The Time to Act is Now! 

Support A3101 to Increase NJ State
Support for Arts, History, & Tourism!

We need YOU to take action NOW in two important ways, and help increase state appropriations for ARTS , HISTORY , and TOURISM in New Jersey .

  • Ask your New Jersey Assembly members to sponsor and support A3101

State funding for arts, history, and tourism has been frozen at depressed levels since 2010. NO NEW REVENUE is needed to support the minimums proposed by A3101 because they come from an already dedicated revenue source,
the New Jersey Hotel/Motel Occupancy Fee.

The moment has arrived when your action will have its greatest impact.

Here is a pdf that offers more information on the bill, lists its current sponsors, and includes talking points that will help you craft a message to your district legislators.
Please call the ArtPride office if you need help.
Arts Ed NJ is the unified voice for arts education in New Jersey. Arts Ed NJ (previously the New Jersey Arts Education Partnership) was originally founded in 2007 as a cosponsored program of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, with additional support from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, New Jersey Department of Education and Music for All Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the Prudential Foundation, and ArtPride New Jersey Foundation. The mission of the Arts Ed NJ is to provide a unified voice for a diverse group of constituents who agree on the educational benefits and impact of the arts, specifically the contribution they make to student achievement and a civilized, sustainable society. Additional information is available at
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