Wow, what a year this has been! Time to check in and let you know all about it. We've done so much and we have so many exciting plans ahead!
OUR AIM IS BY APRIL 2023 we can officially open the doors for the world to visit this legendary building. So start planning for it. Let's appreciate together everything "The Seth House" means to so many people.
Our 501c3 NON-PROFIT Purchased the House where
JANE ROBERTS Channeled SETH. It's hard to believe it was late December 2021, because so much has happened in such a short time. 9-1/2 months later we're still WORKING SO HARD and making much-needed repairs, improvements and beautifications - not to mention all the legalities, paperwork, and bill-paying involved in a project like this.
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR WORK, WE NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER. We need human hearts to work alongside us, both Volunteers and Hired Hands. Many are the possibilities...
And of course we need your FINANCIAL SUPPORT.
CLICK THESE LINKS : Donate Page * Facebook Fundraiser
And there's a very good write-up we hope you'll read
under the "About" section of the Facebook Fundraiser. Team spirit, gang!
Blessings Always,
(607) 735-2750
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And now, let's have a look at some "Before Pictures"
This is what we've been dealing with here folks.
This house should have been restored long ago.