Adventures of Richard & Kathy

I think the beginning is a great place to start.

This is where we were, pretty much in the middle.

Cloverdale California boxes loaded and ready to ship out

Saturday June 11th 5:30 AM Locked Loaded ready to pull out.

Day 1:            Winnemucca, NV   425 miles Econo
This was one of the nicest Econo Lodges I have stayed at.
Day 2:            Evanston,     WY  475 miles
Above a beautiful Nebraska Sunrise

Day 3:            Sidney,          NE   455 miles
Day 4:            St Joseph,    MO   485 miles Quality

St Joe also had a great room with a nice working desk.
Day 5:            Springfield,  MO    225 miles

This last day was my shortest day and planned that way so I could get there by 9 am and set up the Booth.      
These are some pictures of our side of the indoor vendors showing the classic motorcycle display.  
These are some pictures of the grounds in the cool of the morning with most attendees still in their sleeping bags.

We did not have time to take to many photos after the event started as we were busy.
Saturday afternoon we have everything packed up and gratefully a lot fewer boxes going home 

NOTE : There are many, many BMW MOA volunteers that make this rally happen. And we see the vendor side of these people. Kathy and I cannot say how grateful we are for them and all the work they do, it is truly amazing what they do!
NOTE: do not usually say anything about outside things BUT we stayed at the Days Inn 2 miles from the fairgrounds, I booked them through “” only because I could not get a room through “Choice Hotels”.

Remember we have been doing this for 37 years!!! This was absolutely hands down the worst experience ever staying at a motel. I will not go into the details but just imagine the very worst of worst.
What we did in our spare time
Thursday night we went to dinner at “Café Cuso” in downtown historic Springfield with 9 of us, three of the big wigs with Schuberth, including the USA marketing manager and the President of USA Schuberth, a couple of RKA customers that saved the day purchasing masks for his business when we really needed the orders, that I had not ever meet in person. AND last but not least Brian and Shira from “Backroads magazine”. We have known them for at least 25 years
Friday and Saturday night we went to dinner with Eswar, who was there with Adaptiv Technology Radar detectors & Park and Ride rolling stands.

I was to leave for Coweta early Sunday morning after Kathy Ubered to the bus stop to go to Coweta. More about that below

Remember the only wheeled vehicle we have is the R1250RS
What about Kathy?

So here was to be her schedule, fly out of Santa Rosa to Dallas then a connecting flight to Springfield after setting in the airport 11:00 am till 8:37 pm!!
BUT there THREE other flights she was trying to get on standby. She got the LAST ONE! At 6 ish AND got a FIRST CLASS SEAT

She got an Uber to the motel and arrived about 10: PM starting at 4:30 AM in Cloverdale.
Move forward to Sunday morning at 4:00 AM and worrying the Uber driver will not show. He did! On to the greyhound bus depot.

Now I am ready to pull out and my phone rings on the moto as I am putting on my gloves, it’s Kathy, she says “NO BUS”!! I get on the moto and meet her at the Greyhound location, here is a couple of pictures
The bus is in St Louis and broke down!!!! Thank GOD I did not go on ahead. and I stayed with Kathy!

First was to wait it out. Then I asked the Taxi that was there how much to Coweta, $400.00 bucks!!!

Tried to rent a car CLOSED on Sat and Sunday! Duhhhhhh!. So last resort Kathy’s sister jumped in her car and drove 187 miles and picked her up and drove back to Coweta and I followed ….

At the slower pace we were going I decided not to stop and fuel as I was in range with the speed we were at. UNTIL the big black Jaguar and I got into a little follow me adventure for about 30 miles at 90+ (Really)
What about Richard?
So I did not think we have had enough adventures for the day so now I am ahead of them with a Phillips 66 station two blocks from the house. I am 32 miles out and the reserve light comes on and says I can go 44 miles, Good to go, no problem!
I pull off and pay my toll less than 3 miles from fuel and I can go 11 miles, easy money. Except I miss the turn and windup back on the turnpike heading to Muskogee, OK on the Turnpike!! … 11 miles does not compute!!!!

I FIND the only exit to a single lane road to Porter, OK. Yup middle of no where, no gas in sight only have an instinct to go north/ west best I can.

NOW off the turnpike it’s just as bad, I can go 4 miles and a “Kum & Go” is 6 miles away. I call Kathy and Julie and they confirm the station is there AND it’s toward Coweta. I rode on a two lane road, NO shoulder to stop on with semi's going in both directions, for 2 miles with ZERO miles on the dashboard and MADE IT!! Thank God BMW left for some room for stupidity.
Well that’s it LIVE from Coweta, OK.

Tomorrow I will be heading to Las Vegas and my brother in-law… Who has a pool.
Stay tuned for more adventures of Richard & Kathy from RKA

Ride safe gang
Kathy and I hope you enjoy "The Report"

Let us know.

If there is a subject you would like us to address just ask and it will go on the list for presenting it.
Check out the NEW RKA Website! This Homepage photo from the past is one of the lead images
I80, Wyoming Sunrise 2007 heading to West Bend WI. MOA National
Ride Safe ..... Have Fun
Richard & Kathy