July 2017
Staff Profile:
steve carter

Title: Front Desk/Base
Hire Date: April 2017
Hometown:  Annapolis, Maryland
Favorite Animal at the Zoo: Abuto, African lion
On the Calendar
August 26,  9:15 - 10:15 a.m.
August 31, 6 - 9:30 p.m..
August 11, 9:15  -  10 a.m.
August camps still available; sign up today!
Patch up your favorite plush friend during Teddy Bear Day, Saturday, August 19.  

What's New? an update on our hippos!
Catch up with our hippo girls!
Have you almost forgotten what a happy hippo looks like? Just take a peek at our Nile hippo girls, Zambezi and Kasai! While we miss them (and know you do too), we're assured in knowing they're getting the royal treatment at Dickerson Park Zoo (DPZ) in Springfield, Mo. while waiting for their upcoming exhibit to be built here at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Click the video link to the right and read on to see how our hippo girls are doing!
Animal Encounter how to train your bear
According to Rocky Mountain Keeper  Courtney Rogers, a food-motivated bear is an easy-to-train bear.
Rogers says grizzly boys Emmett and Digger are extremely smart and will exhibit behaviors they enjoy doing. Keepers will take this cue from the bears and go about capturing that behavior with plenty of positive reinforcement (treats!) and adding it to their training repertoire.
"Both bears know more than 30 different behaviors," she explains. "This includes husbandry-related things like voluntary blood draws, as well as natural behaviors like stretching and getting a good back scratch from a tree."

Maybe an old bear isn't as inclined to learn new tricks, but they will happily participate in new food-based enrichment!

Keeper Michelle Salido says "cannoli," specifically, has become a favorite treat for our geriatric bears. Asiatic black bear twin sisters Beezler and Honey, and their next-door neighbor, spectacled bear, Rosie, love receiving these aptly-named cardboard paper towel rolls stuffed with edible treats.

Salido says that all three ladies are definitely moving slower these days, but she and her fellow keepers work hard to accommodate the bears' needs in regard to aging.
Conservation:  shop sustainably and save orangutans
Would you change the brands you use if you knew your favorite food, body wash or sports drink wasn't orangutan-friendly? That's the intent behind the new sustainable palm oil grocery store display in Primate World.

Inspired by the palm oil Zoopermarket at Zoos Victoria, a collection of Australian zoos, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo's sustainable palm oil team decided to construct something similar in order to teach guests how their shopping choices can affect the palm oil crisis.
Explore and Learn:  WE'LL BRING THE ZOO TO YOU!
The sweltering days of summer are long, hot and muggy, but that doesn't mean your Zoo visits have to be. If it's too hot to visit the Zoo, we can bring it to you!

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo's ZOOMobile program is our way of taking animals to those who can't make it to the Zoo by providing up-close and hands-on experiences for groups of all ages. With several programs to choose from, there is sure to be something for everyone!