BAR Community Services Committee has chosen three organizations to partner with for REALTORS® Are Good Neighbors Week. Each organization was selected as a way to give back to those who do so much in and for our communities.

We need volunteers for the following organizations: Raleigh's Place, Jones Valley Teaching Farm, and the American Cancer Society

  • Raleigh's Place--June 3rd at 7:45 am we will serve breakfast at Raleigh’s Place, an organization who supports foster homes in Chilton County.
  • Jones Valley Teaching FarmJune 7th from 9 am to 12 pm we will help on the farm at Jones Valley Teaching Farm where they use food as a foundation for young people to lead, create, and grow a healthy future for themselves and their community
  • American Cancer SocietyJune 8th at 5:3O pm we will serve dinner to patients and their families at the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge

Be a Good Neighbor- Register Here!

Join the Birmingham Association of REALTORS® as we raise awareness about Fair Housing rights within the LGBTQ+ community. BAR will participate in the Central Alabama Pride Parade on Saturday, June 10th and will have a booth at Central Alabama PrideFest on Sunday, June 11th. This is an excellent opportunity to engage with the community and provide Fair Housing education and resources tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals. This is a great way to show our commitment to ensuring everyone has equal access to safe and fair housing.

Register Here


BAR members will have access to FREE CE (3HR) in 2023. BAR will be offering more than 40 CE classes "LIVE IN-PERSON" in 2023.

(FREE CE does not apply to online ce classes, the ce shop, colibri real estate, the career academy of real estate, designations, certifications and speciality classes).

Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be in writing and emailed to a minimum of 48 hours prior to the class start date and time. A No-Show Fee of $25 will be assessed to registered individuals, through their member portal, who do not follow the cancellation policy and fail to show up for a scheduled CE class.

If you are a subscriber to our strategic partner, Greater Alabama MLS, be sure to login to the new dashboard and input your up-to-date credit card information between JUNE 20th and JUNE 30th in order to renew your subscription through autopay. To make it a little easier just by entering a valid credit card before the JUNE 30th deadline you will qualify for a $10 discount off your annual MLS fees.    

To schedule time for GALMLS staff to visit your brokerage and help your agents with this transition, contact Mirandal Kendricks at

(205) 802-6067 or

We are also happy to offer virtual, come and go, office hours via Zoom Tuesday, June 20-Friday, June 23rd, and the following week Monday, June 26-Friday,

June 30th. These will run from 1:00-3:00pm each day.

Look for Zoom information to come soon.

Reminder - BAR Committee Applications are OPEN!

We've got the perfect committee for you! Be sure to register for 2023 Committee. Applications are open throughout the year.

Want to form working relationships within your industry and develop leadership skills? Then this is your sign to join a committee today! BAR and Greater Alabama MLS offer numerous committees that will fit your passions through Advocacy, Collaboration, Education and the Greater Alabama MLS. Below is how you can apply.

  • Click the "Volunteer" box located next to the 2023 Committee Application under the "Committees" tab on your Member portal.
  • List your top three committee choices, and at least one choice is required to submit your application.

Click the link below for the Committee Application.

Committee Contacts:




Greater Alabama MLS:

Committee Application
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