Welcome to our e-newsletter from

The Merchant Strategy.

Our offices are at 1804 North Dixie Highway,

Suite B, West Palm Beach, FL 33407

TMS President Welcomes Rebecca DeLaRosa

We are delighted to welcome Rebecca to TMS. She will work with TMS President Sharon Merchant to service existing clients and to pursue government/community relations opportunities. Rebecca’s professional career includes working for legislators and agencies, lobbying extensively in Tallahassee for issues related to transportation, education, affordable housing, and local government matters, and serving as Legislative Affairs Director for Palm Beach County and Chief of Staff in the City of West Palm Beach.  Rebecca is a warm, friendly, and super-capable addition to our team. We have great confidence in her and know she will provide first-class service for our clients.  


TMS has had the opportunity to work with Parsons Transportation Group (“Parsons”) on three exciting rail projects which aim to enhance transportation services and cater to diverse communities. We are supporting Parsons in these ventures; the first of which was the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Program Update and Survey. We developed the survey in English, Spanish, and Creole.  Our dedicated team surveyed stakeholders to engage with them and gather valuable insights, enabling Parsons to effectively upgrade the LEP program. We scheduled all essential stakeholder meetings for the 5-year Comprehensive Strategic Plan to ensure all voices were heard. We are in the process of creating an in-depth On-Board Survey in three languages to capture passengers' travel patterns and preferences, shaping the future of transportation services to align with customer needs.


Sammie was invited to the Yesteryear Behind the Scenes Tour of the South Florida Fair with his Class of 2024 Beyond the Fair Young Professionals group. The tour offered a fascinating insight into the rich history of Palm Beach County, dating back over 100 years. From educational narratives to enthralling ghost stories, the tour was an unforgettable experience that brought the county's heritage to life. Sammie found the event both enlightening and entertaining, and it reinforced their appreciation for the region's vibrant past and promising future.

Sammie had the privilege of attending the grand opening of Riviera Beach Fire Station 88. This cutting-edge facility is a world-class, state-of-the-art establishment, focusing not only on providing top-notch care for our courageous firefighters but also on enhancing their overall health and well-being. Equipped with the latest advancements in firefighting technology, this station will enable our brave heroes to serve the community on an even greater scale, ensuring safety and protection for all. Sammie was truly inspired by this remarkable initiative and is excited to witness the positive impact it will bring to the Riviera Beach community. Fire Chief John Curd presented Sammie with a prestigious Firefighters coin, expressing gratitude for his unwavering support over the years.


I am happy to have another work friend, even if she doesn’t order good stuff like chicken and french fries. Rebecca likes healthy stuff (yuck), but she is nice and of course, she likes me. Even though I am playing hard to get while I train her, I like having another colleague to guard against any potential intruders. Maybe after I get her broken in she will get better lunch stuff. She has a dog named Coral. Sounds delicious! Why do humans like fireworks in July? It is hard to be brave when I keep hearing explosions, people! Mom was in South Carolina with Uncle Jim, so Aunt Bonnie let me hide from the fireworks in her room. I just pretended I was guarding her. Can we go somewhere with cool weather? Bulldog girls do not like the heat. I am ready. Pack the French fries and give me a call.   


That’s all for now.

Sally Merchant,

TMS Chief of Security

Email Sally Here