Monday, November 20th

9am - Preschool (Monday - Tuesday)

10am - Women's Bible Study Zoom

Tuesday, November 21st

8:30am - Men's Gathering

10am - PW Circle 7 meeting

12:30pm - Knitwits & Happy Hookers

6:30pm - Women's Bible Study

Wednesday, November 22nd

Preschool closed

No Wednesday night activities

Thursday, November 23rd

Preschool closed

Church office closed

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 24th

Preschool Closed

Church office closed

Sunday, November 26th

9:15am - Kairos worship in fellowship hall

9:30am - Grace Notes choir

10:15am - Education hour for all ages

11:15am - Traditional worship in sanctuary

God put this power to work in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come. And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

Ephesians 1:20-23

This Sunday, November 26th

Kairos worship begins at 9:15am, our education hour begins at 10:15am, and traditional worship begins at 11:15am. Heather Davis will preach on Christ the King Sunday. The scripture is Matthew


November 22

Paige Caldwell

Kerri Oakley

November 23

Frank Young

November 24

Gray Murray

Blair Tate

November 25

William Fisher

Sarah Ham

Mason Long

Beth Taylor

Alison Teague

November 26

Charlie Fairchild

Lily Gargis

Wednesday Night Supper

We will not have a Wednesday Night Supper or Wednesday activities this Wednesday, November 22. We'll resume our regular schedule on the 29th with breakfast for supper!

This Week

We will not have Wednesday night activities on Wednesday, November 22. The church office will be closed Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


If you have not turned in your pledge card, we would appreciate having all cards returned as soon as possible. You can also complete an online pledge form under the Give tab on the website.

2023 Angel Tree

Pick up a tag or a donation envelope from the tree near Kim’s desk. Please make monetary donations by November 28 or bring your gift donation in a bag with the tags attached by December 3. Contact Heather Raines ([email protected], 828-320-7219) with questions. There are more details on the online sign up.

Poinsettias With a Purpose

Honor or remember a loved one while serving others. The Catawba County Council on Aging will be the recipient of our holiday memorials this year. This organization provides activities and a food pantry for seniors in our county. The sign up form can be found on our website. Please make your donations by Sunday, December 17. The suggested donation for each "Poinsettia" is $25.

Next FPC Book Club Read

The FPC Book Club is now reading “The Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese. Grab a copy and join us. More details coming soon!

Sunday Morning Welcoming Greeters

Welcoming your church family and visitors on Sunday mornings is one of the most rewarding and easiest volunteer opportunities at FPC! It is only a 20-minute commitment! Sign up online to volunteer either from 9-9:20, 10-10:20, or 11-11:20 on Sunday mornings. You just need a nametag and a smile!

Worship Art

We would love to see any artwork that our youth or children create during worship. Please send it to [email protected]. We may share some of these wonderful creations on our social media accounts.

Middle School Opportunities

We have two worship participation opportunities for our middle school youth. We need a youth liturgist during our sanctuary services to stand with the pastor and lead pre-written parts of the worship liturgy. We also invite middle schoolers to participate in our Building Bridges choir. This group meets at 5pm on Wednesdays and will sing in both services every 4-5 weeks. Email Kiki Neale at [email protected] for more information or use our new online sign up.

Giving Changes

For those who would like to give to FPC by transferring stock to the church, we have some updated information and changes. Please look at the Giving Q & A under the Give tab at for details.

Other Sign Ups

Visit our Sign Ups page on the website to sign up for all of our opportunities HERE. There are many new sign-ups for the new year available!

Favorite Bible Verses

Favorite Bible verses are so meaningful to everyone. Email Beth Taylor with your favorite Bible verse if you haven't had the chance so we can share it on our weekly calendar.

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Church Office: (828) 322-6343

237 2nd St. NW

Hickory, NC 28601