Weekly News and Thank-Yews from the Pews
Thursday, October 6, 2022
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Worship & Fellowship Info | |
We are open for in-person attendance
You Tube Live-Stream broadcast
this Sunday,
October 9th at 9:00am
The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Readings for Sunday
If the readings don't appear on your screen, try looking in your downloads folder.
In order to attend this service online:
Please visit our website at www.trinitysonoma.org
Select Join Our Online Worship
Relax and enjoy!
After the Sunday service, please join together through Zoom! for a virtual coffee hour - click here to gain access!
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Trinity Mission Statement
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We at Trinity Church are committed to be an expression of God’s love through Jesus Christ, teaching and nurturing one another
in our journeys in faith, equipping one another for service, and
witnessing that love to our community and the world.
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In This Issue:
- Autumn Brunch on October 9th! Sign up at Coffee Hour
- Saying "Happy Trails" to Wendy Haber plus her Thank You note to Trinity
- Coffee Hour!
- Saturday Art Class
- Greater Good Happiness Calendar - October
- Vintage Festival October 7/8
- Book Sale!
- Bishop Curry COVID notice
- Choir Festival at the Cathedral
- Choral Evensong October 9th
- Prayers for Laurell Meredith
- Prayers for Georgia Bostedt
- Why Is It So Hard to Ask for Help?
- Mental Health Moment
- Closing Smiles
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Fall Brunch Potluck at Trinity!
October 9th (after Sunday service) Everyone is Invited!
Still time to sign up in the office to bring food to share - Call or come by!
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Fr. Jim holding a picture submitted by Walter and Anna Janus of their cat, Babycakes, watching 'Guess Who' on the TV. Where is her cup of coffee??
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We celebrated
St. Francis of Assisi with
The Blessing of the Animals
On Sunday, October 2nd
It was a happy success!
Thanks to all who participated!
Jane Moehrke having her cats Gracie and Sweet Pea blessed by Fr. Jim, in the breezeway.
To the left:
Scott Sherman and John Mazurski, with Jax, the Wonder Dog!
You can still read about St.Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio by clicking here! There's a surprise ending you won't want to miss!
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Celebrating the Grape Harvest
Help us ring in the 2022 vintage!
Since 1897 the Sonoma Valley harvest has been celebrated during the Valley of the Moon Vintage Festival, produced by the Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers Alliance.
Taking place October 7 & 8 there's plenty of fun to enjoy! The majority of festivities take place on the historic Sonoma Plaza on Saturday, October 8.
Annual traditions include the Opening Ceremony, the Blessing of the Grapes and the Grape Stomp. Stroll throughout the Plaza to taste, visit the booths of local artisans and makers, and listen to live music during one of the most anticipated events of the year!
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Trinity Says Goodbye to a Dear Friend and Faithful Servant to Our Church | |
Wendy Haber and her husband Russ are heading to Boston to help their daughter and son-in-law with newly arrived Grandson, Asher Rodney Haber-Quinn.
Wendy has been a blessing to Trinity in so many ways, and has worked unceasingly to help make our campus buildings and grounds well maintained and beautiful, and has provided leadership in moving the church forward in positive and purposeful ways.
We will miss you, Wendy! And we wish you Happy Trails!
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Coffee Hour ...
Please Join in!
Let's socialize more!
We are looking for a rotating crew to make Coffee Hours a more regular occurrence after service on Sundays!
We're keeping it easy:
One pot regular, one pot decaf (And Fr. Jim makes the coffee!), cream/sugar, no food to put out. Clean up and put away. That's it!
You, or other parishioners, may bring goodies -- which is wonderful! -- but is not your obligation as the coffee host.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact Wendy in the office.
Thank You! Thank You!
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in Dallas Library at Trinity!
Beginners to Experts
ALL are welcome!
Draw ~ Paint ~ Sculpt ~ Doodle ~ Color
Kibbitz ~ Drink Coffee ~Make friends!
You will experience success in a supportive, friendly atmosphere!
***No Charge ~ some supplies are provided or bring your own!***
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An easy way to keep abreast of the news around the Episcopal Diocese of July 1 Northern California is to subscribe to its newsletter, the Diocesan e-News, which is delivered to your inbox on most Tuesday afternoons. Click HERE to be directed to their signup page. They take your privacy seriously and do not share their lists with anyone; to unsubscribe, simply click on the unsubscribe link that is at the end of each newsletter and you will be taken off the list immediately. | |
Statement on COVID-19 from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
September 29, 2022
Office of Public Affairs
My beloved family in Christ,
Earlier today I tested positive for COVID-19, and I will be participating in upcoming events remotely or through pre-recorded messages.
I am fully vaccinated and boosted, and I am grateful for the scientific advances of vaccines and antiviral treatments that help prevent serious illness and death. I encourage you to talk to your doctor about receiving all vaccinations and boosters for which you are eligible.
So far, I have mild symptoms, but I would appreciate your prayers for an uneventful and swift recovery. Likewise, I will hold you and all of God’s children in my prayers as we walk in the light of Jesus’ love together.
Yours in Christ,
Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
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35th Annual Diocesan Choir Festival | In person
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Trinity Cathedral | Sacramento
All choral singers throughout the Diocese are invited.
Guest conductor will be Dr. Bruce Neswick, the recently retired Canon for Cathedral Music Trinity Cathedral in Portland, Oregon.
To add yourself to the email list, contact David Link, Canon Precentor & Director of Music at Trinity Cathedral: link@trinitycathedral.org
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Your prayers are requested -
When you, members of your family or loved one find yourself in need of extra support and prayers from our faith community, please let us know. Please email Linda Dowd at lindahdowd@sbcglobal.net If you have a particular prayer request.
Prayer requests will be added to The Prayers of the People during our Sunday worship each week.
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O blessed Lord, you ministered to all who came to you: Look with compassion upon all who are injured; strengthen them in their recovery; and to them, give patient understanding and persevering love. Amen. | |
Dear Georgia,
In the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we beseech him to uphold you and fill you with his grace, that you may know the healing power of his love. Amen.
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Why Is It So Hard to Ask for Help?
When we're in need, we underestimate just how willing people are to assist us and how positive they feel about doing so.
By Melissa De Witte | September 23, 2022
Asking for help is hard, but others want to help more than we often give them credit for, says Stanford social psychologist Xuan Zhao.
We shy away from asking for help because we don’t want to bother other people, assuming that our request will feel like an inconvenience to them. But oftentimes, the opposite is true: People want to make a difference in people’s lives, and they feel good— happy even—when they are able to help others, said Zhao.
Here, Zhao discusses the research about how asking for help can lead to meaningful experiences and strengthen relationships with others—friends as well as strangers. Zhao is a research scientist at Stanford SPARQ, a research center in the psychology department that brings researchers and practitioners together to fight bias, reduce disparities, and drive culture change. Zhao’s research focuses on helping people create better social interactions in person and online where they feel seen, heard, connected, and appreciated. Her research, recently published in Psychological Science, suggests that people
regularly underestimate others’ willingness to help.
This fall, Zhao will be co-teaching a two-session workshop Science-Based Practices for a Flourishing Life through Stanford’s well-being program for employees, BeWell.
Melissa De Witte: Why is asking for help hard? For someone who finds it difficult to ask for help, what would you like them to know?
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This Sunday, October 9, 2022
9:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Masks = Hospitality, and to do your part to live out the Bible’s commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself."
This service is also live-streamed
10:30am Coffee Hour
in the Breezeway
10:30am Virtual Coffee Hour
Click on Zoom! to join the fun!
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Have You Subscribed to Trinity's
You Tube Channel?
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We are asking all parishioners to subscribe to Trinity's YouTube Channel. Our goal is to achieve 100 Subscribers which will provide us increased visibility and enhanced options on YouTube. Click here to find the "Subscribe" button. Thank you for subscribing!
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Here endeth the newsletter... See you next week!
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