity to pay our expenses. We need help in putting the services and programs together. We need love to gird our efforts. And we need Christ to show us the best possible way forward amidst our options.


I find the era in which we presently find ourselves to be challenging, a bit confusing, somewhat amusing, very interesting and outrageously exciting. Let us proceed into a new and great chapter in the life of Christ's church.



Pastor Dwight.



Joseph Woo    

If you would like to offer a token of your appreciation for Joseph's talent and service during his tenure as organist and pianist, and be acknowledged in The Light for having done so ~ we are accepting financial contributions to the Organ Fund in his honor.  His last Sunday was June 21st.  Please send your check with "Organ Fund" written in the memo section to the Congregational Church of Patchogue, 95 East Main Street, Patchogue, NY  11772.  





We have all been to funerals and read a request that begins, "In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to..." That tradition began many years ago in the belief that flowers fade and are discarded, but the impact of memorial gifts to charitable organizations last forever. We may also have noticed that there are sometimes flowers present despite the request.


At the cost of $25 or $35, flowers have been purchased for our church service virtually every week for years. That is a nice tradition. But that is also $25 or $35 a week that goes to a florist, not to the church, at a time when the expenses of running the church far exceed the money placed in the offering basket or contributed by other methods.


We are now presenting an option. In recognition of a $25 donation to the church ~ the name of the donor (unless anonymously given) and the name of the person or event that the donation is made in honor of ~ will be written in the church bulletin, mentioned during announcements, and published in The Light. Donations of flowers (either from your summer garden or purchased, as previously, from a florist) will continue to be accepted if that is your preference.


We had a long and fruitful discussion at the Church Council about creative ways to raise funds to support our mission and ministries and to maintain our very large and historic building. Many good ideas were put forth for the future and many reminders of good stewardship practices already in place (emailing The Light instead of incurring paper, photocopy and postage fees, etc.) were discussed, including this one. And now, the option to honor people and events by offering flowers or "in lieu of flowers" is yours.


May God grant you a peaceful and beautiful Summer,

Pastor Dwight.



Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter, Pastor

Kathy Ljungqvist,

Administrative Assistant

Malcolm Gilbert,

Interim Choir Director

Tammy Torelli, 

Sunday School Director


 happy birthday 







2~Karen Gunkel-Lewis

8~Joseph Iannone
11~Pete Roe

15~Lorraine Goetz

19~Robert Danes

24~Bobby Worlow

25~David Foros

25~Marta Humberstone



Our supply of donors for 

"The Light" is depleted.

Your donation of $50.00

is appreciated!








Thank you for remembering

the church in your will.





praying hands

Bob Bailey
Diane Gale
Muriel Baum
Kathy Walker
Karen Gunkel-Lewis
Susan Liles
Rev. Dr. Henry Wyman 

 "The Light" is prepared and published weekly by

The Congregational Church  

of Patchogue,  

95 East Main Street,  

Patchogue, NY 11772. 

Submit news to:

Kathy Ljungqvist by Sunday  

at noon to:

[email protected] 


phone: 631-475-1235
fax:  631-207-9470

Volunteers are needed to help with refreshments on Sundays. Please sign up.

No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each morning and be thankful that you still have one.


28~Worship Service, 10AM

3~Church Office Closed
5~Worship Service, 9AM
10~Family Fun Night in the Village, 6-9PM
12~Worship Service, 9AM
19~Worship Service, 9AM
26~Worship Service, 9AM

Like us on Facebook


~ for June 28 are given by Donna and Jim Foros in celebration of Kyle's high school graduation.

There are still some openings on the flower chart.  If you would like to donate the Altar flowers please let the church office know. 

June 28
  Church School Families
July 5

Just a reminder that beginning July 5,
the worship service will begin at 9:00 AM

Confirmation Class 2015
Robert Danes, Brianna Coccia, Rev. Wolter,
Amanda Coccia and Christina Coccia

Confirmation Sunday was a wonderful, emotional day for our four confirmands.  They were very prepared to be confirmed due to their hard work as well as the dedicated work of Rev. Wolter and Tammy Torelli.  We are so proud of all of you!

Prayers are requested for former pastor, The Rev. Dr. Henry G. Wyman, minister emeritus.  Henry's lymphoma has returned and he is undergoing chemotherapy.  If you would like to send a card or to call Henry, please contact the church office for the information.  (631) 475-1235 .

We welcome Charlaine Apsel and the Practical Resources for Churches (PRC) under our church roof. Come July, they will occupy two former classrooms on the west side of the building. I look forward to officially welcoming Charlaine in the worship service once they get settled. The presence of  the PRC will truly be a financial, spiritual and practical asset to the Congregational Church of Patchogue and the many other churches and organizations they serve. ~ Pastor  Dwight.


Kyle Foros will graduate from Sachem East High School on June 26, 2015.  He will be attending Briarcliff College in the fall. He is enrolled in the Criminal Justice program.  Kyle is looking forward to a career in law enforcement.

On Friday evening, July 10th , our church will be participating in family fun night.  We will have a 10 x 10 spot in front of the church.  We will be serving free lemonade and cookies to all. In addition, we will be taking donations of non-perishable food or cash donations to the food pantry and then inviting people to go to the bell tower to ring the bell.  We need a large cooler with a spigot to serve the lemonade from.  If you have one we can borrow, please call the church office.  We also need volunteers on hand to make all of this work.  Many hands make light work, so please join us for some fun on Main Street on July 10 from 6-9PM.

Music and the Congregational Church of Patchogue (Cont.)  


Peaceful Harmonies from Gifted Hands


The reign of Miss Edna Jackson, organist from 1911 to 1968, is an outstanding example of service and dedication to this church.  Miss Jackson, largely self-taught, first played the temperamental old organ that had been moved from our third church.  When the new grand console still in use today) was installed in 1915 it became "hers" and remained so for 57 years.  She remained the epitome of faithfulness as generation upon generation of churchgoers observed the unassuming young redhead age to a gracious silver-haired octogenarian.  Befitting her looks and easy temperament, her selections reflected the Romantic era in music of the 1900's.  Her fingers appeared to wander effortlessly and continuously as they rendered soft melodious accompaniment to scripture, prayer and communion.  Her stated objective was to be a supportive, unobtrusive, albeit alert figure in the worship service.  Nevertheless the organ spoke grandly through her talented fingers.  And so it was that after fifty years of service and unfailing loyalty, a plaque was placed on the organ in 1969 dedicating it to Edna Jackson.  At that time it was estimated that she must have marshalled well over 500 brides down the west aisle - and it might also be safely said that she prodded an equal number of grooms back up the east aisle!


An excerpt from Celebrating a Proud Heritage: The Congregational Church and Parish of Patchogue: 1793 to 1993





Sunday June 28 will be a time for church families and all other people in the congregation to bring items for the reception time. It is a great day to show your culinary talents.


Summer by Land and Sea

July 12~Bible Fun in the Dessert

July 19~Bible Fun by the Sea


July 12 Second Confirmation Car Wash


Sunday June 21: A Great Day

What an amazing Sunday we had this past week. The Sunday School children began preparing for the summer program by making dessert and ocean decorations for our room. They did a great job just as they always do.


The Father's Day BBQ was well attended and for the first time it was in the gym where we had lots of space to walk around and talk to old friends. We would like to thank our cooks, Chris Baldi, Nico Melendez, Chris Torelli, Lucas Torelli, and Andrew Reynolds. Together they cooked right in the back of the church and by God's Grace not one rain drop fell.

There are unclaimed bowls in the Deedy Room. If you left your bowl, please claim it this coming Sunday in the Deedy Room.


Thank you to all of the Deacons, Beth, Shannon, Tex, and Tina, for your support during this big church event.


The Confirmation class even had a car wash where they worked hard to raise money to go to Splish Splash this summer. They did not raise enough in just one week and will be having another car wash on July 12.


Our regular school year has been truly blessed. I look forward to sharing our summer program with all the children in just a few weeks. The nursery will be open all summer and Miss Agnes is always happy to see the children in the nursery.


God Bless your family until we meet again,

Tammy Torelli, Sunday School Director   


Lock In News
The Lock In has been extended to include a church event for Family Fun Night in Patchogue Village. Now we get to do even more together including collecting food donations for the food pantry by inviting people to "Ring Our Bell".  Youth are welcome to the church at 6pm instead of 7pm so we can participate in the event.

All people 6th grade and above and their friends. During our last Lock In, we had a great turn out and I am sure we will again. Please contact Miss Tammy for a permission slip.

From the Library: 

Your Church Librarians are so glad that you have used the Crowell Children's Library this year.  It has been a pleasure to talk with our readers and Lego superstars.  Now that the Sunday School year is closing, we are asking that you look carefully for any of the Library books that you may still have.  We would like to get everything checked in before summer so that it is ready for next year. Pick something from our prize bin when you return your books.   


See you on Sunday, 

Miss Toni & Miss Shirley

Professional nursery attendant each Sunday
*          *          *  
5:00 PM   Soup Kitchen
7:30 PM   Boy Scout Troop 44
9:00 PM    Food Pantry Distribution
6:00 PM    Choir Party at the Kana Home

Worship Service/Nursery Care
Sermon by Rev. Dwight Lee Wolter
Baptism of Haylee Audrey Stewart
Guest Pianist:  James Nagle
Solo:  "Come, Ye Blessed", John Prindle Scott
Soloist:  Bill Paauwe, bass
Fellowship Hour: Church School Families


5:00 PM    Soup Kitchen


9:00 AM    Food Pantry Distribution


Unless otherwise noted, our weekly schedule includes Soup Kitchen Wednesdays 5PM; Boy Scout Troop 44 Wednesdays 7:30PM; Food Pantry Distribution Thursdays 9-11AM; Choir Rehearsal Thursdays 7:30PM;  Choir warm-up Sundays 9:15AM.


Kathy Ljungqvist  631-475-1235 
[email protected]