What about Richard?
So I did not think we have had enough adventures for the day so now I am ahead of them with a Phillips 66 station two blocks from the house. I am 32 miles out and the reserve light comes on and says I can go 44 miles, Good to go, no problem!
I pull off and pay my toll less than 3 miles from fuel and I can go 11 miles, easy money. Except I miss the turn and windup back on the turnpike heading to Muskogee, OK on the Turnpike!! … 11 miles does not compute!!!!
I FIND the only exit to a single lane road to Porter, OK. Yup middle of no where, no gas in sight only have an instinct to go north/ west best I can.
NOW off the turnpike it’s just as bad, I can go 4 miles and a “Kum & Go” is 6 miles away. I call Kathy and Julie and they confirm the station is there AND it’s toward Coweta. I rode on a two lane road, NO shoulder to stop on with semi's going in both directions, for 2 miles with ZERO miles on the dashboard and MADE IT!! Thank God BMW left for some room for stupidity.
Well that’s it LIVE from Coweta, OK.
Tomorrow I will be heading to Las Vegas and my brother in-law… Who has a pool.
Stay tuned for more adventures of Richard & Kathy from RKA
Ride safe gang