January Members' Meeting and Art Share This Evening, January 25, at 7:00

This evening, January 25, our monthly members' meeting will feature a Zoom Art Share hosted by John Van Ness. This is always an illuminating opportunity to share a piece of your artwork with fellow PAA members. It's a chance to invite input and share ideas about how you create your art, tips and suggestions.

This time we will try a slightly different approach to critiquing. John and everyone who wishes to share an opinion about another's artwork, will preface their observations with the phrase: "If it was mine..." then follow with your thoughts and suggestions. That will make it clear that we are sharing our opinion and not judging as "right or wrong."
You will have a chance to vote for you favorite piece presented. The artist with the most votes will receive a $40 Gift Certificate from Asel Art Supply.

Join Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 25, 2022
7:00 PM Central Time

Meeting ID: 426 393 7278
Passcode: 0vN9CP
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,4263937278#,,,,*430430# US (Texas)

Meeting ID: 426 393 7278
Passcode: 430430