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We pray that this newsletter and its contents that we share will help you on your daily journey with Christ, causing you to grow in the ways of the Lord.
Take what you have learned and share it with others so that we can further the kingdom for Jesus Christ!
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The giftings of the fivefold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) should have one purpose, and that is the teaching and equipping of the saints until we come into unity.
Russell and Helen Sanders
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"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin"
1 John 1:7 KJV
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A great gift for any child that teaches them
to listen and obey
Our children's book:
"Trail to Trouble"
click here to purchase
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Let our ministry know and we will try to address these questions.
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I have often told you that my favorite passage of scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6. It says [NKJV], “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Three years ago, I wrote a song, a simple chorus that was given to me by the Holy Spirit which reflects upon this scripture. The lyrics go like this:
I trust in You, Lord, I trust You day by day.
I trust in You, Lord, for You will show the way.
I trust in You, Lord, I trust in You alone.
I trust in You, Lord, all doubts, and fears are gone.
I find comfort in singing this simple chorus, but the real comfort comes from God’s word as the Holy Spirit ministers it to us.
To read more of Russell's Daily Messages
click here
To Learn what it means
to be born again CLICK HERE
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There are times in our lives when we need to make changes quickly. This happened to Jonah when it was determined that his disobedience was causing a storm that would destroy the ship he was on and everyone in it. He told the crew to throw him overboard. Yet, that was not the end of Jonah. God had prepared the “great fish” (some say whale) to swallow Jonah. In the belly of that whale Jonah repented and the very thing that “swallowed” him up brought him to the shore of his destiny.
I perceive that many who are reading this have taken on things that God never intended them to do. Yes, they may be “good works,” but they have caused some storms in your life. Perhaps you need to reassess these things and see if God is really wanting you to continue doing them.
It is okay to say “no” when God says to say no. There may be those that will resent your decision and even turn their back on you, but God knows all about that too. When it is time to lighten the load so you do not “sink” in the storm, then you must go with God’s plan and not your own or others.
How does one lighten the load? You spend time in prayer asking God if the things that are “weighing you down” are truly from Him. If he says yes, then continue, but if there is a check in your spirit, then make the decision to let them go. You cannot be everything to everyone my friend. The only person you need to please is God, so if he says “lighten the load” then do it.
| To read more of Helen's Daily messages click here | | |
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Of those that responded
33.3% answered with:
Yes, I do this quite often
66.7% answered with:
Yes, I have done this occasionally
These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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How often I would have you come aside and listen to what I would say, for there is much ahead that will require great faith and without hearing my voice you may fall into deep deception. For a very dark time is coming upon the land. There shall be many hours of chaos and the streets will be filled with the blood shed of the innocent. For, in this hour a cleansing wind is blowing across the land. I am in this wind. I am blowing this wind to bring people to a place of repentance and fear of the Lord again. For just as I visited the house of Moses in times past and caused a leader to be raised up, there were many things that came about through the work that I placed in his hands. I am looking for those that will have the same spirit and be willing to make a stand against leadership that is ungodly. For in this hour, there shall be many things come upon those that I would call the enemies of God. For, there are many that will say Lord, Lord, but I never knew them. They have never made me Lord, it is in name only. I am looking for those that have a heart like David, a heart that would be after me and would quickly repent when my spirit brings conviction. I am looking for those that would put their hand to the plow and not look back. Those that are willing to put their all on my altar and go forward without knowing the complete plan but knowing that I will guide them. I am resolute in bringing this about. There will be no glory given to any man that does not yield to my spirit. For the days on the earth will be so full of violence that many will faint. This is the time to say, no weapon formed against me will prosper and rise up and be as David with Goliath. Yes, there will be many Goliaths but the rock, Christ Jesus is in your hand, and all you have to do is fling that rock, which is the word of God, at the enemy and you will bring him to the ground. Oh, that my people could only see what they truly are made of. They look at the outer man, but the strength in this hour will not come from the outer man. It will come from the inner man, led by my Spirit. Oh, can’t you see what you can do through my power and name? This is not the hour to fear, for I would say that the fearful and liars will not inherit my kingdom. Only those with a resolve to stand for truth and be the remnant that will rise up will be saved in the hour ahead. I would not say look at others and say what about them, for I will deal with each individual on their own. Each one must account for their own actions. This is the time to look inwardly and not outwardly. Will you be that one? Will you carry my word into the gross darkness that is coming and is already here? Will you be the one to stand for truth when those around you compromise? If that is you, then you shall surely see victory in and through you saith the Lord. Now prepare, for the season at hand will reveal much in my people as to what they are leaning upon. Do not try to reason this out with your mind. The mind will fail you. Do not try to do battle in your own strength, for the flesh will fail you. Remember the words of old where I told my prophet, “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. You shall see mountains removed.” Now put some praise upon your lips and I will destroy the chains of prison that have bound you. Your praise will defeat those that would come against you. Hold no offense and hold no bitterness. Just walk in my power and love and you shall see victory saith the Lord.
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Someone needs to know that your PRESENT CONDITION does NOT have to DETERMINE your PERMANENT POSITION. Just ask David the young shepherd boy who learned that lesson well in the 17th chapter of I Samuel. Therefore if you’re a born again child of God you should have NO worry or fear regarding a GIANT that’s in YOUR way as you’re trying to climb UP life’s ladder. Neither should you fret in fear because of an intimidating GIANT that’s always trying to get IN the WAY and sow DISCORD among your family, your ministry, your friends or your business relationships. Now, regardless of what you are facing today; Whether it’s an individual, a circumstance, a thing or a situation that’s constantly trying to get IN your way. Still yet, you gotta know that it CANNOT and it WILL NOT in any way DETERMINE your POSITION in your God led life. Absolutely NOT for you have LEARNED to RISE high ABOVE your CONDITION…For God Himself PLACED you in YOUR POSITION. So GET UP, Hold your HEAD up HIGH and...You WALK on into ALL that’s rightfully YOURS
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Thursday Thought For Today
As I was praying and crying out to the Lord, I heard myself say Jesus help us. He said, “I am standing with you. Stand with Me!”
I felt like He was saying: Don’t stop praying, don’t give up. We are standing in the gap for millions of people. Sure we don’t necessarily see them but God and Jesus do. He is waiting for His people to come together crying out for salvations, believing for healings and deliverances. We have authority because Jesus gave it to us. We just have to believe we have that authority. This is the biggest deception satan has used against us; to believe that we do not have the power or authority that Jesus gave us.
But it is written:
"And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
Luke 10:18-20 NKJV
Only God can reveal His desire and then we take up His cause and pray! We will never know til we are home with Jesus what our prayers have accomplished in the Kingdom of God. So don’t let go when you pray for something or someone. Keep praying, keep believing, and keep speaking His Word. Amen
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Wake up America!! HCC
The Devil is behind it all! Open your eyes and see.
See how we’ve fallen, it’s all in the Bible.
What our destiny will be I beg you to search
for the truth, not your truth, God’s truth.
The Devil has blinded your eyes to the truth.
Rebuke him and come to Christ. Please Lord,
In Heaven, unblind my fellowman.
Let him read the truth in the Bible. We are the
children of God let's act like it. Let’s turn our
eyes upon Jesus. Be born again and come
To Christ. Repent and say “Jesus, I’m sorry,
for my sins, please come into my life and change
Me. I am yours now, I give myself to you.”
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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