IN THIS ISSUE – February 2023

  • SCI's Mark Nestlehutt and Phil Schifflin to speak at CMA Shipping Conference 2023
  • Center for Mariner Advocacy Director Phil Schifflin attends Sub-Committee Meeting on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping in London
  • Pastoral Activity Report — Chaplain Associate The Rev. Garrett Burns
  • International Seafarers' Center welcomes Community at the Crossing

Photo: The Rev. David Rider

Register for SCI's Mountain Challenge 2023

Thank you to Cargill for supporting the 2023 Mountain Challenge as our Lead Sponsor! To learn more about sponsorship opportunities for this event or for more information, please email or call 212-401-4027.

SCI's Mark Nestlehutt and Phil Schifflin to speak at CMA Shipping Conference 2023

The Connecticut Maritime Association (CMA) Shipping Conference is among the premier gatherings for maritime leadership in North America. The Seamen's Church Institute has been a supporter of this high-profile event since its inception. This year, SCI President and Executive Director Mark Nestlehutt will join a six-person roundtable discussion focused on "Crew Supply and Recruiting the Next-Generation Seafarers." In another session, Center for Mariner Advocacy Director Phil Schifflin will join Mission to Seafarers Director of Program Ben Bailey in a panel discussion on "Normalizing a Healthy Approach to Mental Health and Work in the Maritime Industry."

The conference takes place in Stamford, CT, on March 21—23, 2023.


Sexual Assault is "The Elephant in the Room" For Shipping

"Speaking to Seatrade Maritime News ahead of his appearance at CMA Shipping in Connecticut March 21-23, Mark Nestlehutt - President & Executive Director at the Seamen’s Church Institute said SASH in maritime had been a recent focus for the institute, and for regulators both national and international."

Rev. Christine Brunson Underway as SCI's New Houston-based Chaplain

New SCI chaplain, the Reverend Christine Brunson, was installed in a ceremony at the Houston International Seafarers’ Center in the Port of Houston on Friday, Jan. 27. SCI’s Senior Chaplain for Ministry on the River, the Rev. Thomas Rhoades, presided over the ceremony. 

Center for Mariner Advocacy Director Phil Schifflin attends Sub-Committee Meeting on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping in London

The Seamen's Church Institute's Center for Mariner Advocacy Director Phil Schifflin attended the International Maritime Organization’s Human Elements, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) Sub-committee (Feb 6-10), in London, England, as the representative for the International Christian Maritime Association’s delegation. HTW is the sub-committee that is focused on the human side of shipping. At this meeting, the sub-committee established a working group to, amongst other things, work on Standards, Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) requirements focused on the prevention of and response to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Phil's presence at this meeting is part of SCI's long-standing partnership with other global maritime welfare organizations in our ongoing efforts to advance regulations regarding the treatment and improved working conditions for mariners and seafarers.

Save The Date: Thursday, April 20, 2023

Marriott Marquis Houston 

1777 Walker Street 

Houston, TX 77010 

11:00 am: Check-in 

11:30 – 1:00 pm: Luncheon 

The Seamen's Church Institute is proud to be honoring Dennis Steger with this year's Lifetime Achievement Award.

For additional information on sponsorships and tickets,

please click the button below!

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QUESTIONS? Reach out to our team at or call 212.401.4072.


Pastoral Activity Report — Chaplain Associate The Rev. Garrett Burns

A few years ago, and with the encouragement of the Rev. Kempton Baldridge, SCI’s Paducah-based Chaplain from 2011-2022, I joined SCI’s team as a Chaplain Associate. Occasions arise when SCI’s full-time chaplains cannot deploy in a timely manner, and the Institute needs to rely on its team of Chaplain Associates to assist mariners and maritime companies. Thus, at the company's request and directed by Tom Rhoades, I was asked to meet and provide some comfort to a crew who were going be told that one of their ranks had died as a result of a tragic automobile accident. As soon as I arrived, I was greeted by the port captain, who apprised me of the situation. He told me that the crew I was about to meet with were on a shift change.


The port captain introduced me to the MV captain and then called the crew to the wheelhouse. The deceased mariner was part of a crew of ten, and most were friendly with him. Once the crew was up top, the port captain shared some information about Edward's accident and burial and introduced me as an SCI chaplain associate. I was received warmly, and they all knew my purpose for being on board. I shared that our full-time chaplains had been tracking the situation and providing pastoral care as they were able. I then asked about their thoughts concerning Edward. 


Edward usually worked a typical shift—six to eight weeks. He was young, single, and looking for extra opportunities to work. He was smart, capable of hauling rope and tying barges, and had a natural aptitude for river-mariner work. The captain noted that he was ambitious and on track—that he had the potential to achieve captain at a young age. Edward was the youngest son in his family and had two other brothers. He had plans to buy a new truck in the near future. And the crew recently celebrated his birthday with a cake on board. 


As a Chaplain Associate, I primarily provided a ministry of presence, a CISM review (notice of death and emotions surrounding the call), and a life review. When the group finished sharing their thoughts, I offered a prayer for the entire crew and told them that I was available for personal counseling. Still, I specifically made a point of touching base and conversing with the crew members with whom Edward was closest.


I left them all with contact cards and a postcard with an encouraging note for the entire crew. I later followed up with the port captain and MV captain. I expressed my gratitude for their hospitality and thanked them for thinking of their crew in requesting chaplain services. I reported my visit to Tom, so he can keep track of additional follow-ups.


The Rev. Garrett Burns is an ordained Presbyterian minister and U.S. Navy Reserve Chaplain.


SCI's Center for Maritime Education is seeking an experienced simulator instructor for its Paducah, KY, facility. This is a full-time, on-site, shoreside position. If you know of a mariner who might be interested in this position, please forward this link——or click below to view the PDF.

Simulator Instructor: Position and Application Information

International Seafarers' Center welcomes Community at the Crossing

Recently, SCI's International Seafarers' Center in Port Newark welcomed visitors from Chemin Neuf and Cathedral of St. John the Divine as they launch Community at the Crossing—a group "made up of young people from across the USA and across Christian denominations who choose to take a year out of their normal pathway." The group is exploring possible partnership opportunities in the port working with seafarers. Today, they were out visiting vessels in the port with SCI Chaplains.

Photo: SCI Staff (back row), Chaplain James Kollin, ISC Director Tim Wong, and Chaplain Michelle McWilliams, with representatives of Community at a Crossing (front row), Hannah, Jean David, and Priscilla.

While our chaplains and chaplain associates have always been busy making visits to vessels in the port, it has been so wonderful to see the seafarers, truckers, and port workers steadily come through our doors and enjoy the center as we move further away from the restrictions endured as a result of Covid. The ISC offers recreational and personal spaces and transport to the local mall or vaccination centers.


Pastoral Care, Legal Advocacy, Professional Training.

A donation to the Seamen's Church Institute

helps us support mariners and seafarers

with the challenges they face and

the demanding work they do.



With just a few Carnival days left before Mardi Gras, now more than ever is the time for beignets…or donuts. As a staple of the laborer's diet, donuts were an important part of SCI's services at 25 South Street, also featuring prominently in many social events. Let's hope National Coffee Day isn't far off.

SCI Historical Resources

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