July 2018  Edition
Dear Beloved,
Welcome to our Lapis Lazuli Ministries July newsletter. It is always our pleasure to be in touch with you. We hope you are able to take a bit of a break as we head into the second half of the year. Rest is so important to our bodies, soul and spirit.
A big thank you to all those who have been sending in testimonies as to what Father God did during the Kingdom Conferences. Please keep them coming in. We have a reminder of the awesome time in the Lord's Presence at the Kingdom Empowerment Conferences in Abuja and Lagos below.
We are committed to helping churches raise up healing ministries. We are therefore running another healing workshop training from August 20th to September 10th 2018. The dates and other details are below. You really will be empowered to see disease bow at the name of Jesus.  We encourage you to register to attend.
We always inform our readers who love to travel about great conferences taking place abroad. We love to attend Voice of Apostles (VOA) where Dr Randy Clark brings together Apostles of high repute. More information is below.
As always,  we hope you enjoy reading our newsletter and please share with your family, friends and colleagues. 

"And at once, the curtain (veil) of the Sanctuary of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth shook and the rocks were split..." (Matthew 27:51). This detail given in Matthew's version of the account of the crucifixion of Jesus is so simply described but is of such epic proportions as it opens up a totally new way for us to enter into the abundant life Jesus said He came to bring (John 10:10).
In the beginning, we are told of the intimate fellowship that man enjoyed with God, and how they walked in the beautiful garden together, naming animals. But we know how man sinned, in eating the forbidden fruit which brought the separation between man and God. God had to cast man out of the garden. Sin was the big problem that destroyed the fellowship and relationship man and God were supposed to enjoy. Sin is wilfully going against the will of God. It erects a barrier that keeps us from entering into all God has for us, putting a wedge between God and His creation.  
To help man understand the impact of sin, God gave Moses the commandments. During this time, man worshipped God by bringing sacrifices through a human priest who would offer the same sacrifices over and over, but it was not really able to remove the sin that separated man from God (Hebrews 10:11). Fellowshipping with the Lord was far removed from the intimate walk it had once been in the garden. Beyond the veil in the worship tent was the Holy of Holies (Exodus 26:31-33). This held the golden altar of incense and the Ark of the Covenant. Inside the Ark were the two stone tablets on which the commandments were written (Hebrews 9:4). Only the high priest dared enter once a year, with a bell tied to his garment so that if anything happened to him, they would drag him out.
But God had made a plan to deal with sin. God's plan to reconcile us back to relationship with Himself involved Jesus, fully God and fully man, coming to earth. He was the only person to live without sin and He chose to go to death on the cross and pay the price, for my sins and yours. (Isaiah 53:5). It was at this point that the veil of separation in the temple tore, signifying the fact that new access to God was available through Jesus Christ's blood that had been shed, thus restoring the ability to enjoy a relationship. The old covenant was based on the people's ability to obey. The new covenant was based on Jesus's ability to obey, and God had now made a new covenant with us, which involved imprinting His laws on our minds (Hebrews 8:10-13).
So what do we do with all this? Do we go forth into relationship with the One who has just given us access into the Holy of Holies where Father God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are waiting for us? Let us no longer stay back in legalism, deception, fear and distrust. Our Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth is alive and wants an intimate, passionate relationship with us. God desires a relationship of love. The essence of love is that it is shared. This implies that you give and receive love. Father God is the Source. He wants us to open ourselves up to receive His love and as you receive it, you then respond to Him by giving Him your heart in love. 
In 2 Corinthians 3:14 we are told that when the Law is read, a veil lies over the hearts and minds of some people. Many are still in this place, but let us press in past old barriers and right into the Throne room, for Christ shed His blood that we would give Father pleasure by entering into His Presence. Where have you positioned yourself? Are you in the outer court or outside the gate? He is looking for those who will enter into the secret place so He hears your voice (Song of Solomon 2:14).
Be real, don't settle for a form of religion without power. Spend time in His Presence and give Him pleasure. The veil has been torn. Jesus paid for this. Love always demands a response, so let us give our hearts of love over to Father God.


We have been blessed so much by attending the previous Voice Of Apostles (VOA)  Conferences. The next one is scheduled to hold from October 16 to 19 at Lancaster, PA,  USA.  Some of the Guest Speakers ministering at the conference are Dr.  Randy Clark, Dr.  Tom Jones,  Bill Johnson,  Bishop Joseph Garlington, PhD, Leif Hetland... For more information, please visit www.voa2018.com

Lapis Lazuli Ministries invites you to another Healing Workshop

We are pleased to announce we will be hosting another Healing Workshop on :

Monday 20th of August (6:00pm),
Monday 27th of August (6:00pm)
Saturday 1st of September (Activation Session)
Monday 3rd of September (6:00pm) and
Monday 10th of September, 2018 (6:00pm)

(Note: it is important to attend all five sessions including the activation session.)

One of the purpose of the Healing Workshop is to learn a more intentional approach to contending in the area of physical healing.

There seems to be an increase in the enemies' attacks on our physical bodies.

Please prayerful consider if you are called to be a part of training up healing ministering teams  in churches,  who will give Father God no rest, until disease bows to the name of Jesus.

If you would like to learn about enforcing the authority and power that Jesus died for us all to walk in, please register for this Healing Workshop on 07034371401/ 09063901916 or send a mail to support@lapislazuliministries.org.  To cover the cost for this healing workshop N2, 500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Naira) will be charged.  Kindly prioritize it and invite your friends and church members.

The spaces are few. We look forward to seeing you.

May the Lord continue to uphold and preserve us all.

God's blessings,

Femi and Mina Bajomo

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Prayer Requests
  • We keep getting lots of testimonies so please join us in thanking Father God for the great and mighty healings, miracles, salvations, renewals and so much more that happened at the last Kingdom Empowerment Conference held in both Abuja and Lagos.
  • We continue to pray for the release of Leah, and that she is not harmed in anyway.
  • We pray for the elections coming up in Nigeria, that they will be free and fair. We ask Father God to choose our leaders for us.
  • We pray for the growing unity in the Church in Nigeria...that Father God will increase this bond of love and peace we have seen, and that He will bless and keep all who are pursuing to see this aspect of His kingdom established in Nigeria.
Intercessors Wanted

If you would like to join the Intercessors group, do get in touch by email to info@lapislazuliministries.org.


Bible Passage
2 Corinthians 5: 17 - 21

17. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

18. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,

19. that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not [a]imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.

21. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Contact Information
Lapis Lazuli Ministries
Contact Details




3rd Floor Maku House,
109 Awolowo Road,
South West Ikoyi,
Lagos, Nigeria.
Recommended Books
Co-Labouring with the Lord: Experiencing the Miraculous 
by Dr. Mina Bajomo
You can order on Jumia
order now


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You can also buy a copy in Lapis Lazuli Ministries Office, 3rd Floor, Maku House, 109 Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos or call 07034371401 

Called To Reign 
by Leif Hetland 
Authority From GOD  
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