Weekly Newsletter
Career Tips that Work!
Are you currently in, or about to start, the job search process? Sites like Indeed and LinkedIn are helpful sources, but looking into your existing networks, or creating new networks, are better options. Check out these resources to learn how to put your networks to work for you.

Networking. What you need to know about how essential it is to the job search. “Who you know” is not necessarily someone close to you. This 7 minute podcast sheds light on what’s important in networking when it comes to the job/internship search.

Networking. The Why’s and How’s of Networking. This is a great resource that notes the "Ins and Outs" of networking.
Checkout these local opportunities on Handshake!
Featured Job(s)

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association : Multiple part-time jobs available.

US 2020 Census Jobs: These are part-time, flexible positions that pay $10+ an hour. Perfect for college students!

ProLife - The Susan B. Anthony List: These are part-time, flexible positions that pay $10+ an hour.  Perfect for college students.Visit the Thrive Center to learn more!
Odd Jobs
Looking for an easy $25?
Childcare: December 14 | Montreat College Staff & Faculty Christmas Party
We are looking for 3-4 students to help with children at the college’s Christmas party on Dec. 14. More specifically, we are looking for you to help lead/facilitate children’s activities, like a craft or ornament making. If you are available 5:15-7:15 p.m. (or any portion thereof) on Saturday, Dec. 14, please contact Laura Buckwalter at laura.buckwalter@montreat.edu as soon as possible. Pay is $25 for the whole time (or $10/hour) to help lead these activities.